Roland Kahlenberg
Valorous Hero
Roland Kahlenberg
Valorous Hero
‎Jan 12, 2025
06:52 AM
1 Upvote seems to be the best for captioning - stable, well-supported and it's been around the longest too - On Text Styling of AeMoGRTs, this is a decent tutorial - And this thread has some good examples - I've used the new paragraphing feature in a recently released set of AeMoGRTs - For standard design/typography/layout requirements, you should be able to do a lot of what's usually required. It does get unusually busy in the Source Text property but the Styling Expressions are usually unrelated and shouldn't disaffect other code - just remember to be neat and tidy. 😄
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‎Dec 19, 2024
11:13 PM
1 Upvote
Hmmm ... strange IDEA for sure. But a well-designed AeMoGRT with less compute-intensive components at play can be played back in realtime in PPro. This feature will be useful for previewing AeMoGRTs in the Source Monitor; allowing the user to better engage with the AeMoGRT prior to committing them to the Timeline. I appreciate not all AeMoGRTs will be suitable but the idea to first preview an asset before commiting it to the Timeline is Editing 101. So ... nothing strange here. - just allowing a user the ability to audition/engage with an AeMoGRT will allow them to make better decisions.
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‎Dec 19, 2024
11:04 PM
1 Upvote
MoGRT is a File Format. What you do with it depends on specific use-cases/solution at play. It can be a way of bringing an AE Composition with tons of layer and nested compositions or a Composition with a Single Layer. From a general POV, MoGRTs allow for improved interoperability between AE and PPro. From an end-user's POV, it allows a PPro Editor access to edit AE Assets/Properties. This alone speeds up workflows. All File Formats have limitations and it goes with the MoGRT File Format. File Formats are designed as a conduit to meet the needs of a large set of solutions. MoGRTs actually work exceptionally well in most areas except for the really horrid bugs that have lingered for ages - most if not all have been fixed quite recently. However, that not-made-for-human Text Input Box still bothers me. If you're a seasoned AE user and working mostly alone then using Dynamic Link between AE and PPro is actually a better option under most circumstances except when you're using a MoGRT for access to a template in its file format. For large setups, with lots of editors-only at work, MoGRTs provide exceptional productivity gains and with a very high probability of improvement in output quality if implemented well. I can playback AeMoGRTs in real time in PPro but not so in AE. Of course, this depends on a lot of factors and unique cases but this opens up a lot of possibilities to using AeMoGRTs in PPro. I am in the midst of developing a set of AeMoGRTs that take advantage of this realtime playback capability in PPro. Lots of opportunities/possibilities.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
11:44 PM
We currently have 1 Checkbox but a set of 2 in a row and up to 3 in a row will be good towards making the EGP look more professional and less like an overgrowth. The EGP gets unwiedly tall in PPro. We'll also be able to set up more logical and user-friendly sections/UI within the EGP.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
11:27 AM
1 Upvote
The current workflow with AeMoGRT Development for use in PPro lacks context. It's not uncommon to test out an AeMoGRT in PPro to realize there are shortcomings/issues/essentially something needs adjustment. Current constructs require opening AE separately. Then, one has to search for the specific MoGRT which oftentimes is a PITA. Commit the changes. and then head back to PPro to either replace the updated AeMoGRT if it's got a updated name. It's really cumbersome. So, this FR is looking at being able to select an AeMoGRT in a PPro Timeline, right-clicking and selecting an option to Edit MoGRT in After Effects. When the user returns to PPro and PPro recognizes the AeMoGRT has been updated, PPro prompts the user if they want to replace the AeMoGRT in the Timeline with the updated AeMoGRT; including an option to replace all instances in the Timeline or Project. This will help speed up AeMoGRT DEV while also allowing Power Users in both apps to better leverage the seamless workflow between the two Apps in non-DEV use-cases, aka while actually editing in PPro. PS - the Reveal In Explorer feature in PPro reveals the aegraphic file BUT I want to edit the *.mogrt file - this keeps the DEV files in the same place.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
11:30 PM
You want an Expression but you prompted for a script. Why? This Expression is going to be unnecessarily slow; having to check every layer in the comp. Try this approach for scale -"Wide") ? [100,100] :"english") ? [120,120] :"halfclose") ? [146,146] :"close") ? [175,175] :"superclose") ? [200,200] : [0,0] Take note that the includes method is case sensitive and does not work with Exact Match. Hence, Wider, Widen, makeWide will all provide a True result. HTH
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‎Dec 16, 2024
11:00 PM
An Add Menu is available only within a Text Animator Group and only for its Animator Group and you use the Flyout Menu for the Add to add Text Animator Properties to the Animator Group. To create a Text Animator Group, you MUST use the Animation Flyout Menu. You may also use the Animation Flyout Menu to add additional Text Animator Properties to an existing Text Animator Group BUT you must first select an item within the Text Animator Group - failing to select an item within an existing Text Animator Group will create a new Text Animator Group. Other differences are - You can only add additional Range Selectors and Wiggly and Expression Selectors via the Add Menu - the Animation Flyout Menu only allows you to select Text Animator Properties and perCharacter 3D. I am planning to release a LIVE ONLINE Training on using the Text Tool. This will come after I release my set of Premium AE Text Animations - as AEPs and MoGRTs. Here's a WIP Promo - Let me know if this helps answer your Q and/or if you have more Qs.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
11:18 PM
It will be good to have arguments for All as well as the ability to specify a range of keyframes to be deleted. Current workflow as exceptionally slow. People could die and be reborn while waiting for the process to end, on a large number of layers with lots of keyframes and God forbid if the layers just went through a Convert Expressions to Keyframes routine.
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‎Dec 03, 2024
03:50 AM
I believe the autoFixExpression scripting method solves this but I found a loophole - I think. Before I dive into the rabbit hole, can you share insights into how/what/when autoFixExpression does its thing?
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‎Dec 03, 2024
12:36 AM
1 Upvote
Rick's got a nice solution going. Mine uses Expressions and recalculates almost everything based on the Comp Size. We both deliver what I call a Multi Format MoGRT - a single MoGRT delivering the same design+animation in different Frame Sizes/Formats. For Automated Workflows, you will be looking at AE as the renderer while for on-Demand use, MoGRTs are preferred as they can be used by an Editor/Producer/MarketingExec. For either workflow, you really want to apply Responsive Features to your assets - this is the secret sauce that makes the same design look and move the same with different/dynamic content; which also makes them ideal for automated workflows. Ask any Q you may have. More AE users need to dig into this sort of solutions because Canva and Adobe Express do this very well but lack the higher quality designs and animation that one would expect from AE.
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‎Nov 30, 2024
12:39 AM
It's quite impossible to have a script do this automatically because different people set up their layers and keyframes differently and if expressions are involved then this makes it even more awkward. However, I do have a system - and it's quite robust. So, you can build your own ADAPTIVE TOOL/SYSTEM if you can and others have - not just me. I also teach this in my advanced AE Courses. I actually think I can automate a lot of the processes but there are a few gaps and I've not had any urgency to work further with it then with what I have. On to your Q, it's a lot like Web development - you have options for Full Code, Lo-Code and No-Code. And in terms of Adaptive and even Responsive features, these too are the options you have.
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‎Nov 23, 2024
08:05 PM
Excellent Idea! It's been ages since I messed about with Prefs Text files - those wild and unwieldly days have long been replaced with a firmer desire for stability. 🙂 But for this, I may do a little digging in. I've also been loosely thinking of using the Render Queue which stores useful, related, information - so, write a nifty little script that renders a very small JPG; then deletes the JPG. The motivation is to register the Comp's Accessed date+time in the Render Queue. But also thinking of when to best use it as well as when it becomes pointless using it - these should give a good indication on its worthiness. Thanks again - have a great day. BTW, your name is very familiar 🙂
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‎Nov 01, 2024
06:50 AM
The current, 10, is too few today, especially after you've gone hunting for Project ASDJISOAH#@KFD for the past hour and need to get back to what you were working on earlier this/that/then hour; sometime earlier today. It'd be great if this number can be set in the Prefs Dialog. For me, a nice big dialog showing up to 30-50 AEPs; with their last Time Opened and Time Closed values will be really useful for humanity. It's also the least expensive way to timetravel and I strongly/humbly suggest this is a good way moving forward while being able to judiciously move backward. 😄
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‎Oct 17, 2024
10:51 PM
You did ask about proximity. 🙂 So, yes you can do it with AE's Text Animators. The example you provided requires Affected Characters knowing the relative position of the Effector. And if the Effector is [above, below,noDifference] the Affected Characters will move differently. I've tried this but it's been a while - I'm quite certain I managed to pull it off or at least the Text Animators did do the job. On the example you shared, in AE, I would break up the paragraph into individual lines - quite easy to do with Javascript String Manipulation - single paragraph input and then have each Text Layer/Line grab its text string/line. All the Proximity Code will be identical so this helps simplify the set up too. And it's dangerous to compare with JS Text Tools on the web cos they can do amazing stuff and very quickly too. And of course, per character Rect Boundary, be default is always good to have. And there are Particle Generators in AE that may provide an efficient solution to the sample you shared. A while back, I shared the AEP to the sample I shared. If you want to take a look, I can dig it up and post it on my site.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
07:50 PM
This Reactive Effect uses Text Animators.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
12:21 AM
The sample below was done entirely with Text Animators. I see the new styling features more for non-animation use-cases. There is definitely opportunity to explore creative options in the area for sure. Congrats to the team on getting this out - such a huge task.
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‎Sep 27, 2024
04:02 AM
The Youtube Channel, Animoplex, has a well-structured AE Expressions Course - I recommend it to anyone who's keen to learn AE Expressions. And if you reach a stage where you want to go deeper, I've got a niche Advanced AE Course that uses Advanced Expressions.
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‎Sep 08, 2024
11:12 PM
Hi @Douglas_Waterfall , I keep getting hit with this issue. Any update on your end? Have you been able to repro?
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‎Sep 06, 2024
07:24 PM
It's a pain for sure. What I do is double-click on a property in the EGP - this sends the UI to the property in the Timeline. It's much quicker than right-clicking and then selecting from a displayed list. I'm also surprised scripting doesn't support this because AFAIK you can send props to the EGP via scripting. Perhaps you'll want to get in touch with Alex White of AeViewer and Ae2MoGRT to see if he can look into this, to add it as a feature to his excellent, related, products.
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‎Sep 06, 2024
12:19 AM
The pre-installed Create Nulls from Path script includes a Trace Path feature which is super-useful for creating LIVE Paths. See this quick example - The script creates an Expression in the Position Property. Copy this into the position of the layer you want to be on this path. HTH
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‎Sep 05, 2024
03:22 AM
EGP Context - for Font Size, please replace displayed label, "Size" with Font Size. This seems trivial but gets me so many times and for Video Editors it's an unnecesary source for confusion. It's become a huge pain having to workaround this for occasions when it isn't necessary.
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‎Sep 05, 2024
02:10 AM
Cool! Thanks for sharing. Always good to see the work of others.
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‎Sep 05, 2024
01:34 AM
Go for it! This is a Public Beta - nothing is secret. 🙂 Looking forward to take a look at it. I've been busy with my recently-launched Advanced Responsive MoGRTs course. It's always good to see what others are doing.
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‎Sep 04, 2024
09:43 AM
The Start/End has never updated in the manner you described and this is the case for as long as I can recall. However, you can force the update by toggling between Percentage/Index and then back again; depending on which was currently active when you changed the Based On prop.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
08:36 PM
There is a Command for Freeze Frame and another for Freeze on Last Frame and these can be set to their respective shortcuts. Will this work for you? Perhaps there is a better/alternate way too – After a pre-render, the rendered asset is brought into AE and it goes into the Comp that was used to render this asset. The rendered asset is then placed at the top of the timeline hierarchy and set to Solo. These steps ensures your original timeline structure retains its original structure and this is a good thing should you have to re-render the pre-render comp again. What's important is to retain your main/render comp structure even as you commit to pre-renders and begin using these pre-rendered assets in place of their originating comps. HTH
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‎Aug 31, 2024
04:21 AM
Due to the precise alignment of yet un-named stars, I find myself with two Comps, both with identical names in the Project Panel. So, with current constructs, I can't find a way to ascertain which was the one that was edited last nor can I find which comp contibutes more to the overall AEP filesize; thinking that there is a good correlation between a larger Comp Size and most-recently edited. Number of layers may not be ideal if there are tons of Expressions or Compound Shape Layers - all happily tidied away within the Timeline. So, I'm ideating for a Date Modified Column as well as a Comp Filespace/Datasize Column in the Project Panel. We do have a Size Column, so perhaps should work as a container for a Comp's FileSize/Dataspace. FWIW, the workaround is tedious, manual and hence, painful.
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‎Aug 30, 2024
07:21 PM
Need different Rect Boundary visual indicator to differentiate between Point & Paragraph Text Layers. As more AE users dive deep into Text Layer Scripting & Expressions, it'll be good to be able to select a Text Layer and immediately be able to tell if it's a Point/Paragraph Text Layer. My suggestion is to keep Solid Tiny Square for Point Text and Tiny Outlined Square for Paragraph Text. This has the added benefit of being a visual indicator since the Paragraph Text's visible Rect Boundary, when selected, isn't representative of its actual (extents) Rect Boundary which only becomes visible when a Paragraph Layer's content (Text Edit Area) becomes active. I'm calling it a Design Bug because I'm desperate to see this worked out. 😄 In the 1960s, the current construct would have been OK but with current workings, this is a pain that hits users many, many times each day.
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‎Aug 22, 2024
01:16 AM
Interesting. However, an Expression Error in the Active Comp should also be an Error when in Project-Wide Viiew. So, the logical separation should be - A - Show All Errors - all Comps, including Active Comp B - Show Errors only in Active Comp I don't want a case where we get, Show All Errors EXCEPT Active Comp. This is dangerous IMO plus I don't see how this can be useful BUTT I'm willing to listen if you have use-cases for this. The Different Color Coded Bars is a good idea. I would still be concerned with the UI being easy-to-find in terms of the user knowing they can change the type of errors shown as well as how/where to change it.
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‎Aug 21, 2024
11:38 PM
This has bothered me for ages and thought it's time to file this cos it's leading to very unproductive sessions. The Expression Error is of course great. However, it works on a Project-wide basis and this is also great - but not all the time. There are quite a few times when I only want to see/knowOf Expression Errors related to the Active Comp. This will make trouble-shooting a lot easier., more focused What also needs to happen is for a button/something to be available in the Comp Panel to allow the user to switch between viewing Project-Wide Errors and Active Comp Errors. Sometimes, errors are part of a setup as it is common for Expressions to reference Layer Names and Effects and these may not yet exist/beRenamed or perhaps they may not be required for the current use-case.
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‎Aug 15, 2024
12:58 PM
This thread also has the solution and it's laid out quite clearly, if you haven't solved it -
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