People's Champ
People's Champ
‎Aug 09, 2022
11:23 PM
Yeah: You should probably look into to True Comp Duplicator
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‎Aug 09, 2022
08:50 AM
1 Upvote
Could it have something to do with the fact you're working at 1/4 resolution & 6% magnification?
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‎Aug 08, 2022
07:18 AM
Something you should always check anyway. Even before updating AE...check with your plug in manufacturers and make sure they are ready for the new version. If they're not coordinating with Adobe it could take them a few week or months to release an update during which time you wont be able to use the plug in.
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‎Aug 08, 2022
07:15 AM
I used to get AE crashes trying to use ME while AE was open. I stopped using AE export functions and just manually open ME and then import the project. You could try filing a bug report here https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
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‎Apr 30, 2022
11:46 AM
1 Upvote
You can use AE text animators but for variation you'll still need to do some by hand. Also you could look for a script that that breaks text block into words, apply the animations all at the same time and then offset the words using sequence. here's a plugin for breaking up text (among other things) https://aescripts.com/squash-and-stretch/
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‎Apr 30, 2022
11:39 AM
Right click on the layer and select "Guide" A blue hashtag should appear next to the layers name
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‎Apr 30, 2022
06:46 AM
You shouldn't care more about a project than the people you're doing the work for. Save yourself the headache and do a simple mask reveal. You're costing yourself money taking a week to do something that could have been done and acceptable. Cynical, I know. But that's my experience.
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‎Apr 29, 2022
01:38 AM
I was gonna say if you're using a stroke effect on a single layer set to "All Masks" you can just drag the masks in the layer stack and arrange them in the order you want them to reveal and set their "first vertex" for a little extra variation but with over 800 masks that would get pretty tedious and you'd have no offset.
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‎Apr 28, 2022
09:27 PM
It's all good, in the end After Effects DOES allow you to duplicate counterfeit bank notes so it's fine. Turns out the apparent counterfeit bank note plates I purchased from Adobe Stock were not a waste after all should I ever decide to make counterfeit bank notes 😉 Does Adobe accept cash payments? hehe
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‎Apr 28, 2022
12:19 PM
So the Photoshop team is following the standards and guidelines set by The Central Bank Counterfeit Deterrence Group (CBCDG)
but the After Effects team and the Adobe Stock team are not?
Adobe Stock is selling images that, ,can be used for counterfeiting US currency?
Adobe needs be broken into smaller competing companies.
Seems the "left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing" is now potentially causing a national security risk.
Thanks for your response.
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‎Apr 27, 2022
06:41 PM
Via Adobe Stock I just downloaded 2 images of cropped, isolated images taken from bank notes. One of which is a plate of 6 heads (George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Abe Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin) which I was going to isolate into 6 separate images so I don't have crop the image for every head, everytime in AE. However Photoshop will not let me open them because "This App Does Not Support the Printing of bank Note images". So in Adobe's infinitely well oiled machine....I can buy the images on Adobe Stock...I can use the imges in After Effects....but I can NOT open them in Photoshop. Standing ovation and WHO should i contact for a refund on these images you SELL but do NOT support? Thanks BTW this also confirms Adobe is "looking" at my images. I wonder is that legal?
Happy Customer
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‎Apr 18, 2022
05:03 PM
In some frames? You mean it suddenly jumps from frame to the next and back again? Or does the issue occur when you scale it and stay that way?
The difference between the two picture leads me to believe you are somehow scaling the font size rather than the text layer.
Are you using expressions?
Please give workflow details.
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‎Apr 17, 2022
09:07 PM
Can't speak much to Mac Compatibility issues but one thing you can check is that your work space is trimmed so it's close to the number of frames/seconds you are trying to preview. So trim your workspace bar to like 15 seconds or so, let it play through once laggy and when it loops for the second playthrough it might be better. That works for me. And of course you should be caching to a dedicated (preferebly SSD) drive other than the one AE and your OS are on. Also make sure you have not allocated too much (or all) of your RAM for AE. If you do AE will use it all leaving none for you OS which could also cause poor performance.
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‎Apr 16, 2022
03:26 PM
Well I mistakenly thought the Intel Iris Pro was an integrated GPU but turns out you're right it is a dedictated GPU. But as you've discovered it's vram doesn;t wuite meet the requirements of what you're trying to do. That being said all of your specs are kind of the low to minimun end of the spectrum. These newer features require more resources. 16 gigs RAM and a 2.2gz processor are also low. Your computer barely meets minimum requirements to even run the app. To boot I'm guessing you do not have a dedicated cache drive either?
Maybe time to invest in some better gear. Unfortunately as this applications evolve so do the hardware requirements to use them.
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‎Apr 16, 2022
05:04 AM
I'm just taking a guess. I could be wrong. Did some searching for the features requirements but couldn;t really find anything. It's just you're saying your integrated gpu has less than two gigs of ram? I don't understand how you can be doing 3d work with that but maybe I am misunderstanding.
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‎Apr 16, 2022
02:11 AM
What happens if you make the text layer 3d, or precompose the layers that ARE 3D.
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‎Apr 16, 2022
02:08 AM
Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB might be your problem. I believe "hardware excelleration" refers to using a dedicated GPU. What you're using is an integrated GPU, not dedicated.
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‎Apr 16, 2022
02:03 AM
Please explain the process you are using exactly to add the text.
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‎Apr 11, 2022
12:28 PM
Please include a screenshot of the entire application window.
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‎Apr 11, 2022
12:22 PM
First most obvious question is do you have a dedicated cache drive and if so is it full?
Second is how long of span are trying to preview?
Third is what is going on in the project (how system intensive is it).
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‎Apr 05, 2022
01:49 PM
It is correct? Tell me what my question was please. Besides NOT answering my question their answers repeatedly describe how team licenses work incorrectly. But...I don;t really care TBH. I'm tired of fighting the rising tides of stupidity.
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‎Apr 05, 2022
12:46 PM
I unmarked this answer as "correct" as it does NOT answer my question nor does it accurately describe how the process works.
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‎Apr 05, 2022
04:13 AM
Thanks for your suggestion. Take care now.
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‎Apr 05, 2022
01:06 AM
As you understand it? It says right at the top of the plans window in the limk I gave you "unlimited users". So...what exactly do you understand? The limit is on the number of assets...not how many team members have access to them. And they don;t need to hand out anything to anyone except the password. Thanks for ttying to help but you don;lt know what you;re talking about.
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‎Apr 05, 2022
12:47 AM
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‎Apr 04, 2022
01:26 PM
Dear Terminal Generation-
Stock asking me to verify identity for my employers account by entering a code it's sending to the account's email. Obviously I have no way of obtaining that code. Is this verification something that Adobe has enabled for it's account holders? If so...did anyone ever bother to consider that not everyone is an individual or primary account holder? So now I am locked of account and unable to work until my employer or Adobe solves the issue. It's sad that I have come to EXPECT using Adobes services to slow me down at every turn.
The X Generation
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‎Mar 29, 2022
02:14 AM
1 Upvote
462 days, non stop/ 24 hours per day 7 days a week.
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‎Mar 27, 2022
02:35 PM
The third important factor in this equation is the fps of the source footage. Sounds like yours is probably 29.97. When you create a comp whatever you set the comp framerate as when you created it is what it's gonna say in the "preview" panel. You can override it if you want, the effect would be the same as if you changed it in the comp settings. The important thing is that your composition's fps matches the source footage. It's a good idea create comps by dragging the footage onto the create composition icon in the Project Panel, this will make sure that composition inherets all the attributes of the footage. But...
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‎Mar 22, 2022
04:29 PM
pressing "u,u" on a layer will reveal all modified properties.
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‎Mar 22, 2022
04:23 PM
If you have or can create enough contrast (or an alpha) you can try using Auto Trace function down near the bottom of the Layer menu. You would set it to "work area" and, if you have no alpha, a color or luminance. If it wont work on the video as it is you try adding a contrast or curves effect to try and creat more contrast on the subject. Depending on the footage it can sometimes do a pretty good job. Works amazingly for animations with transparency.
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