Due to the precise alignment of yet un-named stars, I find myself with two Comps, both with identical names in the Project Panel.
So, with current constructs, I can't find a way to ascertain which was the one that was edited last nor can I find which comp contibutes more to the overall AEP filesize; thinking that there is a good correlation between a larger Comp Size and most-recently edited. Number of layers may not be ideal if there are tons of Expressions or Compound Shape Layers - all happily tidied away within the Timeline.
So, I'm ideating for a Date Modified Column as well as a Comp Filespace/Datasize Column in the Project Panel. We do have a Size Column, so perhaps should work as a container for a Comp's FileSize/Dataspace.
FWIW, the workaround is tedious, manual and hence, painful.
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