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When I'm in Premiere pro, After Effects, or Media Encoder when I export a file to Apple Prores it will not playback on a Windows 10 computer in VLC or Windows Media Player. The only player I could get it to play from was the old QuickTime player. Where can I can a codec that will allow me to playback the prores .mov files? Thanks for your help.
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I can playback that file in VLC 3.0.4 but got problems when i updated to 3.0.6. I could however change the settings to OpenGL in VLC´s settings and then it worked.
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If you care to upload a short sample clip to a file sharing site, I can download and test it here.
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I can playback that file in VLC 3.0.4 but got problems when i updated to 3.0.6. I could however change the settings to OpenGL in VLC´s settings and then it worked.
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OmG! Thank you!! You are a genius. I spent 4 hours with adobe tech support and they could not figure it out.
Thank you so much!!!!!!
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I can confirm that: for me only Potplayer will play a Premiere windows generated prores file.
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Thank it worked in potplayer for me to. Averdahl told me to change to openGL in vlc and it worked there as well once I change it to opengl
Thank you so much!
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Finally a player that plays 8k fluently. Thank you for the tip of the Potplayer!
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Potplayer, wow, thank you!!! Bye bye VLC, been a nice ten years...