Community Expert
Community Expert
‎Mar 06, 2022
07:19 PM
After Effects? Separate them in the app that creates your source (character) design, or with masks.
To animate, check Adobe HELPx for tutorials to get you started.
For more advanced work, check DUIK (rxlaboratory.org) and RUBBERHOSE (battleaxe.co)
Character Animator? (See forum here)
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‎Mar 06, 2022
07:11 PM
There are many reasons for this (which version are you using? OS?), but usually always "directory" related.
The simplest reason is that the files were moved relative to where they were when the file was saved (this includes if the folders were renamed)
Sometimes it is a file directory (structure) error.
Sometimes it is a duplicate path error or super-nested directory error.
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‎Mar 06, 2022
07:02 PM
1 Upvote
Does your magnification need to animate with some kind of rotation?
Isn't the lens just a value that can be called when a new magnification is chosen?
Doesn't using the lens value as a size/scale multiplier work for this? (plus crop)
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‎Feb 27, 2022
07:37 PM
1 Upvote
This is a known error.
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‎Feb 14, 2022
01:37 PM
The images are stored in
express.adobe.com/image_assets/slate/ -----
I wonder if there's a way to see the images attached to my projects.
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‎Feb 14, 2022
01:29 PM
Unfortunately, I only deleted a single asset (happened to be a photo grid) inside the project.
Fortunately, I didn't delete the entire project.
Just another workflow rule to adhere to: USE THE DUPLICATE PROJECT BUTTON before making those big editorial decisions. 🙂
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‎Feb 14, 2022
01:05 PM
Hey Dave!
I wish they were referenced from LR or something on Assets...
I had just uploaded them to Spark Page (now part of the Express family). And all was going well, until I thought I was removing one image, but turned out I was removing all of the images. Careless. But there is no undo.
I figured there must be a server somewhere with those images on it. Once I uploaded those to my Spark Page, they no longer get linked to my local school computer. They're hosted somewhere else, and I think count against Adobe storage, but they don't show up in my Assets.Adobe.com - - or at least not anywhere that I was able to find.
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‎Feb 13, 2022
03:39 PM
I'm sleep deprived.
Instead of making a duplicate before editing. I deleted a photo, then republished the link.
Except. I didn't delete a photo.
I had deleted a photo group... about 40 photos... before I republished the link.
Are those old photos somewhere in my adobe account somewhere to recover still?
I've been using this same page for a syllabus reference for several years, and I didn't keep the original photos.
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‎Feb 02, 2022
02:38 PM
Your brand doesn't preclude you from changing the styles of your pages/posts/videos.
Once you pick a style, the H1/H2 styles are built into the template - -
Actually MAKING CUSTOM TEMPLATES has been on my wishlist since the beginning of Spark.
Here's what you can do with your brand - but for body formatting, maybe selecting a few templates that you work from is your best answer??
Poking around with templates are the easiest way to find out how to make the branding style that you want.
This is probably on your reading list already:
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‎Jan 28, 2022
02:26 PM
1 Upvote
1. More or less, it's you. You can't package it up and send it to a client.
If they have a CC account, they can collaborate (via invite), but it still lives in your account.
2. The BRANDING setup is intended to make it easy for you to stay on a single library of color and have a logo tag out all of your projects (that use that Brand). I find it easier to just edit projects to the values I want - rather than switching brand/on/off.
3. You can use anchors in Page. (create page via browser)
4. Yes. jpgs. pngs. (animations are links to YouTube/Vimeo). No GIF yet!!! but hoping for that soon. No interactive triggers yet. No interactive value boxes yet (afaik)
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‎Jan 28, 2022
02:06 PM
Wow I didn't know that FantasticFold had continued past Sneaks. Great news. #productdesign
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‎Jan 28, 2022
12:52 PM
Has anyone else seen this (Firefox)?
When you are signed in with your Adobe CC account, open a new page for CCExpress. The landing page doesn't recognize that you already have an account - despite showing that you are signed in (upper right corner).
Is this something unique to Firefox?
or Is this the landing page for everyone?
I know that Firefox browser has had other troubles with ACS.
It should take you immediately to your Home or (better) Projects page.
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Community Expert
in Spark Page and Video on iOS Discussions
‎Jan 21, 2022
02:55 PM
‎Jan 21, 2022
02:55 PM
The application banner has changed, but all of your projects haven't (some are still named "spark" internally).
Be sure to log in with the correct credentials (I often forget between school and personal).
The big change is that EXPRESS does not feature your projects when you log in, you have to click on the projects tab(button) to see all of your existing projects.
Maybe it needs to be the first thing you see, or at least a preference.
And Kevin, when will we get alphabetical sort? 😉
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‎Jan 21, 2022
02:28 PM
The work that you've created automatically saves to your creative cloud account. You can check by going back to the home pages of express (spark) and viewing the projects. It's a good idea to sync to the cloud to store your projects/data. You can access them from other devices as well.
When publishing a project, make sure to stay on the page while it's creating the published work.
Depending on the size yof your video and speed of your connection, it can take some time to upload.
I recommend doing a really short test to make sure it is linking to the correct YouTube account and can publish something (even 1-2 seconds) long.
Even if your published output fails, your project should still show up on your home page under the "Projects" tab (button).
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‎Jan 21, 2022
01:30 PM
1 Upvote
OMG - this is like a letter from Oregon Trail. I'd be reading it by the crackling light of the wagon train campfire! ... then victory! (sheds a tear)
you've made it through the gauntlet. I hope the next project is (gotta be) easier. whew!
I'm wondering if meta data is increasing file size or creating problems for the edit.
May need to get @Kevin-Monahan looped in on this for sure!
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‎Jan 18, 2022
10:54 AM
but *don't disregard*
That's good/important information for case use!
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‎Jan 17, 2022
05:01 PM
I totally agree with you.
There are several of us here who have asked for "Alpha Numeric" sorting, and Boolean Searches.
I don't want to go down the negative route, but I'd just note that "Hey, at least we're getting some good mocap resources for free?" (little shrug emoji goes here).
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Community Expert
in Illustrator on the iPad Discussions
‎Jan 17, 2022
04:39 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jan 17, 2022
04:39 PM
1 Upvote
I've marked it "correct answer", but it should be noted.
It is free with all Creative Cloud subscriptions that include Adobe Illustrator. (There are some subscriptions that don't include Adobe Illustrator that don't qualify at this time)
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‎Jan 17, 2022
01:33 PM
1 Upvote
Check to make sure your audio isn't on a channel other than the regular 1/2 stereo pair.
Is it possible that it was routed to a channel that you're not seeing (hearing) in your project?
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‎Jan 17, 2022
01:14 PM
1 Upvote
As long as you have it sync'd to your CreativeCloud account, you should be able to access it from other computers with your same account.
You can log into your CreativeCloud account on any computer, just make sure that it's the same account that you used to create the project in the first place. Or invite another CC user to share elements from your library.
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‎Jan 17, 2022
01:11 PM
1 Upvote
This is a great response for FAQs regarding mobile crashes!
Also helpful to Premiere Rush team for trying to figure out where the problem is occurring.
AND a great workaround - although you shouldnt need one 😉 great problem solution.
If you have time, I'd be curious to see whether you can finish the title effects on the desktop version without pre-rendering the video. I'm on similar iPhone. I wonder if it has to do with HEVC or HEIF files on mobile and phone resources, or if it's the app.
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‎Jan 17, 2022
12:58 PM
1 Upvote
Do not use Firefox.
Use Chrome browser to test.
Testing on Safari works fine (quick)
Mac Firefox still presents issues.
I don't have Windows 10Edge, but I hope that Chrome would behave similarly on both Mac/Win.
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‎Jan 16, 2022
03:56 PM
Yeah, it's a tough one for that. The "remove background" might be Adobe Sensei powered with the aid of Adobe Photoshop. Could be a good start, but you might be better off starting in Photoshop then, making your asset with some appropriate tools.
Alternatively, you could create your cutout with one of the Adobe free mobile apps, probably even Fresco or Photoshop Fix or Mix(is that still a thing, Kev?)
Then create a transparent PNG to put into express.
If you want to stay "express only", you could (really difficult) go into the EDIT mode and paint out the remaining greenscreen pixels that remain in your image.
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‎Jan 16, 2022
03:13 PM
Have you tried updating the desktop creativecloud app on the machine that you're having a problem with?
Apps will "phone home" to make sure that you have a subscription, but not every day. So it's possible that the Desktop CreativeCloud app updated recently, but your "frequently used" apps don't care.
When you opened an app that hasn't checked in at Adobe for subscription, it didn't figure out how to do it through the old CC Desktop App.
Update CC, log in again. Usually that works for me when this kinda stuff happens to me.
Hope it works.
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‎Jan 16, 2022
03:05 PM
note: if Dimension is rendering it as a blurry value, increasing the resolution of the rendered image will not make it any sharper. But if there's something about a texture that is low resolution, a higher, sharper material texture may help your image look more in focus when rendered.
It's possible that there is DEPTH OF FIELD on your camera that is causing a blurry focal render.
If this is the case, make sure that you have the "Focus Preview" (first icon on the left at the top) on when looking at your work.
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‎Jan 16, 2022
02:46 PM
Yes it is (one big mess), but you can search by name.
Not the best (search an entire genre or a specific name) but switch from "Character Tab" to "Animations", then Search. It gets you closer to the "jump", "Snake dance" or "Thriller" move that you may be looking for.
I just hope you're not (like me) looking for "Walk Down Stairs" heheheh. 😞
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‎Jan 16, 2022
02:32 PM
1 Upvote
Looks like there certainly must be a similar workflow between these three.
I don't know the exact tool, but I think that Astute Dynamic Sketch and Vector Scribe (maybe Reform) would help you get there.
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‎Jan 16, 2022
02:19 PM
How is it applying two colorspaces?
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‎Jan 14, 2022
10:34 AM
I noticed that a few people have been posting their questions about the new Creative Cloud Express tools into this thread.
Keep the questions coming!
But I've locked this thread (I think), so you can post your questions, comments, and discussions to the main Express forum.
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‎Jan 14, 2022
10:30 AM
Play around with the tools - Have Fun - I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time.
Why accredited? I don't think there's an ACE test for the Express apps (yet) - but maybe @Kevin-Monahan is working on one secretly (heheheh).🤓😆
I don't know if there are any accredited tutorials specifically geared to the new Express.adobe.com tools/interfaces, but you might find a lot of tutorials that feature Adobe Spark.
Many of the features in the new Adobe Express are similar or the same as what we had in the Adobe Spark tools. If you're looking for something to use as a syllabus for class guidance, stay tuned - or craft your own from the MANY, MANY project templates on the site!
Side note: If you are planning to create a lesson plan for a school, check Adobe Education forums for tips on ensuring that all of your students have managed CC accounts and hardware that will make the learning process run smoothly.
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