‎Dec 21, 2023
12:42 AM
1 Upvote
Due respect, it isn't for you to say why someone bought something. Adobe is not the only game in town and if photoshop is the only thing someone is using adobe for they should run elsewhere immediately... unless they like throwing money away on needless subscriptions that is. the confusion people here have on this is totaly valid. Creative cloud is sort of cloud based and that is why it's misleading. the storage it turns out, isn't but that also is misleading. system requirements have very little to do with this issue. you could far surpass teh 8 gb hard drive space it says you need for premiere but find your computer not working because all your media files you thought were in the cloud so you could work across devices are actually slownig all those devices down and an exteranl drive is still better. they dont clarify it and probably on purpose https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2020/04/03/create-and-collaborate-from-anywhere-anytime-across-multiple-devices#:~:text=Work%20digitally%20across%20devices,get%20work%20done%20anywhere%2C%20anytime.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
02:05 PM
No it has t nor has any other share for review bug. It is still not fir professional use. Considering this is the only real update indesign has had in more years than I can count is really really bad.
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‎Jul 21, 2022
10:09 AM
I have not personaly, still happening most of the time for me and still seemingly random. like most glitches in indesign I have just been trying to work through them. difficult to say anymore if the program hleps more than it hinders.
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‎Jun 23, 2022
10:15 AM
Is there another solution to this? This has been an ongoing annoyance for me across multiple macs. Not running any windows at all. Preferences is hardly ever a solution and When it is it's temporary. This is happening for me mostly with indesign but does happen on all other Adobe programs I use as well. Incredibly frustrating. Have done complete reinstalls and yet when the issue comes up and when it duesnt seems to be totally random. maddening. currently indesign 17.3 (photoshop, illustrator,acrobat....latest release) macos 12.4 with a complete reinstall of only macOS and Adobe cc. I do use a plugin in indesign called easycatalog but this plugin is vital to how I use indesign and every Adobe issue I have ever had has made no difference if this particular plug in is removed. This also shouldn't be effecting other Adobe programs.
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‎Mar 25, 2022
10:57 AM
Im glad you have a solution that works for you. But one solution does not make it The solution and many if us have tried that route already. I have not used time machine for some time because it can draw too much cpu while using intensive programs. I also do not use Dropbox desktop integration for the same reason, I find it does contribute to a noticeable performance issue. Hanging ball of death and crashes for me often seem associated with extremely high cpu and network cloud tasks for cc and icloud in activity monitor. So it suggests those cloud services as high possible issues the program is struggling against. Doesn't matter if indesign is the only program open either. I use plenty of programs that are much more demanding than indesign and work fine. Even within Adobe, premiere and after effects do not crash or hang nearly as often as indesign. But those programs have more professional alternatives than indesign so maybe they are incentivized differently in their development and debugging. For many, poor performance and unreliability have been indesign's "normal" for far too long.
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‎Mar 24, 2022
11:47 PM
This is what I mean by it appears to be an adobe cloud issue. indesign doesn't want to work on anything running anything cloud based. Particularly questionable because it should have 0 network requirements to save locally and place images and texyt from local folders. It doesn't seem very compatible with macs using icloud , a feature i think everyone can accept mac users will want to be using. Also seems fair to say at this stage adobe should be programming for mac users since it's one of two main options most people use as an operating system. It hates competing with any other cloud service but worst of all it doesn't even seem to like it's own cloud service very much. I definitely agree, That is no way to work!
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‎Mar 24, 2022
11:37 PM
This is only one possible solution for some. Live drawing, 3rd party plugins, track changes, Corrupt fonts, display performance, large video files, resetting preferences... blah blah blah are all possible issues on peformance but for many of us these options have been ruled out or help only for a short while. For me especially this seems to be adobe cloud related and updates arent solving anything or even improving the prgram at all in the case of indesign. Brand new machines with nothing else on them other than fresh installs of indesign (and preferences if thatw as a question, no importing old ones) behave the same. Machines are fast, internet is fast, other programs work great doesnt matter,probelm is always indesign and adobe cloud ( bridge is also trash, photohsop and illustrator are startingto crash way more often than they used to as well) yet i can render a complex 3d scene no problem ( no, not adobe... im talking blender or c4d... both work as expected for teh machines capabilities) . The subscription model was always railed against saying it would make adobe even lazier and I have to say that is still my expereince. performance is less reliable than it was without subscription, features would vastly improve each year before but subscription model has essentially just trapped users and given adobe NO incentive to updgrade much. indesign even has less features than it did before and digital publishing has moved into yet another subscription even if you only want to use a document for a few people internally arnt arent actually publishing for commerical use. Many third party plugins have offered html 5 catalogue solutions or better data merge capabilities for years but adobe still has not done anything to improve this on it's own. would be less disgusting if a program whose sole purpose is to place around text and images didnt freeze up every time you try and do just that on a deadline.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
12:26 PM
I actually Have time Machine off on my work machine for few reasons that are irrelevant for this thread. However I can say I don't really notice much difference, Indesign still crashes on me most of the time, and is generally frustrating to use. I have also not noticed any performance difference if I'm using a file/folder through a cloud system or external drive, it just seems to be indesign running like indesign. I actually have to look at my timelines expecting indesign to be a pain when considering deliverables, which are typically needed ASAP. I suspect it isn't just time machine but Adobe CC just not playing nice with Icloud in general. This would obviously be a pretty big flaw. Turning one off over the other to use is a ridiculous expectation. Icloud seems to be having its own set of severe issues lately and I'm sure programing for cloud systems isn't fun but Adobe should be more invested in optimizing their programs to work with the Machines it's users most likely have and have always had windows or Mac OS. Indesign especially is not some revolutionary new concept that is pushing data transfer to its limits. one of Adobes few programs that actually seems to be going backwards in features and usability ever since moving to CC. This issue has been long standing and every upgrade to indesign neither improves performance nor add any useful features. I would abandon it completely for infinity were it not for what should be an uanessacry 3rd party plugin that adds features the program should do by now ( EasyCatalog) . I've sort of lost track of these threads so if I haven't mentioned it before in this one having this plugin installed or not also creates no difference in performance.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
10:50 AM
I imagine you mean Mbps. 400 Mbps download should be plenty fast and above average. Also are you saying your upload speed is also 400 Mbps?! Are you using Google Fiber ? that kind of upload speed simply just isnt available in majoroty of places and should be totally unneccassry for a program like indeisgn to run smoothly. If you are on Spectrums 400 plan the 400 is the download but the upload maxes at 20 which is still higher upload than typical. The highest upload speed avaialble to most is a gigabyte plan which all typically seem to have an upload speed of 35. I personaly at home ( where I do most of my work) use COX's 500 unlimited plan. This is the only provider choice I have in my area and this is the 4th tier in their 5 package offerings – 500 Mbps Download and 10 Mbps upload plan and I am hardlined into the modem on my main computer. when i upgrading my speed in the first place it's percieved gains in these programs was only temporary so i'd be prepared for it to come back once that cache builds up again. I could add another $30 to this overpriced $150/ month bill for the next tier Gigablast, but that should be totally unneccessary to run majoroty of adobes software. If I can win games in fortnite with it and stream 4k, Adobe cloud should not be an issue. Indesign has had 0 useful updates and abilities stripped since it has been moved into the cloud subscription scheme. It's performance to place some images stored locally simply should not be such an ongoing issue or require the fastest internet known to man in order not to crash or freeze up constantly.
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‎Nov 11, 2021
02:30 PM
That's interesting, I imagine icloud can cause similiar issues. creative cloud processes run really high in activity monitor when i gt the spinnig ball. Nevertheless, Google Drive, Icloud Drive, Windows OS, Mac OS.... these aren't obscure user needs and part of the contemproary professional environment, one these products are supposed to slide into. If we were talking about any of the video editing apllications or intensive 3d processing i'd understand more the concept to isolate a workstation but those programs all work much better for me than indesign. Bridge is useless but premiere and after effects hardly ever bring my production to a crashing halt and decent into madness. I would abandon Indesign completely if I wasnt using easyCatalog to accomplish what i need to ( if you are wondering, having that plugin installed or not has no noicable effect on stability on any of my machines, I have explored that).
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‎Oct 20, 2021
08:40 PM
For the Issues with Share for Review, Please Try the Steps below: 1. Stop Normalizing the constant bugs it has like they aren't big problems. 2. Take your Customer seriously 3. Put yourself in a client's shoes that would receive a file this way and have the process be more hoops to jump through for simple changes you want. Would you put up with this? 4. FIX IT 5.High Fives ( contingent on completion of step 4) This is professional software that typically is used in professional applications.
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‎Oct 20, 2021
05:15 PM
1 Upvote
You are explaining it as it is im sorry to say. you don't even have to log out of InDesign for it to lose the review connection, it can happen mid document and trying to update a review you just uploaded and was working just fine. It is an issue that has existed since release and like all the issues still festering and happening since release Adobe either can not or will not fix it. You are also correct it is highly, highly unprofessional unless, of course, your profession is creating more complicated and unreliable steps for a client's workflow – in which case it's perfect. Personally, it wouldn't be a lot to reset and log back in for me if were once in and while and never client side but it can be every time and it is just one of the problems that come up so its certainly not something you would put on a client. Even internally with my own team I STILL cannot use this feature that I really really need. Making it even more frustrating is this is the only actual feature update InDesign has added in years and it still has too many problems. You will get a lot of excuses and a lot of "check your 3rd party plugins ... network... etc..." but I can tell you from stripping the system and reinstalling only adobe cc several times on different machines that the issues will always be the same and specifically adobe related. the only option at this time with this feature is to avoid it or be willing to work through these hiccups and be ok with multiple reviews that a client possibly may not even be able to access. Welcome to the cloud, the promise and glimmer of convenience at the cost of... actual convenience.
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‎Jul 17, 2021
10:43 PM
This has never really worked reliably. They don't seem keen on fixing any of it soon.
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‎Jul 08, 2021
11:53 PM
Old thread but still seems relevant since it seems to be an ongoing issue... like all adobe issues. I just wanted to add to this, since it's always the firsr suggestion, that trashing my preferences has never made any noticable difference for isseus Ive had and continue to have with indesign.. for years. Uninstalling and reinstalling everything helps for a bit but not long. absolutley hate using indesign lately, it's a painful, misreable user experience and more time is wasted problem solving than anything else.
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‎May 21, 2021
01:22 AM
Dave A quick check to do is if your screen mode is in preview mode or normal. in Preview you won't see pins in doucmnt but innirmal you should see them. This was touch and go at first regradless but for awhile did seem to get fixed. view > screen Mode > normalw or "w" if you have the keyborad shortcut to swicth views active.
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‎May 21, 2021
12:54 AM
My experience is the same as @KimberlyBriley I work with several notable ad agencies and I rarely ever get notes back on a pdf. Most of the time it's in chunks through email and texts and often screenshots of new copy additions, or ( my personal favorite) a pdf that has pages that are just one solid jpg of graphics and text info that needs be sorted. This makes share for review much needed and extremely vital for us using indesign which is difficult to collaborate with the typical client and has been bleeding features. I have been waiting for the feature for a long time and had even tried go proof as a 3rd party option years ago. Most decks i get have been made in some sort of powerpoint program and I undrestand, it seems easy,its available they can drop whatever they want in and it seemingly has no issues. Brand owners and producers that are tech literate still dont have patience for any learning curve on new software just to give feedback when it's faster for them to just email. The time saved perception of the immidiate is stronger than the desire to learn something that may possibly save time on completing the project. Immediacy and familiarity wins until it's proven another way adds value. I have even had clients frustrated they dont know how to see the pages or comment on the review. I like the UI myself and i find that absurd im just illustrating most on the review side want to do as little problem solving as possible because they have a million other things just as pressing if not more. I really like share for when it works, it's truly a sanity saver. However, it most often doesnt work orcauses frustration on both sides and so even internally my team just won't use it for now and i cant propose it as a reliable solution for serious projects.
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‎May 21, 2021
12:04 AM
@Nathan Marroquin You are talking about indesign's share for review feature and not acrobat pdf review correct? I was not aware that was posssible. So far any share for review I have done ( when it works) has required an adobe id, even when set to public. I have not gotten the feature to work since the last update that came out within the past few weeks if that was ssometing that was added lately. If not Is there a setting i may be missing other than just setting it to public so the end user can bypass the adobe id step? The last time i tried setting it to public they still were asked to sign in and the link didnt even go to the review but their adobe id home portal with the review nowhere to be found.
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‎May 18, 2021
10:33 AM
Have you looked into work-flow with incopy or linked text documents if you are primarily interested in the documents text? Drawback of course is everyone editing needs incopy. outside of books or small brochures ( anything using large blocks of text) incopy can also be incredibly cumbersome to manage assignments on small chunks of text and doesn't work for a large majority of my own uses but it's worth looking at. if using large chunks of text you need to other contributors without incopy, Indesign does also have an option in preferences ( or did anyway) to create links when placing a text file. if my memory serves with this though you need to have character styles for any styling you do in indesign because when you update the file and relink there's a tendency to lose all the styling. I have not used this in a while so it may be more robust now but improving features hasn't really seemed to be on indesign's radar for awhile now. Indesign's data merge function is also fairly useless and dated so without investing in a rater hefty 3rd party catalogue builder with better csv/database connection you wont be able to link to an outside document in a manner that's worth your time. This is what we have had to do to manage constantly changing variables that can go into a spreadsheet and be accessible to normal regular people who shouldn't have to have a design or programming degree or need to sign up for an account they don't want, have no other use for and that still makes the process confusing or broken.
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‎Apr 26, 2021
09:53 PM
If they are all separate documents technically you should be able to do a review for each one. That said I currently have a terrible time getting review to be reliable for client use even when it's just one file being shared at all. If you are talking about several files into one review that's still not an option I'm aware of and they seem to have trouble working it out as it is. Internally if your team is tech savvy and extremely patient you may find use for it but sharing it externally is too unreliable for me to recommend in professional use especially when deadlines matter. When it works it is incredibly fantastic but Unfortunately that ratio is still too heavy on the "doesn't" side.
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‎Apr 25, 2021
06:33 PM
Just seeing this reply but I do understand these points. I would love it that was the solution. My issues with review have always been with the main document it started with, when it will start that is.
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‎Apr 25, 2021
06:30 PM
1 Upvote
I have not found the acrobat based workflow to be a viable option when seriously working with clients beyond any other basic pdf markup feedback. Admittedly It has been awhile since I've attempted again but I gave up on it after several problems. If memory serves it was issues with reliability as well as clients needing to do too much to participate and then would eventually fall apart anyway, a professional reflection that comes back on us. As pointed out even if it did work it often wouldn't import into indesign where the feedback is incredibly helpful to speed up accuracy and workflow and where the feature is sorely needed. All in all across all Adobe apps they need to start recognizing the needs of the actual customer and creatives paying to use it not just using us to recruit new user logins on workflows that don't work reliably.
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‎Apr 25, 2021
11:59 AM
Yes this works until it doesn't and still doesn't fix all the confusion on a clients side of things — still too much of a mess to use effectively with an actual paying client. If signing out every once and awhile on my end was the only issue it would be annoying but wouldn't be such a big deal. signing out also requires signing out of all Adobe apps in use and often will have to do it several times a day with the same document. Most absurd is how long this has been going on now and Adobe clearly doesn't care about fixing it. working today requires stable and better client tools. I can't even share a document with a client who has indesign because Adobe requires the same account to share a document. Even if review was solid and reliable Making a client sign up for an account just to read a review file is also a bad start to get off to. This isn't necessary for pdf review and shouldn't be at all in any of the review features. The overall approach since subscription model took over continues to frustrate more than enlighten process.
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‎Feb 18, 2021
06:18 PM
The suggestion to log out and log back in resolves this for me but not a permanent fix. Still Happens quite a lot for me and constantly logging out is obnoxious since it closes and logs out of all CC apps. So far since launch, a total of 0 bugs seem to be resolved. Maybe InDesign 2025 they'll get around to it.
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‎Feb 17, 2021
06:39 PM
I am having an ongoing issue with share for review. First, making collaborators get an adobe id in the first place is not helpful at all. The issue I'm having compounds that by half the time they can't even open the review. Whether I share invite-only or public (with or without password) sometimes the link takes them to their Adobe id portal where obviously they have no synched files. But they can't find the review on their end and the link keeps taking them to the same place which makes typically already technophobic clients more annoyed. I do not see anywhere in the FAQs that addresses this and it's a workflow that needs to be smoothed out. how do I direct them to the review if they just see they have no shared or synched files. I know where it is in my adobe id but that doesn't matter if the actual link isn't directing invitees to it. I didn't like go proof very much and felt adobe should have the feature themselves but it was consistent at least.
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‎Feb 17, 2021
06:10 PM
This is a response for the person who "publishes" it. what about the people invited to review who are typically not adobe users or that tech savvy but sign up for an adobe id anyway yet half the time the link isn't direct for them? They are greeted with these after clicking the link and following prompts, signing in with their own adobe id and dont know where to locate it in their "files"
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‎Dec 01, 2020
01:25 PM
This works, then it doesn't again often in the same day without even closing the document. pins often won't show inside InDesign which becomes highly problematic for obvious reasons. No, Show/Hide annotations does not show them. Signing out of Indesign several times a day (which signs out every open adobe app) adds more trouble than the feature helps. this is a much-needed, and long overdue feature but I find its lack of reliability at this stage extremely irritating. if it was one of many updates i'd understand a bit but InDesign has had more features removed from it in its updates than actual intersting or even long-awaited updates. It's been out too long at this point to still be so spotty. you all need to iron out these bugs fast and I doubt adobe has much interest in changing it's obnoxiously redundant sign-in model.
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‎Nov 13, 2020
02:49 PM
This did work for me. completely overlooked that option. Aprreciated.
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‎Nov 11, 2020
03:02 PM
a bit more context here. Running Indesign 16 on an imac running Catalina 10.15.7 and review won't work. the same document on macbook pro with same versions of OS and indesign did let me start a review. how do i fix this?
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‎Nov 11, 2020
01:14 PM
This feature still doesn't seem to be reliable with documents. Have tried resaving or creating from IDML but I still only get an empty box for the share options. Absurd this feature still is so glitchy.  
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