Mar 18, 2025
Hello. I'd like some input to see if there is a way to do what I need... I want to create an icon library which will consist of hundreds of icons. They are categorized so I'd like to have a layer of icons for each category so that all the layers will be hidden except the layer of icons that I would like to view at a certain time. I'd like to have each icon on it's own artboard so I can name each icon separately. That way, if I need to export them as SVG files, they will each automatically have their own appropriate filename. There are too many icons to have them all on one layer. The problem is that if there are multiple layers, each icon on it's own layer can only have one name because you can only have one artboard for all the layers. Can you recommend a good way for me to do what I need to do? Basically, have named icons on multiple layers that are exportable with their appropriate filenames. Thank you!
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‎Mar 06, 2025
08:13 AM
Thank you so much. I will purchase it. This thread has been super-helpful. Appreciate it.
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‎Mar 06, 2025
07:54 AM
This is amazing. It worked. Thank you very much! Would there happen to be a grep resource available somewhere that can be kind of an index of different grep values you can use?
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‎Mar 06, 2025
07:29 AM
Yes, I could add a ".00" to the end of all numbers in a style. Thank you. Do you know how I would do a find change to add a comma in all long numbers like converting 1234 to 1,234 and 10234 to 10,234? It would need to apply to all numbers of a certain length I guess. I know that's asking a lot, but I figured I'd ask just in case.
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‎Mar 06, 2025
07:16 AM
That could work, thank you. Also is there a way to format a table cell to convert a number to a specific format like converting 1200 to 1,200 or 100 to 100.00 like in Excel? Just trying to save time from typing commas, decimals, etc.
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‎Mar 06, 2025
06:43 AM
It would be an entire table column or row so I'd like to create a paragraph or character style that when applied to any number, it would convert it to a percentage. That way I can set all numbers in a particular row to be percentages.
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‎Mar 06, 2025
06:22 AM
Hello. Is there a way to create a style or a grep that will automatically convert text to a percentage format? So for example if I type "25.5" into a text box, it automatically adds a "%" at the end to make it "25.5%"? Similar to how it works in cell formatting in Excel? I have a file that includes a lot of numbers that need to be typed in so not having to type the % character or paste it in every time would save me some time. Thank you.
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‎Nov 25, 2024
03:37 PM
Thanks for your response. I already have the new Acrobat disabled. I went back and forth and it doesn't make a difference. In the process, though, I did realize that on my high res laptop monitor, you can see the scroll bar, but when I move the screen to my lower-res monitor, it disappears. So it appears to be there, but it can't be seen on the lower res monitor. Any idea why that would happen?
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‎Nov 25, 2024
05:32 AM
Hello. I recently upgraded Acrobat. I have version 2024.004.20272. The button you grab on the scrollbars to move the pages up and down is missing. The arrows are there on either end, but using those only is slow. I need to be able to grab the square in between the arrows on the bar to drag quickly up and down. Is there a way to get this back. See screenshot of how my bar looks now with only the arrows at either end and no square in the center to grab.
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‎Oct 31, 2024
11:35 AM
Hello, When I receive a marked up pdf from a client, I check off the comments as I finish them. Then after I export the pdf, I import any comments that are not addressed. I delete the ones I aleady checked off. When my client receives the pdf, all of the comments I checked off and deleted come back as "Marked Set by [my name]" which is very annoying because those were deleted by me and make it confusing to the client as to what comments are remaining. How can I disable this "marked set by" from happening? Thank you. Version 2024.003.20180
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‎Oct 22, 2024
01:03 PM
Hello. I am creating some angled tabs (see attached image). I would like the text to be centered inside the tab, but because the textbox is skewed, the text becomes off center. I know I can create another straight non-filled text box on top of the angled image, but I'd like to avoid the messiness of that. Is there a way to get the text to automatically center align in a box that is skewed without having to add manual spaces? Thank you!
<Title renamed by MOD>
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‎May 03, 2024
10:04 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks so much Barb for the detailed answers!
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‎May 03, 2024
09:37 AM
Yes, I did set the style for it. Thanks so much for your help.
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‎May 03, 2024
09:27 AM
I don't know how to put it in a cell without anchoring. I copied the graphic and pasted it inside the cell which automatically anchors it. How would I get it in the cell another way?
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‎May 03, 2024
09:20 AM
None of the above worked for me, but I did solve it on my own. Since the graphic is anchored in the cell, in the Anchor settings, I set the X Offset to -0.001 and that moved it over enough to remove the line. Thanks to all who responded!
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‎May 03, 2024
08:43 AM
Yes. The line is still there in the pdf.
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‎May 03, 2024
08:28 AM
Hello. I'm creating a table and inserting a graphic into a cell next to a cell that is the same color as the graphic to create an arrow. But even though I've removed the stroke width on both sides, you can still see a thin white line between them. Is there any way to eliminate this? See attachment. Thank you 🙂
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‎Feb 22, 2024
10:03 AM
Thank you. Can any one provide the JavaScript that would accomplish this? That would be much appreciated.
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‎Feb 22, 2024
09:12 AM
Hello. I have an interactive pdf that includes buttons. When a grey button is clicked, it changes to a blue button to show it is selected. When the pdf is closed and then opened again, even after saving, the buttons go back to their original states of grey. Is there a way to save the clicked states of the buttons so that when the user opens the pdf again, it shows what they have selected? Thank you!
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‎Feb 16, 2024
04:56 AM
1 Upvote
I use buttons all the time and they work fine for the forms I create. As long as you view the deliverable in Acrobat and not in a browser, they are all good. The only thing that doesn't seem to work are rollover effects so I don't use them. I actually found a workaround to this problem yesterday by creating two buttons with the same name on different pages. One shows on the second page and one is hidden (no fill or stroke) on the page with the button that activates it. When you click the one button, they both appear, but the hidden one just isn't seen on the page. It's clunky and a lot of grunt work with multiple quesitons, but it gets the job done. I've found that a lot of the problems with functionality stem from not setting up the buttons correctly in InDesign in the first place. As long as all ducks are in a row and the settings are correct, it's always been fine for me.
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‎Feb 15, 2024
01:19 PM
Hello. I am creating some buttons for an interactive PDF. It is a questionnaire where I would like the user to click a checkmark for an answer choice. Then, when they check that checkbox, I would like to create another button on another page that will display with a result. So after they complete the questions on one page, the answers will display on the last page. I have created all of the elements, but when I go to the checkmark settings, they only allow me to show/hide buttons on that page. Is there a way to make the actions effect buttons on other pages? Thank you.
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‎Aug 28, 2023
02:50 PM
I wanted to add a note here because for me, Reduced Size pdf did not work. What worked for me is selecting Optimized pdf with these settings. Worked like a charm and the quality was still very good for digital. Reduced the file size from 22 MB to under 1 MB.
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‎Jul 20, 2023
01:29 PM
@BobLevine This solution worked for me. It does add to the complexity, but since these buttons aren't interactive, it's not that bad and it gets the job done. Thank you.
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‎Jul 19, 2023
08:47 AM
1 Upvote
Is there a way to run Acrobat Reader and DC Pro both on your computer? I installed Reader, but when I try to open it, DC Pro opens. I want to use the reader for testing purposes to see how my files will look to someone who just has Reader and not the full version. I'm using Windows 11. Thank you.
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‎Jul 19, 2023
08:36 AM
Thank you. If I did add some kind of code or fix for this, it would need to be done in InDesign, not Acrobat. The file is too complex for me to add anything to it after it's exported since it will be edited and updated multiple times.
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‎Jul 19, 2023
07:57 AM
Yes, thank you. I am aware of this. We always advise users to use Acrobat and not browser or third party readers to view our guides. That being said, is there any kind of Javascipt code or any other way to get the interactive items to show underneath the other items on the page?
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‎Jul 19, 2023
06:15 AM
Hello. I am working with buttons in InDesign to be exported to an interactive PDF. The buttons are on layers that are below other elements on the page. However, the buttons always appear on top of the other elements when viewed as a pdf in Acrobat. Is there a way to have the buttons appear behind non-button elements on the page? In this example, the white athenaClincals Page box is the button. I want the circles on the ends of the lines to show on top of the page, not behind. Thank you.
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‎Jul 14, 2023
12:02 PM
This works after all of the "Marked as Set" comments are already there. My collegues have been filtering them out, but I don't want them to be created in the first place. It creates unnecessary work. I did solve the issue by reverting back to the old Acrobat interface. It's not happening now, but I suggest someone at Adobe take a look at this in the new interface and see why it may be happening there. Could be a bug in the new update.
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‎Jul 14, 2023
10:59 AM
I already looked in the Commenting section of Preferences, but didn't see anything that looked relevant. @mariahweyne could you give me a specific setting you know of that I can change?
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