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Support AV1 Video Encoding and Decoding

Explorer ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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AV1 has been becoming a more and more popular codec for not just streamers, but also content creators and filmmakers. Video hosting platforms, such as YouTube, are now implementing AV1 as a way to easily stream video content to audiences at lower bandwidths. Filmmakers, and especially content creators, are asking for AV1 for creating high quality content without too much compromise for file sizes and ease of use when viewing.


Having the benefit of AV1 video will help with preserving the best image quality at a much smaller and efficient file size than codecs like H.264. HEVC/H.265 is supported in Premiere Pro and it's a very nice codec. In fact, both HEVC and AV1 perform very similarly. However, it would be wonderful to have the flexibility of additional codecs that are gaining traction in modern media.


HEVC isn't supported everywhere, largely due to their licensing slowing down adoption. Meanwhile, AV1 is open source, so it would be easier to adopt without the concern for licensing; thus, making it more popular with platforms than HEVC.


Competing video editing platforms have also supported AV1 encoding and decoding for some time and I have been wanting Adobe to look into it for a while.


Overall, I highly recommend Adobe include AV1 encoding and decoding support for Premiere Pro. I strongly believe it will heavily encourage more people to create the best content with a codec that is extremely efficient as it is excellent at preserving image quality.

Idea No status
Editing and playback , Export , Import and ingest , Interoperability or 3rd party tools , Performance or Stability , Projects or collaboration , User experience or interface






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replies 157 Replies 157
Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2023 Nov 13, 2023

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It has nothing to do with new generation of GPUs taking over, but also with the new games coming through kinda making people feel they need to upgrade so i think it might be quicker than you think also AV1 is such a space saver most youtubers are adopting it, also you can add that you can upgrade your encoding to AV1 for as little as £130. Seems your argument is because YOU haven't upgraded yet so Pr doesnt need it because YOU cant use it. I use a 12900ks a 3060 12gb (gaming) which has a passthrough on b660 creator (after plugging this in my IGPU usage dropped by 7% so it must be using it) which i then have the IGPU send a duplicate of my main screen out to my avermedia ultra gamer and then back to the system where my ARC A380 (yes 2 gpus 1 system) runs my OBS delivering almost exactly the quality i have when im gaming, so i suppose its being created on 3000 Nvidia then processed by uhd770 and then recorded by ARC. Anyways i guess il stay with DaVinci because why would i DOWNGRADE back to using an INFERIOR encoder?? It seems Pr are waiting on YOU to upgrade before the improve their payed app. Because until YOU upgrade its not needed RIGHT?





Nov 13, 2023 Nov 13, 2023

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Making assumptions of others you haven't a clue of is not a wise thing to do in public. And clearly, you don't have a clue what motivates me on anything. So ... just stop trying to put thoughts or words and motives to me. Or anyone, really. Your assumptions are so bizarre it's beyond words.


I was simply giving a practical comment, based on some 40 years using computers in professinal workflows. As to how new things are implemented. That is ALL.


I don't find my personal feelings about this stuff even useful for me to pay attention to, why should I post about them?


Emotions and feelings don't count. Only practical stuff does.


And as noted, that is a very good and useful new codec. One of several out there, and they still haven't got all the log forms even 'color managed' yet. So from a practical basis, they'll get to it at some point known only to them.


While dealing with the forty other log forms, new codecs, new camera mods of existing log forms, all of that.





Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2023 Nov 13, 2023

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I cannot believe this STILL is not implemented. I want smaller video sizes for my videos! Please Adobe, add AV1.





Community Beginner ,
Nov 15, 2023 Nov 15, 2023

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I have made no assumptions about you as a person, not that i would care if i did "in this public setting" why would i, you have simply jumped into this conversation with broken information, stating that only some of each Company's latest GPU generation carry the ability to use AV1, this was incorrect as ALL of them do, then when pointed out you were wrong with this your responce wasnt to accept your mistake but "And what is intels GPUs market share" this makes no difference as EVERY GPU released since January carriers this feature, meaning every Upto date laptop sold this year supports it, and with every youtuber wanting to use it for the quality over size ect. It is being adopted quicker than previous generations. But it seems that your argument is they should add it but wont really need to for 4-5 years because you believe it would be this long before enough people would need this feature, also with this you are wrong it has been getting adopted by many youtubers ect. Because of its clear benefits, also recent game releases have had people feel pushed to upgrading eg. STARFIELD with AMD 7000 as the push (some sold out over this. Game) and now Alan Wake 2 telling people their 1000 series nvidia or earlier arnt good enough to play it because of shader support, so yes the mighty 1080ti has fallen because of Alan Wake 2. This has pushed for more people adopting the new generation of GPUs far quicker, 4090 on short availability (without a mining reason) and people have been adding Arc cards to there rigs for AV1 instead of replacing there GPU (This impacts the way these GPUs effect market share as most still use Nvidia and Amd cards for their gaming, also steam, xbox, and epics GPUs being used listings wouldnt really change because of this factor, so market share would show wrong) basically there are definitely enough people using this codec already for it to be a feature added by Pr, but it seems because YOU dont have it and your not upgrading anytime soon, They dont need to add it especially as YOU have things YOU would rather they worked on because its what YOU want fixed, Alot of your argument has revolved around you making out that your particular needs and hardware capabilities reflect the needs of the majority, and if you dont need it then no one does. AV1 is here, is being used widespread and Pr is going to rapidly lose user base if devs dont stop being lazy and add support for it. Although Pr will still always have you and your 2080ti in 2 years when everyone has moved editor because no AV1 support lol. 





Nov 15, 2023 Nov 15, 2023

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Wow. You read so much into my posts it's simply amazing. Take a simple statement and make it into the beginning of a narrative. With a conclusion and everything.


Just ... wow.





Community Beginner ,
Nov 16, 2023 Nov 16, 2023

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See still not willing to admit that your comments/statements about av1 encoding viability and availability was fundamentally wrong, you made the incorrect statement on how many cards on the market support the feature basically shows you had no intentions of making sure your correct before making a statement, your argument for Pr not needing the feature was that you and your 2080ti didnt use it and and you believing it would be 4-5 years before the current gpu generation would be wide spread enough with users for this to be high concern for the Dev's, i simply pointed out that all cards released this year support AV1 so ALL current gen GPUs from all 3 companies, also all new laptops as they always use current gen cards in their builds, also any standard SI eg. Dell (Alienware), HP, Acer, ect. All will be using these cards in prebuilds this year, and i pointed out that adoption to the current generation may be accelerated due to clever marketing tactics from AMD ect. Using anticipated new titles such as STARFIELD making it look like a upgrade is needed sooner, good or bad this worked for them selling out of the card they pushed with the game 7800xt. This is just an example of how many people have updated their GPUs early, not taking into account the amount of youtubers(large % of content editors) that would be buying these cards just because its new hotness, or to review, also all the tubers that are sent these cards for review, all people who use this kind of service and all with these cards in their systems, i cant afford a 4000 Nvidia, this is why i have an arc for AV1 recording, altho i do have to say just having this card there to run OBS and processing my game footage through the IGPU as a duplicated game screen to my capture card and then recieved and recorded by the ARC is night and day compared to using shadow play ect. A happy side effect to wanting AV1 encoding in my system. Anyways i have no personal issue with you in particular, i just want to edit my videos without having to re-record with an inferior encoder and feel a PAID PRO service should have this already in place at the end of 2023.





Nov 16, 2023 Nov 16, 2023

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Keep making all the "extended" conclusions of added meaning that make you happy ... 😉





Community Beginner ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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Is simply inexplicable the fact that premiere doesn't support AV1 yet, I pay for this, every year, high price, and I am being forced to use Davinci Resolve to edit my livestream because converting to H265 wold take too much time (4 to 6 hours os recording) and also use way more space. That's just dumb, and the absurd part is that Adobe was actually part of the initiative that created AV1 in the first place. This is just lazy, honestly.





Community Beginner ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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Sir, sorry that you can't afford a GPU with AV1 yet, but it happens that i could afford it, I'm a content creator and also a PC enthusiast, there is no reason for a FREE software like Davince Resolve being able to import my AV1 recordings (that weight half or less them that in comparison with H264) and Premiere, the paid suit that claims to be the best in the world no having that feature. There's just no reason for this. I'm paying for this, I have this on my PC and Adobe is part of the group of companies that CREATED AV1 in the first place. The lack of support is just disrespect at this point and I don't undesirable how you can defend adobe in this situation.





Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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Could you please explain why Resolve doesn't allow the export of a number of codecs in the "free" version?


Could you also explain the total lack of ProRes RAW in Resolve?


And ... are you aware that Resolve, even the paid version, is a loss-leader for BM to get people to buy their hardware?


Note, I've enough BM kit that I've a couple extra licenses sitting in a drawer someplace. And do use Resolve daily ...





New Here ,
Nov 25, 2023 Nov 25, 2023

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A lot of time passed and nothing happened, even people who wouldn't use AV1 should understand that its implementation would be good, and I'm not even mentioning the fact that Premiere doesn't support MKV format files yet... I think there's a reason real reason why people who want something more professional use other tools, the only thing that holds me back at Adobe currently is Photoshop





Nov 25, 2023 Nov 25, 2023

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Every one of the "professional tools" ... whether Avid, Premiere, or Resolve ... has limitations with certain codecs, some processes ... they just differ where their limitations are.


Is it annoying Pr can't work with AV1 and MKV? Of course!


Is it annoying that Resolve can't ... and perhaps never will, from staffer comments ... work with ProRes RAW? And several other things? Certainly!


From what BM staffers have said, we're probably going to finally get AV1 and MKV a lot sooner than Resolve gets ProRes RAW ... not that either "pleases" me.


It's just what is. 





Community Expert ,
Nov 25, 2023 Nov 25, 2023

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Both MKV and AV1 are delivery formats.  Within a professional video editing workflows, it's typical to finish with an editing format (like ProRes or DNx) and then convert to the delivery format afterward.  

Since Premiere Pro has very broad format support to begin with, it would be great if that extended to MKV and AV1; however, it's outside of the common role a NLE plays in a video post-production workflow.






New Here ,
Dec 05, 2023 Dec 05, 2023

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No yet....





New Here ,
Dec 23, 2023 Dec 23, 2023

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100% agree, please add this. Shocked this isn't already supported. I've concidered changing services because of this issue!





New Here ,
Dec 23, 2023 Dec 23, 2023

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Why is this not implemented? We are paying for the "pro" price, please give us the latest technology!





Community Beginner ,
Dec 23, 2023 Dec 23, 2023

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I pay a subscription so that popular new features are added over time. Either add AV1 or discount my subscription. Choose one.





Dec 23, 2023 Dec 23, 2023

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You're welcome to feel that way. As is everyone else who wants something. I've got a ton of color correction changes I want. Others are pushing for more mogrt controls, changes to audio tracks, keyboard shorts for editing, more transitions, hundreds of things.


So ...


1) you're not alone in wanting changes;

2) there's always a long list of things to work on, all needed by professional editors; and

3) we ain't getting all of them next week.


I work with and teach colorists, mostly based in Resolve. I don't know one who doesn't have a long list of changes they've been pushing for "over there" either.


Yea, that's frustrating. But do keep pushing  ... politely of course. Someday it will happen. All need to keep pushing for what they need.






Community Beginner ,
Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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Fact of the matter is everyone in this thread is asking for AV1 support and your the only one asking for better colour support, this is a fair comment and they probably need to address this also, but your the only one here requesting this in here, making you the minority request but keep talking like they should sort this first?? Superiority complex or what?





Community Beginner ,
Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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Also i use av1 support in resolves free version...FREE! With Pr you have to sign up and pay for a subscription just to find that the devs are so lazy to not implement something you can get for FREE elsewhere obviously showing it isnt a cost thing on their part. Adobe dont want happy customers their taking the APPLE aproach of "sit down, shut up and pay for our products " 





Participant ,
Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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Oh, this damn competition for quick-and-dirty. It's strange why Avid is not visible in it. lol





Participant ,
Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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I simply, directly, pointed out we all have various things we want or need done, all over the app.


You somehow turn that into my having a "superiority complex" ... wow, person ... um,within your logic, doesn't that mean you definitely have one? As you're the one stating that only your need is a paramount one.


My statement is we all have needs for changes.


Which one is totally based on oneself? Hmmm.


You don't mention of course that "free" Resolve doesn't do accelerated H.264/5 for most things, and of course, there's no ProRes RAW in Resolve, and don't even ask on the Resolve forums, as the staffers get testy about it. (And yes, I'm on the LGG [colorist specialists] and BlackMagic forums also.)


You see, I know Resolve pretty well, having used it, worked for/with and taught pro colorists. For over a decade. And I've compared/contrasted working methods between Resolve and Premiere for all of that time. But then, I work in the 'full' version, as I've enough BM kit that I've got a couple extra licenses sitting around.


Resolve by the way is entirely a "loss leader" product. They build and maintain that app to get people to buy BM hardware. Most of which is pretty useful, and please note, I've got a bunch of BM kit.


But they do not ever wish to encourage users to use non-BM hardware, whether editing keyboards or colorist control panels, with Resolve. They have basic mappings for the non-BM made kit to use in Resolve, but only for some kit. Like my full Tangent Elements panel. An awesome tool, but heavily, intentionally, limited in use in Resolve.


Because they never, ever, allow the user to change that very (and yes, by many direct staffer comments, intentionally) limited mapping.


Because they don't make a dime on Resolve. Think about that, and the implications therof.


Adobe has to live or die on the performance of their apps. Their product is only that software. And yes, users including myself can and should post when it's not doing what they need. I've posted epic screeds on here when it's failed me.


Blackmagic ... doesn't live or die on Resolve. Not ... at all.


They are both very valid profit designs. With very different implications. And I love my BMPCC4K camera, use that ATEM unit a lot. But hey, the ATEM minis are cheap, and pretty functional for the cost. But do not expect that ATEM to last much longer than the warranty. I've replaced mine, of course. Life happens.


And for the cost, I don't expect that bit of BM hardware to be "sturdily built". Just functional for awhile. Some BM users get really ticked at that. I  ... don't. Hey, it's realistically pretty cheap. Use it, be happy with it, and be ready to replace it. Part of the cost of doing business.





New Here ,
Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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Why is this guy spamming random arguments in this thread? This thread is just an ask for AV1 support and nobody cares about a random guy shutting "I don't need AV1", of course not everybody need AV1, and of course there are other high priority features that might preceded av1 support, Adobe will rank the priority based on number of vote, and we are just here to vote.





Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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Forum etiquette ... don't make such assumptions. Like again, your saying I'm against AV1 support, which is a totally ridiculous unsupported comment.


I totally have always supported having say AV1 ... 'Matroska' ... and all sorts of other, specialized bits some of us could really use.


I just suggest people not get into namecalling or other non-professional behavior. Including making assumptions and stating deprecating comments.




