Grundoon Groundhog
Grundoon Groundhog
‎Oct 23, 2020
01:09 PM
Barb, our previous conversation has been locked so I'm starting a new thread. In the process of preparing sample screens shots I think I discovered the root of the problem. There was a "blank" line of general text following the extract, so its style was applied to the following line. I have to be sure to delete the extra hard return after the extract, and hopefully it will work. Thanks again for your patience and help.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
10:57 AM
I am too technologically challenged to make head or tail of the video. It looked like it was an ID file being exported elsewhere, not a Word file to be imported in ID. Typically there was no explanation of where to find the initial menu for style mapping; he had it open already. Where is it found? Perhaps I don't understand what the options menu is? I've been replacing Normal with General Text, which is in the majority, and changing extracts as I need to. That's the point where the next style should be applied, and it's not.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
04:47 PM
Yes, that's how it's set up. But I wonder if I'm making an earlier mistake. I flow in text from Word, which brings in a "normal" style. I've been deleting that and replacing it with General Text (which has an initial paragraph indent). Could that be overriding the "Next Style" option I've created? So it might be better to leave "normal" until I've gone through all the text formatting (at which point it's hopefully gone because it's been replaced).
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‎Oct 22, 2020
03:53 PM
Yes. I style a single paragraph extract as "Extract Singular." Then I press return. The following style should be a return (as it were) to General Text Sans, general text WITHOUT a paragraph indent. Since it doesn't work, I have to go back by hand and assign General Text Sans to the paragraph. The same thing happens after heads. I appreciate your patience and responses.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
02:52 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you! I've also just gone through my master documents to be sure that "no character style" is selected. Hopefully that will help.
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‎Oct 22, 2020
02:51 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, I did watch them, and (a) it still doesn't workwhen I hit return and begin a new paragraph (b) I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Beyond putting the desired defined style in the "next style box" for style a when defining style b what can I do? Isn't the point of "next style" that redefinition is not required?
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‎Oct 21, 2020
05:34 PM
How does one prevent character styles from being imposed within new text boxes? When I make a new text box, I want the character style to be NONE, instead of some apparently randomly chosen style I may have used within a paragraph some time before. This happens even with a new document.
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‎Oct 21, 2020
11:05 AM
What is confusing is that the InDesign paragraph style option includes "next style." Defining the "next style" this way never works: the next style is not applied. For example, after an extract ends the following paragraph should be flush left, not indented. I've defined the "next style" after the last paragraph to fall flush left accordingly. It never works as a defined next paragraph style; the text is indented. If defining can work in "object style" why not in "paragraph style," which would be much simpler?
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‎Oct 20, 2020
03:45 PM
I couldn't agree more. Why have "next style" available in the style definition panel if it does nothing? It should be automatic! What is the "object style" as opposed to a "paragraph style?"
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‎Jun 12, 2020
12:41 AM
Many thanks. I'll make a point of deselecting all the styles in the template document. I thought I had, but it mysteriously chose the "First Paragraph of Article" style as the default.
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‎Jun 03, 2020
11:14 PM
I think that was the problem: somehow the character style became selected (though I had not selected it). However, I still have a problem with the character style. It is designated to, and should apply to, the initial letter of the the initial word only. Instead, the second letter is also in the decorative font selected for the initial cap.
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‎May 20, 2020
03:25 PM
Thanks. I realized that somehow the new versions were overlaid on "extra" old versions, which I deleted.
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‎May 20, 2020
01:17 PM
The links box indicates two placed photos are missing. The document lists two errors. The photos themselves do not have the red "missing" dot on the page (one is attached). I have repeatedly dragged the photos in or tried to bring them in with Command + D. The missing link indicator remains. Why would this happen?
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‎May 05, 2020
12:47 AM
How do I attach a sample file?
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‎May 04, 2020
11:47 PM
I produce a magazine for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America ( check us out!) twice a year. The pagination shifts as I go along; first I"m just putting n text, then I add pictures, etc. When pages are added or subtracted Elements keyed to their master pages are duplicated, so there are multiples of special elements and blank text columns. Entirely new master pages suddenly appear . Page numbers multiply with more than one text box and/or shift position from outside to inside (if I've locked their position on the page it doesn't help; I have to unlock all elements to delete the extras) Is there any way to add or delete pages without all this happening? I allow pages to shift (which never seems to work when I drag them, but that's another issue).
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‎May 04, 2020
05:56 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you!
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‎May 04, 2020
05:24 PM
I am trying to make space above and below the text in the cells in a table. The first lines align across, but no matter what I do I can't get more space below the last lines. I've added space below in the cell options, clicked on vertical alignment in the cell options, but nothing happens. Why does it do this? How can I change it? Is it because of the original Word formatting?
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‎May 03, 2020
11:34 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, I realized this morning that was the problem. But I never selected the style; ID seemed to do so on its own. I'm about to go back to all my master pages to be sure the style is not mysteriously selected in their text boxes. Thanks for your reply.
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‎May 02, 2020
06:09 PM
I've tried Command + D and File > Place. Originally I was choosing the first option, to remove styles etc. Now it's started working better, after I quit the program and opened another document. However, the character style for the first character of the paragraph is now applied to the entire paragraph. I guess I'll try deleting and recreating it. But any advice on why this happened would be appreciated. I also had a problem with extra space after paragraphs. I opened the paragraph tab, but could not delete the space, even after I'd done so in the original Word document. That seems to have stopped but I am not sanguine (a favorite word). I'd also removed and reloaded the offending style.
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‎May 02, 2020
04:15 PM
I am trying to import a Word document into ID. My document, a magazine, has long established styles. The "first paragraph of article" style includes a special initial cap. Even if I go to the paragraph menu BEFORE I start the import the "first paragraph of article" character is applied to the entire import. Even if I go to the character menu BEFORE I start the import and select the correct font the "first paragraph of article" is applied to the entire import. Even if I create a new text box BEFORE I try either of those solutions the "first paragraph of article" is applied to the entire import. Is there a weird preference I never set that is doing this? How can I make it stop? Also, if I manually correct the font, the initial cap of each paragraph is still the wrong size — the size of the initial cap in the "first paragraph of article" style. If I then try to apply the correct style, it reverts to the wrong font. And I lose all italic and bold in the original ms.
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‎Dec 04, 2019
04:55 PM
Many thanks. I've started a brand new document with freshly made styles, but I'll try your suggestion so I don't have to reformat what I've already formatted several times.
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‎Dec 04, 2019
03:15 PM
I am doing production on a document someone else formatted. He originally used Garamond as the text font, then switched to Granjon. The paragraph styles have been changed to Granjon. However, when I apply a paragraph style the text appears as Garamond; wrong font, wrong size. I can go through and do find font, but that is extremely time consuming and wasting. How do I rid the document of the wrong font and keep it from constantly reappearing? I quit InDesign and restarted with option, command, shift down to reset the preferences.
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‎Nov 08, 2019
02:00 PM
Interesting idea. Would it still be fairly flexible? I think just having it there will be such an improvement, I'm wiling to work around it. I did report this issue as an improvement to made.
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‎Nov 08, 2019
10:33 AM
Just as I feared. Well, at least they aren't at the end of the document, and I can find them!
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‎Nov 08, 2019
12:02 AM
I solved that problem; for some reason the text was designated with the endnotes style. But they still flow into a separate text box (though at the end of the story). How does one make the endnotes FOLLOW the text to which they refer, flowing with the text? I tried copying and pasting at the end of the story, but then deleting the "endnote story" would delete the in text references.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
11:32 PM
Well, I experimented and now ALL the text flows in as Endnotes. I thought this would somehow apply only to the material designated as Endnotes in the Word Document. How should I be setting up the preferences? I included my InDesign style in hopes they would automatically appear in it, and this was the result; first characters are superscript where the references would be.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
09:07 PM
Many thanks! I obviously have not explorted the menu options enough in all my years of using InDesign.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
05:10 PM
I produce a magazine for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America (shameless plug). When I import endnotes from Word documents into InDesign they don't follow the story I've created, or flow on from the placed text, but fall in their own text box at the end of the document. How can I keep them where they belong?
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‎Nov 04, 2019
12:38 PM
Yes, I did that, and it still happened. I'm also having a problem with a nested style that should be a single character 3 line drop cap in a special font at the beginning of an article in a magazine, but insists on making it the wrong font followed by a character in the special font (but not dropped). I've tried to remove my preferences which may be corrupt but the program wouldn't start at all when I did.
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‎Nov 04, 2019
11:53 AM
I have created text boxes and flowed Word documents into them. For some reason ID applies an undesired character style to the flowed text. There is NO character style in the text box before flowing. Why does this happen? How can I stop it?
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