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VERY New to Encore....End Action Not Set?

New Here ,
Aug 04, 2010 Aug 04, 2010

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I just upgraded (today) to Premiere CS5.  I've been able to get to the point of burning my project and "Check Project" found an error.  It was "End Action not set" for my sequence.  I'm not 100% what this means (and a search turned up 370 items, leaving me overwhelmed).

Is it asking what I want to happen after the last chapter in the sequence does (like return to the Menu default) or is it asking me what will follow after playing chapter one in my sequence?  I really doubt it is the last option but seeing as it is showing a still form a scene from chapter one I want to be sure that I link the correct thing from the get go.

Don't bash me, I know I'm stupid!






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

In the Check Project Message box, Dbl-click on that error/warning message, so that you can see exactly where it found the issue.

In this case, there is an Asset, probably a Timeline, with no End Action set. This End Action tells the DVD player what to do next, like Return to Last Menu. Note: you can have an End Action on several different Assets, like Playlists and Chapter Playlists. Also note: if one has a Playlist with an End Action, and in that Playlist are Timelines with their own End Actions




Community Expert ,
Aug 04, 2010 Aug 04, 2010

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Select the "timeline" and you will see an "end action" in the properties.  Set it to "last menu".  You'll be good to go.

Follow one of the help links and find a tutorial or two.  they will help you a lot at this stage.

Burn that disk!





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New Here ,
Aug 04, 2010 Aug 04, 2010

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Thanks Stan!





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Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

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In the Check Project Message box, Dbl-click on that error/warning message, so that you can see exactly where it found the issue.

In this case, there is an Asset, probably a Timeline, with no End Action set. This End Action tells the DVD player what to do next, like Return to Last Menu. Note: you can have an End Action on several different Assets, like Playlists and Chapter Playlists. Also note: if one has a Playlist with an End Action, and in that Playlist are Timelines with their own End Actions, the End Action of the Playlist takes precedence, and Check Project will issue a warning message (looks like an error message, but is just informing you of this precedence) to that effect. So long as that is what you want, just ignore that notification.

End Actions tell the DVD player what to do next. As mentioned above, it could be to Return to Last Menu, it could be to Go to another Menu, and you can even, with Specify Link and the drop-down, tell it to go to a Menu with a particular Button highlighted. It could also be used to make a Timeline Loop, where you would set its End Action back to the beginning of that Timeline. You could also set one Timeline's End Action to go to another Timeline. Lots of possibilities.

Remember that I told you Encore was more involved, than PrE's semi-auto authoring. Do not be overwhelmed, but just take it slowly. Soon, when you get the "lay of the land" down, you will greatly appreciate the new power and control that you have. Being overwhelmed will be replaced by great joy, and you will feel like a god.

I would like to make one recommendation, and you WILL thank me later: Jeff Bellune wrote a great book, The Focal Easy Guide to Adobe EncoreDVD 2.0, Focal Press, ISBN 0-240-52004-1. Do not be put off by the title and the version, EncoreDVD 2.0 (I know you have CS5). Everything in that book applies 100% to Encore CS5. Now, CS5 has added some "stuff," that will NOT be in the book, but this forum and the Help files will step you though those. Jeff's book will take you through all of the aspects of Encore and navigating the DVD-specs. He'll also teach you how to create illusions, that seem to override the DVD-specs. Of course we cannot do that, but the user will think that we have. This book will soon become your go-to for almost everything in Encore.

Good luck,






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 01, 2012 Jan 01, 2012

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Man, I didn't even ask the original question but this wss an awesome answer. As an architect this is just a hobby for me, maybe more of a diversion or stress reliefer, but this certainly helps me to navigate thru this part of the process.

Thanks Bill!





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