People's Champ
People's Champ
‎Aug 20, 2022
05:03 AM
Been awhile but I'm pretty sure the terms are something like: "You will be billed each month until you cancel..." That's pretty standard for most subscription services. I don't see why it would be any different for Adobe.
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‎Aug 19, 2022
02:42 PM
BTW I'm sure you know this but you can set the filters on the unified help to isolate your searches. Problem is the filters reset after every search - at least they did least time I used the unified help which was years ago.
This is just an assumption but there's anly two logical reasons I can think of as to WHY they would try to intentionally keep people on the unified help rather than providing links to themuch more practical "reference PDFs";
1) Pride: They spent so much time and money creating the UH. This explanation is unlikely.
2) On the UH they can track user data. They can track your searches, where you are searching from, etc, etc. On the Unified Help they can collect user data and do all the things Adobe does with personal user data. They cannot do that on the reference pdfs. This explanation seems the most likely.
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‎Aug 19, 2022
02:03 PM
Replace progam name for other pdfs.
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‎Aug 18, 2022
09:36 PM
How much playback time are you trying to cache? Are you filling the cache in which case AE will start overwriting it? What is the rotio of allocation of your ram between AE and "Other Apps"? Like rtr23841119 said disbaling MFR could help if you are using effects that are not optimized for it.
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‎Aug 18, 2022
05:01 PM
1 Upvote
Try disabling multi frame rendering in the settings.
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‎Aug 17, 2022
02:07 AM
So you're saying that everything was fine...rendering projects all the time...
Then, suddenly 5 hours for just a shape layer with with motion tile.?
Then, suddenly 9 hours for just a shape layer without motion tile?
Then suddenly all of your Adobe software stopped working?
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‎Aug 17, 2022
01:55 AM
To clean your cache you can go to menu EDIT>PURGE>ALL...
Also try rebooting your system and if nothing else works
try disabling multi-frame rendering in the settings under Memory & Performance in the settings.
Does it only happen in that project? What if you start a new project?
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‎Aug 17, 2022
01:47 AM
Try cleaning your cache and making sure you GPU drivers are fully updated
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‎Aug 15, 2022
09:21 PM
Solution turned out to be obvious.
Disable multi frame rendering in memory & performance settings.
And at least in the case of Stardust, it not only gets rid of the warnings but also drastically improved
the plug-ins performce and stability.
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‎Aug 15, 2022
08:40 AM
The tracker works by following a point of pixel contrast (or something like that).
Instead of putting the entire dot inside the tracker view,
try moving it over an edge of the dot so there is both red and grey.
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‎Aug 15, 2022
08:07 AM
Yeah that fractal noise matte really helps to sell it. I'll have to remember that.
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‎Aug 15, 2022
07:58 AM
OK. really sucks for Stardust plug-in because is node based. So in a complex set up there's 30 or 40 of them. One for every node. Guess I'll just deal with it.
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‎Aug 15, 2022
07:13 AM
Ah, thanks. I wrongly percieved Jonas had tried reverting back to a previous version and the problem remained,
but all it actually says is that he "re-installed". My mistake
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‎Aug 15, 2022
07:04 AM
Is there a way to disable the warning icon that appears on effects not optimized for multi-frame rendering?
1) it's distracting
2) what if theres an "actual" problem that I won;t be warned about because the icon is ALWAYS there.
I feel like the only point of this is like a backhanded reminder that SOME AE effects now support multiframe rendering. It feels like more of an advertisement than a warning and it would be great if i could turn it off for the reasons I listed.
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‎Aug 15, 2022
06:56 AM
Did you make sure that you properly got rid of everything associated with Red Giant before reinstalling? Sometimes running an uninstaller doesn't get everything.
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‎Aug 15, 2022
06:49 AM
1 Upvote
Try applying the "Roughen Edges" effect and maybe a subtle matte choker. If the text is moving some precomposing might be necessary as roughen edges seems to be based on screen space rather than the text itself.
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‎Aug 14, 2022
06:21 PM
Cant tell much of anything without system specs. Also please provide screenshot of your playback setting.
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‎Aug 14, 2022
04:48 AM
No need to overthink it. Just duplicate the layer and move the duplicate directly above the layer you want to use it on.
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‎Aug 13, 2022
06:43 PM
I don't understand what you're asking. Is something you created in a previous project appearing in all your new, empty projects even though it shouldn't be?
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‎Aug 13, 2022
02:19 PM
1 Upvote
Because you need that 3 gigs of RAM to run your operating system and and other stuff. In fact you might get better perfromance if you gave 4gigs to other applications.
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‎Aug 13, 2022
07:13 AM
If you canceled you won't get billed. If you don't know whether or not you sucessfully canceled then contact sales support like Myl said. In the future it's probably better to not sign-up for trials that you cannot afford because if there's a glitch or a problem then you've put yourself in a tight spot. I suppose another option would be to somehow stop any potential payment via the PayPal website. Then if they try to bill you it will be denied and your software will be deactivated.
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‎Aug 13, 2022
05:16 AM
The entire system turning itself off sounds like the CPU overheating. It seems lke themost obvious explanation since it's happening during rendering. You could run a temp monitoring app to watch the temperatures while it renders. If that's what it is, check that your heat sink isn't clogged up with dust and applying a fresh layer of thermal paste to the cpu will likely fix it.
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‎Aug 12, 2022
04:31 PM
Well it's a trade-off. On a "professional" level you would have to actually purchase certain fonts which could cost hundreds of dollars. The Adobe fonts feature gives you access to SOME fonts you would otherwise have to pay for but you need to be connected to their server to work with them. Best bet is to avoid the cloud based fonts, or purchase the fonts outright which will allow you to download them to a local directory and always have access to them.
There's also sites like fontzone.net and dafont.com where you can search fonts and download them to your computer. Some are free some are not and some have restrictions
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‎Aug 12, 2022
04:23 PM
To expand a bit on your question of how do you know whether or not a property has "links".
select the layer and double tap "u" on the keybord to rveal modified properties. Any properties with expresions will show up in red and you will see the expression to the right in the timeline area
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‎Aug 12, 2022
12:25 AM
1 Upvote
Since they removed multi threading AE really took a nose dive in playing back audio in real time. To compensate they made it so it preloads a second or two of audio which gives the illusion that they fixed the problem. Problem is, as you've discovered, you can no longer use the waveform as a reference point. I've gotten used to it. You just have to learn to live with it. As Mylenium said, it sucks but its just the way it is. With practice you'll just get better at recognizing the waveform patterns within that short offset.
You may also notice audio drops frames all the time which, when dealing with narration, could make plurals sound like singulars or drop out articles like "as" or "the". It makes difficult to tell if the narrator made an error or the audio is dropping. In those cases I I have to shorten the playback duration to 5 or 6 second and let it loop through once. The second time through it will play the audio correctly. But if you stop and restart without letting it loop through it will always drop the same frames.
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‎Aug 10, 2022
02:03 PM
Try pre-composing the text animation and apply the drop shadow to the composition
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‎Aug 09, 2022
11:31 PM
Ho wmuch RAM do tyou have allocated to After Effects?
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‎Aug 09, 2022
11:28 PM
saying something about my video card
By @VICTORIA2554591449fw
The "something" that it's saying about your video card is probably not insignificant.
It might be helpful in diagnosing your issue if you could communicate what the error message is saying.
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