Hi Theresa, While I understand your situation and have been there myself in employment situations where things are "just done this way," There is no escaping the fact that the method they are using is an incorrect method that causes more problems than it solves and is never necessary. I completely get that now is probably not the time to "train" anyone on the finer points of proper paragraph settings, please know that everything can be adjusted with the correct paragraph, hyphenation and and "keep" settings. Understanding how to use the tools the correct way is always preferred. It's like getting that word document where someone used 50 spaced to line up text instead of setting tabs. That being said.. lets address your request. You stated "We can't figure it out... Suggestions?" Can you clarify what you are asking? 1. If you hold down Shift when pressing return, this is a soft return. 2. Without seeing your paragraph settings or a screenshot we cannot give you advice as to what is happening. Things like line spacing, hidden characters, "keep with" options, balanced lines and space-before and space-after are all things that can add extra space between lines. More information will help us solve your current issue of what is happening with your text. - Thanks Dax
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