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Adobe® Developments in Focus. Get the latest news & reviews, tips & tutorials, deals & discounts – and free books! Official Adobe partners since 2009.
‎Jan 18, 2012
10:36 AM
macuser88 wrote: Adobe’s worldÂwide upgrade policy was set to change after DecemÂber 31, 2011. That's not correct -- their upgrade policy was not set to change on December 31, 2011 - the policy would change only when CS6 comes out, for upgrades at that time. Adobe would have no way of definitively knowing when a customer purchased or upgraded to Creative Suite 5.5, so there could be no earlier cutoff. The only thing that was set to expire on 12/31/2011 was the additional 20% discount on upgrades to CS5.5 - but towards the end of December that offer was extended. The difference now is that owning CS5 or CS5.5 is no longer a requirement to get future upgrade pricing to CS6, at least though the end of 2012. So that December 31, 2011 date was a misunderstanding on significance, but to be fair, Adobe's communication on the issue was sparse and complex enough to be misread.
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‎Jan 16, 2012
02:46 PM
Chat should take no more than 5-10 minutes, but of course you're welcome to refuse the advice.
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‎Jan 16, 2012
01:41 PM
We can tell you there was no intention of "bait and switch," it was just an unanticipated turnaround on Adobe's part in response to customer feedback. Sounds like you'd rather they didn't improve the previous policy. For any issue, please contact Adobe customer service via Live Online Chat, or on 800-833-6687, or on Twitter @Adobe_Care. They are pretty busy so you may have to be patient, but chat is probably the fastest/easiest and we have commenters on our site who've had success.
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‎Jan 13, 2012
02:25 PM
Paul, please contact Adobe Customer Support with the issue on 800-833-6687, or on Twitter @Adobe_Care
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‎Jan 12, 2012
12:10 PM
Hi Funnels, we would suggest contacting Adobe Customer Support with the issue on 800-833-6687, or on Twitter @Adobe_Care Also keep in mind that with Adobe's tiered upgrade pricing, future upgrades should cost significantly less for you with CS5.5 than customers with older versions.
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‎Jan 11, 2012
12:09 PM
Hey John, actually there should be a refund available under regular policy for purchases within the past 30 days - that's normal. Also don't forget their tiered upgrade pricing whereby customers on more recent versions will pay less to upgrade to CS6 than those on older versions - meaning any outlay to get to CS5.5 would not be wasted but rather stepped closer.
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‎Jan 11, 2012
11:33 AM
John, Gordon, AFAIK Adobe hasn't said anything particular about that today, but generally-speaking the company does have a money-back Refund and Return Policy (even if you bought from elsewhere), if that's something you wanted to consider.
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‎Jan 11, 2012
09:59 AM
Some significant news just out that should make older customers happy on this topic Adobe Listens, Postpones Changes to CS6 Upgrade Policy — CS3 & CS4 on Track So good news as it should be returning now to the previous plan for the rest of this year.
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‎Jan 11, 2012
09:53 AM
Some breaking (good) news - Adobe listened Adobe Defers Changes to CS6 Upgrade Policy, Offers Upgrades for CS3 & CS4
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‎Nov 22, 2011
07:56 PM
Interesting, some folks in our new poll on the policy were saying basically the same thing... It might have been better received if Adobe provided for a transition period, or perhaps more notice, or maybe even a phased approach of with "2 versions back" as a middle step for CS6. (BTW, feel free to participate and express your views on the new model if you like, either positive or negative - we will be sharing the results directly back with Adobe.)
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‎Nov 13, 2011
07:31 PM
Mike_Edel wrote: Adobe already changed their release cycle to a .5 increment every 12 months. We'll have to see if that means you have to have CS6 to upgrade to CS6.5 in May 2013. Fortunately not – Adobe's new upgrade policy deals only with major versions of the software (every two years)... So 5 and 5.5 are considered "the latest version," and will be one version back from 6 (and 6.5), and eligible for upgrade discounts until 7.
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‎Nov 12, 2011
08:59 AM
Yes, that's correct - though it may be new to some folks because for several years it was "three versions back"... But Adobe's upgrade policy has just changed.
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‎Aug 24, 2010
12:54 PM
tekwrite1955 wrote: Well it SAYS I need to login to download but I AM logged in and it does not allow me to! Hi, that kind of thing is not uncommon and typically means something has gotten crossed up with the login and session cookies that Adobe sets - and it’s solved by clearing the cookies & cache on your browser and restarting, or trying a different browser, or sometimes trying a different computer and/or Internet connection. If that still doesn't solve it, some have also had success by logging out, creating a new Adobe account ID, and following the steps one more time. Hope this helps!
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‎May 28, 2010
12:40 PM
Hi John, the continued snarkiness maybe isn't so attractive, and perhaps this dialogue is less than interesting or relevant for the good folks here... I see no point in retreading what I just said so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree - but please know that in over one year of running our site, your missive is the very first of its kind and is vastly outnumbered by scores of positive comments and feedback. If I took an hour I could put together pages of it, but I think people here would rather see this conversation wrap up. What's interesting is that earlier on up in this thread there was another odd exchange between posters - maybe there's something in the bits here.
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‎May 28, 2010
10:04 AM
Hi John, I'm sorry you feel that way. In fact, there are two posts above in this very thread that don't "plug" anything, if you just scroll up a little... We're trying to fill a need here with the site and if you don't agree that's certainly your prerogative. But I can assure you there are many, many, many other folks who have been grateful for the help, downloads, answers, videos, savings, insights, and other assistance that we've been providing, and their comments on the blog speak for themselves. Further, if you ask longtime Forum leaders like Bill Hunt and others about how helpful we've been here over the past three months, you'll get a very different and much more positive reaction... (e.g., here and here and here) And last week Adobe's VP of Engineering for the Creative Suite sent a surprise personal note, "I appreciate all you are doing to improve the experience for CS5 customers." Adobe is a big company and sometimes they cannot easily move with the speed and nimbleness of a smaller site to address and answer emerging customer service needs and questions. If there's one issue, it's that it takes a lot of time and research to put together our content and it's far easier to refer interested readers to our site, than to carefully recreate a new and complete article local to Adobe Forums that duplicates the content. I can understand how that might seem like an issue - so once again, my apologies if you're unhappy. Fortunately, it seems there are many others who have benefited. Be well and have a good weekend.
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‎May 28, 2010
06:09 AM
genphotosaz wrote: Well are we getting close to the actual release date. Anyone heard anything Might be a good time for an update on this, as it could be just around the corner now... http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-lightroom-3-release-date-looking-soon.html Possibly within a matter of weeks.
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‎May 19, 2010
08:42 PM
Actually the official, authentic Adobe CS4 free trial downloads remain available for all products and platforms (Windows/Mac) if needed, it's just a matter of finding the proper places to look on Adobe's servers.
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‎Apr 09, 2010
01:20 PM
I hear you Bill, and although I don't know for sure, I don't think it was deliberate on Adobe's part... I just think it was the crush of CS5. After CS4 got released into the teeth of an economic maelstrom in 2008, Adobe probably wanted to marshal all available resources and bandwidth to help ensure CS5 was a smashing success... For the last major product cycle, it was Lightroom 2 that got released just ahead of CS4, so there it happened to work out the other way around. The good news here is we have two betas now for LR3 so a pretty good idea of what will be coming down the pike in (hopefully) another couple months.
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‎Apr 08, 2010
04:02 PM
1 Upvote
‎Apr 08, 2010
04:02 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, you make a good point. I figured out the separation/clarification between what's buzzing now and what's formally coming Monday, but certainly it wouldn't hurt if Adobe put a link to the Buzz/videos site on the Launch page, sort of a change-of-address forwarding link if you like.
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‎Apr 08, 2010
01:56 PM
I think the change might have been intentional to let folks know what to expect on Monday as far as speakers and topics... and they aren't clickable yet because it's a future schedule... As far as the preview videos for various products and sneaks, I believe they are all still available and moved to "The CS Buzz Hub" http://bit.ly/CSbuzz Looks like they are up to two dozen videos there now. UPDATE - I just received this in my email so I think what I said about the two sites (Buzz and Launch) is correct:
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‎Apr 04, 2010
09:26 AM
Hmm, OK, well if you've already installed the trial once and don't have another system, that could be trickier... Adobe's "grace period" offer is not widely publicized but is officially called the "post-announce upgrade policy" and requires working directly with Adobe Customer Service. http://bit.ly/9xYI9p One thing I don't know is whether if you do a new download for a somewhat different product, if you can get a new trial on the same computer... For example, if you trialed CS4 Design Standard last time, maybe you could still try out Design Premium and get a new 30 days? It's a good question.
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‎Apr 04, 2010
08:48 AM
How about this as a possibility? You could download and install the trial for CS4 now which would run for 30 days free/fully-functional, by which point CS5 would arguably be close to being released and you would hopefully be in the "grace period" to buy CS4 (convert the trial) and get a free upgrade to CS5 when it ships. This of course presumes that Adobe continues the grace period policy and you can get it. Another possible benefit is you could move forward now with the more "mature" codebase of CS4 and then upgrade later to CS5 at your leisure. Worst case is you have CS4 now within the financial year budgeting you want. Anyway, just an idea!
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‎Apr 01, 2010
02:36 PM
Today for planning purposes we completed an analysis on possible timeframes for availability of CS5 in different segments and geographies... We had been reading all kinds of guesstimates, some theorizing as late as October, so thought we'd try to lend some clarity. It's here if you might find it useful. Adobe CS5 Launches April 12th: When Will it Ship?
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‎Mar 27, 2010
01:14 PM
Wanted to follow up - just completed a full and fresh analysis on this question (details here if you're interested)... Our best estimate on the release date for Lightroom version 3.0 is shipping in June.
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‎Mar 24, 2010
10:47 AM
For CS5 on that date April 12th, I think it's safe to expect not a public beta, but rather the announcement of all the features plus the general availability of the full version (in English) within the following 1-2 months. With any luck, it should work similarly to how it did with CS4, and CS3 before it. Lightroom is on a different release schedule so I don't think it will coincide... But the new beta for LR3 means we probably won't be seeing the final version of that for a bit, I'm guessing until once the CS5 dust settles. On the plus side, this means more time to make a greater LR3 release!
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‎Mar 23, 2010
05:14 PM
Relevant followup news, just out! Adobe CS5 Global Launch will be April 12th
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‎Mar 22, 2010
12:24 PM
If you hadn't seen, CF Builder is also available for free if you qualify... Just wrote about it, and from checking the terms I believe it extends internationally as well. http://prodesigntools.com/new-flash-builder-4-coldfusion-builder-get-them-free.html
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‎Mar 22, 2010
08:45 AM
Regarding the Student Editions, there's a good FAQ that covers things like what happens after one graduates, using educational software for commercial projects, and differences between North America and International, etc. http://bit.ly/byG0p6 Regarding the question of grace periods, everybody's wondering the same thing... Adobe has done it in the past but you needed to contact Customer Service about it and the parameters were somewhat variable depending on the version and time of purchase, so 'your mileage could vary.' We're trying to find out if/whether there will be a similar policy with CS5 (expected soon now http://bit.ly/9mj4sV), whereby if you buy CS4 after the announcement of CS5 (but before it ships), you would get to download CS4 immediately and then a free upgrade to CS5 later once it ships... If so, an upgrader could possibly have the best of both worlds. Will be following the story closely and post word on our blog once we get clarification.
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‎Mar 13, 2010
09:37 AM
LOL - good one, and good point... Well at this point 'following the crumbs' and clues is the best we can do, so might as well have fun with it right?
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‎Mar 13, 2010
09:07 AM
JimHess is right - anybody who definitively knows is likely under nondisclosure obligation... One anecdotal approach would be to go based on release history. Lightroom 1 and Lightroom 2 came about a year and a half apart... Also the releases of the first two versions of Apple Aperture were similarly timed, and close to the windows when Lightroom came out. And now we have recent availability of Aperture 3 - so if that is any indication, we might look for a launch of Lightroom 3 sometime later this year... My guess is Adobe would want to stay in close version lockstep with Aperture. And in such event, hopefully Adobe would keep the Lightroom version upgrade price at $99 or less, so that recent buyers could move from 2.x to 3.0 without too much additional outlay.
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