How do I get my comp to render normally?
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My composition frame rate is 24 and when I match my preview settings (playback) to 24 , it sounds low pitch and slowed down. But when I put my preview settings to 29.97 (while my comp is at 24 frame rate) , it sounds normal. So when I render my edit, it doesn’t matter what frame rate I render at, it is always low pitch and slow. How do I render my composition so it sounds normal?
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The third important factor in this equation is the fps of the source footage. Sounds like yours is probably 29.97. When you create a comp whatever you set the comp framerate as when you created it is what it's gonna say in the "preview" panel. You can override it if you want, the effect would be the same as if you changed it in the comp settings. The important thing is that your composition's fps matches the source footage. It's a good idea create comps by dragging the footage onto the create composition icon in the Project Panel, this will make sure that composition inherets all the attributes of the footage. But...
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Yeah, I agree with P.M.B.. You probably did not set the framerates consistently, including the footage interpretation. Check those things.