Exactly. This should not have been marked the correct answer. Because the question was not "what's wrong with the current setup"; it was what can I do to improve it, and how much of an improvement can I expect? The only person who should be allowed to mark something as the correct answer should be the original poster! As I said earlier, I'm perfectly willing to build/buy a more powerful PC but I need to know what specific features or attributes would be needed to get a substantial improvement, and how much of an improvement I could expect. To do that would probably require a way to see where the bottlenecks are, The allegedly "correct" answer didn't address any of those. I want to stick to the Intel Xeon line because it supports ECC which is required for other tasks this PC does, but if a higher Xeon processor has architecural features that would result in a dramatic speedup, I'm happy to pay for that. What I don't want to do is pay thou$ands for a different CPU or motherboard only to get a 20-30% speeedup because of memory-bus bandwidth limits or SSD read-speed limits, or cache-conflict because the scratch disk uses the same SSD as the raw data files, etc, etc. So I need to know where I'll get the biggest bang for the buck and how big a bang it will be. And as Basil1891 points out, my current setup is not exactly chopped liver, so it's not unreasonable to expect better performance than we're getting.
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