S. S
Adobe Employee
Souvik Sadhu
Community & Engagement Strategist, Document Cloud
Adobe Systems India Private Limited
S. S
Adobe Employee
Souvik Sadhu
Community & Engagement Strategist, Document Cloud
Adobe Systems India Private Limited
May 10, 2022
10:46 AM
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the delayed response.
As per the above description, I understand that you want to sync your scans to your wife's phone.
To do so, you can log in to your account on her phone and you will be able to see the documents there too.
Let me know if it helps.
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May 10, 2022
10:34 AM
Hello Jaroslav,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the delayed response.
From the above the description, I understand that you want to hear shutter sound when taking images using Adobe Scan.
The feature is not directly available within the Scan app itself but something that can be modified using the phone settings.
You can click the link to know more about settings that can be changed using phone depending upon the platform-
For Android: Configure Adobe Scan — Adobe Scan for Android
For iOS: Configure Adobe Scan — Adobe Scan for iOS
Let me know if this helps.
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May 10, 2022
10:16 AM
Hello Naima,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the delayed response.
As per the above description, I understand that you want to scan ID cards and attach both the sides on a single page.
Could you please let us know the operating system you are using [ Android / iOS ]
The feature is currently available on Android version of the application where you can scan both the sides of the ID card and have them on one single page.
To know more, click on the link: Scan — Adobe Scan for Android
Let me know if it answers your question.
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May 10, 2022
09:17 AM
Hello Ingrid,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the experience you had with using the esubscription.
Could you please try to login to Document Cloud with the e-mail address that has the active subscription to check if you are able to work with the tools there or not. Link for Document Cloud: Adobe Document Cloud
If it does work, please try the following steps:
1. Log out from the application;
2. Restart the device
3. Log in back with the same e-mail address through which you were able to work with on the Document Cloud.
For other steps, please click the link: FAQ | Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app
Let me know if it helps.
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May 10, 2022
08:12 AM
@tacheek611 wrote:
No, I'm not using the Beta version.
Thank you for letting us know. I've moved your post from the orphaned Acrobat Reader for Mobile (beta) — which is intended for the Beta version but only gets misdirected posts and spam — to Acrobat Reader for Mobile.
If you make a feature request for Acrobat Reader for iOS, you can post the link in this thread so that others who see it can follow it and Upvote. https://acrobat.uservoice.com/forums/914680-acrobat-reader-for-ios
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May 10, 2022
05:56 AM
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the delayed response and the experience you had with Acrobat Reader Mobile.
Just so that we can understand the issue better, could you let us know is the application crashing down the iPad when you open any particular document or is it just when you launch the application.
Also, I would suggest you to check for applications open in the back ground as they can also hinder the performance of the application. If there are multiple applications open in the background, please try to close them and then try working with the application.
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May 10, 2022
02:19 AM
Hello Nataraj,
Hope you are doing well. As per the above description, I understand that you want to cancel the subscription.
However, mobile based subscriptions for Adobe Application is something that is handled by the store through which you install the application.
Please follow the below links for more idea depending upon the device you use [ Android / iOS ]
For iOS: Manage Subscriptions — Acrobat for iOS Help (adobe.com)
For Android: Subscription Services — Acrobat for Android Help (adobe.com)
Let me know if this helps.
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May 10, 2022
02:13 AM
Hello Sunil,
Hope you are doing well. Sorry for the delayed response and the experiemce you had with accessing files from cloud.
It could very well be that the internet provider through whom who are using the mobile data has fluctuations in the bandwidth due to which the site is not able to load up properly or if you are connected to any VPN or if there are any trackers that block specific cache files, you might face issues accessing the sites.
You might want to check the mobile data settings once, restart the device and then try to access the files again.
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May 10, 2022
01:37 AM
Hope you are doing well. Sorry for the delayed response and the experience with the subscription you had.
Just so that you know, the mobile based subscription is totally managed by the store through which you have purchased it.
As per the above description, as you have a different account logged in on the store, you might need to switch it to the account that has the susbcription so that you can view it on your profile and then proceed with the cancellation.
If that does not wrok either, I would suggest you to contact your store's support channel once as they would be in the best position to assist you.
To get a better idea about it, please click the link: Subscription Services — Acrobat for Android Help (adobe.com)
Let me know if it helps.
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May 10, 2022
01:12 AM
Hello Sheila,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the delayed response adn the experience you had with the application.
To open PDFs directly from chrome to Acrobat, you will need to use the share option when the document is open in Chrome, scroll down there you get the option saying " Import to Acrobat".
Upon clicking that option, you will be re-directed to Acrobat Reader Mobile and the document will now open there.
You can click the link to know more: Open files — Acrobat for iOS Help (adobe.com)
Let me know if this helps.
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May 10, 2022
12:59 AM
To share a file over private message, please click on my name-> it will take you to my profile page-> click on the blue button that says send a message and you will be redirected to the private messages section.
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May 09, 2022
10:05 PM
No assistance at all. I solved the problem buy creatina a new free Adobe account. Thank you anyway Inviato dal mio iPad
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May 09, 2022
06:19 PM
Hi @Liz24375434f9gq
You posted to Acrobat Reader Mobile (beta). Are you using the Beta version of Acrobat Reader for Mobile? We can move your post to the proper forum.
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May 09, 2022
08:29 AM
Hello Harold,
Sorry for the delayed response.
You can upload the file to a drive and share the link with us so that we can download and check on our end.
Also please let us know if the app is up to date on your phone. If not, please update to the lastest version and then let us know if it helps.
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May 09, 2022
07:21 AM
Hello John,
Hope you are doing well. As per the above description, I understand that you are facing issues with opening documents on your Chromebook using Acrobat Reader.
Would you mind sharing screenshots of the error or a screen recording of the issue you are facing so that we could assist you better?
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May 09, 2022
07:04 AM
Hello Lequarius,
Hope you are doing well.
As per the above description, what I understand is you are facing issues with uploading files on Scan and to cloud.
Would you mind letting us know if you are facing any issues when trying to upload the files on to the cloud?
A screen shot or a screen recording of the same would be a lot helpful for us to understand and assist you better.
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May 09, 2022
06:45 AM
Sorry for the delayed response.
Is it possible for you to share the form with us so that we can check on our end as well.
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May 09, 2022
06:26 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Soumya,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the experience you had with billing on our application.
However, the billing and transactions for Adobe's mobile based subscription are handled by the store through which you have purchased the subscription.
I would suggest you to get in touch with the respective store depending upon the device you use [ Android / iOS ] to get a better resolution on this.
To know more, please click the below links-
For iOS:Manage Subscriptions — Acrobat for iOS Help (adobe.com)
For Android: Subscription Services — Acrobat for Android Help (adobe.com)
Let me know if this helps.
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Jun 06, 2022
01:22 AM
Hello Shiv, are you working on the latest version of Adobe Scan application?
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May 09, 2022
06:18 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Bhavish,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the experience you had with Adobe Scan.
Just so that we can confirm, could you please log in to documents cloud portal and check if the scans show up there?
Link for Documents cloud: Adobe Acrobat Documents
If the files do show up there, please try the below steps once:
1. Log out of the applicaiton
[* Please make sure there are no files being uploaded when logging out of the application as they might be lost *]
2. Restart the device.
3. Log in back to the application.
Let me know if it helps.
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May 09, 2022
02:31 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Diana,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the delayed response and the experience you had with the application.
Thank you for sharing the screenshots. While we check on this, I would suggest you to try using the online portal and check if you are able to access the file there.
To login to the online portal, please click: Adobe Acrobat Documents
If the files are accessible through this link, let us know so that we can deep dive into the issue and check further.
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May 09, 2022
02:11 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Angelika,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the delayed response and the experience you had with Adobe Scan.
Please try force quiting the application once if it gets stuck the next time and then try agein and let us know if it works.
[* Please make sure there are no files on upload at the time when you force quit the application *]
To force quit the application, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, the different open applications would show up-> swipe up on Adobe Scan to force close it.
Let me know if it helps.
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May 09, 2022
02:01 AM
1 Upvote
Sorry for the delayed response.
We tried reproducing the issue on our end but things were working fine for both the uploading part and opening it on either platforms later.
You might once try to remove the keychains from your device and then try to re-login on to the application and check.
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May 06, 2022
06:11 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Alberto,
Hope you are doing well.
As per the above description, I understand that you want to locate your files separately using Adobe Scan through the explore window.
Even though this feature is directly not available within the application itself, we have a work around for this.
You can use your photos app on the phone and seelct the picture you need to import and use the share option to import it to Adobe Scan.
To know more, please click the link: Manage Scans — Adobe Scan for iOS
Hope this answers your question.
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May 06, 2022
06:00 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Henry,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry to hear about your experience with Adobe Scan unable to transfer the files.
However, thanks for letting us know the fix of it as well. This would be help for our other users as well who might be looking for the same solution.
I am marking this as a correct answer.
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May 06, 2022
05:14 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Lonela,
Hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the experience you had with converting DOCX file to PDF.
Also, as per the screenshot, it shows that a conversion is in progress due to which the file is unable to open. Would you mind explaining exactly what is the issue you are experiencing here? Does the conversion get stuck or are you facing any issues after the conversion is complete. Please let us know about it so that we can check further and assist you accordingly. A screen recording of the entire work flow would be even better.
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May 06, 2022
04:58 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Rojin,
Hope you are doing well. As per the above description, I understand that you want to disable automatic renewal for the Acrobat Premium subscription.
To do this, you have to disable the same through your store operator and not from Adobe.
Depending upon the platform that you use, please click the link to know more:
For iOS: Manage Subscriptions — Acrobat for iOS Help (adobe.com)
For Android: Subscription Services — Acrobat for Android Help (adobe.com)
Let me know if this helps.
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Jun 06, 2022
01:22 AM
Hello Shiv, are you working on the latest version of Adobe Scan application?
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May 05, 2022
07:42 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Raj,
Hope you are doing well. As per the above description, I understand that you want to recover deleted files.
Would you mind letting us know the location where the files were saved before they were deleted?
If the files were stored in Creative Cloud, there will be an option for Deleted items where you can check and restore the items that were either deleted intentionally or non-intentionally.
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May 05, 2022
06:48 AM
1 Upvote
Hello Marcos,
Thank you for sharing the file with us.
The file that you have shared, it contains a signature that is visible when you open the file on any platform.
Can you please share with us any file in which the signature goes missing?
Also, are you using Adobe Scan to get the documents signed or just sharing the files over E-mail?
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