When renaming an Expression Control effect, an expression using the effect as a variable will not update to reflect the name change when the renamed effect is in an if...else statement AND the particular condition that contains the effect is not currently true.
For example:
1. Create a layer in a comp.
2. Create two Slider effects in the layer ("Slider_1" & "Slider_2").
3. Create a simple expression in Slider_1 that references Slider_2 as a variable, such as:
if (0 > 1) {
n = 333
} else if (1 == 0) {
n = effect("Slider_2")("Slider");
} else {
n = 888
If I rename "Slider_2", the expression will not update the slider name.
However, if I change the condition to true instead of false:
} else if (2 > 1) {
n = effect("Slider_2")("Slider");
the slider WILL update the name correctly.
Why won't the name update?
Is this a bug?
AFX v 24.1.0 - b78
Windows 10
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045