‎Dec 16, 2023
04:45 PM
This is what I got before doing the repair... I don't know how this compares to your "Updates" section.
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‎Dec 16, 2023
03:35 PM
Thanks... The Uninstall/Repair worked. BTW: In my "Updates" section, it doesn't even SHOW Photoshop. And there's NO "Scheduled updates" anywhere that I can see. Either our screens are very different, or I'm missing it.
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‎Dec 16, 2023
09:58 AM
Nope... That relaunches it, but it still thinks there an update that's going to be done someday.......... System has even been rebooted, CC STILL wants to do an update on Photoshop eventually. There HAS to be SOME way to tell it "DO IT NOW" while I have Photoshop turned off...
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‎Dec 16, 2023
04:18 AM
Windows 11 Pro, Creative Cloud. Photoshop 25.2.0 Yesterday, CC said there was a Photoshop update. I tried to do the update but Photoshop was running and it complained. I shut DOWN Photoshop, but it STILL wouldn't do the update, and after a few tries, I accidentally hit the "Update Later" button. I'm not sure how much "later" is in Creative Cloud's world, but it's been overnight and it STILL says it's waiting to update. HOW do I turn this OFF so I can MAKE it update NOW?
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‎Dec 13, 2023
06:26 AM
Sorry, back to flogging the dead horse.............. I'm on Windows, so I need to edit the translation file. I'm looking at the translation file that's in resources/en. I'm using the translation file in resources/es as a source to try to find the current key 'cause the english file doesn't have anything. I'd like to do 2 things. I'd like to STOP having the "z" key do "ToggleZoomView" and have it do EITHER "NextPhoto" (preferrable) OR SetPick/Flagged. When I press the z I want to go to the next image, just like it does when I press "x" to reject an image. I don't care if the image is flagged or not, I just want hitting z to go to the next image. If I CAN'T have ctrl+0 do a "fit" on the image, can I at LEAST have it do a ToggleZoomView? SOMETHING other than toggling the #$%^&* histogram on and off. This is what's in the Spanish translation file "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/View/ToggleZoomView/Key=z" "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Photo/SetPick/Flagged/Key=p" Can somebody explain why I CAN'T do "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/View/ToggleZoomView/Key=Crtl+0" "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Photo/SetPick/Flagged/Key=z" Are all these things locked somehow, or what IS going on?
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‎Dec 12, 2023
08:08 AM
1 Upvote
Then I'm not understanding what's needed 'cause this request has been out there for a VERY long time, and I've never been able to do it. So, exactly HOW do I assign ctrl/0 to have the image "fit", regardless of the current magnification, in Lightroom? In Windows 11. Think in terms of "Lightroom for Dummies"...
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‎Dec 12, 2023
05:11 AM
1 Upvote
Interesting, but doesn't cover the a big Lightroom PITA - ctrl/0 toggles the histogram in both the library and develop module. I can't recall the number of times I've wanted to "fit" the current image in the available space and hit ctrl/0 as in Photoshop and other tools. Why Lightroom decided not to follow the already existing Adobe custom I have no idea, but so far I've been unable to find anything that would enable me to correct this #$%^&* decision.
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‎Nov 25, 2023
04:03 PM
I don't have any abnormal plugins that I know of. I've never gotten a popup during shutdown. And shutdown appears to be normal. It very quickly closes the open version of Lightroom. It's from then on that things compost.
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‎Nov 25, 2023
07:55 AM
I don't think this is a bug, but it's definitely an annoyance. LRC 13.0.1, but this started before V13... Windows 11 Pro, i9-12900, 64GB memory, EVERYTHING on SSDs. Lightroom starts fine - it's not "fast", but it's not any worse than it's always been. But SWITCHING catalogs takes much longer than in older versions. Going into File>Open Recent to switch from the culling catalog (stuff captured while traveling that gets culled before importing) to the Images catalog, or going the other direction at best takes around 30 seconds if I go back and forth several times, to never in some cases. Without going back and forth several times to test, I'd say it can easily take a minute or more to switch catalogs. Sometimes, the "from" catalog goes away, and the "to" catalog just never starts. The average is definitely slow enough to wonder if it's going to come up. Shutting down and restarting is sort-of, marginally faster, but when I do that - exit from the current catalog, go down and click LRC to get to the "choose catalog" popup, I frequently get the hourglass for 10 or so seconds, then it goes away but NO catalog opens. Usually after 2 or 3 times it opens the choose screen. I don't know if it's got a huge amount of resources to release (or grab), or if the lock file doesn't want to go away, or what. As I said earlier, EVERYTHING is on SSDs - catalogs, cache, temp stuff are all on NVME SSDs, and all the images are on a fast 8TB SATA SSD. Is there ANYTHING in the preferences or catalog settings or some system setting(s), that can cause it to take so long to switch catalogs?
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‎Nov 19, 2023
06:13 PM
I wound up using a mask. But ctrl+z doesn't help in this case. IF I used the Erase, I'd be moving around and erasing areas. I DON'T want to undo the whole stroke, just be able to do something like hold down alt and be able to go over a small piece of the erased area and UNerase just that little bit. I know there's always a half dozen ways to do things in Photoshop, I was hoping this was one where I could easily erase and clean up any small errors with the same tool. I'll use the mask and brush tool.
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‎Nov 18, 2023
05:11 PM
Windows 11 Pro, Photoshop 25.1.0 This HAS to be something dumb I'm missing... I looked at the "how to use" and some other topics with a similar question, and I'm still not sure... I have a background layer with an image on it. I put another layer above it and want to erase small, detailed, irregular areas so the lower layer shows through.... Eraser tool, right? In all the years of doing this I'd just take the eraser and erase what I needed. But THIS time, it's irregular and fiddly enough that I need to UNERASE where I've made errors. I tried holding Alt while using the eraser but that doesn't work. I put a mask on the upper layer and used the regular brush tool to paint black on the mask to show through and white where I needed to correct my erasing. That pretty much works. BUT, it SEEMS to me that I should be able to do an erase and an unerase using the Eraser tool or SOMETHING. Am I wrong, and the best way to do fiddly stuff is just to use the regular brush on the mask?
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‎Nov 05, 2023
10:01 AM
I just spent the last week watching the Photoshop Summit, so I took my image over there and tried a similar thing. You may be right 'cause in PS I can select a bunch of different objects THEN drop them into a mask... I THINK I'm so used to using the brush in Lightroom, where I can brush, then brush, then brush something else, and ALL of them are in 1 brush. I keep trying to do more stuff in Lightroom rather than Photoshop, but this seems like a deficiency in the Lightroom masking.
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‎Nov 05, 2023
07:46 AM
Windows PC, LRC 13. I want to select an area in an image. Select subject (or background or sky) doesn't do it. Select Object does a good job if I just select a small section of what I want. Now I want to ADD to my object selection to get more of my "subject", and another one and another one. I may want to get 4 or 5 different selections into my object and have it in the mask... HOW do I create the other objects WITHOUT having to LEAVE my place in the image, go all the way up to the top right, press Add AGAIN, go all the way back, do the selection, then repeat this every time? I don't care if each selection is a separate Object (if it has to be), I just don't want to have to keep going back and forth and hitting Add over and over to create another of the same type of selection. I thought I saw a presentation where the person created 8 or 9 objects in the mask and I don't recall ever seeing him go all the way up and hit Add every time - is there a keyboard shortcut I can't find, am I doing something wrong with how I'm doing the selection, or is this just a Lightroom limitation?
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‎Oct 31, 2023
05:07 AM
I've been using V13 since it got released, and until this morning it didn't hit me how unproductive the new histogram is. Previously, I just shrugged and lumped it in with the "Well, they've gotta change SOMETHING every time, even if it makes a usable tool less useful. This time it was the histogram" It's sometimes a bit frustrating that LR has changes that have been requested for years, and ignored, instead spending time on things like this... Even having been one, I sometimes can't figure out what went through some designer/developer's mind when they decided a change like this was a good idea.
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‎Oct 22, 2023
05:38 PM
I gave up on this one a while ago... It looks like we're doomed to forever hit Ctrl/0 to change to "Fit" like it works in Photoshop, and we'll continue to have the histogram come and go in Lightroom... The lack of ability to customize shortcuts after so many years is unfortunate.
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‎Oct 20, 2023
06:41 AM
That's my thinking too. Realistically, it won't be possible to prevent AI usage without stringent verification. I believe it's already happening in competitions. I'll recommend that the local rules be changed to ban generative AI where user-initiated prompts (generally descriptive text) generate the work or any component thereof. I expect the recommendation will be ignored.
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‎Oct 19, 2023
07:06 AM
1 Upvote
Yeah, I read both of those........ Unfortunately, from every competition rule set I've looked at, from local clubs to regional and national, even CAPA in Canada, it means all generative fill, generative AI are banned, and some even won't allow things like content-aware fill and the equivalent. I suspect the new Remove will fall into that too.
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‎Oct 18, 2023
05:22 PM
shahbaz, can you provide a link to any documentation from Adobe that will state definitively whether or not generative fill without a text prompt will or will NOT restrict itself to pixels in the current image?
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‎Oct 18, 2023
06:31 AM
What does "upvoting" a post do? I keep getting email that people are upvoting this topic, but after 24 hours there's no response...
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‎Oct 17, 2023
05:53 PM
Photoshop 2024... I'm thinking this has been asked, but I don't see it anywhere... Now that generative fill is no longer beta, if I use it to fill an area of an image without using a text prompt, does it restrict itself to source pixels in the image? Or does it grab pixels from other images that aren't mine? Or create them from nothing? Same question for the generative expand - does it restrict itself to the image for source pixels?
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‎Sep 05, 2023
07:47 AM
1 Upvote
I was on 12.4, not 12.5. What I believe I was seeing: Take .ARW and run enhance. ARW file is still there. A .dng with the enhancement showed in the catalog and in the folder. There was another file (a dng I believe) that was in the folder, but NOT in the catalog. I believe it was a dng with the original imensions. But, in the meantime, I updated the Adobe software, so I AM now on 12.5, and when I run the Enhance I'm NOT getting an extra file in the folder but not in the catalog. I get 1 file that's in the catalog. So, synchronize on a folder is back to running in a couple seconds. I'm not sure if I'm completely WRONG about what I think I was seeing (though the synchronize definitely didn't work), or if I WAS seeing it and it's changed in 12.5. Either way, thanks for your time, and if I can ever get one of the computers to do it again, I'll grab all the files and send them.
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‎Sep 04, 2023
04:20 PM
Another photoclub year starting, and I need to make prints again… And I STILL have no profiles in Lightroom, OTHER THAN the Epson Stylus Pro 3880_3885_3890 PremiumLustrePhotoPaper one. I went rummaging for anything on Lightroom not having printer profiles and found an old discussion somewhere that claimed Lightroom was too dumb to figure out when profiles were added - which seems unlikely - but their solution was to copy everything from the drivers folder under Spool to the Lightroom Color Profiles folder. That is working at the moment... Which is good 'cause I'm already tired of having to send everything to Photoshop to print!
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‎Sep 04, 2023
07:53 AM
Windows 11 Pro, Lightroom 12.5 This has been happening for a while, but I have to do it rarely so it's not usually a problem... Take a RAW image (in my case a Sony ARW) and do Enhance to upscale it 2X. I now have a new, enhanced DNG file, but there's ALSO another DNG sitting in the folder from the Enhance. Do Synchronize folder and Lightroom just sits. I get a partial progress circle, and sometimes and hourglass, but it never appears to finish - with any other file in the folder there would be immediate thumbnails flashing on and off and the sync would finish in a couple seconds. Eventually, I hit Cancel several times and shut down Lightroom. I found the old topic from 2020 with the same complaint, and the only thing that came out of there was to reset the preferences which causes WAY too much having to redo things. Does anyone have an idea OTHER than nuking the preferences? Currently, I've been Importing the folder since THAT works, but the Synchronize doesn't appear to like enhanced images.
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‎Aug 29, 2023
04:18 PM
It has some advantages... It separates the previews from the real catalog from the Incoming stuff where there's a LOT of 1:1 preview generation and fiddling while doing culling. And when there's nothing in that catalog, I can blow away the previews file and everything is clean for the next import. It also makes it automatic to send the good images to the backup when I import them into the real catalog. It was always pretty painless, except for losing stacks, when I used it, but I kept reading "you should only have 1 catalog", so I tried it. When you get home from traveling and import your catalog into the main system, can you import a SINGLE folder into the main catalog or do you have to import the WHOLE catalog every time?
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‎Aug 29, 2023
04:09 PM
Yes, I SAW the post HERE, which essentially say - "No, you CAN'T have it stay where you put it until you move it again." I was HOPING there was ANOTHER post from him that showed how to make it PERMANENTLY stay where you put it.
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‎Aug 29, 2023
04:06 AM
In the end I concluded that the simplest solution is probably the best. I went back to having 2 catalogs. One for "good" images that have been culled, and one for Incoming images. It would be nice if there was a way to import from one catalog to another, so all the stuff that's catalog-only and not persistent in the metadata would get moved too, but I haven't found a way to do that.
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‎Aug 29, 2023
04:01 AM
1 Upvote
A pointer to the relevant post would be useful. And yes, the more time that goes on, the bigger PITA this thing has become.
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‎Aug 22, 2023
04:57 PM
Thanks. I'll take a look at the plug-in. If that doesn't work as hoped, I'll just blow away the previews. I know this is how we've always had to do cleanup in Lightroom, but it always seems like swatting a fly with a sledge hammer. After this many years, and versions, it seems like there would be a more elegant method of managing the catalog data.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
07:06 PM
Mostly I'm conerned about how much unnecessary, inefficient junk is being left sitting around. If the answer is NONE, then yeah, shove more hardware. But if there's a lot of stuff that can be cleaned up WITHOUT nuking the whole catalog of previews, I'd prefer to do that.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
04:59 PM
Thanks for the replies... Yes, as the original topic said, I DID the Delete 1:1 previews AND Delete Smart Previews. Those are all gone presuming the deletes worked. The catalog gets optimized every time I back it up, which is weekly. I'm not sure how thorough it is either. If the only answer is to blow away the whole previews when it get unwieldy and rebuild it, I'll probably go back to a separate catalog for incoming images. Only the "good" images ever got imported into the actual catalog and I didn't see the rapid growth. And when there were no images waiting for culling, I could delete the previews file on the Incoming catalog and it was clean.
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