‎May 01, 2024
02:31 PM
Hi, an often used need,.. fed up with going back and forth, lose my position on the photo etc. I need to capture a hi res image of a photo, r/c save image doesnt always work, sometimes its more pixelated, so I use printscreen button, the workflow:- moving to part of it, hit printscreen, maximise pshop CS6 ctrl N get blank image same size as clipboard image, paste, minimisie pshop, move image, printscreen, maximise pshop , paste, (get new layer), minimise pshop, move image, printscreen, maximise pshop, paste (get new layer) and keep doing this many times.... (for many years now) Turn on Windows clipboard history, windows key and V shows multiple copies, OF TXT, but for images lucky to see 3 at most, Msoft useless ! So I have installed Ditto, that keeps multiple printscreens, so now:- printscreen, move image printscreen move image etc etc. launch pshop, call up ditto, see my copies, unable to get them into the blank document, select one and see no means of going 'paste', try for Ctrl v, nothing happens, except I get last copied. drag drop the multiple selection onto the blank file, nothing happens. cannot see a paste command for the thumbnail I selected. drag drop to topmost bar in pshop and get a + sign and get many new files appear, I dont want that though. I want them all in one file, to save and assemble later. as normal paste does. Just what clipboard manager works with photoshop ? Lots of praise for Ditto yet I come to use it and get this issue, clearly they didnt think about paste, and pshop understands 'paste' Cheers Merlin
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‎Apr 05, 2024
02:20 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, Pro CS6 has a new interface compared to CS3 and I am finding I cant see the very fine grey divisions on the dark grey background, I was used to black on pale grey. The move to dark grey backgrounds to many progs causes such visiblity issues. What setting in premiere pro makes the divs white or more contrasty ? Also what settings makes the timeline larger, as the frame spacing is not as big as in Davinci. I am at max zoom. Merlin3
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‎Apr 04, 2024
04:35 PM
Hi,, I will try and do a test file, the real one is 3.1Gb Merlin3
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‎Apr 04, 2024
04:09 PM
Hi, I have just given that a go, I wasn't aware of it, selecting source (bounce flash pic) and target existing light, result is better but two tests sees a slight yellowyness still to greys etc, and the image in general, so either its impossible else ? Both taken same viewpoint with tripod, one is flash bounced off a white surface, the other existing light in the room. I have others with Q13 cards so more experimenting, if I could use a pipette thing and pick areas to be source and target, that might do it. Such a task is fundamental for me, and I had hoped Pshop did so. DBenz
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‎Apr 04, 2024
06:38 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, No I haven't and now I try that and BINGO ! FANTASTIC ! all these years of fiddling about aligning and nudging, and could have done that. Wish I had thought to ask. MANY THANKS INDEED. hope others also find this a life changer. Merlin3
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‎Apr 04, 2024
06:34 AM
Hi, run that script, error 8800 , version of photoshop etc , may not work etc. and I have only one of each Type Number, I just abutt images with same Type number of object before labelling. Cheers Merlin3
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‎Apr 04, 2024
06:22 AM
Hi, CS6, I saw a trick in youtube for Davinci Resolve video editor whereby selecting a still image (which had a wanted colour balance and exposure) and a slightly desaturated and different colour balance video clip and then an option from a drop down menu, made the video clip match the photo. If I have taken a photo in existing light (ceiling lights supposedly daylight but the photo tells otherwise !) in a hall, then also photographed the same object using bounced flash whilst there, I can never manage to get the existing light photo to match the colours of the object, . Has Photoshop the same option of indicating a target photo and see it adjust another to match ? I am CS6 so hope such exists in that version. Cheers Merlin3
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‎Apr 04, 2024
04:51 AM
Hi, yes, when I type out the label for the photo that text is then also the label name. Cheers DBenz
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‎Apr 03, 2024
02:23 PM
Hi, Thanks for the script, I googled how to use a script, saved it as a .jsx, file> scripts browse to script ran it, entered 39 to search for, and waited, GPU fan increased, waited 2 mins. nothing happened, photoshop had frozen, so end task. relaunch Pshop. try for a word, same problem, third time try *handrail* get syntax error, so unable to get it to work. DBenz
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‎Apr 03, 2024
06:47 AM
Hi, CS6 I have many layers, some of which are text tool made. I wish to search for e.g the number 91 and then zoom to it as the file is massive and very tall. Its a montage of ladder types. each ladder has a Type number such as Type 43 written over it as a text layer and grouped to it. Searching for such numbers by eye takes forever, as they are placed to suit ladder design and not in numerical order. So once found how can I zoom to the find ? Cheers Merlin3
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‎Apr 03, 2024
05:20 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, CS6 If I am making a printscreen of a large image bit by bit and pasting as I go into a .psd file, I normally make the addition 50% transparency and move it around, nudging with arrow keys turning visibility on and off until I get it matching, then combine the layers (after making the 50% as 100% again) and then bring the next one in and repeat the process. Very laborious. Can I select two layers and say to pshop match together, photomerge in other words, within the psd file, so printscreen, paste, select previous layer, merge, repeat process. Otherwise its bring all the printscreens in, then generate separate files, save them all, then photomerge. I am unable to generate files from layers, Fules>scripts>export layers to files ... I get an error. or make a file with each paste of a printscreen then save them then photomerge. It would be great if I could merge as I get two layers. Merlin3
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‎Apr 03, 2024
04:52 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, CS6 I have a file with layers that need photomerging together. In Photomerge I can't see a way of telling Pshop to use the layers. I am CS6 How is this done ? Cheers Merlin3
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‎Nov 30, 2023
12:57 PM
Hi, Photoshop is unable to open images sent via WhatsApp. Could not complete your request because a SOFn, DQT or DHT JPEG marker is missing before a JPEG SOS marker. To do so first open image into MSpaint (the worlds cheapest prog) then save image. Then the worlds most expensive (or one of) can open the image. Might be ok for a couple but I have been sent many images and one by one they take ages to do that to. What is the best way round this. Apparently a routine cannot be written for MSpaint to open and save from a directory multiple images, as its too dumb, though it can cope with WhatsApp, ironic isnt it ! and as for folk shouting at Adobe get your act together, they shout into the wind. I am CS6 by the way so if cloud can do it, I am stuffed. I see others suffering on later versions than CS6 anyway and complaining that Adobe have not bothered to get up to date with WhatsApp. what prog is there that can open and save as Pshop compatible jpg that can have an action that opens and saves many images ? Cheers Merlin
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‎Nov 25, 2023
01:31 PM
This is just nuts, paint can open a jpg via WhatsApp when the most expensive photo editor cannot. If Adobe were to bother to fix this FUNDAMENTAL issue rather than messa bout with tweaks we dont need, they would have it in the next version of Pshop, make us all upgrade and pay more money per month, so its hopeless waiting for Adobe to do this. I am CS6 and refuse to pay per month, I dont have the money to do so anyway, I own my possessions ! never rent anything. and have been sent images via whatsapp which refuse to open, even if called.heic or .tiff none of that works. Adobe will never back fix an issue so I will never get a fix for .CS6 even if they do ever solve this, which they wont. Why wont they,...has anyone asked them ? Meanwhile the mspaint is the eaasiest fix. unles someone has a plugin for CS6. also could do wiuth one for .webp images, again another pain in the butt. Merlin
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‎Nov 19, 2023
03:42 PM
Hi, I am needing to know the best thing to use to open webp file types in Photoshop CS6. 1. where to get the fix. one that is known to be bullet proof safe and bugfree. No nasties at all. 2. how to install it ? I am windows 10 64bit pro. remember its for CS6 Thanks Merlin3
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‎Mar 20, 2023
04:04 PM
and a further reply, Jane. I wish folk to test the use of Msoft print to pdf, as I know that ends up with this see through grid, as does PDF24, my normal pdf maker, editor and all round good prog, I also like the sheep character ! I am told by my CAD developer that Msoft print to pdf when chosen in the printer list works well with the CAD prog, so again reason to try it out. yes Adobe also have a pdf maker but the PDF24 worked fine, and Msoft print to pdf they say works fine, so why the see throuigh grid when pdf opened into pshop CS6 or CC and why the grid if Pshop itself prints the pdf ? Merlin3
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‎Mar 20, 2023
03:59 PM
a further Hi, whats up with this forum, I can't find an edit button and my reply has ended up within the last post it seems ? Just to reiterate, I open my pdf's created in CAD for checking all looks ok and my colours are ok especially for my grey lines deliberate half inch grid and that my dimensionsare not too small, when printing a bit of the pdf to my A4 printer, , and I am not needing a pdf from Pshop, but needing to get rid of Pshop adding in this see through grid. Merlin3
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‎Mar 20, 2023
03:52 PM
Hi, My need is NOT to see a see though grid, and simply flattening the image will cause a white grid to appear, as flatten by default adds in a white background, or show through whatever colour background there is. I dont want a grid of any kind. How do I stop photoshop showing a grid made of no colour ? In win7 it was without grid. Now with win 10 its with grid, be that CS6 or CC. I was creating a pdf from my CAD prog, as I have done many times, but as I am now with win10, I see a grid (showing through the chequerboard ) for the first time, and I need that as much as a hole in the head ! Contacting a friend and trying his win10 Pshop CC , making a pdf from within CC, as he doesnt have CAD, he also sees a grid when opening the result back into pshop CC win10. Its not visible in acrobat reader, so why is Pshop creating a see through grid ? This never happened in win7. Try this yourselves, A3 landscape 200dpi solid colour, PDF24 if you have that, you all will have Msoft print to pdf in the printer options. A3 100% landscape. Vital to know what to disable in Pshop to stop this grid making. Note its not a coloured pixel line, its a series of lines chopped out of the image, its see through ! On my A3 they were ' 1 3/8inch' spacing. Merlin3
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‎Mar 20, 2023
01:09 PM
Hi, happening from both Pshp CS6 and the latest CC. Create an A3 file (42cm x 29.7cm) 200 dpi, fill with a colour (something darkish ). and go File Print, choose the pdf printer, e.g. Microsoft Print to pdf set it to A3 100% choose a location to make it to. Open that pdf into Pshop File<Open) and go with the settings offered. it will have a fine see through grid, (zoom in to see the background chequerboard), mine was 1 3/8 inch spacing. I have created A3 prints from both this pdf printer driver and also PDF24 and both show this grid, YET UNDER win7 there wasnt one. This happens with CC and CS6, why is the pdf despoiled in this way ? Furthermore I have made same from a CAD prog, same result when viewed in Pshop. This did not happen in win7 from that CAD prog. Try it and let me know. but with two separate peeps doing this and seeing this, what is going on ? Merlin3
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‎Mar 19, 2023
12:08 PM
Hi, I have need to apply photomerge reposition option to a single .psd file, the layers each are part of the image. How is that done ? Perhaps run an inbuilt script to make an image from each layer, File>scripts>export layers to files. tried that and general error occurs. try again, ditto. CS6 by the way. so a method in CC or whatever will not be of use. Cheers Merlin3
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‎Jan 27, 2023
05:42 AM
Hi, well just looking at Helvetica, and I had at my disposal:- Helvetica Helvetica Italic Helvetica Bold Helvetica Bold Italic Helvetica Light Helvetica Light Italic Helvetica Condensed Helvetica Condensed Italic thats 8 and the link shows they are from £42.99 each so thats at least £343, or a set of 30 is £439 Consider that I also was using Univers, Futura, Goudy , Cloister Black and a few more, thats going to cost a few thousand pounds, As the rebuild to win10 from win7 retaining case and psu and fans cost 1300 hardware, 400 labour and 900 SSD's leaving me peniless, and this is NOT for paid work, a further £2K is simply impossible, having gone without groceries last week as I have no money for them. As for the 175 pairs of .pfb and .pfm in my win7 fonts folder, they will remain unreplaced . In fact nothing will get purchased. Somehow I must get hold of Helvetica for free or go over to using Arial. I only ended up using Helvetica as Photoshop has it there in the fonts list from the last file worked on and it uses it again without any prompt for the next file. Having installed Helvetica-Bold.ttf from a friend/PC support for my PC, he is with windows , I see only an entry called Helvetica True Type in Photoshop, the BOLD option isnt there. I open my pshop file and instead of declaring missing Helvetica Bold it again says 'some text layers might need to be updated' but if I go No and select text instead of showing the wording Helvetica Bold is missing , it now says 'editing or rendering the text layer will cause its layout to change' and in the font drop down its showing TT Helvetica, now why doesnt it just let me at the file, as it appears its used Helvetica TT and not the Type 1 that is also in that list. Is this in fact windows 10 yet again messing about ? If I elect to choose Update as opposed to 'No' when I first open the file, then highlighting the text shows it as TT Helvetica, and no warnings occur about edit and rendering. That I installed Helvetica-Bold TT and the list shows it as Helvetica when I dont have Helvetica TT installed is now baffling and concerning. The font I have on screen is Helvetica Bold yet in Photoshop the Bold style in the window is greyed out. Thus its telling me its not bold when it is, and in the fonts folder it is called Helvetica Bold True Type. I am almost there as such, but bold is greyed out and its a bold font. this us unnerving and wrong. I feel I am almost there, else.... I will have to alter all the text to Arial when I open something and it says missing fonts. Cloister Black is a favourite and others dont have the characters it gives, so that will remain as Type 1. I am not buying it ! I just cannot justify thousands of pounds on just fonts and going without food and heating when I have things I need and I am unable to afford them, some are urgently wanted, when not buying any fonts for the last 20 years or so. I hate having to spend 3 months of my life doing nothing creative but rebuild PC to win10 and install 130 progs, a number with hundreds of settings, when win7 was fine for actual work. I hate Msoft. what the heck was wrong with Type 1 fonts, they worked !!!! Merlin
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‎Jan 26, 2023
12:45 PM
just came to say cannot find Helvetica , all I see is folk saying what loks similar. Well thats not what a document needs, it needs same shape etc with different coding. There will otherwise be fonts impossible to replace. Where is the edit post button on this forum though, forums always have such. I just searched on Adobe fonts for Helvetica family to get the non Type 1 and they dont have Helvetica, well thats a great start, if someone somewhere has decreed Type 1 Helvetica is history, where is its replacement we are supposed to use, called Helvetica open type or whatever ? Merlin
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‎Jan 26, 2023
12:35 PM
Hi, I still how do I find out exactly which font I need to find, the Helvetica Neueu are the only Helvetica fonts in the old PC fonts folder. I need to search all my archives for whatever it wants, so I need to find the coding for that font, (the abbreviated name in other words, such as HLH____.PFM Davescm.... Type 1 fonts are no longer supported in Photoshop (or other Adobe products) Hi Dave, I am running Photoshop CS6 so how would it know it was not supposed to suport Type 1 ? It accepted the CloisterBlack after I installed it by r/click install to all on the pfm file. It also shows Goudy and others installed that way in the fonts list. CS6 does support Type 1 we can say. However just which Helvetica font files were in use by me the last 20 years ? How do I find out ? Lumigraphics Helvetica and Helvetica Neue are Apple system fonts. If you had Type 1 fonts on Windows, you would need to replace them with OpenType versions. The font files from the Windows fonts folder are these Helvetica Neue . Yes, Type 1 fonts will continue to work in previous versions of Creative Cloud apps (including any dot releases or security updates) apart from Photoshop v23 and beyond, which ended support in 2021. Any release from January 2023 and beyond will not support Type 1 fonts. OK for my Photoshop CS6 then. Operating systems are also currently moving towards ending support for Type 1 fonts. Previous versions of Creative Cloud apps will not be able to support Type 1 fonts once support is ended for the operating system. I am not creative cloud so free of such changes, am I right ? Many fonts published by Adobe Type in the past (such as Adobe Originals) are available from the Adobe Fonts service for free with your Creative Cloud subscription. Problem 1. I dont do Creative Cloud so that avenue is barred. You can also update your Adobe-owned desktop fonts to the OpenType format for free by reaching out to our partner Type Network with proof of your original license. Problem 2. I have no proof of licence, havent a clue where al these Type 1 fonts came from, perhaps some were bundled with software ? Problem 3. Perpetual licenses for OpenType format fonts published by Adobe are also available for purchase from Type Network. No way am I purchasing fonts though...skint. Problem 4. Converting Type 1 fonts to the OpenType format is possible but will produce a sub-optimal result. So all this talk of changing the fonts is of no use then. I need to open a document and have it auto replace the Type 1 with its new incarnation, but Problems 1,2,3,4 wreck that chance. Problem 5. Additionally, converting your files may be prohibited by the font foundry’s End User License Agreement. Please consult the license agreement or contact the foundry directly for more information. So if I do know who the font foundy is, they may disallow conversion anyway. I had 175 'donks' occur when copying .pfb and .pfm fron win7 fonts folder to win10, no way can I go through all this on that many. For new documents I will have to use 'arial' crummy as it may be for pedigree function. I will have to install OpenType Helvetica family from somewhere and use that in future. As for all the existing work made with Helvetica just what can I do for that ? replace all the text with Helvetica OpenType, or did I read that all fonts are being replaced by an all new system again ? InDesign has a Find and Replace feature that allows you to locate and replace any missing fonts in your document. but what of problem 4 ? Additionally, the current in-app alerts for Type 1 fonts in InDesign automatically redirects users to the Find/Replace dialogue, showing which Type 1 fonts are in the document and allowing them to select a replacement of their choice. still problem 4 exists. So I have to buy InDesign (got no funds for such, no doubt its cloud subs), then open my .psd file into it, it tells me what fonts need replacing, it then replaces them, so its now doing a Photoshop skills and tools set on a .psd normally dealt with in Pshop, then it saves it as Pshop CS6., will it save as CS6, doubt it. ....but is what its done as good as existed before ? All in all there are too many issues here, I will continue with Type 1 or if I can replace them with AS GOOD AS, then use those instead. Just what fonts should one acquire to be as gppd as Type 1 for scaling and full font behaviour ? Problem 4 is worrying that what replaces Type 1 is inferior. Purchasing fonts to replace a few hundred Type 1 is not an option here. some folk have many hundreds. Why CS6 exclaims Helvetica Bold missing when win7 made the file, yet is happy with the install of Type 1 CloisterBlack, and another prog now sees NuptialScript after its install, all this talk of support removed is for latest progs it seems, I NEED TO SOLVE HELVETICA BOLD issue. perhaps I redo all the docs I open with the new alternative to Helvetica-Bold. What is that alternative ? Merlin.
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‎Jan 26, 2023
08:40 AM
Hi, opening my last Pshop creation in my new win10 64bit pro PC, it says missing font, highlight the text and it declares Helvetica Bold. I have copied font files from win7 fonts folder to win 10 fonts folder, however the Type 1 .pfb and .pfm files in there dont get installed that way, so after 2 hrs saying close to 174 prompts, I then discover one right clicks a .pfm and making sure beforehand its .pfb file is with it, select 'Install for all users' it then installs. I have such for Helvetica Neue bold, regular etc. reboot PC. open the pshop work and again asks for Helvetica Bold. receive from friend hevetica-Bold.ttf, right click install for all users, reboot pc, guess what, still it says missing font. so how do I find out exactly which font I need to find, the Helvetica Neueu are the only Helvetica fonts in the old PC fonts folder. I need to search all my archives for whatever it wants, so I need to find the coding for that font, (the abbreviated name in other words, such as HLH____.PFM I used the same font in all Pshop work the last 20 yrs ! so I need to find the right one ! Merlin
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‎Jan 06, 2022
07:06 AM
Hi, Photoshop CS6 I read that image handling progs such as Photoshop can embed a thumbnail of a large image into that same image, and do so automatically upon saving as e.g. jpg or tif. Just where is this setting in CS6 , else in cloud version, as I need to alter it to 256px wide and not 125px wide. Its been doing so for years and now I come to use the images in Portfolio, extract thumb from image sees 125px images result, too small for my needs. Merlin
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‎Jan 06, 2022
06:54 AM
I might be onto the solution, where in photoshop is the setting that decides what size the embedded thumbnail Photoshop makes is ? Portfolio when one unticks 'extract embedded thumbnail for file' ignores the 125x125px that Photoshop has embedded within the large jpg ! AND WE GET WHATEVER THUMBNAIL SIZE WE HAVE SET IN 'make thumbnail' ! BINGO. So how do I get photoshop to make the embedded thumbnail that iT makes larger than 125x125 ? I would prefer to see 256x256 whetever I view thumbs. Too late for all those already made by Photoshop ! Merlin
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‎Jan 01, 2022
03:06 PM
Hi, Just what is it about Adobe made jpg or tiff that is different to other progs ? They will not thumbnail larger than 125x125. I am running Extensis Portfolio 8.1.1 this is a DAM prog and creates thumbs of images and allocates and embeds keywords etc. I have used it for years and its the only prog I know of that allows creation of custom fields such as TownEtc or Aircraft vital to my needs. I have thumbnail making in Portfolio set to 256x256. Works fine except for any jpg or tiff saved via Photoshop which appear as 125x125 px. despite display thumbnails setting on 256x256 If I grab a jpg from internet and save it direct to the sync folder and sync the folder that gets thumbed 256x256. I have tested from CC and also CS6, same problem. I need to see 256px so as to make use of the prog. Is there any setting in Pshop that might solve this ? I have thousands of images saved in pshop thus afflicted. NIGHTMARE. I can open a pshop saved tiff into MSpaint, save it as a .tiff then that thumbnails as 256x256. However if I do same for a jpg it doesnt 'heal' it. I remember another issue with Adobe made jpg differing from other progs made jpg, so what is different about Adobe jpg and tif ? Merlin
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‎Oct 14, 2021
07:58 AM
File scripts > image processor got it 🙂 I now have 155 files as .jpg AdobeRGB1998. Now how do I batch process these in ACR making shadow slider 100% and exposure a tad more, same for all of them ? do the one and choose convert as previous would be it manually, or select all and synch. But would an action do that and behave, or is there another way ? Given the problems of even converting all to jpg using automate batch, I am worried, is there another way ? Just what did go wrong with that automate, I need to know, friend tried it and same failure. Merlin
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‎Oct 14, 2021
07:32 AM
Hi, I have in colour settings the 'missing profiles ask when opening' ticked as I do like to gievprofile to my files of AdobeRGB1998. However I have turned that off, now I dont get that promt. I see the action had not recorded that I chose profile AdobeRGB1998. thats why it asked me to allocate a profile. Surely Action should have recorded that step. I record an action and run it and no profile prompt, 155 files get converted. I look at results and they are all .png except the first. WHAT THE HECK ? TRY AGAIN...this time a folder with five .png in, to test. I did a new action, with that profile tickbox still turned off, I check for 8bit and flatten already ok, go file >ave as, carefully choose .jpg and verify I have done so this time !, and then close the file and stop recording. file automate batch, the action is there, I choose the folder with the 5 png in, and choose the destination folder, and run the batch. oh heck, I have one .jpg and FOUR .png WHAT IS GOING ON ? I am unable to batch convert .png to .jpg ! my .jpg by the way is quality 12, I used to believe in just tiff but the file size would see me another 32 terrabyte storage ! I am not familiar with a script, where in CS6 is this to be found ? I am not into coding at all. surely that batch process should suffice, if it worked. Merlin
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‎Oct 14, 2021
05:50 AM
Hi, Ito convert them all to jpg as mentioned, I did this:- I make a new action, open a .png, it prompts for adobeRGB1998 working space I choose the third option alter profile and select AdobeRGB1998 I then save as .jpg (layers is already background flatten is greyed out, I choose image mode its already 8 bit so no need there,) I save as jpg to a new folder called 'try again' and close file, action ends, I go file automate and action 123 is already chosen, I select destination 'try again' and ok and it opens image on screen and asks me to choose the RGB option, grrrrrr !! I do so and it closes, next one opens, again I have to choose rgb, it closes, I do a few more, check on the folder and there is just one file in there, its taking each .png and saving as the first image. Good job I checked else 150 files all saved as same image, so 1 file in that folder ! so I ended up with one jpg. and it still asks me for rgb working space to be clicked despite recording the selection of AdobeRGB1998 in profile when it appears sayin about working space. what went wrong ? Merlin
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