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CAMERA SHAKE!!!! Why not Premiere? FCP has it!

Community Beginner ,
Oct 23, 2010 Oct 23, 2010

So the one thing that has been bothering me to no end is the fact that Premiere has not included a camera shake preset into their library when the product ships. There isnt even a preset you can buy(that i found) for premiere pro. I dont want to use AE for one simple effect that should be included in the release.

Fcp has it in its effects tabs and its great, why not Premiere?

If anyone has knowledge of a good preset for camera shake, please let me know.

I do not wish to mickey mouse it in AE and or even in Premiere .. as i've tested them all before and nothing appeals to me.

thanks guys

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Advocate ,
Oct 24, 2010 Oct 24, 2010

I hear allot of people us Mercalli V2 to fix camera shake.


Not free but looks good.


Enthusiast ,
Oct 24, 2010 Oct 24, 2010

Op might wanna be more specific tho.. He might want to make camera shakes, not fix em. Which FCP comes with effects for both.

Advocate ,
Oct 24, 2010 Oct 24, 2010

Looking back it does look like the OP does want a shake.

I missed that Jason.


Participant ,
Oct 24, 2010 Oct 24, 2010

After Effects has all the tools you'd need to create, copy, fix, or just tone down camera shake.

Engaged ,
Oct 24, 2010 Oct 24, 2010

DigiEffects has a plug-in, Damage, that works in PPro that might be what you are looking for.


Also their Aged Film plug-in has a jitter setting that might also help you. Both have a free trial download.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2010 Oct 24, 2010

I thought the thread was pretty clear, i'm not looking to FIX a camera shake, i'm looking to make a Camera shake effect.

I would like it to be a preset in Premiere and not have to go into AE and fiddle around with it.

It is a preset in FCP. Small effect like that should be included in premiere, that is what i i'd like to see.

thanks for the links guys i'll check that stuff out.

Enthusiast ,
Oct 24, 2010 Oct 24, 2010

remember to file this in as a request for an update/future version.

Adobe should include filters in it's software updates like what final cut did for the Defocus filter. I mean, one moment I was wishing i didn't have to go to motion for the filter, system did it's usual automatic update and I was using the filter for weeks after before I realized that it wasn't originally there...lol I only realized after I had to reinstall the suite.

Message was edited by: JaysonM-Y And here's another for the request form..

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

I know of no native camera shake effect in FCP (third party, yes). There is a stabilize function called SmoothCam in FCP but it does not add shake, it removes it.

I would take this into AE and add use the Wiggle function on a camera or look into using DigiEffects Delirium's Simulate Camera effect right in Premiere Pro.

If you would like a camera shake effect in Premiere Pro, make a feature request. You can file a feature request here: http://www.adobe.com/go/wish . More on how to give feedback: http://bit.ly/93d6NF

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio
Enthusiast ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

I think op originally meant the 'Earthquake' filter.

Participant ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

Faking camera shake is hardly rocket science. Go into motion, click the stopwatch icons to create keyframes on the position and rotation then move and rotate your image in bits at random intervals, experiment with different interpolations making it smooth/bumpy, and Bob's your uncle.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

it is rocket science.... heh.. well no but ...

if i do what you tell me ..wich i have done many times... the frame that shakes doesnt fill in all of the window... if i'm working for TV save, its fine because i try not to go over the lines..but that doesnt mean anything when you export your file for WEB. When you go to web you see the whole frame and you see the dead space in the background of either of the sides(depending on how much shake you do). THat is the main problem, with a preset in FCP, there was no dead space on the sides(vertical/horizontal) when the effect was applied and played back via web.

Participant ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

I'm sorry but that makes no sense to me. Unless this FCP thing is actually zooming in on the image and thus avoiding dead space. Or is it generating material around the edges? Doesn't that show?

Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

fcp does something(whatever it is,works great) and there is no dead space. my fcp sample below

youtube below @ 17 seconds, 55 seconds  - camera shake in fcp - there is no dead space anywhere. I dont have any samples online for premiere tho, i might have to make one and throw it up


Adobe Employee ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

I can see the camera shake in your clips and it looks cool. Which effect in FCP are you using to achieve that? Is it the Earthquake effect? Unfortunately, Premiere Pro and FCP do not have identical effects. If you would like to see this effect in Premiere Pro, again, you'll have to make a feature request.

You can file a feature request here: http://www.adobe.com/go/wish . More on how to give feedback: http://bit.ly/93d6NF

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio
Explorer ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

I read a great review of Mercalli V2 in EventDV magazine. (I want that, and the Red Giant Denoiser, but the latter requires AE - for now.)

To MAKE camera shake, I use a Digieffects plug in. It's fun to use on title graphics for high energy productions. I was able to achive a convincing "flyby" effect, like in movies when a CG aircraft flies by the camera and it appears to wobble in the turbulence.

I believe the set of Digieffects plugins is $99 and has just enough useful ones (and a lot of "what the...?" ones) to make it worth the $$.

I just have to see what's the process for upgrading to the 64 bit version...

Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

I dont have fcp in front of me.. i do belive it is the earthquake effect.

Yes i know that premiere and fcp dont have the same effects, but it would be nice for premiere to include this "earthquake" "shake" effect as a preset.

I actually almost switched to fcp for this one effect(i'm not kidding), i've been premiere editor for over 15 years. I like to edit with ease and that effect is what i've been needing for a long time. If you guys look @ spike TV's UFC adverts, when the guys hit one another they do this "shake" effect and it looks amazing.

I have sent in a request for this feature, i hope everyone who reads this thread, sends one. It would be a great addition to the software.

to BDRUMMER67, i'm not sure i understand your post,  you say u used a digieffects plug in to make your camera shake, which plug in did you use? Displace? I have used that one and its still not the same, doesnt have that same look.

Explorer ,
Oct 25, 2010 Oct 25, 2010

DigiEffects Delirium Camera Shake.

The preset values are rather extreme, like drunk shooting. If I dial it down it's good. Less motion amplitude, higher frequency for that jitter effect.

Includes motion blur.

They also have film effects, and earthquake, zone blurs, snow, stuff like that.

Here's a link to a rough little demo I whipped up. I take it from subtle to crazy and back in a few seconds.

Vimeo says I have to wait for encoding because I'm a freebie user. So if you see color bars, check back in a bit.


(I did this in CS3, which I kept for just such situations. I bet it'll look better when I get the version for my CS5.)


Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

vimeo is taking forever

i went onto digi site and read up on delirium v2 and there is no mention of camera shake.. unless its called something wierd and i just cant associate it

Explorer ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

Yes, I'm new to Vimeo and this wait is crazy. I wonder if it's like that a lot.

It's possible that the new Delirium doesn't have the camera shake.

The site is also missing CS5 support. I'm finding this to be the case with several plugins from different companies. Probably due to the 64-bit. I'll have to revert to cs3 or just do without it for awhile.

You would think 64 bit would just be some different math, but what do I know.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

yah... i just got a new edit rig and installed cs 5 my last feature was edited back on cs 2 lol....  yah there is always stuff missing with new releases... publishers/developers arent always up to the latest patches..etc etc

guess i have to rough it out till something comes out...:)

in the meantime here is what i quickly put togther in cs5 prem


Explorer ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

Looks good!

Someone at DigiEffects got back to me pretty quickly. Good news:

1. Delirium 2 works in Premiere CS5.

2. If you own the old version, the upgrade is $99.

3. There's a filter called destabilize. Supposed to do what camera shake did.

4. I'm going to get it, test it, and I'll post a sample pretty soon if it works.

5. (and the thing I tried to post yesterday is finally up.)

Yeah, it would be nice if Premiere Pro had some more cool effects. I think it might infringe on patents or something, or just open up a whole can of worms. I love Ultra Key, and if I had to wish for a useful new addition, it would be Red Giant Denoiser or Marcalli shake fixer, whatever it's called (see much earlier post).

Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010
Yeah, it would be nice if Premiere Pro had some more cool effects.

The way I look at it ..Adobe applications(Ppro / Aefx and PS) are a suite of tools when used in combination are incredibly well endowed with FX.

(Which ones are "cool" is kind of an individual taste thing)  The first guy to craft and use an effect is always the coolest though!

The DL function actually makes all this work together as if PPRo and AEFX are largely combined as a single app.

There are not many 3rd party type FX  that  can not be "crafted" ( created)  in these packages.

Of course many look for a "single button" solution to fx and that may require a 3rd party plugin.

Personally..I try to avoid too many plugins due to the hassle of managing them across computers or projects.  Can be an issue with legacy projects across multiple computers.

Enthusiast ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

shooternz wrote:

I try to avoid too many plugins due to the hassle of managing them across computers or projects.

Ditto. My projects, can go to anyone else that has the suite installed and works without hassle...  my boss and coworker think otherwise but it comes back to nip em in the butt when they have to reinstall and forget to install/reactive their plugins.

Contributor ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

I think the OP doesn't know how to use AE because he keeps referring to it as mickey mouse, etc.  Honestly, this effect could be replicated using DL from PP into AE in about two minutes.  Save it as a preset and done.  I understand it would be great to have in PP as an effect, but it is sooo easy to accomplish as is.  But to each his own, I mean I don't use FCP for lots of reasons.

Contributor ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

BTW, here's a tut, just in case you are interested...

