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i installed new ae cc 2015.
ram render is way faster in some conditions, but i find audio preview really slow :
when i press "." to listen just audio, or even "0" or "spacebar", preview start, but audio start few seconds later.
So i can determine pricesly the time when a can i hear a beat, like on cc 2014 version. I find that as a major problem in motion design.
And when i press ".", for audio only preview, there is a delay, then it's starts to play, but sound can be heard just few seconds later, but it works well in cc 2014.
the only way is to change option :
but in that case, audio is always on, when it is not real time.
Lats thing, on cc 2014, when i preview audio only, then stop, it comes back to the start point. Now it stops where it stops. Not practical.
Any way to change it in options ?
But well, if it correct one day, maybe just newt year, as the stereo effect problem has been correct in one year.
1 Correct answer
The After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update is available, which fixes this issue:
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I am having the same issue with a delay in the audio preview when I press "." This was not so in the CC2014 version I just had. Adobe better address this soon.
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It's a high priority for next month's update, as I recall. That being said, this post from Tim might fix it for you: Re: Audio Scrubbing in CC 2015?
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Yeah it's really making my life difficult, although I only just discovered you can hit "." which is handy.
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Same problem here. I either get no audio when using "." or it lags.
Windows 8.1 64bit
AE CC 2015.0 -
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Same thing with me.. Its a huge problem with motion graphics when you want to sync something up.. When I put the ram preview FPS to 15 the song is not in real time.. Its always like a second behind.. I hope they fix it soon.
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Sound in AE CC2015 is SO laggy and buged!
I wish I hadn't update.
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chicas wrote:
Jesus! Sound in AE CC2015 is SO laggy and buged!
I wish I hadn't update.
Good news! This "update" is not something permanent! Installing CC 2015 is NOT an update to your CC 2014 software that overwrites anything.
In fact, if you had chosen certain options on installation, you would not have lost CC 2014.
CC 2014 and CC 2015 can both exist on the same computer without problem.
And, even if you've already removed CC 2014, you can get it back! (Heck, you can install CS6 too, if you want! CS6, CC, CC 2014, AND CC 2015 are all in the cloud just waiting for you!)
How to Find and Install Previous Version of Adobe Apps in CC 2015 | Adobe Customer Care Team
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Nice one. Couldn't agree with you more on how CC 2014 or even CS6 were far more usable than this CC "2015" (it should be called "2016" and worked on a little bit more).
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The After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update is available, which fixes this issue:
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Hmmm, I installed the update this morning and while it did seem to have solved the responsiveness issues with keypresses during preview (which I was having even in a project that did not have the camera tracker or warp stabilizer effects at all), audio was still delayed by one or two seconds when playing a realtime preview. Also when looping a completely cached preview with audio, audio still stuttered here and there even though playback was never dropping below realtime.
So I would hesitate to call this issue fixed. I only had a couple of minutes this morning to test drive the update though so will investigate further tonight.
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I totally agree, I updated to This issue is not "fixed", rather it is improved but not to the point of full functionality. I hit "." for audio preview and it takes up to 4 or 5 seconds until the audio begins to play.
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Thanks todd, it seems to be ok.
i've just updated and it work well, and audio goes back to start point when pressin ".", that's cool.
In update, i didn't really understand this :
Mute Audio When Preview Is Not Real-Time now disabled by default
The Mute Audio When Preview Is Not Real-Time option in Preferences > Previews is now disabled by default. The intent of this preference is to avoid playing stuttered audio in known cases when the preview frame rate will not be real-time, for example during the first pass of a preview while frames are rendered and cached. But because several bugs remain present After Effects CC 2015 that cause the preview frame rate to slow down during user interaction, even when the preview is playing back cached frames, we decided that hearing some audio is better than the audio dropping out. We will continue work on these bugs for a future update.
i undestand the changing of option, but didn't understand why. I'm sure it's explained, but my english do not allow me tu understand the reason.
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Update works well!
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Should I be concerned that the staff believe the audio playback issues are fixed? This raises the possibility in my mind that an ACTUAL fix is not being worked on.
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Gutter-Fish wrote:
Should I be concerned that the staff believe the audio playback issues are fixed? This raises the possibility in my mind that an ACTUAL fix is not being worked on.
That sounds like a legitimate concern. If they think everything is good, they wouldn't be working on fixing it. Some bugs were fixed because a lot of people with these issues reported that they're gone, but it seems that there were multiple bugs with the same symptoms! If you're experiencing issues like this, file more bug reports. Be sure to mention in those reports as much detail as possible, but ESPECIALLY that you're already running the 13.5.1 update.
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Yup same here. Audio preview is still out of sync especially when it comes to syncing with the preview out. Could be hardware, but everything was working fine before updating and we've updated everywhere else as well. Overall I love the render speeds now , but audio sync is crucial, especially when working with clients.
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with update, it works really better.
but when i play preview or just audio preview, the begining is not perfect very often.
But we can work with this update.
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With all due respect to Todd, the The After Effects CC 2015 (13.5.1) bug-fix update does NOT fix the sound issues. It improves them slightly but does not fix the issue of sound dropping out when playback is not real time. Maybe this is an intentional feature which i why it would nice to have an option to use the old ram preview method. For those of us need reliably consistent audio playback the ram preview ENSURED real time playback and clean audio.
If you want reliable audio playback (oh, and the ability to render audio at all) you're going to have to go back 2014 or earlier until the developers can get it all cleaned up.
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As of now, by using MP3 audio, cleaning media and disk cache and Purging all memory solves these issues.
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I can confirm that the recent update did not fix the audio preview on my end. Video preview is also not working very well either.
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today i have to work a lot with audio sync, and i can afirm that the problem is still here.
there is most always a bad start just few frames after in point preview, and audio is often bad and cut for few seconds after in point, even if you ram preview is already cached.
hope it will be better later on next update
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I still have this problem! Audio is not playing with the preview, stuttering or only partially playing. Also the RAM preview is way slower than in previous AE versions.
I'm on a cloud subscription and tempted to install the latest version instantly. Now I held back for months... waited for a few bugfixes and installed CS 2015 this week. What a mistake. Everything takes twice as long... nothing works....I don't get my project done.... so annoying.
We pay a lot of money to use this software and AE used to be reasonably good for years. What you sell to us now as a "new version" is neither tested properly nor does it work. You better get this preview bug fixed quickly, Adobe.... not to mention the blue (instead of orange) interface elements everybody still hates.
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Yes, nothing has been changed since the last bugfix update so if you had the problem before it's still gonna be there. There is a new update forthcoming before the end of the year that should solve several issues related to the audio and preview system. See this post on the official blog: What’s new and changed in the upcoming update to After Effects CC 2015 | After Effects region of int...
...and this forum thread Re: what’s new and changed in the upcoming update to After Effects CC 2015
I agree Adobe should not have released AE CC2015 in the state it is in. I can understand that the mechanics and usability of the new preview system still need to be tweaked but the audio issues are another thing. This should really have been picked up in testing and fixed before release. Best to consider new releases to be "open beta" in the future (at least until the first or second bugfix update) because that's what AE 2015 feels like.
But I haven't experienced previews actually being slower than in previous versions. They feel about the same for me (haven't tested it properly though). And I also don't mind the blue color of the interface.
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Terrible terrible. Stuttery, slow audio preview. A big part of my job involves timing audio to video specifically in After Effects. This is a freaking nightmare and I might lose the income. It is almost 2016.