This is a feature request, but after playing with the text-based editing workflow for a few hours, it seems like we need some way to quickly generate markers from the text. Right now, the process seems to be that highlighting a section of a transcript creates in and out points on the timeline. It would be great if right at that moment of selection we could create a marker that spanned those start and end points. This could basically give editors a quick way to mark "good take" or "use this" or "this is the part about childhood" etc etc.
Instead, unless I am missing something, it seems like after selecting the text, you have to click into the sequence, then hit "m", then do some other fiddly steps to get the marker to span the points that are already selected from the text.
So, is there a way to automatically create a marker that has the in and out points as its boundaries? If not, these should be something to consider for this text-based workflow. It needs some kind of commenting or markup system to go alongside it.