Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jul 20, 2021
04:06 PM
Mogrts can be slow for a multitude of reasons-- expression-heavy comps, lots of render-intensive effects, etc. There are also ways to optimize them to make them more nimble.
Is it possible for you to send me the Mogrts and a screen recording of what you're seeing? I don't think you can attach them directly on this forum but if you could share a Dropbox or Google Drive link that would be awesome!
Please feel free to DM me the link instead if that works better for you 🙂
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‎Jul 20, 2021
03:26 PM
Any chance you have any After Effects Mogrts with Keylight 1.2 in the sequence?
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‎Jul 20, 2021
03:24 PM
Hi @liukatkatkat,
The easiest thing you can do is to use the Responsive-Design Time feature on your Primary Comp in After Effects before export. Use the Workbar to select a range of time in your Primary Comp and right-click on it to create a "Protected Region". This means that when you use the Mogrt in Premiere Pro, you can stretch or squish the in and out points and the timing will change in the mogrt except for in the Protected Region or Regions. Some creators set these around the animated parts and leave the still parts stretchable and some people do the opposite so that the end-user in Premiere can change the timing of the animation. You can learn more about it here:
But you can also use expressions and hook them up to expression slider controls to let your user change this value to dive the timing of individual properties or layers. E.C. Abrams has some awesome into tutorials to help get you started! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i69oa0EeJ3A
Hope this is helful!
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‎Jul 20, 2021
03:08 PM
Good to hear you're back on track!!! And hopefully, my memory will still be working in the future 🤣🤣🤣... I've hit my forties and things are changing! ðŸ˜
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‎Jul 20, 2021
02:42 PM
Hi @Jonas5E1A,
If you want AE and AELib inside of Premiere (which powers Mogrts) to read a value as a Hex value from a spreadsheet, it has to have a # in front of the hex code. It's a requirement for the apps to distinguish it from a regular ol' text string. The other thing to consider here is that the hexToRGB expression has to be set up in such a way that it is looking at a specific column and row in your csv. Here's an example of what I would use:
colorText = thisComp.layer("name of.csv")("Data")("Outline")("column name")("Row Data 1").toString();
Lemme know if that works for you.
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‎Jul 20, 2021
02:35 PM
1 Upvote
Hi @liukatkatkat,
That is really weird! I don't think that I've seen that before. Would you mind sharing the Mogrt that you're seeing this issue with so we can try and repro in-house and get a bug filed?
Thanks so much!
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‎Jul 20, 2021
02:32 PM
Hi @Red Letter Films,
Are you referring to making changes to parameters in the Essential Graphics Panel or comps created via Essential Properties?
So far I have tried simple cases of both on my end and I'm not running into any issues. Would it be possible to share the project that you're working with or describe what kind of files, layers, expressions, and / or effects you're using?
Thanks so much,
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‎Jul 02, 2021
10:42 AM
Hi Matt,
You shared these Mogrts with me about 18 months ago and I dug up some notes from our email exchange back in Jan 29th, 2020:
"Hi Matt, It looks like you changed the name of the Comp that had all the controls on it. (from Cranfield Name Strap - Right Align to Cranfield Name Strap - Left Align). Because of this, 18 expressions broke including your Map to White and Map to Black controls which I’m guessing is the root cause of the color discrepancy. As soon as I changed the comp name back to Right Align the colors looked as expected. You can customize the name of the particular Mogrt in the Essential Graphics Panel without having to change the name of the comp. This way you can ensure that you haven’t broken your expressions." I sent you a fixed version of the Mogrt in that email exchange. Unfortunately, I can't attach it here but I'll resend via email.
At the time of our first exchange, you replied that that had worked for you. Would you mind re-confirming? I'd love to know if there is a new bug or if this is the same expressions issue we dealt with back then.
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‎Jun 25, 2021
12:54 PM
1 Upvote
Hi James,
Unfortunately, there was a mistake in how some of the stock mogrts are tagged. There is a set of mogrts that are actually Premium and not free and not marked appropriately.
The stock team is aware of the issue and working to resolve it.
Apologies for the inconvenience,
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‎Jun 09, 2021
01:55 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for reporting this issue, Alexander.
We're looking into this and I will let you know what I find out as soon as I hear back from devs.
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‎May 13, 2021
12:30 PM
A qualquer momento!! Espero que o google tradutor tenha feito um bom trabalho. Meu português não é dos melhores. Lol. The beta build 15.3 x 25 is looking good!
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‎May 12, 2021
03:43 PM
Lamentamos por isso. Identificamos esse problema ontem, mas não a tempo de consertá-lo no Beta da noite anterior. O problema deve ser resolvido na amanhã.
Desculpas pela inconveniência.
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‎May 04, 2021
11:50 AM
@Ali10553 ,
What versions of Premiere Pro and After Effects are you using? Are you having the same issue in trying to add a Mogrt from a CC Library or something different? Can you send me a copy of the Mogrt that is not working (you can DM me on this site).
I need a little bit more info to help than what you've stated above, and I would like to help.
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‎Mar 24, 2021
04:01 PM
Hi @Joe5C27
Unfortunately, this is a limitation of Windows 10 OS. The only thing you can do on your end is to move the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disk folder (Project settings in PR) to a location on disk that is not so deeply nested. The fact that Premiere is hanging though when you add it, leads me to think there is another issue here. Was it working in older versions of Premiere? Did you update to 15.0 and it stopped working? Can you please send me the Mogrt that is giving you headaches? There could be a number of things going on and its much easier to help if I can reproduce this on my end.
Thanks in advance,
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‎Feb 16, 2021
04:52 PM
1 Upvote
The issue can arise for a variety of reasons and there are a lot of workarounds that have been presented here in this thread that have worked for a lot of folks.
I would love to help you figure out the issue that you're facing, and I need your Mogrt specifically to help me diagnose the problem since it sounds like none of the troubleshooting tips in this thread have worked for you.
Please DM me a copy of your Mogrt and the version numbers of AE and PR (the number specifically) so I can better assess what's happening.
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‎Feb 16, 2021
04:35 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Luc,
The easiest way for me to help you is to have a copy of the Mogrt. Can you please share one with me as well as a screen recording of the failure? I'd like to help get you back in action asap.
Thanks, Dacia
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‎Feb 10, 2021
12:26 PM
Please DM me copies of the Mogrts that are showing this issue. There could be a host of reasons why this failure is occurring. Its possible that the mogrt got zipped incorrectly when applying from Libraries, and it may need to be imported. It could also be that the compatible versions of PR and AE are not installed.
In any case, having examples of bad files is very helpful on our end. Hope to get y'all rocking and rolling again.
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‎Feb 09, 2021
01:57 PM
Thanks David!! I can't wait to see what this awesome community creates with this new feature! And please reach out with feature requests or issues that you encounter along the way. 🙂
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‎Feb 03, 2021
02:17 PM
Hi Y'all,
That's super frustrating and I would love to try and get you back on track. There are a lot of reasons why things might be failing and the easiest way for us to get to the bottom of things is to have your actual file on hand. If you could DM me your Mogrt that would be RAD and can help me see what might be going wrong.
In the meantime, there are a couple of reasons why Mogrts fail to load that I've encountered: On Mac:
I found a corrupt Mogrt that I had on Mac and after cracking it open I realized that the unzipping process was not happening. The Zip was turning into a CPGZ file instead. It looks like this can happen when a zipped file (that is what a Mogrt is) doesn't download correctly. I re-downloaded a copy of the Stock Mogrt that was giving me trouble from a different source and it worked! It also somehow fixed the one I was having an issue with. Here is a link that I found with some workarounds: https://osxdaily.com/2013/02/13/open-zip-cpgz-file/
I think the best thing to do is re-export or re-download the file and try again. On Windows the issue could be related to where the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disks are set in Project Settings of Premiere Pro. The issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media folder inside of folders with a Unique ID that also has a really long string of characters. It throws Windows over the edge to where it doesn't recognize the file path as valid.
The OS defines this and there is no way for us to circumvent it.
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‎Feb 01, 2021
04:36 PM
1 Upvote
Unfortunately, any time re-mapping or time effects will not be recognized in Premiere. We just added a warning for this to at least give users a heads up, and that should be available in Beta this week. We are still in active development and trying to wrap things up to get it out to all users, so documentation is on the way! There will definitely be more available resources at the time of public release. We are also gathering requests for functionality to add to v2 of this feature, and timing properties are high up on my list and something that I'll be advocating for fiercely. Can't give any time frames on when that will be obviously (pun intended), but will keep the channel updated as more news is made available!
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‎Feb 01, 2021
04:31 PM
Hi @Ryan Powell,
Its true! Audio is not supported in Responsive - Time workflows, and for the time-being is not a valid Media Replacement file type. We are gathering requests for v2 additions so I'll add it to the list for sure.
We added Offset in-points a few months ago so you should see this in any of the recent Beta builds on Creative Cloud Desktop app. I do have to bring a caveat to this convo though and that is that trimmed layers will not be recognized as offset in PR. The in-point is recognized as the beginning of the layer in AE, so the best workaround is to PreComp the footage and use the Precomp as the Media Replacement control instead or to import the media into AE already trimmed to the time you want / need. Separetely, its totally possible to use a Sequence as the Replaced Media in PR so if you need to re-use a clip over and over and don't want to re-do effects or edits then just throw it in a sequence and use that!
Hope that helps!
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‎Jan 19, 2021
10:28 AM
1 Upvote
There is a long-standing bug with anchor points that I've been clamouring to get fixes for a while now where the relationship between the anchor point and the shape gets really funky and starts doing all sorts of unexpected things. Unfortunately, its not an easy fix and could potentially break existing work so here we are.
The best workaround that I know of is to make sure to set the anchor point before making any changes to the scale or rotation of the shape. You can change the path itself (which is different than scaling under the hood) and re-adjust the anchor point, but try and get that anchor point locked in before scaling. Please let me know if that resolves things for you. If you're still seeing bugginess after using the workflow above, would you mind sending me a video of what you're seeing as well as the Mogrt itself?
Thanks so much and apologies for the inconvenience,
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‎Jan 06, 2021
04:24 PM
Hi @Jacobson Made,
Since we are still in development with the feature, there hasn't been a huge amount of documentation created just yet.
The simple answer to your question is to think of the Media Replacement control that you create in AE like a container of both Dimensions and Time. The replaceable media control will be defined by whatever media layer or comp you use to create the control. If the layer you use to create an MR Control is is 1920 x 1080 and 10 seconds long, then that's the size and how long it will be in Premiere Pro.
When you replace the media in Premiere, you can double click on the MR Control in the EGP and it will open up a sequence with your replaced media. It is in this state that you can "fill" the 10-second time-container that is determined by the MR Control. You can cut clips or time-stretch clips to "fill" this time. If you add a clip that is too short, the last frame will just hold for as long as it takes to fill the time container. Alternatively, you can also add Responsive Design-Time to the primary comp before exporting the mogrt it sounds like you have some additional animations that you need to create these transitions. This means that the whole mogrt becomes time-stretchable / -squishable in Premiere, i.e. you can make the mogrt 3 seconds instead of 10 seconds. The caveat here is that time containers that were created by the MR Control won't re-time the replaced media or change the fact that its only 10 seconds long. This is really only a suggestion to get your animated shapes and luma mattes to align with your replaced media in Premiere. You can use markers or the workbar to create a "Protected Region" at any point in the Primary Comp. This means that anything inside of this region will not be affected by any stretching or squishing. This will not work if there is any audio enabled in the .mogrt.
Additionally, you should be able to design this in such a way that you have two Media Replacement Controls for the first clip and one for the second clip in the same .mogrt.
I hope this was helpful! Super happy to continue the conversation or take a look at an example mogrt from you and make suggestions 🙂
Thanks so much and Happy New Year!
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‎Dec 08, 2020
12:18 PM
1 Upvote
YAY! Sorry for the inconvenience!
The fix is available in Beta now in any build after 14.8 x 28
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‎Dec 01, 2020
09:56 AM
1 Upvote
Ok! Hi @Austin James Piedra,
Thanks so much for sharing your Mogrt. The issue seems to be a bug with Anchor Point controls added to the EGP from Solids, Nulls, and Adjustment Layers. 😞
Still learning more about the issue, but removing the Line Offset control makes the Mogrt work in Premiere. But you NEED the Line Offset Control you say! I added a 2D-Point Control to your Master Control layer and pickwhipped the Line Offset Anchor Point parameter to that control, which I then added to the EGP and voila! No crash in Premiere! I will update the channel when the fix is in, but in the meantime the 2D Point Control workaround should get you back in business. Thanks for sharing this Mogrt! We had been trying to hunt down the root of this crash for a few weeks and had not been able to isolate this issue. Cheers,
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‎Nov 30, 2020
03:13 PM
Ok cool happy we've got you mostly back on track. Unfortunately, we are still working to resolve the GPU issue. I will definitely let you know when the build with the fix is uploaded to Beta.
Thanks for reporting the issues with the Program Monitor and Software Mode. Let me investigate a bit further with the team that works on that.
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‎Nov 30, 2020
10:33 AM
OH NO!!! We can't let that happen! Send me the bad Mogrt stat!
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‎Nov 30, 2020
10:28 AM
Hi @Austin James Piedra ,
That is a bummer! Can you please DM me the Mogrt so I can investigate further?
Thanks in advance,
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‎Nov 25, 2020
02:36 PM
Hi @MrSenpai,
We've been having some major Mogrt issues over the last week or so and are working on fixes. In the meantime, can you try switching Premiere to Software-Only mode to see if that resolves the issue in Premiere?
Re AE: It looks like the feature is not enabled. Can you check Beta Menu > Enable Feature in the top bar and see if there is a checkmark next to Media Replacement? Please select this and relaunch the app and lemme know if that changes things. You will want to open a fresh download of the .aep though, i.e. one that hasn't been opened in AE when the feature is turned off.
Lemme know if either of those workarounds do the trick or not!
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‎Nov 24, 2020
12:06 PM
Sorry it took so long! I totally missed this many moons ago. Hope you are making Magical Mogrts though!
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