People's Champ
People's Champ
‎Dec 20, 2016
02:04 PM
You're not doing anything wrong. You just don't know what you're doing. Maybe the one mistake you made was assuming you could just open After Effects and start using it. Also not knowing good animating techniques like working backwards then keying your in-betweens. All you want to do is keep your dads head in the center of the window as you zoom. All you need to do is set a few keyframes on the video layer's position (or anchor point) and scale. There's no need for a camera. There's no need for tracking or stabilization. Dave gave you essentially the correct advice. 1) Start over. Import your video to a new scene. No camera. One layer of either your video or a precomp of your sequence. 2) Use the Pan Behind Tool to position the layers anchor point on your dads head (or the point you want centered) 3) Set keyframes on the anchor point and scale at frame one. Then move the CTI to the end, set the scale and anchor point to where you want it to be at the end (you want to keep the anchor point on your dad's head). The keyframes be set automatically. 4) Move the CTI to the point in time where you want the scaling to begin then drag the keyframe you set at frame one to that point. 5) Move the CTI to the point where you want the zoom to complete and drag the keyframe you set at the end to THAT point. (because the anchor point is on your dads head it will keep your dads head in the center). 6) scrub back & forth setting keyframes to keep the anchor point on your dads head in between the existing frames only if necessary meaning only if your dad's head is not where you want it at the in-between point. Try to set as few keyframes as possible. This is pretty much as simple as keyframe animation gets. Of course, that is not operating from the assumption that keyframe animation is simple.
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‎Dec 19, 2016
12:23 AM
Sounds like you may be talking about lower thirds? Try searching for "lower third tutorials for after effects" Minimalist Lower Third After Effects Tutorial - YouTube If you're not talking about this then maybe give a link an example of what you mean
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‎Dec 18, 2016
09:31 AM
While this does have to be done in 3d (unless you can figure out a way to do it 2D) I don't think text animators are the way to go. I probably would try to avoid animating any text at all in fact and instead animate a camera along a path to fly around and through the 3d text. While I would guess this is possible in AE I would do it in Maya since that is the 3D software I am most comfortable and knowledgible in. I would create the 3d text, create a path like a roller coaster and animate a camera along that path. One shot or several the process would be the same. I would render them as .png or .tga sequences then import the sequences into AE for polishing. Having said all that it would be way smarter to do it in C4D. You can import the scene directly into AE and avoid the intermediate renders. And it comes with recent versions of AE. So you need tutorials on creating 3d text & Animating cameras or camera animation or attaching a camera to a path or motion path. Regardless of wheteher you try to do it all in AE or you employ a full 3D app like C4D. Creating 3D text and animating a camera through it is what you need.
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‎Dec 16, 2016
05:17 AM
A simple conditional loop in the split command could fix this or create the possibility to change the behavior. But the team can't be bothered with little practical conveniences as they are busy changing the shape of interface buttons, the icons that represent file types and integrating advertising into the start-up screen. As Adobe recently stated with regard to their latest update, they're not focusing on little sparklies. It's part of the "New Truth" or what Oxford's English Dictionary calls "Post Truth". Just say it and it is true.
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‎Dec 14, 2016
04:37 AM
As far as I know there is not a list of unused hotkeys like you might see in another program or if you'll you'll get a conflict warning. What I might do is just pick a shortcut out of that list that I don't use & reassign those to keys to what would be the brackets. Like I said though you should probably make a backup of the original .txt file just in case you need to restore it. Good luck
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‎Dec 13, 2016
05:42 AM
I can't really speak for MacOS but on windows It's pretty far down in the document. To the right, in commas after the equal sign is the assigned key. Just edit it to what you want and save the document. If I were you I would save a back up of the default document in case there's an issue. If those commands aren't there maybe just try adding them following the way the rest are done.
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‎Dec 13, 2016
03:43 AM
For AE v14 on a WIndows machine you open the "...shortcuts.txt" ( C:\User\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AfterEffects\Version), find the commands "TimeSetIn" & "TimeSetOut" and edit the keys used. Obviously beware of assigning keys that will cause conflict.
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‎Dec 08, 2016
05:58 PM
You could just add a second solid (I used shapes, theyre easier to animate)
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‎Dec 08, 2016
12:59 AM
h, sorry. I misread it.
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‎Dec 08, 2016
12:19 AM
5820 does not support 128gigs of Ram. I believe 6800s & up are the only i7s that will support more than 64gig of memory. Else you need a Xeon.
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‎Dec 07, 2016
11:28 PM
1 Upvote
Your current system is fine for eveything you want (except you need a second SSD) You don't need to upgrade everything. You will not see the improvement you think you will. 1) There's no reason to be previewing anything longer than a minute ever! 2) Your first mistake is that you are dedicating all of RAM to AE...this is slowing you down immensely as you're not leaving any RAM for other programs, like for instance your Operating System. AE works best when you designate 75% of your RAM. If you have 16gigs of RAM designate 12gigs for AE. If you have 64gigs of RAM designate 48gigs to AE. 75%. 3) You need a dedicated SSD cache drive. Also Ideally you should have AE and your OS installed on a fast SSD. So really all you need to buy is second SSD drive (OS and AE on one & the second as a dedicated cache). Also stop letting AE use all of your RAM...it's bogging down your system. 75%. Bumping up your RAM to 32gigs will help you get slightly longer previews but your playback issues are likely due to one of your two drives not being SS & not leaving any RAM for your system. If you don;t correct those two things everything else will be wasted. And even then I think you may have slightly unrealistic expectations of what changes you will see. You say you have to cache the whole timeline....this leads to me to believe you are using AE incorrectly as an NLE. You really should only be trying to preview 15 to 20 seconds at a time...if that much even. AE is for creating shots, not for editing video. Of course all of this assumes there is nothing else bogging your system down elsewhere like unwanted or unneeded BG processes. Not enough space on your HD....ect. There are too many variables to know for sure. What I can say for sure is that you current CPU, GPU, MB and RAM are just fine and upgrading them will not make any huge difference.
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‎Dec 07, 2016
09:01 AM
Ctrl-Z works differently in Photoshop. Just hitting Ctrl-Z over and over will only toggle the last "action" back and forth. To undo multiple steps you need to hold Alt-Ctrl then tap Z however many times. By default you have 50 undos but you can change that in preferences. You may be getting frustrated because you are rushing. You should start from the very beginning with Adobe certified training materials. First learn the interface and take your time, go slow, especially if you have a problem with hitting the wrong keys or clicking the wrong things. Everyone learns differently and you need to figure out how YOU learn. When I started i would actually transcribe entire tutorials hours long because I was always forgetting tiny details (which there are tons of). I made notes on times of certain information I though was important. I made flash cards & indexes & filled notebook after notebook. I sometimes filled entire notebooks on just a single tool or technique. Don't compare your abilities to others. Just figure out what works for you and be patient.
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‎Dec 06, 2016
02:34 PM
1 Upvote
Szalam wrote: The CC 2017 release of AE lets you set up something like this a bit more automatically (details here in the "New Project Templates" section), in case future Google searchers come across this looking for template project workflow ideas. Thanks..that looks handy. Usually my template project appears in the "recent projects" section so i just use that but there are times when it doesn't and I have to manually open it so this feature could be useful. Once I move over to my new computer (probably next month) I am going to bite the bullet and start using 2017. I will enable that feature when I do. The only caveat is that this feature says it opens the project as an "Untitled/Unsaved project" which would mean that auto-save would again be disabled. Cheers, Paul
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‎Dec 06, 2016
02:11 PM
I can understand the confusion as some programs let you name a project when you create it but I don't understand your explanation as to why you would rather not save a project under a dedicated name. If you're not going to save it they why does need a unique name? If at some point you decide to save it then you name it at that point. Why would it need a name prior to that anyway? As for the fact that auto-save doesn't work until and initial save (even though you claim you do not want it to save) just work from a base project. For example I have a project called basicTemplate.aep, it has a folder structure I like & a few compositions (main, titles and assets) that I use in most projects. I just open AE with that file and then immediately save it with a new name. But even if I do not do an initial save the auto-save function works since I'm working from an existing file.
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‎Dec 01, 2016
05:43 AM
Roei Tzoref wrote: Gutter why would you need two users anyway (in relation to posting and deleting the comment and posting again)? is the other user you have more positive that you don't want to damage your reputation? It's not my account it's a group account for Adobe Stock that they prefer not to be used for anything but. Sometimes I forget to sign out and go "oh shit" & quickly delete it and repost as....me? Anyway to the point. It just doesn't make sense that you would take so much time to assure everyone how much better things have gotten since the "overhaul". Most professionals I've talked to still use 2014 in production, why is that? If it wasn't working very well for many before the overhaul, as you claim, and it isn't working very well for many now, then has anything really changed other than which people it is and isn't working for? I mean you are praising them because they've integrated a 3D engine that works. Think about that. You are praising them because they wrote something that works. Nevermind that it isn't very useful. Nevermind that they might have spent that time more wisely. It just isn't broken. Can expectations really get any lower than that? Can the bar go any lower? It all just has to make one wonder what reasons a person could have to devote so much time trying to quell people's frustration & anger? I mean for the complainers like me the motivation is understandable, anger & frustration is a great motivator. What are some other great motivators? Of course me being a cynic I find it very unlikely that you do it out of some benevolence. So, the most obvious explanation usually the being the correct explanation makes me think it's in hopes of becoming one of the people who's helpfulness and demeanor win them certain benefits from Adobe. Because, to your credit, you are the most helpful person around here and if anyone deserves the reward it's you. So your absolutely enraging optimism 7 positivity I can only imagine is to maybe have all your invested time pay off. Time is money after all. Anyway....if you want to make a pissed off person even more pissed off just them that their pissed-offness is unjustified and that their experience is invalid. Do you really think it makes a person for whom AE is not working well feel better to be told it works fine for you? You say it doesn't help to call the dev team idiot but what you're not realizing is that to the person who is angry and frustrated it DOES help. It's way of releasing their frustration. That's the thing....even if your arguments made any sense. Oh and BTW it's weird that D-bag thing with Szalam as he's another one who's optimism about Adobe drives me up the wall. I can't even imagine him complaining or being cynical.
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‎Dec 01, 2016
03:46 AM
1 Upvote
Winners are selected by Adobe community forum administrators according to the following criteria: Activity during the quarter (points earned and number of posts) Quality of answers Positive community participation and encouragement of others
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‎Nov 30, 2016
11:41 AM
Roei Tzoref wrote: let me tell you what is a fact: the fact is that a lot of the time multiprocessing was buggy, did not work and was not even productive. it was actually a guess work to see if it's better or worse in render time and many users (me included) gave up pretty quickly about using it. it was awful for many users. Did you try resetting your preferences?
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‎Nov 29, 2016
05:43 PM
By the way that was a rhetorical post....If you are not a spokesperson for Adobe or "in-the-know" about AEs development then I'm not much interested what you have to say about the bright & hopeful future of After Effects.
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‎Nov 29, 2016
05:40 PM
The fact is they have yet to do what they said they were going to do. All they have done is fixed (almost....for some people) the broken & useless result of their initial attempt. And they've continued to pile bells and whistles on top of broken ground. I think maybe some users might be fallen into the pit of of low expectations. Yes the RAM preview is faster and stable (for some). The audio finally works in real time (for some). But the drastic differences between hardware and software configs is evidence of their sloppy foundation. And the fact they continue to build upon that sloppy foundation is evidence of inept management. Finally the fact that they have stopped talking entirely about the multi-threading & cpu utilization. Why are changes to the UI being made? Why are non-critical features like a tinker toy 3D engine & cloud integrations being worked on while the foundation is still a mess? Why do I hear users on these forum saying that these critical components are of the upmost importance to the team & that they are working hard on them but I don't hear that coming from anyone at Adobe? Why do I hear users here on these forums apologizing & reassuring us about AE but I don't hear it from anyone at Adobe? In place of their silence you will not get optimism from me. It's scientifically proven that optimists are somewhat detached from reality. That or they're looking for a pat on the bum... A good kick in the bum is what they need.
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‎Nov 28, 2016
05:48 PM
Both machines have Asus motherboards, a P8H67 pro in the old machine and a Z170 Hero Alpha in the new build. Maybe...idk. I'll just keep using 2014 I guess.
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‎Nov 28, 2016
05:43 PM
Fair enough, I did ask in the original post though if anyone else was experiencing this. I do agree that if it were an issue there would be some mention of it somewhere and I cannot find anything anywhere. Although the same behavior on an absolutely clean installation on a brand new machine does have me baffled.
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‎Nov 28, 2016
05:22 PM
I appreciate the advice and I did update my video drivers but as I said, even on a brand new computer I just finished building yesterday. Brand new hardware, the only things installed on it are windows 10, cpuz and a fresh install AE 2017 with all settings at default...I don't synch my settings so everything is brand new and it's the same behavior. I can't think of what more can be done to isolate the issue than a brand new install of AE on a brand new install of Windows on brand new hardware that's never been used before. There are only two common links between the two computers and they are that they both have Nvidia GPUs (560ti in the new build & 970 in the old) and they both are running AE 2017. So I'll ask for a third time....are you using 2017 and have you noticed any lagging at all in text selection? If so are you using an nvidia gpu with windows10?
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‎Nov 28, 2016
04:13 PM
Hi.... It's the same no matter what. Also the same on a brand new installation of 2017 with no plug-ins or anything on a brand new computer. And you know that screen capture itself was frozen after a few seconds even though there was movement through the whole thing. I tried recording it a few more times and the resulting file would not even play back. I opened up 2014 and did a screen capture and recorded/ played back normally in real time. I then re-opened 2017 and screen capture failed again resulting in a just a static frozen screen. Do you use 2017? Do you find the text select lags?
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‎Nov 28, 2016
03:23 PM
Has anyone else experienced this. When I try to drag select text it lags terribly. In the example I have nothing else in the comp but there's like a one second or half second lag. With a busy comp the lag can be 2 or 3 seconds long. Has anyone else experienced this or know why it's happening? Is there a setting I need to change? I work with hardware acceleration disabled but enabled or disabled it makes no difference.
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‎Nov 27, 2016
08:47 PM
1 Upvote
Reread Mohammad's reply. Then follow some beginner tutorials After Effects tutorials
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‎Nov 27, 2016
01:54 AM
If you do just copy/paste keep in mind that AE pastes layers in the order that they were selected. So make sure to select them top to bottom.
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