You can check here: Exporting HD videos with Adobe Media Encoder Animate CC allows you to export tweens, symbols, and graphics to High Definition videos of various formats. The HD videos exported with Animate can be used with Communications-enabled applications, for video conferencing, streaming, and sharing. By default, Animate can export to QuickTime Movie (.MOV) files, only. The export function requires you to install the latest version of QuickTime Player, since Animate leverages QuickTime libraries when exporting MOV files. The HD video export workflow has been remodeled, as Animate is now integrated with Adobe Media Encoder. It allows you to convert MOV files to various other formats. To its end, Adobe Media Encoder has been optimized to only present export formats relevant for Animate content. For more information on Encoding and Exporting videos using Adobe Media Encoder, see Encode and export video and audio. Export Graphics and Videos with Animate CC Note: Adobe Media Encoder is automatically installed when you install Animate CC from the Creative Cloud desktop application.
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