Obviously the programmer of this monstrosity uses alot of "moving" text. He/she didnt think that a person editing may want to match up the EXACT location of dynamic text with a static text in the timeline. I don't care if they call it "bad editing" but I nest alot of things to speed up encoding and to copy that nested text thoughout the entire project (then I sometimes copy that nest and edit that text to certain situation, then make a nest out of that modified text. This goes on and on) so I MUST match dynamic text in a nest to a static text outside the nest. (Does this make sense 2 u people) I do this technique probably over 100 times just in one project so if theres a hidden Bezier keypoint in that text it can get copied everywhere. U know Ive learned before I create a nest to MAKE DAMN SURE THAT THE TEXT DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING OTHER THEN LINEAR TEXT. It takes yet another step while editing a 200 hour long project (which like I said before I make these every month because it take a month to edit). One oversight could cost me hours of laborious work to GET RID of the BEZIER (change back to linear) and another 16-20 hours to re-encode it.
Anyway I have learned to check check check before creating a nest with Bezier text in it !
I requested this YEARS ago, but unfortunately the Adobe team doesn't care to listen to paying customers. I have not ONCE in my 17 year editing career wanted to use auto-beizer, yet it defaults to it constantly whenever creating position keyframes, which means you have to always select the keyframes and change them back to linear; it's a HUGE waste of time.
A simple work around, sort of is once u add ONE keyframe change it to linear then the rest will follow suit. If u don't ALL keyframes will be bezier (or what ever u call it) I call this function a f*cked up option and I have tried to use it and I get so frustrated 😰 I say f*ck this sh*t. So anyway remember to change the 1st keyppoint in ur texting routines, that should help u. It works 4 me and I'm on the latest release.
Yes, you are correct. Once you do it once, it remembers it on that clip on that sequence. But it is still not ideal to have to do it once for every clip. I am talking from experience about workflows where you are making 50+ photo broll packages a day, each with 3-10 photos in a sequence. Do the math at how many unneccessary actions (mouse movement/right click, select linear) that is and how much time that actually wastes in a day and over the course of a year of labor.
YES! I agree and if u forget then ur doing alot of unnecessary editing. Yes I gree. BUT Whats worse is that (and I don't know how to put this but on Project monitor they took away the sliders. AND when u jump from one sequence to another the zoom and location stay the same. THATS FREAKIN CRAZY talk about a waste of time. EX. when i nest a group I usually keep it in the center at 100% scale then on the working sequence (the main work area) I have that nest in its final posiyion and scale (usual 200% scale) But when I'm trying to find a point on one of those sequences I zoom in 400% do I can see exactly where it is on that graphic and when I want to switch sequences the project monitor always directs itself to 0,0 at 100% zoom. So u loose ur reference point and always have to take time to reposition ur view to that particular work area in that sequence. Over and over I have to fo that. That sucks. Ihave to zoom out then zom in alittle then zoom in more the reposition then xoom im more. U get the situation. I might havr to do tjid 15 yo 20 times until im satisfied with the objects position. and thats just for one object. ONE! I might have to do this for 20 freakin objects. I wasn't always like this. Each sequence had its own pan and zoom AND REMEMBERED IT. This is a bigger problem to me then the keypoint dilemma. I must do this 3 or 4 times (times 15 to 20 times) per project.
THIS IS A MUST!! I requested this years ago, and Adobe just doesn't listen. Hopefully, they start... It's so frustrating when you create a new position keyframe.. It AUTOMATICALLY creates an auto-bezier keyframe, and you have to then select it and change it to Linear.. Makes no sense. In 20 years of editing, I have NEVER needed to use auto-bezier even once. I would rather having auto-bezier completely removed from the program if it means it's never defaulted on again....