People's Champ
People's Champ
‎Nov 26, 2016
03:29 PM
Can I have CC and the apps I use installed on both PCs? The new one as well as the old one?
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‎Nov 23, 2016
10:21 PM
1 Upvote
That setting applies to the display & as you can see it is specifically for the raytrace 3d renderer (which is obsolete) and hardware accelerated panels. It has nothing to with your render queue. The rende queue uses the cpu only.
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‎Nov 20, 2016
03:38 PM
Thank you
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‎Nov 20, 2016
02:26 PM
Is this just where it's at now? So since Adobe finally managed to get After Effects functioning on par (almost) with where it was 3 years ago, I decide to do an entire project in it. Thinking I can render the project back in 2014 since....well you all know why. Only to find out the project files are not compatible. So now I'm waiting twidling my thumbs waiting for the POS to render out as slow as cold honey. I mean what the literal F Adobe? Please tell me something useful.
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‎Nov 14, 2016
10:05 AM
Hit CTRL/CMD K to bring up comp settings
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‎Nov 14, 2016
02:17 AM
What's wrong with that picture? Your timeline only goes to 30 seconds. It appears you're also rendering at half resolution which means your video will be the wrong size. Go into your composition settings and change the length from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then make sure you drag your work area out to the full length of the composition. Above the timeline, right next to the little red, green and blue circles change from half to full. Then try rendering again.
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‎Nov 13, 2016
05:56 PM
Terrible. This is Adobes new crap software. There's nothing really to say. SOmebody at Adobe is making really really terrible decisions and needs to be fired. Either Adobe will eventually get their shot together or something will come along and take their market share. In fact, I bet there are people somewhere working on an Adobe killing app right now, but keeping it hush hush so Adobe doesn't find out and suddenly get motivated to fix their sheet and negate all their time and effort. We will hear nothing for awhile and then, out of the blue, like superman, an Adobe killer will appear & we can all stop paying for the broken, bloated software and then some broken, bloated Adobe executives can ride their golden parachutes into early retirement. Until then we just have to use the version that work for us and drop all expectations & confidence in Adobe. Adobe stock is at an all time high....maybe a good time to sell
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‎Nov 12, 2016
06:32 PM
1 Upvote
You don't have to work with just one. You can a buy a new one and keep using your old one also. I used to work with a 22 inch and an older 17 inch until I bought a 27 inch ips and now I use that with the 22 inch and a 22inch pen display as well. and the 17 is collecting dust in the closet. Soon I wiil get second 27 inch or maybe a 32 inch. You don't have to have identical monitors to use two or three or four. If you have a working monitor use it as a second.
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‎Nov 05, 2016
01:32 PM
1 Upvote
Update: Seems this may have been a one time anomaly. I found a bunch of instances of Ai running as background processes. I'm guessing an instance for each file I tried to open? Anyway I killed them all and now everything is functioning correctly. Something went awry but i have no clue what. If it happens again i will follow up.
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‎Nov 05, 2016
08:10 AM
1 Upvote
Just t be clear. It works fine as long as AI is not already open. Once it is open: File>Open is my only working option.
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‎Nov 05, 2016
08:06 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the reply. The files are properly associated. Right clicking doesn't work either in explorer nor Bridge. I have to either go File>open in AI or I can drag in. That's all that works.
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‎Nov 05, 2016
03:33 AM
1 Upvote
So if I double click an Illustrator file (.ai, .eps .svg) WHen Illustrator is not running, Illustrator will open the file will load. But once Illustrator is open double clicking files does nothing. I have to go to File>Open and then browse to the image. I really wish you guys would just let me purchase a stable version and stop taking my money every month and throwing monkey wrenches at me constantly. I'm on a windows 10 machine and obviously I am on the latest "greatest" version of Illustrator ever. AI2017 Thanks?
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‎Nov 04, 2016
02:14 PM
Yeah I know it frustrating. From my understanding their reason for breaking it was that they wanted to put the preview renderer on a separate thread from the rest of after effects so that you could "work" while previewing. Why did they think that was something people needed or even wanted is a mystery. Why they released such a useless application is a mystery. Why they changed the installer to automatically uninstall previous versions along with a totally broken version is....bad luck? The questions you are asking & frustrations you're expressing have filled multiples pages of multiple threads over the last two years. We've heard nothing. We're only left to assume that somewhere along the chain of command at Adobe there is a donkey who needs to be dragged shirtless through the halls to a cafeteria dumpster and deposited. Accept the mystery.
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‎Nov 04, 2016
01:59 PM
So I was sort of looking forward to this new system for doing 3D directly in After Effects. I'm wondering what you all think of this new system? Is it any different than the old Ray Trace 3d that nobody ever used?
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‎Nov 04, 2016
01:53 PM
1 Upvote
Think man....if they could tell you why it wasn't working then they would be able to fix. They can't fix it because they do not know what's wrong with it. I'm sure they're trying but they're very busy integrating social media and cloud based ways to share the work that you can't get done properly to really hammer out the bugs. It's part of Adobe's new "Lead With Your Arse" philosophy. There's only one answer: AE 2014
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‎Nov 04, 2016
12:30 PM
You could scale them down using a matte choker composited with a feathered mask. It very simple Apply a matte choker to the shape layer. Asjust the choke to the size you want them to scale down to Apply a mask to the shape layer where you want them to scale down (I guess the mask could be the shape of the thing they are entering) Press the "e" key on the shape layer to reveal the choker effect and twirl down till you see "compositing options" Hit the plus key to add a composite. It will automatically add mask1, if thats the only mask you have you're good to go. If not just choose the mask in the drop down. What this does is confine the effect inside the mask (well it depends on the mask mode & whatever but forget about that) At this point you should see the choke being applied to your dots only in the masked area. To achieve the gradual scaling down just add a little bit of feather to the mask. If you need I will make a quick video of how to do it. It's super simple
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‎Nov 04, 2016
12:12 PM
1 Upvote
I'm very curious about why you wish to know this number?
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‎Nov 04, 2016
12:10 PM
1 Upvote
The matte source goes on the top, the layer you want masked goes below. If you are using a black and white image you need to use Luma matte because the image has no alpha channel. Depending on how you created the black and white image you may need to pre-compose the matte layer to make it work. To learn more type track matte in the search help field at the top right corner of AE and study the help files and community resources. Yours is not working because of improper workflow, there is no bug.
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‎Nov 04, 2016
01:54 AM
The warning itself is probably no big deal. Either your cache is full or (if you use a drive other than your C:Drive for caching) it's defaulted back to your C drive as you cache, or what Rick said. As for not being able to select anything I have the same issue until I actually click on (wake up) the application window. You know the top bar windows have that you would click on to drag the window itself to another screen or whatever? Once I click that it wakes up and i can proceed. I just assumed this had something to do with how I have AE configured personally to open on a secondary screen. Basically when I start after effects I get my splash screen on one monitor but the app itself opens on a secondary monitor & then the welcome dialogue appears back on the primary. When using AE 2014 I don't have to wake the application window after startup but I just figured annoying little problems are sort of "the norm" with AE these days. But maybe this is a bug. Anyway if you have tried it yet...try giving AE a minute to get over it's awesome self and then try waking the app window by clicking the top bar.
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‎Nov 02, 2016
10:29 AM
There is no incentive as far as I can see Dave. Money is the only thing that seems to get their attention so unless there was a way to inflict monetary damages?.... If I had the type of skills necessary to build something like AE & were part of the AE team I would be actively trying to provoke a mutiny. There's a real opportunity in Adobe's errors for some team of dedicated people to fill a market demand. Or maybe sombody could convince Adobe to sell After Effects to a company that cares
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‎Nov 02, 2016
09:24 AM
I'm sticking with 2014 as well. Just tried out the new C4D engine and it's slower than the raytrace in 2014. Yup, the old raytrace engine in 2014 is faster than the new C4D engine. It's so frustrating that the ball has been dropped soooo badly with AE but yet I'm forced to continue my financial relationship with Adobe. I would very much like to express my dissatisfaction by ending my relationship with them but I need it for work. Their products have become bloated piles of shit.
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‎Sep 06, 2016
11:37 PM
If you cannot work because of it he solution seems pretty obvious...put your 680 back in. "Put 680 back in" vs. "Can't work"? Seems like a no brainer to me. Of course you won't be able to game on triple, 4k monitors @ 60fps but, sometimes sacrifices need to be made so we can continue working. Hopefully you still have the 680....Or sell your 1080 and pick up a 970.
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‎Sep 01, 2016
01:25 PM
Thanks again Kurt, i will look into this option and heap praises if it works out. Vheers
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‎Sep 01, 2016
01:22 PM
Hi kstohlmeyer1, Thanks!!! That script will save me some time for sure. But it's still an issue when I need vector files. I'm sure there is something out there I'll jst have to search a little harder. Cheers.
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‎Sep 01, 2016
01:16 PM
Hi Jane-e, It's not a one-time thing as I often get character sheets with multiple characters and I need to get each charcter or pose to it's own .ai or .png file. I'm getting tired of exporting the file as a .png to Photoshop, cuting it up and using export to layers. Also when I need to keep the images vector I go through one at a time toggling visibility and saving as .ai. Whether I have to use an action or find a script I need to get the process automated. I just thought there might be a native function like there is in PS. You know to save myself the hour or two it might take to figure out how to follow some more complicated process with actions or scripts. Thanks, paul
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‎Sep 01, 2016
01:04 PM
Hi Kurt, Thanks. I am using 2015.3. When you say layer variable along with batch do you mean something like having a looping expression? Or is "Visibility variable" a function in the batch dialogue? Is there even a batch dialogue? My Illustrator knowledge is pretty limited.
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‎Sep 01, 2016
11:55 AM
Is there a simple way to save individual layers to files? Like I just select all the layers I want and Illustrator exports each selected layer to an individual file? Or is there a way to automaticlly put each layer on it's own artboard so i could use the export selection? I have done some searching but the only solutions I could find were using scripts or actions. Is there no simple solution like Photoshop's Export>Layers To Files? Thanks. Paul
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‎Aug 29, 2016
10:17 PM
graphics cards cannot be used with any 2d and 3d image software, That statement is absolutely false garbage. The poster does not know what they're talking about (sorry Velope but it's true). However, AE in particular really does not use the GPU for much and there's no "fix" like you're asking for. But Media Encoder does have some GPU accelerated rendering so you can always send your projects directly there if AE is too slow for you. The fact that you specifically bought a GTX 1080 for use in After Effects does not have to be a total waste though. Let it serve as a valuable lesson: When you're buying software or hardware, especially specifically for each other, do your research first. A quick Google search asking if the gtx1080 was compatible with after effects probably would have told you that After Effects really does not use GPU's. Live & learn.
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‎Aug 27, 2016
08:09 AM
Strings always have to be opened & closed with quotation marks. When you type the first quotation mark "after effects" thinks you are going to enter a string so when you fail type the second quotation mark you get an "unterminated" string. Besides not making any sense even if it was temrinated, the "2 at the end of your expression is an unterminated string which is why you're getting an error telling you you have an untemrinated string. If you do not know what strings are, or what syntax is then you've got some research to do.
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