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i installed new ae cc 2015.
ram render is way faster in some conditions, but i find audio preview really slow :
when i press "." to listen just audio, or even "0" or "spacebar", preview start, but audio start few seconds later.
So i can determine pricesly the time when a can i hear a beat, like on cc 2014 version. I find that as a major problem in motion design.
And when i press ".", for audio only preview, there is a delay, then it's starts to play, but sound can be heard just few seconds later, but it works well in cc 2014.
the only way is to change option :
but in that case, audio is always on, when it is not real time.
Lats thing, on cc 2014, when i preview audio only, then stop, it comes back to the start point. Now it stops where it stops. Not practical.
Any way to change it in options ?
But well, if it correct one day, maybe just newt year, as the stereo effect problem has been correct in one year.
1 Correct answer
The After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update is available, which fixes this issue:
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edgardog48686523 wrote:
Terrible terrible. Stuttery, slow audio preview. A big part of my job involves timing audio to video specifically in After Effects. This is a freaking nightmare and I might lose the income. It is almost 2016.
Don't lose income over this! If CC 2015 isn't working for you, try using an older version of AE to see if it works better. Often, folks with issues in CC 2015 can work in CC 2014 without issue. Handily, AE CC 2014 can open and work with projects created in CC 2015.
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Can you tell me how to go back to AE earlier versions? Audio and video playback in AE version 13.6.1 is still not running at 30FPS.
A. Maldonado
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Yes even the last patch update do not fix this. It's even worse with a huge 3 seconds and lore delay before earing audio
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I think it's even worse now with the latest 2017 release. Audio playback is horrible and unacceptable. Slow and extremely choppy.
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Hey guys. 13.6 here and it isn't fixed yet on my side either. Can we have an ETA of new updates coming? Would love to get rid of the bug. It's annoying as hell and I can't go back because other partners I work with already use 13.6 and demand we stay with the latest updates.
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You can work with files from 13.6 in 13.2 (CC 2014) with no problems and you can open files created with 13.2 in 13.6 with no problems. It won't even pop a message up saying it was created with an earlier version. If you're really concerned about it, work in CC 2014, then open it up in CC 2015 and save it again. They can "demand" all they want, but what they won't know won't hurt them.
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Yeah but sux that 2014 version doesn't have a few features that I've gotten used to! Appreciate the input though! Think I'm going to stay witht 13.6 for now as I have too many customized workspaces and shortcut keys. I'd just love to hear a hint of hope and know when shall we at the very least expect/hope to see a new update with bugfixes
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VMS studio wrote:
Yeah but sux that 2014 version doesn't have a few features that I've gotten used to! Appreciate the input though! Think I'm going to stay witht 13.6 for now as I have too many customized workspaces and shortcut keys. I'd just love to hear a hint of hope and know when shall we at the very least expect/hope to see a new update with bugfixes
I know what you mean. I really like some of the new features in CC 2015 too!
I know they're working on an update - they've been asking folks for more information on bugs they've had - but I don't think I've heard them mention a time frame.
I would expect one towards the end of April or first half of May, if not sooner. Why? Well, in the past, Adobe announces and demonstrates their new video stuff at the NAB Show and then releases it a couple of weeks after that. Thus, end of April/beginning of May.
However, the pace of updates has been quicker recently so we may have another one before that happens.
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I have too many customized workspaces and shortcut keys
I'm pretty sure all your personal settings can be synched over automatically. Partners demand you always work with the latest version? Soundfs like you might want to find some smarter partners.
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Gutter-Fish wrote:
I have too many customized workspaces and shortcut keysI'm pretty sure all your personal settings can be synched over automatically. Partners demand you always work with the latest version? Soundfs like you might want to find some smarter partners.
13.6 introduced some totally new workspace options: stackable panels. They are great! But, on the downside, you can't use them in 13.5 or any earlier versions. So, while many things can be synced between versions, workspaces aren't one of them.
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Any word on this issue? Since I last updated my AE I've been having all sorts of preview-related problems. Mainly that hardly ANY previews play in real time. What's annoying is that it used to work perfectly and the last update "broke" it. Of course I could go back to a previous version, but this is starting to sound like the MS Windows debacle where the only solution to the new iterations' issues was to go back to previous ones.
I should point out that I spent a lot of time on the phone with Adobe and we were able to conclude that the issue has something to do with the fact that I am using an 27 inch Apple Display and a 27 inch Cintiq. If I change my workspace to minimal, which only uses one of the monitors, the problem SOMETIMES goes away. But that's not a solution to the problem. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
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AFAIK no, there is no solution to the various preview issues in CC2015. It is simply broken right now, and the only option is to go back to a version that worked, or wait for Adobe to bring out another update that hopefully fixes it. No time frame on when that will be though. CC2014 works very well.
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Who have GLITCH sound effects when preview already in RAM, for me this help:
I change AUDIO HARDWARE SETTINGS BUFFER SIZE from 2048 to 1024, and sound glitch effects gone, iam happy.
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I's a shame it's not resolved yet.
i have always 2 second with no sound with ram preview, and some glitches as well, i'm gonna try your tip stillborn, but right now it doesn't seem to change anything for me.
It's nothing with 27" display, i use 24" screen on windows 10, and audio still does'nt work.
But hey adobe, as i said on the orginal post : "But well, if it correct one day, maybe just next year, as the stereo effect problem has been correct in one year."
it's 7 month from 1st post...
i'm not sure to pay my licence again, to have a full life beta release....
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13.7 seems to have correct this issue.
there is still a tiny glitch at first loop, but there is no more 2s with no sound.
i'll try more and tell if it's ok.
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Witch OS are you running ? Because on Yosemite OS X (10.10.5) the bug is definively still there and it is a shame !!!
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i'm on win 10, i'll try on my mac soon.
audio is not perfect, but on 2nd loop, when ram render is done, it's ok then.
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Hi Kanadiou,
keep complain and ask for explanations (as I will myself) because it is a shame that Adobe releases software as buggy as CC 2015 is.
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The say it's fixed. Is everyone talking about 13.7 having a fixed audio? I swear it's almost worse than before! Holy god is it really that difficult to fix the audio in the previews? That is one of the MAJOR aspects of the workflow. No Preview, no work done.
It's like creating a F1 racecar which is fast and great, but just the steering wheel doesn't fucntion and you can only go straight for now.
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StephaneA_AfterEffects wrote:
...on Yosemite OS X (10.10.5) the bug is definively still there and it is a shame !!!
Tim explained in this thread that there are two bugs that present similar symptoms. One bug was fixed and one isn't yet, so he edited the blog post to clarify. He also mentioned in that post that the AE team is working on a rewrite of how AE sends information to the screen and audio hardware that should solve this (and other) problems.
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10.11.3 (El Capitan) the bug is still there
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VMS studio wrote:
Holy god is it really that difficult to fix the audio in the previews?
It would probably require years of education to to know the answer to that question. It's liking asking if it's really that difficult to invent an oven that can cook an edible turkey in 10 minutes?
Personally i haven't the slightest clue how difficult it actually is...I would imagine it could be quite difficult depending on many factors. I just wish that it worked.
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My question wasn't really direct. I was only trying to note the fact that this has been a known issue for months now and hasn't been fixed whatsoever. For a team of professionals such as the Adobe team, this surely shouldn't be that difficult AT ALL.
And my question would be more like "how difficult is it for a tech group who produced the microwave, fix the issue that would not make the microwave power up." I just think this is a result of poor work management as opposed to lack of skills.
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You're right, that is a better analogy.