Hi Frederix,
Thanks for reporting the issues with Native ACES workflow in AfterEffects.
1. I am surprised, We have fixed the issue and it should be in the build you are working with. There could be a case which is leftout and you are hitting that. Please help to share the detailed steps if possible to reproduce it at our end.
2. With ACES 1.3 OCIO Configuration file we can specify the rules in them to specify the default color space to an imported media. The default rule set the color space to ACE2065-1. User can modify the default rule or can add their own. e.g. to test, I have added few rules in the ACES1.3 config file as follow:
- !<Rule> {name: Slog3, extension: "*", pattern: "*S-Gamut3CineSLog3*", colorspace: S-Log3 S-Gamut3.Cine}
- !<Rule> {name: OpenEXR, extension: "exr", pattern: "*", colorspace: ACEScg}
- !<Rule> {name: JPEG, extension: "jpg", pattern: "*", colorspace: sRGB - Texture}
- !<Rule> {name: Default, colorspace: ACES2065-1}
First rule: Assign color space S-Log3 S-Gamut3.Cine to a file containing this in name Second rule: assign ACEScg to any .exr file. Third rule assign sRGB to files with .jpg extension. Last is the default rule. Hope this helps.
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