11 18, 2024
07:46 PM
3 賛成票
I made voice recordings on Adobe Audition and placed cue (default) markers all throughout the audio files as I always done in past projects. But in my current Premiere Pro project when I import my Audition wav files, none of the markers show up in both source window and program window. When I first saved my audio files in Audition, the box to include markers and other metadata box was checked. Did a setting get changed automatically in Premiere's update or is this a bug? EDIT: I checked my old projects and the same problem is there too. Now I am sure this is a bug from current Premiere update
10 16, 2024
07:44 AM
Request to allow us to import ogg files into Premiere Pro. I just finished organizing tons of ogg files in different folders for a project not knowing premiere doesn't support it. The only third party "plugin" I could find was an unfinshed beta made over 10 years ago. So now I'm going through the nightmare of converting them all to wav or mp3 and reorganize all the converted files.
10 15, 2024
08:17 AM
Are there any plugins out there that allow you to import ogg files to Premiere? I just finished organizing tons of ogg files in different folders for a project not knowing premiere doesn't support it. And it will be a nightmare converting them all to wav or mp3 and reorganize the converted files. The only "plugin" I found was an unfinshed beta from over 10 years ago. Does anyone know any modern plugin that can help me?
3 12, 2024
05:20 PM
Yes I know. What I was explaining above is I was hoping there's a way to cut a section in the middle of an image and have it stitch itself automatically. Because I need to do it multiple times to the same image. so once I cut a section I turn the top and bottom parts into separate layers and stitch them. Meaning I have to cut a part, copy paste the top/bottom into a new layer, stitch, and repeat multiple times.
3 12, 2024
04:00 PM
Yes that's what I was planning on doing at first. I've done something like that before. Once cutting the middle I place the top and bottom parts on separate layers to move and stich them together. But because I have to cut out many parts in the image, I was hoping there was an automated way to do this or at least a plugin for it.
3 12, 2024
03:17 PM
8 賛成票
I have a long vertical image where I want to delete different parts in the middle and automatically stitch the top and bottom together. Is there a way to do that? Or a plugin maybe?
3 06, 2024
09:36 AM
I have the same problem too. its a bug they have to fix this but I found a workaround. Use the Alpha Adjust effect. Copy and paste your mask into the effect. Check the box saying Invert Alpha and you're done. change the opacity of the mask under that effect and it will work as you intend
3 06, 2024
09:17 AM
3 賛成票
I have the same problem too. Its a bug they have to fix this
2 13, 2024
07:56 PM
1 賛成票
Whenever I import an .srt file (doesn't matter how I import it-- by dragging the file into Premiere, importing via the Text/Captions window, etc.), first thing I notice is that if I open the file in the Captions window, I can't edit any of them and there's a lock icon on the right saying the captions are "read-only". I assumed it's locked because I didn't place the .srt file on the timeline. So I closed the Captions window and placed the .srt file on the timeline. However, every subtitle on the Caption track is darkened out. If I double click any of them (that'll normally open the Caption window allowing me to edit it), Premiere crashes, closes, and the usual "send error report" window pops up. Sometimes a window will open up for a split second before Premiere freezes and close down. I thought it was the Caption window, but instead it's called "UXP Panel [random number]". No idea what that is. I'm on the latest version of Premiere. The only 3rd party plugin/extension I have is called Watchtower. It's used for quickly importing files and folders. It was not used when importing this .srt file so it's not related to my problem but just putting it out there since the post instructions suggest I mention any 3rd party plugins I have.
2 13, 2024
04:46 PM
Thanks. Hopefully Adobe adds toggling captions like that as a feature one day so we don't have to hop into hoops.
2 12, 2024
03:29 PM
3 賛成票
I imported an mp4 to my project that has subtitles embedded in the file. There are times in my project where I want to show footage from the mp4 with it's subtitles showing onscreen. But I can't find the option to do it. Can premiere do this? If not, does anyone know of a plugin that does this?
1 22, 2024
07:39 PM
(NOTE: This issue happens no matter what effect I use from PP). I'm using the Ultra Key effect in PP because it works much better for me than AE's green screen key effects. Once I tweak the keying in PP to a satisfactory amount, I select the option "Replace With After Effects Composition" to take the clip to AE to add AE effects. Problem is none of my PP effects carry over to AE so it's all undone. How do I keep the result of the PP effects into an AE composition? I was thinking to just export the clip with PP effects, then take it into AE, but not only do I lose some quality no matter how high the quality I export to, but it takes up a ton of space (these are all 4K clips, some at 60fps). And if I need to tweak or add any PP effects later on, I have to re-export and start from scratch in AE depending on how drastic the change is to the orginal PP clip. So I'll only use this method as a last resort. Please tell me there's another way?
1 03, 2024
06:30 PM
3 賛成票
This is still a problem. Was looking online because I'm having the same issue right now
12 03, 2023
09:46 AM
1 賛成票
I said it in my first sentence. I said I set the project quality to full. That's what triggered the error.
12 03, 2023
08:17 AM
1 賛成票
I didn't have any issue until one day while my AE project is set to full, this error pops up: I've already tried all the fixes. I emptied the disk cache, cleaned the database and cache, increased my maximum disk cache size (it was originally 100GB, I set it to 200GB), in the Memory settings I increased the allocation from 56GB to 58GB of RAM to be available for AE (I have 64GB of RAM total, so the max AE allows me to set it to is 58GB), and in the Project Settings I'm using Mecury GPU Acceleration (CUDA). Why am I still getting this error when 3GB is not the max amount of memory I allocated to it?
11 10, 2023
08:32 AM
Different for me. When I stopped recording and did a session the next day the numbering continued just fine until I reached the 5th recording. I just tried a new session as a test and did multiple recordings without closing audition. But it still does the same file naming bug when I finish the 5th recording and try to do a 6th.
11 06, 2023
07:04 AM
2 賛成票
I'm recording a voice over on the Multitrack Editor. When you record a clip Audition will name it Track 1_001. And the last number will increase everytime you make a new clip. It's simple and makes sense. But when I reach the 5th recording, once I do a 6th, Audition suddenly names it to Track 1_001_1 instead of Track 1_006. Even weirder is if I later rename the file and its peak data file to 006, when I record a new clip in Audition it'll still name the new file to 001_1. I just want the filename to increase by 1 like it does for the first 5 recordings. File management is a pain now since the 001_1 and up files get pushed above the older recordings in my folder. And I have to keep manually renaming them to keep them all organized. I looked around everywhere but is there a way to fix this in the settings?
10 31, 2023
10:50 AM
1 賛成票
Before anyone says it I already looked up every other thread on this and none of them helped me/applied to my case. I was following a speedlines tutorial for a certain design but at the end I need to use the blending mode "Add" to rmove the black portions of the speedlines. Problem is Add does nothing. Most of the blending modes used to remove black do nothing except for Lighten (barely, I'll get on that later). The next problem is that I have 2 different speed lines comps layered above each other for a panning animation but despite them both being set on Lighten, the comp above covers the one below. In fact, no matter what blending mode I set them to it's still the same result. The weird thing about it is if I put a solid color layer (doesn't matter what color, I used black in this case) behind both layers, the Lighten blending mode works as intended and I can see both speed lines layers. Despite doing this, only the Lighten blending mode works in this scenario. Again, none of the other blending modes I try work. They display as if I'm on Normal blending mode, and don't remove black. How the layers look + their blending modes: Problem solved right? Just use a solid layer and keep it behind the layers? Nope. I'm putting these speedline layers on top of live action footage. So that trick with the solid won't work. Is my account just bugged? Every video I see on blending modes that came out in the past few years their AE works perfectly. I tried re-installing that didn't fix it, I downgraded and that didn't work either. Why are the blending modes so broken all of a sudden?
9 02, 2023
04:18 PM
The problem happens to me whether I'm on 8, 16, or 32 bit. Blending mode for everything else works fine. But the second I change blending mode for layer styles specifically it doesn't work.
5 12, 2023
12:15 PM
I made a video with captions. When I export it, under the Captions tab I select the option to create sidecar file. But when it's fully exported, the captions are still burned-in anyways. I played with the settings but still got the same results no matter what. I even turned off the captions setting but it still exports the video with captions burned-in. How? What do I do?? Adobe please fix this. I'm on the latest version of premiere on Windows 10.
5 10, 2023
03:28 PM
9 賛成票
Add the ability for us to pan around the canvas using the middle mouse button. It's more time saving to use it compared to going for the spacebar since your hand is already on the mouse. We have been asking for this feature for over 10 years. We shouldn't have to look for third party software or buy gaming mice with programable buttons to jerry rig something close enough at this point. Some people can't use normal/gaming mice anyways due to injury or disability so we're locked out of those options. Last I checked you have this canvas panning feature in After Effects. Why introduce super useful features, but keep them exclusive to only one of your apps? I've noticeed this so many times on different Adobe programs it's honestly annoying..
5 05, 2023
07:51 PM
Btw the hand tool doesn't work on the effect control window. So the only way to horizontal scroll there is by holding the left mouse button on the scroll bar and dragging it. Problem with that if you're zoomed in working on keyframes, the slightest mouse movement will scroll too far away. Audition and AE solved that problem years ago by having middle mouse button scrolling. What's taking Premiere Pro so long to catch up and add the same feature?
5 05, 2023
09:26 AM
Add a simple checkbox option in the Effect Controls panel for masks to make them static. That way when you keyframe an image or video clip to move around, the mask won't move with it. That way we don't have to go through hoops copy pasting masks on color mattes on a new track, nesting the things we want effected by the masks, or animating the mask path with keyframes so it moves in the opposite direction of the content we're masking, etc.
4 27, 2023
11:18 AM
Basically to have similar settings to what you'd see in the Essential Graphics panel. Or the layer style settings in Photoshop. I know there's workarounds by combining multiple different + duplicated effects to emulate the results but it gets annoying and tedious doing this in projects where it's needed for multiple clips. Copy-pasting only goes so far until you need a different color stroke/fill/gradient in each clip/image file, or a different sized stroke for clips of different aspect ratios-- and you need to change multiple settings to do these things. There should be a single effect or window that's simple and straightforward to use like what you see in the layer effects window in Photoshop for example.
4 15, 2023
11:22 AM
Basically how to have similar settings to what you'd see in the Essential Graphics panel. Or the layer settings in Photoshop.
I know there's workarounds by combining multiple different + duplicated effects to emulate the results but it's getting annoying and tedious doing this in projects where I need it for multiple clips. Copy-paste only goes so far until I need a different color stroke/fill/gradient in each clip/image file, or a different sized stroke for clips of different aspect ratios-- and I need to change multiple settings to do these things. I just want a single effect that's simple and straightforward to use.
I'm willing to download plugins if anyone knows of any.
12 31, 2022
02:41 PM
2 賛成票
I use AE comps in my Premiere Pro projects and everything's been going fine the past few weeks. Until today where my AE comps show up as "Media Offline" on my PP timeline. When I try to link them back up, the window that pops up saying "Connecting to Dynamic Link server" has a loading bar, but it loads forever. I left it going for over 20 minutes and still nothing. These are short comps that are a few seconds long btw so the file sizes aren't anywhere that large to be taking this long. There's other times when I restart PP and the offline files will instead say "Media Pending" in yellow in the Program window. And they stay that way forever. The option to link media is greyed out for those clips so there's nothing I can do. I'm using the latest versions of PP and AE as of me writing this post. Every single Adobe app I have are all at their latest versions too. I tried downgrading PP and AE to earlier versions. But when I try to re-link the offline AE comps, Premiere crashes. I restarted my computer for good measure, opened up the comps on AE to make sure they're fine, and just about everything else I could think of but nothing works. Old forums from years ago say the way to fix a problem similar to mine is to uncheck "Enable Multi-Frame Rendering" option in AE settings, but that didn't work either. What did Adobe do? Anyone know how to fix this?
11 23, 2022
07:30 AM
1 賛成票
Ohh that works now. I was duplicating by dragging the sequence to the new item button. Habit I picked up from Photoshop. I thought Premiere always duplicates the same way now matter how you do it. Thank you for help
11 23, 2022
07:05 AM
I forgot to mention this in the OP, I tried that too. But once I duplicate the sequence, the elements in the new sequence are nested into one track. It also doesn't carry over the number of tracks and track names I created in the original sequence. I don't know why Premiere does this.
11 23, 2022
06:39 AM
I know how to make sequence presets. That's not what I'm asking about.
I'm making a series of videos that share the same elements, and I want to streamline my workflow by having every new sequence start with the same intro clip, watermark/logo fade-in, and track names all in the same place.
I can copy-paste clips in new sequences, but over multiple sequences this process is too slow, and I have to rename every track in each new sequence to match the previous one. How can I streamline this?