Roland Kahlenberg
Valorous Hero
Roland Kahlenberg
Valorous Hero
‎Jul 29, 2024
11:17 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks Dacia! Please also note the issue with the Zoom Bar having its own mind occurs regardless of the Zoom Level and where it iis placed when the Timeline leaves Full Screen Mode.
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‎Jul 29, 2024
09:34 AM
Thanks for looking into this, Jenk. Hopefully, the screen recording shows the issue more clearly. The Timeline Zoom Bar resets itself to the start and it also resets to a predefined duration.
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‎Jul 29, 2024
08:09 AM
Managed to repro - 1) Set Timeline Zoom Bar (that stretchy thin bar at the top of the Timeline) to your preferred time position and zoom level. 2) Toggle Timeline to Full Screen 3) Toggle Timeline back to non-Full Screen. Notice the Timeline Zoom Bar has moved to the start of the Timeline - away from when you had set it, just before going Full Screen. Grrrrrrrrrrr!
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‎Jul 28, 2024
08:45 PM
Timeline Context - Time Bar at top of Timeline auto-resets. WHY??? It seems to reset after a render and/or switching between AE and other apps. Each day, I have to reset it for every come about 100 times; once for every comp in an AEP and for each time AE does this, all comps are affected. It's insane or at least it's driving me up the wall, ceiling, down and then back up again. I'm hopeful this is an easy fix.
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‎Jul 26, 2024
05:48 PM
Ah. Sorry Warren, I was too quick on the Autoreply button. 😉
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‎Jul 26, 2024
10:38 AM
You obviously do not understand what AUTOMATED means. There is only one meaning to AUTOMATED. Going to PPro and then back IS NOT AUTOMATED.
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‎Jul 26, 2024
05:37 AM
Yes, please. An/The Auto Reframe feature in AE will be very good for automated workflows within AE.For short-form work, being able to apply Auto-reframe will allow for much quicker and automated workflows.
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‎Jul 14, 2024
11:32 PM
Hi @Douglas_Waterfall thanks for the reply. I understand what you're alluding to and what you are alluding is having multiple text styles within a single Text Layer and this also holds true for Paragraph Alignment. However, my BR was on incorrect/ambiguous/wrong/uneable information displayed in the Leading Value/Drop Menu Box for a Text Layer with a SINGLE leading setting. This setting can be set while no text is selected or via Expression. It actually goes a lot deeper than cosmetics too because when I want to apply a non-linear relatinoship between Font Size and Leading Size, there is no way to know of the result. Even with a linear relationship between Font Size and Leading Size, it's still an issue because there is no way to read the actual Leading Size. I safely assume more users will hit this conundrum when more users start messing about with setting Leading via Expressions. So, again thanks for taking a look but please look at the precise and, IMO, quite an oft-used issue.
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‎Jul 13, 2024
09:17 PM
@Douglas_Waterfall Thanks for the reply. Here's the rundown - 1 - When selecting a Text Layer in the Timeline/Comp, the Character Panel's Text Style Values update to show values in context to the selected Text Layer. 2 - This is true for all Text Style Values except Leading which reverts to displaying Auto. Steps to Reproduce - 1- Create new Text Layer A - mess about with the settings, especially Leading; setting it to a value other than Auto. 2 - Create new Text Layer B - mess about with the settings, set Leading to Auto. 3 - Select Text Layer A - you can/should see its Leading display is Auto and not the value you set in Step 1. Are you able to repro this? TIA
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‎Jul 13, 2024
12:57 AM
This issue has been around for ages. The value shown also shows Auto Leading as being selected even when it isn't. This issue MAY be brought about by Text Styling Expressions that affect Leading Values even in unrelated projects/comps.
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‎Jul 10, 2024
04:02 AM
Hi Wally, I didn't take a look at the AEP you attached in your earlier post. I only replied to the post cos I saw your DM which isn't a good thing cos I don't usually open my DMs here - so, you got a little lucky. 🙂 On your Error Message, I suggest you start a new Thread/Post specifically for this issue. In PPro, an editor will be able to drag and drop clips from YOUR Timeline into theirs. The benefit with this workflows is that the sequence of clips is clearly defined in your Timeline and the editor only needs to ensure they follow this sequence and only replace/update clips they are required to update. The PPro solution is best solved with discussion and perhaps a bit of trial and error to get to the best option for the editor. Your solution, after all, should be the best pipeline for the editor and they are the best ones to decide. To make your AeMoGRT available in the PProj, you run through PPro's Project Manager to save the PProj file and the assets associated with the Timeline/Sequence. This will ensure the aemogrt file goes along for the ride. On sizing your preComp, you should decide if this nested comp has to be HD1080 or perhaps it's best to size the comp at 500x100. A lot depends on the aspect ratio and size of assets that will replace the existing content. There is an AeScript that crops based on alpha edges - Depending on the size of the assets, the comp and the layout in the 'Final Comp' you can create Expressions in the preComp to auto-resize and auto-position - sort of like how the MoGRT Media Replacement feature works except that you can also solve for position such that the desired placement of the Anchor Point after its been nested is solved in the preComp. So, size is one thing but the placement of the asset in the preComp is also critical when you're looking at automated workflows/solutions. HTH
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‎Jul 09, 2024
09:45 AM
The Animoplex Youtube Channel has a very thorough and well-structured series on AE Expressions.
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‎Jul 07, 2024
10:09 AM
Sorry Wally, but I'm not able to follow the issue. One option I like is to use PProj files which include the pre-Rendered Movies as well as MoGRTs. So, in essence, your solution works as a PProj instead of just a MoGRT. I find these to be more robust and are more straightforward for editors too. You can embed/include an AeMoGRT as part of the PProj file and then include the preRendered files there. So, see if this is a viable option and if the editors are comfortable working this way. I find AeMoGRT developers get too technical and try to solve everything in AE, with an AeMoGRT, when actually the better (elegant and user/editor-friendly) solution is a PProj file with an embedded AeMoGRT and this is often the case with tricky time-placement involving pre-rendered movies. HTH
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‎Jul 03, 2024
05:34 AM
As Dan has suggested, you need to start your text styling with a "style" syntax. There are only TWO ways you will really use te style syntax - (1) Reference another Text Layer's Style (2) Reference the Current Text Layer's Style. You use "style" when referencing the Current Text Layer. When referencing Another Text Layer's Style, you MUST reference that layer and its style - like this - textStyleFromAnotherLayer = thisComp.layer("HeaderText"); IMPORTANT to take note you have to reference the other layer's attribute, in full. When referencing the Current Text Layer's Style, you do not have to reference text.sourceText UNLESS you want to reference it by changing its text string and this is usually done before declaring the style statement/code. So, in your case, all that is required is - style.setFontSize(50) HTH
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‎Jul 03, 2024
05:11 AM
Trash Preferences. See if this helps.
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‎Jul 03, 2024
05:07 AM
Based on my reasonable understanding of what you wrote and what @mujit87920273 wrote, there seems to be a huge difference and yet you said he wrote exactly what you meant. 😄 Based on what you wrote here - "In other words, when duplicating the sub comps they will remain linked to the first Master page and not a new Master page. " In the Project Panel, you can drag one of the original subComps onto the newly duplicated subcomps. This overrides the duplicated sub-comps' hierarchy; essentially orphans it/them from their Parent-Child Composition hierarchy. And since the original subComps have their own Parent-Child Composition Hierarchy, this relationship is retained. FWIW, when referring to comps via their Parent-Child structures, a Parent Comp is the originating Comp. And a Child Comp is a Parent Comp that is nested into another Comp. The Parent Comp is always the initial/originating Comp since it will be awkward to have a Child Comp creating a Parent Comp - this is contrary to expected Parent-Child relationships. The Parent Comp always brings forth, leads to a Child Comp and cannot be the other way.
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‎Jul 02, 2024
10:43 PM
Thanks @Douglas_Waterfall for the very informative insight. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to take the new text styling tricks for a drive. I have been thinking of these in my head. And I THINK I've managed to get delimeters to work on multiple-lined text strings. Needs more testing and especially so when Text Reflow/Dynamic Text Width is enabled.
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‎Jul 02, 2024
10:05 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for reporting back and great that you've worked it out. Just a couple of notes on writing Readable Code - 1 : Use Variable Names That Explain Themselves - this helps yourself and others who have to edit or learn what you wrote. Distinctive Names are the best. 2: A good indicator, a Rule of Thumb, that you have Readable Code is to look at the last line of code. If you or someone else can quickly understand the logic/process and the variables/properties involved then you've done a good job. 3: Start off each Expression with a Comment that explains the purpose of the code. HTH
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‎Jul 02, 2024
04:48 AM
I've these poltergeist-like Myriad Pro appearances too. 😄 Might be a good idea to have a real font to replace such occurrences. Perhaps have a clearly named, "Adobe-Temp-Font" ; a temp font instead of using an existing font as the temp/replacement, may be a good start for users to know something is amiss and AE KNOWS the issue exists.If a more specific message can be provided then so much better.
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‎Jun 30, 2024
05:53 AM
This looks like one of the preinstalled Text Animation Presets in the Organic Section. You can preview Animation Presets using Adobe Bridge or online -
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‎Jun 25, 2024
09:12 AM
1 Upvote
Since your Data Structure is consistent, I'd look at using a CSV Dataset together with a MoGRT. With this pipeline, you can bypass more work on an AEP and all the Video Editor has to do is to select the updated CSV File in the Essential Graphics Panel, in PPro. So, each editor receives a single MoGRT just once and for each output, a seprate CSV file. Google "premiere pro CSV data-driven" and you should get a few good hits. Adobe Stock has a few Free Data-driven AeMoGRTs which you can look into and play with, to get to grips with how they work and also for testing the workflow - search for Data-driven in the Sdobe Stock/EGP's Browse/Search area. And as suggested earlier, allow for Auto and Manual data input just in case updated data which Auto Mode requires is not available. I usually use a Drop Menu with two selections - (1) Data-Driven (Auto) and (Manual Input). You should also use the Comment Feature in the EGP to place Help Notes. I usually place such Help Notes in an EGP Group so it doesn't clutter the EGP UI. HTH
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‎Jun 22, 2024
11:10 PM
Ooops! It's not working. It's the issue where changing the text.sourceText of a Text Layer Essential Property disables changing Text Styling. If I do not edit text.sourceText for the Text Layer Essential Property then changing fontStyling works. I believe this is a known issue. Is there a workaround or an expected fix to this?
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‎Jun 21, 2024
08:46 PM
1 Upvote
It all begins with understanding the User (newbie/intermediate/advanced and are they Editors in PPro or AE users) and keeping Naming Conventions agnostic so they can be used under different use-cases without requiring manual changes in code. Thirdly, look at using Datasets to commit the input automatically if this can be done. Fourth, when allowing for Automated workflow, always allow for Manual Input as an option; just in case there is an error in the Dataset or the Dataset has not been updated or a new use-case comes up and the template is applicable. You'll also want to look into Design Systems; specifically, at Design Tokens and naming conventions - it's alot about creating naming agnostic conventions. Layer Controls are not supported in the EGP and I doubt they will be since they include ALL layers in a Comp - this will create more problems for users than any expected benefit. There is a script (Create Drop Down from Text) at this URL ( ) that creates a Drop Menu. I've not used it so let us know if you do. So, don't create Drop Downs with actual team names if this has to be updated frequently. It looks nice etc but it also means regular updating. An example of an agnostic name is First Team , Second Team etc. and these can be used to reference a Dataset (JSON, CSV, TSV). If developing for a client they will want specific names. For in-house use, agnostic names should be preferred. HTH PS - If you enjoy developing world class Motion Templates and Toolkits, I have an upcoming Advanced Course. Here is a Youtube Playlist on Responsive & Adaptive MoGraph - Follow me on Twitter/X or LinkedIn for details when the course is launched.
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‎Jun 20, 2024
09:46 PM
Since you've got the Hex Code, use the hexToRGB Expression Function - hexToRgb("#7B8E31")
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‎Jun 20, 2024
07:16 AM
I've not watched the entire video but my thoughts are that with different layers and not just duplicated layers, the distrbution should still work. You have to ensure each layer has the required Expression. What issue(s) did you face when trying out the technique?
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‎Jun 20, 2024
04:01 AM
This tutorial has your solution - HTH
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‎Jun 20, 2024
12:44 AM
Hi Theresa, thanks for the reply. While prepping an AEP for you, I dug in a little deeper. It's a user-error on my part. 😞 In the earlier Nesting Procedure, in the Parent Comp, I had the FontSize Property in the text.sourceText Expression linked to another property. 😄 So, everything works as expected.
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‎Jun 15, 2024
10:19 AM
1 Upvote
Some good info here but perhaps a bit more will be helpful - When talking about Anchor Point and Position values, we are talking about distances or measuring a distance; from Point A to Point B or Start Point to End Point. When measuring distances, much like measuring with a ruler, we require two points of references. IMPORTANT NOTES - Point of Origin - this defines point [0,0] for a Composition and a Layer. When you look at a layer in the composition, you are essentially looking at TWO Coordinate Systems; one for the Composition and the other for the Layer. The Point of Origin is usually used as the Starting Point for calculating distances such as the Anchor Point and Position. Composition Point of Origin - this is at the Top Left Corner of the Composition Window and has a Cartesian Product value of [0,0]. Layer Point of Origin - this differs between the Types of Layers in After Effects BUT they all have a default value of [0,0] - this distinctive [0,0] is a critical characteristic of a Point of Origin. For a Shape Layer, its Point of Origin is at the center of its Rectangular Boundary. For a Solid/PNG/Video/Nested Composition, their Point of Origin is the Top Left corner of their respective Rectangular Boundary. CALCULATING/UNDERSTANDING ANCHOR POINT AND POSITION VALUES Anchor Point Value - this value is derived from its position relative to the layer's Point of Origin. Position Value - this value is derived from its Anchor Point's position relative to the Composition's Point of Origin. In a Parent-Child Hierarchy, the Child Layer's position value is its Anchor Point relative to the Parent Layer's Point of Origin since it now lives in the Parent Layer's space and not Composition Space. HTH
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‎Jun 13, 2024
11:01 AM
On Number of Lines for Paragraph Text, I've always wondered why internally this number is available via the Range Selector when you switch Units from Percentage @ 100% to Character Index but it's been like locked away from Expressions. It'll be great if this (numberOfLines thingy) is accessible via a function/method and directly used within the Start/End Range Selectors in a straightforward manner.
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‎Jun 10, 2024
05:28 AM
Found this tutorial - HTH
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