Jun 13, 2024
06:43 AM
My system is way beyond the minimums for anything as far as I know. Most frequently, and this happened yesterday again, it is worst when doing masks. One or two masks and the system has a lot of glitches. Move the cursor, it moves, then stops, hangs, then starts moving again. It'll hang for 3, 4, 5 seconds then move. I SEE it the most when I'm doing masks in Lightroom, but I presume it happens other times too. I NEVER see it in Photoshop or Word or anything else, but it definitely happens in Lightroom. Shutting Lightroom down and restarting sometimes makes it better for a little while (20 - 30 minutes maybe)... The lens blur is also slow, laggy and glitchy, but I expect that to still be slow and laggy.
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May 24, 2024
05:40 PM
Back from goofing off... While gone, I was using the Dell 7740 with 64GB of memory, the same SSD for images, and a Quadro 3000 GPU. There are things on the laptop that run as fast as things on the desktop. Like creating previews or running Lightroom Denoise. On a normal Alpha 1 image, it takes around 30 seconds on the desktop to process. About the same on the laptop, and sometimes faster, which I thought would be a lot slower. On the other hand, in Helicon Focus, the desktop is significantly faster with the 4060 than it was with the AMD 5700XT, and faster than the laptop at processing image stacks. At the moment, I'm not seeing any immediate bad behavior in images. I tried creating several masks and working at 200%, which definitely caused lagging and poor performance previously, but at the MOMENT things appear OK. Is there any chance this is another one of the "You have to shut down Lightroom and restart it frequently to keep performance from degrading" issues? In any case, I'll try to isolate more specific instances where things degrade, but at the moment I've run through the articles recommended earlier in this thread and made a few changes, though nothing I think would make much difference.
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May 13, 2024
08:35 AM
vilmantasr, I can't argue with what you're saying since I don't know enough, but it seems unlikely to me that Adobe would do something so insanely resource intensive as to need at 4070 or HIGHER performance GPU to perform adequately. I'd think there would be a LOT of pushback on having to spend $500+ for a GPU so Lightroom isn't laggy. 'Course, I'd have thought there would be a lot of pushback when Adobe decided to get the features in LRC13 you needed a GPU with 8GB on it. That said, it is Adobe so anything is possible. I'm going to be out-of-town for the next week, and editing on the laptop - Dell Precision 7400, 64GB memory, Nvidia Quadro RTX 3000, all on SSDs, and a 2560x1600 screen instead of the 4K. I don't RECALL the same performance problems when I last used it for editing last October, so I'll see what happens. If the much less capable laptop doesn't have the same issues when doing the same thing, there's something screwy on my desktop.
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May 12, 2024
07:32 AM
The 8TB drive is a SATA SSD that ONLY has images on it. O/S and catalogues are on a separate SSD, in different partitions. Temp is on a separate SSD. None of this is new. All these physical configurations have been in place for years. The anti-virus scanner is Windows Defender and it has also been in place for years. Other than going to the Nvidia 4060 TI, there's essentially nothing in the physical setup that's changed since LONG before LRC 13 showed up. I"ll keep looking at the recommended other topics.
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May 11, 2024
01:55 PM
I don't knowingly have ANY gaming or other optimizations turned on. Nor have I done anything with overclocking or optimization utilities. I'd prefer NOT to screw with things on the GPU if it can be avoided, but I don't know whether the defaults are correct for using Adobe products or not.
Here's the help>system info
Lightroom Classic version: 13.2 [ 202402141005-bf1aeb84 ] License: Creative Cloud Language setting: en Operating system: Windows 11 - Business Edition Version: 11.0.22631 Application architecture: x64 System architecture: x64 Logical processor count: 24 Processor speed: 3.1GHz SqLite Version: 3.36.0 CPU Utilisation: 0.0% Built-in memory: 65315.8 MB Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 2691.7MB / 7949.0MB (33%) Real memory available to Lightroom: 65315.8 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 1231.6 MB (1.8%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 31224.5 MB GDI objects count: 1054 USER objects count: 2405 Process handles count: 7628 Memory cache size: 4635.1MB Internal Camera Raw version: 16.2 [ 1763 ] Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5 Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2,AVX,AVX2 Camera Raw virtual memory: 1387MB / 32657MB (4%) Camera Raw real memory: 1389MB / 65315MB (2%)
Cache1: Preview1- RAM:22.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, _A113528.ARW Preview2- RAM:22.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, _A113529.ARW Preview3- RAM:22.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, _A113530.ARW NT- RAM:66.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Combined:66.0MB
Cache2: final1- RAM:167.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, _A113530.ARW final2- RAM:167.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, _A113529.ARW final3- RAM:167.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, _A113528.ARW T- RAM:501.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Combined:501.0MB
Cache3: m:4635.1MB, n:112.8MB
U-main: 179.0MB
System DPI setting: 120 DPI Desktop composition enabled: Yes Standard Preview Size: 1680 pixels Displays: 1) 3840x1600 Input types: Multitouch: No, Integrated touch: No, Integrated pen: No, External touch: No, External pen: Yes, Keyboard: No
Graphics Processor Info: DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti ( Init State: GPU for Export supported by default User Preference: GPU for Export enabled
Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic Library Path: L:\Incoming\Incoming-v13.lrcat Settings Folder: C:\Users\David Perez\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom
Installed Plugins: 1) ColorChecker Camera Calibration 2) Helicon Focus Export 3) Topaz Photo AI
Config.lua flags: AgTether.heartBeatIntervalNoCamera = 6000 AgTether.heartBeatInterval = 6000
Adapter #1: Vendor : 10de Device : 2803 Subsystem : 13de196e Revision : a1 Video Memory : 7949 Adapter #2: Vendor : 1414 Device : 8c Subsystem : 0 Revision : 0 Video Memory : 0 AudioDeviceIOBlockSize: 1024 AudioDeviceName: $$$/dvaaudiodevice/SystemDefaultAndEffectiveDeviceName=System Default - DELL U3818DW (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)#{comment}DVAAU-4201250: Open the audio hardware preferences page. AudioDeviceNumberOfChannels: 2 AudioDeviceSampleRate: 48000 Build: LR5x120 Direct2DEnabled: false GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS: 16 GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS: 16 GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS: 16 GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS: 16 GL_ALPHA_BITS: 0 GL_BLUE_BITS: 8 GL_DEPTH_BITS: 24 GL_GREEN_BITS: 8 GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE: 16384 GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 32768 GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS: 4 GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS: 32768,32768 GL_RED_BITS: 8 GL_RENDERER: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: 4.60 NVIDIA GL_STENCIL_BITS: 8 GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation GL_VERSION: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 552.22 GPUDeviceEnabled: false OGLEnabled: true
[shorted to the information needed - Mod.]
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May 11, 2024
01:50 PM
I'll go read the rest of the discussions you pointed at, but so far they've all been things I'm aware of. I'm not sure what you mean by "Have you excluded the photos as well as the entire folder where your catalog and all the other LrC files (previews...) from your AV scanner solution?" As for plugins, I only have a couple that aren't disabled, and they're both plugins that have been there for at least a few years - long before LRC 13. Helicon Focus Export and Topaz Photo AI are those.
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May 10, 2024
07:27 PM
Desktop PC. I9-12900, 64GB memory, GPU is an Nvidia 4060TI. All the storage is on M.2 NVMe with images on an 8 TB SSD.
Images are nothing special – I see the same behavior whether it’s a 20 megapixel image or a 50 megapixel one.
I looked through several of the topics in here (some from older versions, some from LRC13) from other people having performance issues with Lightroom 13.X. Hopefully, I’ve missed something simple, but I didn’t see much to resolve the problems.
I have to add myself to the people having problems with slow, laggy, hanging operations in Lightroom 13.
I upgraded from the AMD GPU that worked OK with LRC 12 to the 4060 TI was because once I started using LRC 13, performance deteriorated. I thought throwing a more capable GPU at the problem would cure it. Didn’t work.
It’s not a problem as near as I can tell when doing normal, “adjust sliders in Develop” or “select a keyword” sort of adjustments. But when doing things like masks, particularly brush masks, the cursor just stops and hangs for up to several seconds, then resumes. It makes getting accurate selections more difficult because the cursor isn’t smooth. Zooming to 100% to make more accurate selections makes it worse.
Similar behavior can happen when using the Lens Blur – the cursor hangs when doing Blur or Focus and when making adjustments in Visualize Depth. I also see it occasionally when doing content-aware remove, but I only use that very rarely in Lightroom.
I was also hoping for faster exports, faster 1:1 previews, and so on. Not much happened there either, but I can live with that if I can get rid of the hanging and lag.
I don’t see this behavior with any of the tools in Photoshop.
I don’t see the behavior in Topaz Photo AI, which runs perceptibly faster with the 4060 than with the old GPU.
I’ve done the “standard” things I believe. Tried no graphics acceleration – just made everything slower. And the partial acceleration. And full acceleration. The lag, hang and such is always there.
I disabled the onboard GPU.
I opened the Nvidia control panel and added both Lightroom and Photoshop in there.
I've made sure it' susing the durrent drivers. I've tried both the studio and game-ready drivers.
Are there settings for the GPU in the Nvidia control panel that can be configured to make Lightroom (and Photoshop, but mostly Lightroom) perform significantly better?
Are there other things I should try that are likely to address the problem? System configuration? Something in Lightroom configuration?
Has Adobe said anything about being aware of the problem and trying to correct it?
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Apr 07, 2024
06:18 PM
I didn't think about the early access thing. Now it makes sense. I"ll look at the plugin.
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Apr 07, 2024
08:28 AM
How do I synchronize the lens blur across images? When I'm in Develop and do a Sync, I don't see the lens blur in the list of things I can specify... Then again, I'm not the most observant person so I may be missing it.
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Apr 05, 2024
02:00 PM
Yes, but the problem is the partially selected pixels I think. since some in the white area are dark, pushing the levels or curves doesn't make everything white. That's why I'm looking for a way to get rid of the partial selections. I have a "workaround", which is how I've always done the selection in the past - don't use EITHER of the tools and just do the whole sky selection with the magic wand or the quick selection tool. But that's how we did this a decade ago when Photoshop was far less capable, and it seems rather unproductive to have to still do this using those old tools when there are TWO modern tools sitting there that should create a virtually perfect selection... I also tried taking each side of the mask, putting it in quick mask mode, then doing a Threshold on it, and that SEEMS to work, though it seems rather kludgy when Photoshop contains both a select sky and a sky replacement tool... Is there a reason both those tools create such an imperfect selection?
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Apr 05, 2024
09:17 AM
Windows, current version of Photoshop. I want to replace a sky against some mountains. Sky Replacement doesn't do a very good job because it doesn't provide a sharp edge where the sky and mountains come together. Unfortunately, neither does the Select Sky. There appear to be a lot of "partially selected" pixels. If you've ever used either tool, you've probably noticed all the extraneous selection areas that make the replacement look less than perfect. I've cleaned up the edge, so the selection edge is good. But on both sides of the edge, I have junk that shows through. What's the easiest way to get rid of all those partial selections so my mask is pure white and pure black? I've tried using fill on the mask, but because the selection isn't precise that doesn't work. How do I get rid of all the partial selection junk?
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Mar 04, 2024
04:12 PM
It's good to know it's in ACR, though I'm not USING ACR. I was HOPING there was some way to make the object selection in the Lightroom masks less cumbersome... Doesn't sound like it's going to happen.
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Feb 15, 2024
05:37 AM
I put in the request yesterday, so we'll see what happens THIS time.
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Feb 14, 2024
03:59 PM
ACR has "Color Sampler Overlay" that is very useful when checking or comparing color between images. Will this tool be implemented in Lightroom Classic soon?
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Feb 14, 2024
03:55 PM
1 Upvote
OK, since it is missing, I'll put in a request... Just out of curiosity, does Adobe EVER actually USE any of the ideas? 'Cause so far, after a LOT of years, I see a LOT of things that just keep circling around in here and never get implemented, no matter how simple they should be.
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Feb 14, 2024
05:02 AM
I haven't found any topics for "Color Sampler Overlay" in the Lightroom forums, so... BEFORE I do something dumb like ask for the feature, is there a "Color Sampler Overlay" in Lightroom Classic now that I've missed? Other than Bridge's much better file batch renaming (which has been being requested for at least a decade with no success), I rarely find anything useful in Bridge/ACR that I'm missing in Lightroom, but ACR now has one and it's very useful when trying to match the colors between the original RAW file, and what cometimes comes back from Topaz Photo AI. Normally, they're not different enough to be a visible problem, but this morning I got an image back that, even after synching the two, is visible different. To the point that it was worth opening the images in ACR and displaying the Color samplers to see if I could improve the color mismatch... So, is there the equivalent tool in Lightroom Classic that I've just missed, or is it something that needs to be requested?
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Feb 11, 2024
01:57 PM
Thanks for the ideas everyone. That's what I played with this morning, and I was able to get a better result than I got with the puppet warp, but I was curious if there was something in Photoshop I wasn't aware of that would do a better job, more simply. I went the other direction with the warp because the image is so big - cropped, it's still around 13,500 x 6500, so having enough pixels for a normal print won't be a problem. I think working at the horizon line worked pretty well.
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Feb 11, 2024
08:48 AM
Good grief! OK, I'm going with senior moment on this one! Thanks...
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Feb 11, 2024
07:45 AM
Windows 11, Photoshop 25.4.0 More out of curiosity than anything else, but I have a panorama I put together than ended up with the horizon being curved. I've been wondering what the best way would be to fix it? I played with the Transform>Warp, which worked but was clumsy and the puppet warp, which also probably would work, but again, clumsy. If either of those is the prefered method, I'll just need to get better with the tool 'cause my outcome wasn't perfect. When I searched, people kept talking about Filters>Distort>Lens Correction filter, but I don't see anything like that in the current Photoshop. Is there something in Photoshop that would do a good job of making a curved line/object straight?
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Jan 29, 2024
05:03 AM
I certainly find it frustrating not to be able to do a couple trivial shortcuts that would speed up my processing or prevent me from regularly slapping myself in the forehead, but considering how many years some of this has been requested, and the total lack of response, I think we're beating a dead horse... I'd be happy[ier] if Lightroom just followed the same flow as Photoshop and made Ctrl/0 do a fit image instead of toggling the histogram - which in all the years of USING Lightroom I've NEVER needed to do. That one I probably hit automatically at LEAST a half dozen times a day. Another thing that would make culling faster would be to be able to put the UNflag that's currently on the "U", forcing me to take my hand off the mouse every time I need it when culling, on the "C" so it's RIGHT NEXT to the Reject on the "X". I don't recall what the "C" does by default 'cause I don't think I've ever used that either... I've tried to get those in the translation file, but have never been successful. It WOULD be nice to have a little more flexibility and control over the Lightroom editing environment.
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Jan 25, 2024
02:40 PM
I don't see this anywhere, which may mean my search is deficient, and this may be expected behavior. Or operator error. I drew the lasso around the branch in this image to add the object to the subject selection. This is what I got. Subsequent lasso attempts on the whole, or parts of the limb were similarly unsuccessful. Switching to the rectangle worked marginally better but still poorly. Is this just an object that the mask can't select, or am I doing the selection wrong.
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Jan 05, 2024
09:15 AM
I spoke too soon.......... Yesterday I did some fiddling and running different things on different images. And things acted normal. This morning I took one of the small RAW images "A" and did some other fiddling, like putting an adaptive preset on it. Then ran denoise. And instead of being around 12 seconds it was 27. Tried again, and still 27. Switched to a DIFFERENT image "B", ran denoise and it was 12. Put an adaptive preset on that image "B" and the time jumpted to 27 seconds. Took that off and did a Select Subject and Select Sky mask and it jumped to 38 seconds. Purged cache, no difference. Shut down Lightroom and restarted it. No difference. Switched to a different catalog and tried an image there "C". Worked fine. Restarted the original catalog and ran the same image "A" as originally - still slow. "B" also still slow. Reinstalled the NVidia drivers. No difference. No change. Emptied the temp folder. No change. It appears that once an image gets slow at running Denoise, it's going to STAY slow until a reboot. It's not back to 2 minutes, but it's bizarre.
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Jan 03, 2024
02:04 PM
I THINK, if I remember correctly, one of the issues with the Studio drivers was they can make programs like Word and Outlook behave oddly. Like typing a letter and not having the letter show and the cursor move, the cursor stays there 'til you type again. I haven't seen that yet, but I haven't been doing any Word documents today. I have a topic over in the NVidia forum to see if there's any way to adjust or tune the GPU, or if there's anything else I can do to make sure the thing is working optimally with the current drivers. As far as numbers for Denoise, at this point I"m just happy it's not 4 minutes any more, but your system that's doing it in 24 seconds is great.
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Jan 03, 2024
06:34 AM
Thanks for the replies. Eventually, they forced me to think and pushed me in the right direction... OK, I THINK I have a fix... The 4060 has both "game" drivers and "studio" drivers. When I installed it I looked at the differences and everything I read said there was NO advantage to the studio drivers, and X or Y or Z might be slower. So, I put the "game ready" drivers on. Yesterday I downloaded the newest set of Studio drivers, which it appears have been updated a couple times in a very short period, and installed them using a "clean install"... I say I MIGHT have a fix because the installation required a reboot, which I DON'T think had any impact since I'd rebooted the desktop several times while testing and the Denoise never got any faster - always too just under 2 minutes. Took the same image and ran Denoise again, and the time is in the 10-14 second range depending on whether I wait for the image to show up in Lightroom (10) or until the progress bar, which has been at 100% for several seconds, finally goes away (14)... Either way, it's a lot faster than almost 2 minutes. A FULL-SIZED A1 image (51 megapixels) took 28 seconds as opposed to 4 minutes and 20 seconds, OR 40+ seconds on the laptop. Looking back with my 20/20 hindsight, instead of initially re-installing the "game ready" drivers, I should have switched to the Studio drivers, but didn't think of it...
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Jan 01, 2024
02:30 PM
I'm not an expert on GPUs either, and I've had trouble even finding anything that compares the Quadro RTX 3000 to the 4060 Ti. I found one comparison that said this: The Nvidia Quadro RTX 3000 for laptops is a professional high-end graphics card for big and powerful laptops and mobile workstations. It is based on the same TU106 chip as the consumer GeForce RTX 2070 (mobile) but with reduced shaders, clock speeds and memory bandwidth. But this is 4 - 5 YEARS ago when the Geforce 2000 series was current. This isn't a Quadro Max-Q or anything. Is there ANY way the lower-mid range Quadro RTX of 2018-2019 should be faster than a 4060 Ti at running anything, much less Lightroom Denoise? I don't recall ever seeing anything from Adobe that a generations old Quadro would out-perform a current mid-range GPU, but here are the specs I found... Quadro RTX 3000 4060 Ti Bus Interface: PCIe 3.0 x16. PCIe 4.0 (I presume X 16) Max Memory Size: 6144 MB. 8GB DDR6 Core Clock(s): 945 MHz. 2310 Mhz Memory Clock(s): 1750 MHz. 2250 Mhz DirectX: 12.0. 12 Ultimate OpenGL: 4.6. 4.6 Max TDP: 80 W. 165 W Are there a lot of Adobe users buying old generations of Quadro processors for their laptops? And is there any chance that switching to the Studio drivers for this will make a difference?
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Jan 01, 2024
04:30 AM
As the original post says - the GPU is essentially 100% busy the entire time. As it also is on the laptop. The only difference is that the laptop appears to execute Denoise a whole lot faster than the far newer, far faster desktop. I've tried several files on the laptop, including 1 full-sized Alpha 1 RAW, and even that 51 megapixel image only took 42 seconds. On the desktop, the same image was 4:20, about six times as long...
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Dec 31, 2023
07:08 PM
I have no idea how to point y'all at the discussion, but it's "Lightroom Denoise is Remarkably slow" in THIS forum. It may have been that one that got dozens of replies with "just like everybody else that's complaining about Denoise, you need a faster CPU", OR it may have been one of the other ones I found........ In general, if I can find a clue ANYWHERE, I'd rather do that than have to ask a question in here. Not that y'all aren't great, but my questions are usually small things that are annoyances rather than disasters. But, other than the sidetrip, does anybody have a useful idea why a 4-year-old, midrange laptop is running Denoise 8 TIMES faster than my desktop? Is there something magical about an elderly Radeon RTX 3000 from 2019 that it can do Denoise faster than an NVidia 4060? That would be depressing...
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Dec 31, 2023
02:12 PM
This came up because I need to do a presentation on some of the new tools in a week, and wanted to make sure the laptop was up to the challenge of doing Denoise and Gen Fill and Gen Expand and so on. I found an old discussion from April where the answer kept being "get a faster CPU". In my case, the faster CPU takes longer, and neither computer is even using the cpu for Denoise. Desktop is i9-12900, 64GB, NVidia 4060 Ti 8GB, laptop is a 4-year old Dell 7740 with an i9-9880, 64GB, and a Radeon RTX 3000 6GB. Both systems are Windows 11 Pro running 23H2. Both systems have a 25GB cache and everything is living on NVMe SSDs on both systems. Same image on both systems, in the same LR catalog (copied the whole catalog from desktop to laptop.) Image is from an Alpha 1 in crop sensor mode, so it's about 20 megapixels. Small. I ran LR Denoise on the image on the desktop. It consistently takes 1:53 +/- about 2 seconds - close to 2 minutes. I ran LR Denoise on the image on the laptop. It consistently takes 15 seconds +/- about 2 seconds. The results from both look the same and while processing both systems ACT the same. On the desktop the GPU goes to 94-98% busy for the entire time and the CPU sits at around 3%. On the laptop the GPU goes to 95-99% busy and the CPU sits at around 5-6% the entire time. On the desktop I turned OFF the GPU, restarted and got a popup telling me things would faster if I turned the GPU on, and I pressed CANCEL! Ran Denoise on the desktop and the GPU STILL went to 95-98% busy. Everything else in Lightroom (and Photoshop) that I've tried that takes long enough to measure is considerably faster on the desktop - Generative fill doing the same thing on the same image is always 30-40% faster on the desktop. LR Photo Merge is faster on the desktop. LR Select Subject (mask) is 3.1 +/- .2 on the desktop with the GPU OFF, and 5.3 +/- .2 on the laptop. With the GPU ON and Lightroom restarted, the Select Subject is about 1.4 seconds, so significantly faster, as is my pereception of most things when I do a gross comparison of desktop to laptop. The one anomoly is Denoise speed.
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Dec 19, 2023
04:11 AM
If somebody high up on the food chain at Adobe has a strong personal affinity for the new histogram, is there any reason they (Adobe) can't just give us a switch to go between the V12 histogram - which was pretty good - and the V13 histogram - which was pretty awful and is now slightly less awful, but still not as good as the old one. Simple option in the preferences... I understand that every time a new version comes out Adobe has to change stuff that was working fine for years. Sometimes, it's an actual improvement, but sometimes it "breaks" something that's been fine for a decade...
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Dec 16, 2023
06:00 PM
Yours shows Photoshop... Mine didn't. Not a problem any more. I just need to make sure NEVER to hit the update later button again.
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