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Why is Encore not being updated to CC?

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Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I've used Adobe for 2 years now and love what Encore allows me to do in DVD authoring.  With the new CC suite, I'm not sure I understand why this product is being "dropped".  I know that those that don't have it can install it, however I'm not sure why Adobe dropped it as in the Mac world I don't know of a DVD authoring software package that does what Encore does.

One of the things I was hoping they would fix was the output for DVD images does not change from project to project.  If I have Project 1 and I have it create a DVD image and give it a folder and file name of Project1.iso and then open another project, Project 2, it does not chnage the ISO name saved when I closed Project 2.  It still says Project 1 (and if the folder path is long, you can't even see the iso name unless you click in the field and scroll all the way to the right).

Is everyone still using Encore or is there yet another option out there that gives as much flexability in creating paths and navigation the way that Encore does?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

1st, you may still use Encore CS6 http://blogs.adobe.com/davtechtable/ just not with Dynamic Link (which sometimes has problems anyway, for some people)

2nd, I have not used it, but there is an Encore alternative http://www.deskshare.com/dvd-authoring-burning-software.aspx


Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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See http://www.adobe.com/products/encore/faq.html for Adobe's explanation.




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Participant ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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Very poor explaination on Adobe's part:

Is the Encore CS6 version the final release of this product?

Yes. The trend in the video and broadcast industry is moving away from physical media distribution

(Sorry but those of us who are in the biz of DVD creation for High School Productions, Recitals, Concerts are being left out of this comment.  Maybe being a full time Software Developer and a frelance Videographer is time to create a new DVD Authoring tool)




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Engaged ,
Jun 23, 2013 Jun 23, 2013

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The idea of dropping this product is totally absurd IMHO! Since blu ray was released most people still use dvds and I do not see this going away in the next ten years or so. Fo instance if we have to include interactive closed captions or subtitles for internet and all future methods, how are we going to achieve this in Premiere Pro and AME!

I will be grateful if someone from Adobe would come around and record a tutorial on creating interactive subtitles using PrPro and AME. In a couple of years to come Encore would be incompatible with the operating systems and this means that DVD and blu ray authours will be doomed. I started using Encore since CS3 and have never seen major upgrades except the CS6 64 bit. Why can't Adobe just modify the code to allow this app work with the other CC family until blu rays and dvds have all ceased to exist!




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2013 Jun 28, 2013

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Why can't Adobe just modify the code to allow this app work with the other CC family until blu rays and dvds have all ceased to exist!

100% agree with your last comment.   Whilst I can understand the notion that the current trend is that DVD/BR is on the decline, its far from being a non-used medium.    I've just spent half a day recovering from the assumption that the update to CC would have included Encore (or a means to author DVDs) in some form, and that after the update I would have been able to re-burn a DVD that I have been making and finished a couple of days before, but just needed a very small edit.  

The installation of PPro CS6, its uninstall and then the convoluted work round to get from PPro CC footage into Encore wasted a lot of time, when I should have just been able to dynamic link it through.

I just dont understand why the dynamic link was removed from within PPro to link back to Encore CS6.   The source code would have been easy to copy over from CS6 to include when writing Premiere Pro CC.

To stop encores development ?  fine, I understand.

To remove compatability with encore? - crazy.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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1st, you may still use Encore CS6 http://blogs.adobe.com/davtechtable/ just not with Dynamic Link (which sometimes has problems anyway, for some people)

2nd, I have not used it, but there is an Encore alternative http://www.deskshare.com/dvd-authoring-burning-software.aspx




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Participant ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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It is disappointing that Adobe won't update Encore, seems like Apple policy that dropped DVD creation with FCP X and DVD playback in its laptop. It's probably true that we're "moving away from physical media distribution" as they say in their FAQ, but we're not there yet and meanwhile we are still burning DVDs and BRs. It's a pity that a few glitches in Encore won't be corrected and won't benefit of the CC changes.




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Guide ,
Jun 24, 2013 Jun 24, 2013

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To try & state "the world is moving away from physical media" is disingenuous at best and downright pure unadulterated BS at worst. Streaming on demand requires fast broadband - and even in West London - never mind rural areas that have dialup only - we cannot get fibre optic, and according to BT there are "no plans to do so in the near future" either.

So we are stuffed with the feckup called Sky Plus.

Tried to download a film from that last night - 4 hours, and still a 3.1Gb HD film had not downloaded. Why? Simply put, our broadband here is still twisted pair, and once all the kids get online in the evenings I can watch my downstream speed collapse - literally - to that of dialup. I am not on a cheap connection either, but the best available in my area.

Now let's look at other broadband. Given the economy & the mess that the handwringing socialists have made of things spending money they did not have, everyone is screwed financially. Over a third of the UK have no online access at all. Of the 2/3 that do, probably 90% are on restricted connections because people vote with their wallets.

Hollywood are trying to go the streaming route because it means that they will be able to charge you every time you watch a film. Think about that - carefully - because that is where they want to go, and they will blame it on "piracy".

Real reason Encore is dropped? I think there are 2 of them.

1 - They are boxed into a corner with the Abstraction Layer, and since Premiere got hived off to India, nobody gives a damn any longer.

2 - the most important one. Rovi (who bought Sonic Solutions in a hostile takeover) have dropped all DVD and BluRay authoring tools. Scenarist is gone. Total Code is gone. CineVision is Gone. All support stops - forever - at the end of this year (2013). How this is legal escapes me - a company with a vested interest in a different business model buys the only independent disc production company that is left & closes it down?

Remember Rovi are a streaming media company........and that leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. Why does this matter for Encore? Adobe licensed the Author Core from Sonic, who no longer exist, and Rovi owen the rightas to it & doubtless refused to renew the deal because their vested interest is in making you pay again every time you want to watch.

Their next stop will be the record business too and again it will be blamed on piracy & low sales. Streaming will never, ever replace physical media. There is no sense of ownership & it is a serious con trick as well.





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Community Expert ,
Jun 24, 2013 Jun 24, 2013

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Neil, thanks for posting. Several users are asking about alternatives. Encore, short term, is no better or worse than it was, except that you cannot use dynamic link.  But longer term, Adobe has stated (http://www.adobe.com/products/encore/faq.edu.html) that it will not update operating system support:

"Encore CS6 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit) and Mac OS X v10.6.8 or

v10.7. Please note that Encore CS6 support for future operating system updates or new hardware

platforms will not be provided."

This is contrary to the plan for other CS6 apps. The Encore FAQ is silent regarding bug fixes, but I doubt we'll see any more than in the last rounds.

Many users are asking about alternatives. For simple authoring there are options. But what does the pro user now do without Scenarist or the like?




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Guide ,
Jun 24, 2013 Jun 24, 2013

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Hiya Stan.

Thanks to Rovi killing off Scenariost SD/BD and all the MPEG-2 encoding tools, things are difficult.

I am not sure what else is still available except for Sony's DVD Architect (definitely a going concern, and unless you include DVDSP it leaves Sony as the only player left now) and - perhaps - Media Chance Lab's "DVD Lab Pro 2" - I will check with the writers to see if new licenses are still available.

DLP (as we know DVD-Lab Pro) is a very, very good tool. It does have issues but these can all be worked around and I am waiting to find out of new licenses are still available.

Support for this tool is also very good - one of the mainstays in the forums knows more about this app than I can begin to describe & it is very good indeed.

I would also recommend any DVD authors to get a copy of the wonderful PGCEdit. It's donationware, but well worth $50 of anybody's money as it allows you to edit a compiled Video_TS without having to go back into authoring again.

The other fly in the ointment will of course be getting product to replication as Encore's DDP & CSS functions are seriously unreliable and the layer break routine is a joke.

GEAR Pro Mastering Edition is the way forward here and there will soon be an update to this that will, when you create a new project as a DVD9, look for all valid layer break points & give you the choice before master DDP files are created. GPME will also handle CSS scrambling (and does it properly, unlike Encore) and is in my opinion invaluable.

BluRay is harder - there are now only 2 applications that can output spec legal BDCMF folders with AACS applied (mandatory).for replication (again, Encore cannot do this at all and required an addon to manage this. Both are owned/coded by Sony Creative Media.

1 - DoStudio. This comes as a modular tool, and starts very cheaply indeed with the DoStudio Indie option (Straight BDMV only) or the EX addon module, and you can also get the BD-J module as well as a 3D module. Unlike Scenarist, the basic version is fully expandable.

2 - BluPrint. This is Sony's top-of-the-line tool, and you will need a remortgage to get into this one.

DoStudio is suitable for beginners to intermediate users and requires a good working knowledge of PhotoShop. This is the tool we use (we run DoStudio EX with BD-J module) and have made several successfully replicated titles that passed folder/content verification from Sony DADC with no trouble at all.





The demise of Encore is a sad day, I believe, as it could have been so good if only the bugs had been nailed, and support for more advanced operations added via scripting.

DLP requires a certain amount of knowledge of the structure of DVD - Encore's abstraction layer boxed it into a corner to a great extent and the way every timeline became a new VTS was a nightmare of complexity, as it forced nearly all menus into the VMGM domain. It is full-spec, and there is very little it cannot do.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 24, 2013 Jun 24, 2013

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Thanks for that update.

Given the pricing for advanced Bluray options, I assume that pro-but-not-high-volume users need to use other professionals who are doing higher volume, just like you would use a replication facility.




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 08, 2014 Nov 08, 2014

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Neil Wilkes wrote:

Real reason Encore is dropped? I think there are 2 of them.

1 - They are boxed into a corner with the Abstraction Layer, and since Premiere got hived off to India, nobody gives a damn any longer.

Thanks for the more helpful comments in your post, however:

  1. Premiere Pro is stationed in San Jose, CA, not India. Some of our support infrastructure is there, however.
  2. Yes, we do care about our customers.

If dynamic link is really important to you, do your project in CS6.
Otherwise, you can still create DVDs and BR disk media in Encore.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2014 Dec 15, 2014

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I don't have CS6 nor Encore since I moved directly into CC. I now have someone wanting DVD's. So, how can I get either CS6 or Encore so I can author a menu and burn my movie to DVD's?


MacPro Trashcan (3.5 GHz, 6-core Intel Xeon E5)

OS 10.9.5 (Maverick)




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2014 Dec 15, 2014

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Hi Globreal,
Download Premiere Pro CS6 from Creative Cloud for desktop and Encore will also be downloaded. In Creative Cloud, scroll down to "Find New Apps" and then click on Filters and Versions > Previous Applications. You should be able to select it from there.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2014 Dec 15, 2014

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Thank you for the reply...especially a quick reply!

I went to the Downloader.

Scrolled down to "Find New Apps" and clicked on the "Filters and Versions"

There was no Previous APPLICATIONS but there was Previous VERSION. (Is this what you meant?)

Once inside Previous VERSION, there is no Encore. However, there is Premier Pro. When I clicked on the "More Information" link, it takes me to the webpage for Adobe Premier Pro CC....no CS6.

What am I doing wrong here?





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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2014 Dec 15, 2014

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I had a friend reply with what I needed to solve this.

I had to first click on INSTALL of Premier Pro. Then there is a dropdown menu which gives the option for CS6 (6.0). Yay!

This is what I didn't see since I didn't originally click on INSTALL.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 15, 2014 Dec 15, 2014

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Since you had a little confusion, I'll add the content I think is most helpful. If you have issues in using Encore with Mavericks, search Mavericks in the Encore forum.

This is the link for info re using Encore CS6 with CC, updated for CC 2014 and the cloud desktop install.


It has links for getting the library (which is not installed with Encore) and a workflow with CC versions.

In the cloud desktop, assuming you have PR CC 2014 installed, you are looking for this:

EN Cloud Desktop Previous Version.png




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2014 Dec 15, 2014

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Thanks for clarifying, Stan!


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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New Here ,
Feb 25, 2015 Feb 25, 2015

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The previous version function is now very limited.  Only Edge Animate CC and Gaming SDK are showing on my Creative Cloud?

I had to uninstall my Adobe software and now I am without Encore or a way of creating a DVD - which I need to do now!

I moved to Premiere Pro from AVID.  Looks like I will be leaving Premiere Pro behind at the end of my first year.  Shame.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 25, 2015 Feb 25, 2015

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Just log out of your cloud desktop and back in. Or see this for others things to try (such as a simple restart).

You can get Encore reinstalled.





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New Here ,
Sep 11, 2015 Sep 11, 2015

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I downloaded the CS6 installer from adobe and when it asked to activate I used my Adobe username and password from CC and was given full access to all CS6 application suite. when I need to burn a dvd or blu ray I would export a file of my choice (typically mpeg2 or h.264/mp4) using premier CC and then upload it to CS6 to dynamic link to encore, this works best for recordings that need to be compresed on the fly to fit on a disk. I also use sony DVD architect 5 and 6, with sony you have a greater visual interface to create menu structure and titles etc...  I much prefer Sony dvd architect studio 5.0 and Pro 6.0 over encore.




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Community Beginner ,
May 01, 2015 May 01, 2015

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Can you please clarify an earlier attempt for those of us with Creative Cloud, but NOT CS6 to get Encore? I am not seeing what your steps are describing. I am certainly hoping I don't have to also buy an entire Suite just to get Encore.

Can Adobe Media Encoder export to .m2v/.ac3 as Compressor did? I understand there's a plugin for PreRes export, but wow we will be tripling our production time with the extra step for over 1,000 teams we have to produce for parents.

Thank you!




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Community Expert ,
May 01, 2015 May 01, 2015

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>those of us with Creative Cloud, but NOT CS6 to get Encore

Encore instructions http://helpx.adobe.com/encore/kb/encore-cs6-installed-cc.html




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 10, 2021 Feb 10, 2021

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Yes the big boy wna to make all

money and end private property 




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Feb 10, 2021 Feb 10, 2021

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Weird comment.


Ending Encore wasn't Adobe's decision to make. They only licensed the main part of the authoring code from someone, who shut it down. Adobe had no options other than creating an entirely new app from the ground up involving licensing another authoring software code. Which their prognosicators thought wasn't going to pay for the cost of creating.






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