People's Champ
People's Champ
‎Aug 27, 2016
08:09 AM
Strings always have to be opened & closed with quotation marks. When you type the first quotation mark "after effects" thinks you are going to enter a string so when you fail type the second quotation mark you get an "unterminated" string. Besides not making any sense even if it was temrinated, the "2 at the end of your expression is an unterminated string which is why you're getting an error telling you you have an untemrinated string. If you do not know what strings are, or what syntax is then you've got some research to do.
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‎Jul 06, 2016
05:47 AM
1 Upvote
It's frustrating when you lose your patience. How long did you have them for? 13 years?
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‎Jun 24, 2016
12:04 AM
1 Upvote
Maybe they are rebuilding the name from the ground up so they are going to name it a little bit at a time. Or maybe they've been too busy streamlining the integration with Adobe Stock. I'm fine with it personally. The ability to buy things from Adobe from inside the AE interface is what's important to me.
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‎Jun 03, 2016
06:38 AM
1 Upvote
You can essentially do this with select label groups. For instance if you right click on the label of any text layer you can "select label group" at the top of the menu & AE will select every layer that shares that label color. You can then hide them or shy them or whatever. At least in CC2014 you can.
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‎Jun 02, 2016
09:54 AM
1 Upvote
The plugin actually looks pretty cool. I though you were talking organizing assets in the project panel
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‎Jun 01, 2016
01:55 PM
Dude, Just make yourself a template project folder with all the sub directories you want. Every time you start a project just duplicate the parent folder and rename it. If you're ambitious, with a tiny bit of research you can write your own executable that will create the directories for you. Just open your command prompt, create some folders and watch what the commands are. Or you type "help" in the command prompt and you will get a list of every (or alot of) system commands. Buying a plugin or the AE team coding this feature is a waste of resources.
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‎Feb 07, 2016
07:53 PM
1 Upvote
Have you tried whistling a tune? Have you tried burning some sage? Have you tried sacrificing a white lamb? Have you tried contacting Adobe support? Would you like me to contact Adobe support for you?
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‎Feb 07, 2016
07:48 PM
Ummm..like the answer to your question is like on your computer screen dude. If problem persists please contact customer support. So you're asking us what you should do? Ummm, like maybe you should contact customer support?
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‎Jan 30, 2016
01:13 PM
You're right, that is a better analogy.
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‎Jan 30, 2016
11:01 AM
VMS studio wrote:
Holy god is it really that difficult to fix the audio in the previews?
It would probably require years of education to to know the answer to that question. It's liking asking if it's really that difficult to invent an oven that can cook an edible turkey in 10 minutes? Personally i haven't the slightest clue how difficult it actually is...I would imagine it could be quite difficult depending on many factors. I just wish that it worked.
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‎Jan 13, 2016
01:10 PM
I have too many customized workspaces and shortcut keys I'm pretty sure all your personal settings can be synched over automatically. Partners demand you always work with the latest version? Soundfs like you might want to find some smarter partners.
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‎Dec 31, 2015
09:20 AM
I uninstalled and reinstalled (clean) and it seems to be fixed.
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‎Dec 31, 2015
08:55 AM
I upgraded to Chrome 64bit and am having trouble with flash plug-in. Windows10 Flash version Not sure this is the right place to ask but I thought maybe someone has heard of this or can direct me to a fix. Everything was fine with 32bit browser. Thanks
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‎Dec 22, 2015
03:57 PM
Are the images not aligned or is the camera causing them to appear unaligned?
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‎Dec 03, 2015
08:54 PM
You'd better do your research on this. If you bought a pre built laptop with a 32 bit operating system you probably have inadequate RAM to run AE. On a side note if they did sell it to you with more than 4gig of RAM you got taken as, last time I checked windows 32bit doesn't natively support more than 4gigs of RAM. Make sure to check the minimujm system requirements to run W10 x64 & of AE. If possible you might want to have someone help you to determine whether or not you laptop will run W64 & AE. You may have already wasted money on software you can't run...you wouldn't want to make the same mistake with 64bit OS
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‎Dec 02, 2015
06:19 AM
If there's not much improvement have mercy...they've been hard at work on the sleek new interface
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‎Nov 27, 2015
04:16 AM
Your post is not very clear. You updated AE today? From what version to what version? When you say sound is gone what do you mean?
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‎Nov 23, 2015
03:35 AM
1 Upvote
I for one am glad for all of you who are "done" with after effects yet still take the time to inform all of us who cannot think for ourselves or trust our own experience. I personally have no problems using AE 2014 for the work that I do....so if not for you guys I wouldn't know that AE sucked. I really appreciate all the time you ex-AE users spend here talking about how useless it is. The fact that I use it every day had me thinking otherwise. So thanks.
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‎Nov 22, 2015
03:05 PM
That really IS saying something.
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‎Nov 22, 2015
12:29 PM
dissidently wrote:
...any 3D app is better for 2D motion graphics than AE, by a good margin.
hmmm....sometimes what you say.....other times you say.... WHat do think about AE's splash screen?
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‎Nov 21, 2015
10:04 AM
Hmmm..That brings a whole new possible meaning to Todd's statement that "She will be great in this job". That's what I assumed...that either this change will be very good for AE...or very bad.
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‎Nov 21, 2015
08:18 AM
Just yesterday on the After Effects dev blog they announced that Adobe has replaced the the person in charge of After Effects developement. No mention of why the change came about and of course this is no guarantee of a better product. Let's hope things improve.
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‎Nov 18, 2015
09:28 AM
Szalam wrote:
I understand the resentment you feel. For me, CC 2015 is an improvement, but that's because I haven't run into the show-stopping bugs many others on this forum have. For me, the benefits of the updates outweigh the annoyances and bugs on my system with my workflow.
But I know that isn't the case for many folks. And I'm trying to get better about communicating that. (And I'm sorry for any anger my earlier, oblivious posts may have caused.)
I agree that there are way too many bugs for Adobe to roll it out in the way that they did - especially with it defaulting to remove the old versions! The After Effects team even publicly said that was a bad idea and I think we would all agree with them!
I would have preferred a "this is a first look at part of the new architecture - try it if you want". That would have gotten people excited (like I am) about the direction AE is taking and they would have patiently waited for the improved version if they didn't want to mess with the potential issues.
But Adobe just marketed it like a regular update which was not cool. They could have avoided this whole poop storm if they had just been up front about it. The After Effects team was very public about the state of AE CC 2015, so I'm not complaining about them, but too few people read the AE team's blog! Most people just look at Adobe's website and there wasn't anything there to indicate the fundamental changes that were occurring. So I guess the people I have a problem with are the Adobe marketing folks and whatever corporate nincompoop decided that CC 2015 was the time to remove all the older versions. SERIOUSLY. That could not have come at a worse time.
Again, I apologize for any resentment I may have caused. In the future, I will try to do better. I was just too excited about the direction AE was taking and didn't respond as I should have to folks who aren't as into using AE as I am. I just assume others research things because I do. (Especially when it comes to updates - I don't understand not researching them before installing.) I just really like my creative software and I follow news about it a lot. Right now, I'm super-excited about the upcoming update for X-Particles and I'm on Insydium's Vimeo page every day hoping for more updates! X-Particles 3.5 releases on November 30 - Christmas comes early/I'll have something to give thanks about! (Also, that may be the same day as the AE update since they've said "the end of the month". If so, that will be a good day for lots of folks here too!)
I appreciate that. I have no resentment toward you personally. I don't even know you. I'm glad you are excited about using 2015. I am excited about using it too...hopefully it wont be too long before I get start working with it. I didn't sign up to be a beta tester.
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‎Nov 17, 2015
10:34 PM
A. Cobb wrote:
Except you left out the part where you get to keep and continue to use the old TV.
Don't get me wrong. I'm perfectly happy using 2014. The way I see it for $50 a month it would take many years without an update before I felt I was being ripped off. I just resent people who try to argue that 2015 is an improvement. I get it...the work they are doing is moving in the right direction and I'm confident its being improved and I have no problem using 2014 until the improvements are completed. But if you try to tell me that 2015 is an improvement over 2014....If you try to argue that it's roll-out was proper..I'm going to call bull-****. Because that's what it is. Anyway it doesn't need to be argued anymore. I'm glad you're happy with the yearly releases of broken software. Personally I would prefer a stable release every three or four years.
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‎Nov 17, 2015
06:52 PM
A. Cobb wrote:
Not that I claim or deserve any kind of authority here, but just FYI I'm on record as approving of the "work in progress" nature of the CC 2015 release. I think it is very encouraging, and that it shows that the After Effects team is working to address a lot of the issues folks are complaining about here. What surprises me is that so many others here don't seem to see CC 2015, even in its current state, as a needed course correction. I understand that it is disappointing that it doesn't yet address a lot of the raw performance problems (particularly for people with newer Mac Pros), but I honestly believe the new render architecture will make these improvements possible in a way that the old architecture never could.
I get it...it's like if the channel changer on your TV occasionally skipped certain channels or had a slight delay. So it goes for repairs and gets returned to you with the channel changing module completely removed and no ability to change the channel. That's a good thing because the channel changing wasn't functioning right and needed to be fixed so at least it's absence, and my inability to change the channel at all is an indication that it is being worked on and that when they do restore that critical module it will be working correctly. Yah that makes perfect sense. It didn't work that good so totally gut, remove and start to tinker with all that needs fixing and then when the pieces are lying everywhere release it as an annual update. Genius I understand the OP was not about 2015. Still...
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‎Nov 17, 2015
04:59 AM
1 Upvote
@A. Cobb wrote I don't want any of this to sound overly negative, since I know AE has a small team and this sort of stuff isn't trivial to implement. I do appreciate this application and all it does, particularly for me creatively and professionally. I just get a bit tired of seeing new releases come every year and this stuff seems to go unaddressed. Amen to that. If Adobe puts a priority on just one of the many suggestions made by the community it should be what A. Cobb wrote. Stop with annual releases and "work in progress" unfinished releases. If you're making earth shaking changes to the base code and such....make them! And when you're finished. Release it! Maybe some inboxes need to get filled up with that message. And then filled up again.
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‎Nov 07, 2015
01:11 PM
You could also just attache the wiggle expression to a control slider which will act as a multiplier. So setting the slider to 0 will stop the wiggle. Then just key the slider. It look something like this wiggle((3*effect("Slider Name")("Slider")),(15*effect("Slider Name")("Slider"))) You have to create the slider on the layer first as an effect. Then multiply each value in the expression by the slider. Note the placement of the extra parenthesis. If you find the slider to be too sensitive just divide each equation by 10. And if you want greater control use different sliders for frequency & amplitude so you can adjust them independently of each other.
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‎Aug 22, 2015
12:41 AM
1 Upvote
Should I be concerned that the staff believe the audio playback issues are fixed? This raises the possibility in my mind that an ACTUAL fix is not being worked on.
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‎Aug 22, 2015
12:37 AM
With all due respect to Todd, the The After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update does NOT fix the sound issues. It improves them slightly but does not fix the issue of sound dropping out when playback is not real time. Maybe this is an intentional feature which i why it would nice to have an option to use the old ram preview method. For those of us need reliably consistent audio playback the ram preview ENSURED real time playback and clean audio. If you want reliable audio playback (oh, and the ability to render audio at all) you're going to have to go back 2014 or earlier until the developers can get it all cleaned up.
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