Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
Nov 23, 2020
02:54 PM
Thanks @Doug_E_Fresh,
Unfortunately, not a single soul can reproduce this issue on our end. 😞
I don't think it's related to the core / thread count, though. So now for a few more questions to see what we might be missing.
Does this issue only occur in 14.6?
Are you able to get into this state in 14.5 or any earlier version?
Dumb question but ... Does a re-start help?
Are there any panels launching in the background or on a different monitor that might be stealing focus from the text tool? (I'm stretching too 😬)
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Nov 23, 2020
01:40 PM
Hi @MrMark1960 ... little late to this post but just gonna leave this here as an FYI to the future:
Sooo... a little bit of context for why this happens... Keyframed properties that get added to the Essential Graphics Panel as a control, lose their animation on export to Mogrt land because the control can only represent 1 value at a time. Keyframed properties by nature have multiple values so it's not technically possible for that 1 control to change values over time.
The control in PR can only tell Tiny Inception AE (nested inside Premiere Pro to make Mogrts work) "make this Opacity 60" ... it can't tell Tiny Inception AE, "make the opacity go from 20 - 60 in 3 seconds from time 1 to time 4."
Its a bummer for sure, but a blessing for a lot of Motion Designers that don't want their animations messed with by editors. Its definitely a highly requested feature though and I will update the community if and when there are updates on this front.
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Nov 23, 2020
12:26 PM
Your test project doesn't have any text layers in it at all 😞
I was hoping to get access to the project you use in the video, where you have successfully created a graphic track item and a few layers, and then can't make a text layer when you move the CTI.
Getting a project in this state would be most helpful.
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Nov 23, 2020
11:33 AM
1 Upvote
@Doug_E_Fresh @R Neil Haugen Whoa! That is really weird. I cannot reproduce this on my end on either Windows or Mac, though. Doug, would you be willing to share the project that you demo the bug with in the video? Maybe there is a setting somewhere that is causing havoc.
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Nov 17, 2020
01:15 PM
Thanks to great information from users, we were able to nab what appeared to be the true root of the issue, a problem with the timing getting wiped from the project if no explicit interaction had been made with the timeline (like muting or unmuting a track).
If you head over to the Creative Cloud Desktop App and navigate to the Beta Apps section, you can download the Beta version of Premiere Pro (any version after 14.6 x 46) and the fix should be in!
Please let me know if the issues still occur for you, though. We want to put this one away for good, and are hopeful this time. Those zombie bugs are wild though!
The Reset Duration option is still available if needed as well.
Cheers, Dacia
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Nov 17, 2020
12:47 PM
This is now possible!
Exciting news update!! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your, transitions, animations effects, and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:46 PM
Building something out like this with an AE Mogrt is now possible in a more direct way!
Exciting news update!! It's now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your, transitions, animations effects, and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:43 PM
1 Upvote
Exciting news update!! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your, transitions, animations effects, and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:42 PM
Exciting news update!! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your, transitions, animations effects, and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:40 PM
Exciting news update!! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your, transitions, animations effects, and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:34 PM
1 Upvote
Exciting news update!! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your effects and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:32 PM
Exciting news update!! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your effects and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:29 PM
Exciting news update!!
You can accomplish this task with ONE Mogrt with the new Media Replacement feature in Beta! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your transitions, effects, and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 17, 2020
12:09 PM
Exciting news update!! Its now possible to add videos to the Mogrt from within PR so that any of your effects and blend modes will be applied to the video you feed the Mogrt.
This feature is now in public beta in AE and Premiere Pro.
Here’s more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akp8aXF-iwM&feature=youtu.be
Let us know what you think!
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Nov 05, 2020
09:52 AM
Thanks Lucas!
I will check it out and let you know what I find 🙂
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Nov 04, 2020
04:44 PM
You rock, Mika!! Thank you... and just to be clear, I would love a version of your script with the references to "comp.layer().masterProperty" please 🙂
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Nov 04, 2020
12:42 PM
Hi Roland,
Thanks for the feedback! Would you mind elaborating on what you imagine for the sets of Brand Colors with Media Replacement?
We're not supporting audio with this feature at this time, but we definitely have feature requests logged.
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Nov 04, 2020
12:37 PM
1 Upvote
Hi @tanzblume, I did a quick test on my end using your expression above and the replaced media in PR appeared to Scale to Fit for me compared to a Control made from a layer without the expression. But maybe my simple test isn't exactly what you're trying to accomplish? Would you be willing to share the .Mogrt with me so I can crack it open in AE?
I'm curious what layer you're using to make the Media Replacement Control in the Essential Graphics Panel? Effects, keyframes, and expressions might not make their way over to Premiere Pro if the control itself isn't created from the right level of the render tree.
Thanks so much,
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Nov 04, 2020
10:24 AM
Hi @Kuprikki,
I'm currently testing a fix for this bug, and am curious if you would be open to sharing your script with me?
Thanks so much,
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Oct 16, 2020
10:33 AM
In the past any effects, animations, or transitions that you could create in AE had to include the final media that an editor might use in PR if they were to be packaged in a Mogrt.
Lets run through a few use cases that led to this feature...users wanted to be able to create a Mogrt with a rad set of effects like Chromatic Aberration or Glitch, and they wanted the Mogrt to act like an adjustment layer on video tracks in Premiere. This approach isn't really possible given how the app engines have to communicate with one another, so now editors in PR can simply drag and drop the media they want into the Mogrt itself and voila! all the AE Magic is applied to that content. (The Mogrt has to be exported with the new Media Replacement Controls from AE.) Another use case is for folks who use images or logos in lower-thirds-- like in Sportsball Broadcasts. Instead of having to render out a lower-third for each player with the correct image / video-- the editor can apply the Media Replacement Mogrt in the timeline as many times as needed and swap out the image from within PR just as easily as they can edit text in a Mogrt to customize.
Lastly, I think about animated titles like Parks and Recs or the rad split-screen transitions in Homeland. You can make a Mogrt with all of the fancy motion and smooth styling with placeholder media in AE, and then bounce over to PR to drop clips in and play with which clips go into the "look" with simple drag and drops and tweaking in the NLE. There are SOOO many possibilities! Let us know what you think once you take it for a spin 🙂
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Aug 10, 2020
03:40 PM
Footage within your Mogrt should definitely work. We've had an elusive bug that makes the media within the Mogrt go offline (not the Mogrt itself) that I haven't been able to nail down a consistent reason. Would you mind sharing your Mogrt with me @helloc38986482? maybe with a WeTransfer link or something since it sounds like its a big file. Thanks,
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Jul 13, 2020
12:41 PM
Solution for PC was the originally marked correct answer down below ... Here it is again... It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media folder inside of folders with a Unique ID that also has a really long string of characters. It throws Windows over the edge to where it doesn't recognize the file path as valid.
We are looking into a workaround on our end but in the meantime, I found this article that shows where you can go in Win 10 to change this limitation. https://mspoweruser.com/ntfs-260-character-windows-10/
You can also open Project Settings and change the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disk to a new location with fewer nested folders or closer to the root.
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Jun 26, 2020
01:35 PM
Its true... an adjustment layer INSIDE a Mogrt will not work on a video track OUTSIDE the Mogrt in PR. Tiny Inception AE nested within Premiere to render Mogrts can't "see" what's outside the Mogrt. The ability to feed the Mogrt custom media so that Adjustment Layers and Effects from within the Mogrt will apply to the footage is currently the most requested feature. I can't really say more than that 😉 but to say that we're LISTENING. I will have more news for you in the coming months that will bring joy to Mogrtlandia.
For now, you have to pack the footage in the Mogrt itself... which is not ideal. But you could hook up a couple of media options to a Dropdown Expression Control and give your editor a couple of options to choose from.
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Jun 04, 2020
06:57 PM
You can send them via message on this forum Brandon 🙂 I haven't seen anything so just checking in. 🙂
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Jun 03, 2020
05:13 PM
1 Upvote
Of course! Thanks for sending them my way 🙂
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Jun 03, 2020
01:09 PM
Hi Brandon,
Would you mind sharing the Mogrts with me so I can take a look?
Do you get the same results if you avoid CC Libs? i.e. you export to a local destination and email / slack?
The fact that you're getting color bars instead of a Media Offline message gives me a clue that its an issue with how Tiny Inception AE inside PR is reading (or in this case not reading) the packaged media. I'd love to help you get back on track. Cheers,
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Apr 27, 2020
02:43 PM
1 Upvote
Hi All,
I finally was able to reproducce a corrupt Mogrt on a Mac and learned that it fails for a completely different reason than the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issues we were seeing on Windows.
After unzipping the mogrt and trying to open it I realized that the unzipping process was not happening. The .Zip folder was turning into a. CPGZ file instead everytime I tried to open it. And clicking the .CPGZ file to try to "open" it just created yet another .Zip file and on and on in an endless loop. So in this case the "Mogrt is Corrupt" error is valid. The Mogrt IS corrupt without the ability to unzip the contents of the .zip folders where the .aep lives.
After doing a bit of google sleuthing, it looks like Mac's can get into this state when a zipped file (that is what a Mogrt is) doesn't download correctly. Sometimes, a download says is complete but really it only downloaded 99% of it. Or it may be that the file needs to be downloaded from another Browser.
I re-downloaded a copy of the Stock Mogrt that was giving me trouble from a different source and it worked! It also somehow fixed the one I was having an issue with.
Here is a link that I found with some workarounds: https://osxdaily.com/2013/02/13/open-zip-cpgz-file/
I think the best thing to do is re-export or re-download the file and try again.
And here is another article about this.
Hope this helps!
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Apr 02, 2020
04:01 PM
1 Upvote
This pdf breakdown is incredible!! 🙏🏽 I'm in love with the Clone and Effector tools in C4D and I love the seeds you're planting here. Thanks Coen!
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Jan 29, 2020
02:36 PM
Hi Matt,
It looks like you changed the name of the Comp that had all the controls on it. (from Cranfield Name Strap - Right Align to Cranfield Name Strap - Left Align). Because of this, 18 expressions broke including your Map to White and Map to Black controls which I’m guessing is the root cause of the color discrepancy.
As soon as I changed the comp name back to Right Align the colors looked as expected.
You can customize the name of the particular Mogrt in the Essential Graphics Panel without having to change the name of the comp. This way you can ensure that you haven’t broken your expressions.
I fixed the expression errors and re-exported the Mogrt and sent it to you via email. Hopefully, this will have you back in business.
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Jan 28, 2020
03:31 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Matt!
Thats really weird. I'd need to investigate the Mogrt itself to troubleshoot though. I'm emailing you now so hopefully we can get you back on track sooner than later. 🙂
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