Okay, I am innocently working (day and night practically every day) on my InDesign Project. Once in awhile, I do something 'radical' (lol) like inserting a new page and the blue circle, whatever that is called, starts rotating and does not stop. I cannot do anything in InDesign once this occurs as the program is either apparently crashed (but no error message is given) or it is maybe "thinking" and gets lost in thought! My PC task manager shows no problem with: "InDesign CC 2018(15) is working with 34%cpu, 33%memory, 0% disk, and 3% gpu." Are these numbers okay? I am not sure what the (15) means. What should I do when this happens? Should I wait a few hours for the program to regain composure? Or should I end the task in PC Task Manager? Should I reboot my PC? Is this an indication of a serious problem?
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