People's Champ
People's Champ
‎Sep 06, 2022
01:27 PM
1 Upvote
interesting idea
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‎Sep 01, 2022
06:41 PM
But I guess if the selection was not a halo then you wouldn't be able to see what color keyframe you have selected. I see the benefits for those who want to color their keyframes and use groups. I just need to start working in more concentrated workspace so my keyframes are further apart. I guess if I don't actively participate in the development then i have no say.
I get it. Sorry for the rant
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‎Sep 01, 2022
05:22 PM
Yes it probably comes down to how we all work and the specific work we do.
And I do usually marquee select keys with the mouse so that's a big difference.
I'll just have to make a couple of adjustments to my workflow.
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‎Sep 01, 2022
04:39 PM
It's not about me not liking it. It's about the fact that it obscures adjascent keyframes.
Maybe Adobe should stop getting their ideas from community forums (including me) and start getting them from time tested production houses who use the product consistently on a professional level.
Or have they all stopped using After Effects?
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‎Sep 01, 2022
03:34 PM
Designiate ONE color that indicates and "active/selected" keyframe--like bright yellow, or white. Making all the label colors a little less saturated or bright, rather than doubling the size of a selected keyframe so it obscures adjascent keyframes.
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‎Sep 01, 2022
03:23 PM
Doens;t address my point that the halos obscure adjascent keyframes when they are close, which they often are. I could give you 6 or 7 suggestions off the top of my head to answer your question about what do when keyframes can be any color. But I won;t waste our time.
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‎Sep 01, 2022
02:43 PM
Keyframes have been colored for as long as I've used AE. The entire keyframe used to turn blue when selected. Before that they truned yellow. So I honestly don't even undrestand what you're talking about.
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‎Sep 01, 2022
10:37 AM
That depends on how many frames are between the keys and how far out you are zoomed in the timeline.
One adjustment I have had to make is working zoomed in further and with a shorter work area. Maybe I should have been working this way all along. Nevertheless, I believe the team has better things they could be doing with their time.
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‎Aug 31, 2022
12:51 PM
Why do you guys change things that are not broken and that nobody is asking to be changed?
The new keyframe "halo" obscures adjacent keyframes when they are close or the timeline is pulled out.
I really hate banging my head against a wall but you guys have enough things to fix with this software to keep you busy for the next 5 years. Why are you making changes for the sake of making changes? Are you being paid "per change" or something? STOP IT! Who is making these decisions? Who is requesting changing how selected keyframes display? Anybody? Who made this decisions and why? I demand names! 🙂 smiling cause I'm uh-sposed to. 🙂
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‎Aug 30, 2022
12:48 PM
I understand. Glad you fixed it. Like I said the problem was the change in resolutions.
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‎Aug 30, 2022
11:02 AM
Sounds to me like the fix is in your GPU setting..like what forme would be the "Nvidia Control Panel". What has caused it is the change in screen resolution.
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‎Aug 30, 2022
09:46 AM
When you say rendering do you mean rendering, or do you mean previewing?
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‎Aug 30, 2022
09:41 AM
Try dragging them onto the "correct" moniotor before closing them.
Make sure in your monitor settings that the monitor you use AE on is your primary monitor.
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‎Aug 29, 2022
09:54 AM
What are you talking about? Looping the playback area when previewing a composition?
Or looping a "clip" like an individual layer within a composition?
Or a loop out expression?
If you're talking about general playback there already IS a button to toggle between "loop" & "Play Once"
The button is in the preview panel🙂
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‎Aug 28, 2022
12:48 PM
Also try disabling Multiframe Rendering. I've found when using effects that don't support it, it causes slowdown and instability.
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‎Aug 28, 2022
12:42 PM
1 Upvote
check out this awesome tutorial
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‎Aug 28, 2022
12:38 PM
1 Upvote
Try Googling "After Effects minimum system requirements" I don't remember them off the top of my head and you could Google it as easy as i could so...
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‎Aug 27, 2022
11:25 AM
1 Upvote
I'm just guessing but it sounds like you duplicated the comps in the layer stack instead of the project panel, which doesn't really create a new comp, it just creates an "instance" of the existing comp.
To actually creat a new independent comp you need to duplicate it in the project panel and then add that new comp to the layer stack. Then you can change each independently. There's also script called True Comp Duplicator (or something) that will also duplicate all the compositions dependencies like files and assets.
Remember that your comps and files actually exist in the project panel, not the layer panel. If there is one file (or comp) in the project panel then any changes you make to it will show up in every instance of the file or composition in the layer panel.
Hope that wasn't worded "confusingly" :O)
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‎Aug 27, 2022
11:18 AM
Yes check out the scripts Rift, Sortie & Keysmith by Michael Delaney. One of them will do what you want. And you can pay whatever you'd like for them, there's no set price
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‎Aug 26, 2022
09:13 AM
You might be able to do it with the FX Console plug-in which is another free plug-in from the same company that makes the Saber plug-in/
you could also try saving an animation preset
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‎Aug 26, 2022
09:05 AM
Allocating all your RAM is likely the problem. Try leaving 1/4 of your systems total RAM for "other apps" like your operating system.
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‎Aug 24, 2022
09:53 AM
What reason do you have to believe the problem is the server link to Photoshop?
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‎Aug 23, 2022
01:45 AM
Thank you! Is there a video somewhere that can show this? if not, ill try it when I get home, if I have an issue still, ill come back to you
By @nawid24923312c8ju
When you start After Effects the Welcom Screen has a "Learn" button in the upper left under the "New Project" & "Open Project" buttons. Press it and you'll given lots of options to start learning.
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‎Aug 22, 2022
03:02 PM
You're seriously asking Adobe to give a more powerful computer because you want to start making money on Tik Tok? Why don't you just start a Go Fund Me page? Or maybe everyone at your school will chip in a pound? Maybe set up a donation box for yourself in the cafeteria. Or maybe you can do "LIVE" social media content for tips. Build a cardboard desk backdrop and put on a show. All you really need is a smartphone to start uploading videos to social media. Then get a few followers. Start a Patreon. Start bringing in a few bucks. Then use them bucks to make few more bucks—bidnizz & so on and so on—until you can get a computer powerdul enough for you start making money by creating something. Key word: "CREATIVITY". Unlock it. 🙂
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‎Aug 21, 2022
09:20 PM
1 Upvote
I have no idea. But basic logic tells me that a cpu and gpu are literally two different things. They have to be purchased separately and sit at two different locations on the motherbooard. I assume if a GPU could do what a CPU does, then there'd be no need for a CPU. And visa versa. Maybe this won;t always be the case but as of today...the cpu and the gpu are still being manufactured and sold separatly so my assumption is that they both do different things and aren't really interchangeable? I'm just taking poorly educated guesses at this point.
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‎Aug 21, 2022
02:29 PM
Also keep in mind After Effects is a compositing program, not a 3D program.
You be better of doing your basic 3D stuff in C4D or C4D lite and then bringing that into AE for compositing. As for rendering you don;t necessarily have to do it in AE. You can try to do it in Media Encoder if that's faster for you or any 3rd party rendering program that fully supports multi core rendering.
And I do not think you need a different GPU.
But you might want to wait for answer from people way more knowledgable than me in all things CG.
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‎Aug 21, 2022
02:25 PM
Another issue you might not be aware of is that AE only use a single core of your cpu to render.
In it's latest release they've introduced multicore rendering but I believe it's only for functions that support it. And If your working with 2018 then it's definitely only gonna use one. This is common mistake people make assuming more cores mean faster computing. Better to go for the highest possible core speed rather than number of cores. So depending on your former machines specs, the performance hit you're seeing could be due to higher core count with lower core speed..
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‎Aug 21, 2022
02:35 AM
I don't understand. You have an arrow pointing at a spot as if there supposed to be something there.
The toggle switches for layer panel columns are over to the left of where you arrow is pointing.
To the left of where it says "frame render time".
You can add or hide additional columns by right clicking up at the top of the layer panel and navigating the "columns" fly out menu
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