‎Feb 09, 2025
10:56 PM
I think it's a mistake to lump HEIC and HIF together, as HIF seems to be Canon's specific variation on the HEIC file format. I've downloaded the Windows 11 HEIC codecs and Photoshop can read them, but NOT .HIF. Canon insists on doing things differently, but irrespective of this it's high time that Adobe get with the program and implement native support given that Canon is one of the largest (if not THE largest) digital camera platform out there. Until that time, the only alternative is to use DPP4 to read HIF and save to TIFF, which is the equivalent of trading in a racehorse for a fat donkey. Thanks Adobe.
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‎Feb 09, 2025
10:49 PM
@TexPhoto12 I don't actually see all those options in my Preferences. I'm using Camera RAW and when I click the Settings wheel I only get three options: General (Appearance, Panels, Zoom and Pan, Keyboard Shortcuts) Performance (Use Graphics Processor, Camera Raw Cache settings) Technology Previews (Use New AI Features/Settings Panel or not) Nowhere do I see anything to do with File Handling in any of the headings. I, too, am feeling a little jilted about the lack of native support for Canon HIF files...especially given how much we pay these people.
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‎Sep 20, 2023
05:24 PM
Great idea...thank you!
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‎Sep 20, 2023
05:23 PM
Thanks....and yes I meant PPI!
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‎Sep 20, 2023
01:28 PM
Is it possible in LIghtroom Classic to apply import rules to files based on criteria such as file size? I am currently scanning boxes of negatives from my backpacking years in the early 2000s. Many I just scan at a normal DPI to keep them for documentary and personal reasons, but some I scan at a higher DPI because I want to touch them up and possibly sell them. I'd like to be able to set up Lightroom so that, for example, whenever an image of, say, more than 100MB is imported it applies a blue tag to the image so I can circle back to it later. Is this possible? Thanks!
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‎Jul 02, 2023
05:57 PM
Old thread I know, but: can anyone point me to where this Presets folder is? EDIT: Never mind...apparently you can add them to AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 2023 and then the Curves/Presets folder under that hierarchy.
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‎Jun 15, 2023
01:15 PM
Ahh, ok, yes, this makes sense. Thanks to everyone for their helpful information!
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‎Jun 14, 2023
12:25 AM
1 Upvote
I can't figure this particular thing out about Lrc: One of the reasons why I previously asked about permanently deleting photos in Lrc is because sometimes, when I press DELETE with a picture selected, I get a popup window which asks me if I want to Delete From Disk, only Delete From Lightroom, or Cancel. I like this window...except that I don't always get it when I press DELETE (or BACKSPACE, as I read in another thread). For no apparent reason, the next time I hit DELETE it simply deleted the photo from LrC but not from my hard drive. This is why I asked about permanently deleting photos, and while the answers were all Mac and not PC (so it took a bit to figure out the keys), I eventually got to the CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+DELETE hotkey. This said, can someone explain the quirky behaviour of this window to me? I did literally nothing to change configuration or settings - pressing DELETE for one photo brought up the window, pressing DELETE on the next photo did not.
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‎Jun 08, 2023
11:15 PM
Thanks Ian. I'll check out the docs and install it.
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‎Jun 08, 2023
10:23 PM
I've shot a series of photos using a Canon EOS RP with a 7Artisans 10mm f/2.8 fisheye lens. This lens is completely manual, so while the RP saves ISO rating and shutter speed, it does not save the aperture value (as this is manually set with a control ring), which means that one must write down f-stops for each photo if one wishes to retain this data. My question is: is it currently possible to manually add this f-stop data to pictures once they're imported into LrC? It's pretty easy to edit all sorts of other metadata, but I have yet to discover how (or indeed if) one can manually insert aperture values (which, quite honestly, one should be able to do anyway if required).
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‎May 31, 2023
04:02 AM
Denis, thank you for your response, but I respectfully disagree with the idea that the 2018 post has answered my issue. Let me explain: I understand perfectly well how collections work, and I understand perfectly well that LrC (I'm using 12.3) does not actually store the photos. That isn't my issue here. My issue is that while there are times when I have been given the Remove from disk option (which does indeed send pics to the Recycle Bin) this by no means occurs as a constant option when I want to remove files. I have read elsewhere that Remove from disk is only an option when you're dealing with images outside a collection. I don't know offhand a this moment whether or not this is true; the point I'm making here is that Adobe should make a clearly marked menu option which allows one to permanently delete a photo or photo sequence regardless of its status. Regardless of whether or not it's in a collection, and regardless of its star rating, colour rating, or anything else for that matter. If I'm missing something painfully simple (or some configuration option) please tell me, but otherwise I'm quite honestly baffled over the fact that this isn't directly and simply available in LrC. I should be able to permanently delete photos on the spot, whenever and wherever I need to. As it stands, without (as Rob Cullen refers to) an "Are you sure?" dialog box, I find myself repeatedly returning to my Windows directories to make sure photos are deleted, which needlessly interrupts my workflow. Now, if you recommend I post this as a fresh thread please let me know and I'll do so, but so far as I can see this remains an unresolved issue.
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‎May 31, 2023
12:57 AM
1 Upvote
Dear GOD why can't Adobe make ONE SIMPLE command marked PERMANENTLY DELETE THIS PHOTO or whatever, accessible from a collection or outside collections or whatever? WHY does this simple thing have to be so complicated and difficult?
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‎May 29, 2023
11:02 PM
Well, umm, no. If you bothered to read the topic, I had to use an entirely different procedure to install the newer version of Photoshop, which was NOT the "correct procedure" according to the other community experts. I'll add that I shouldn't have had to do this, as the update should already have been available to me through normal (i.e. "correct procedures") channels - that is, through the Creative Cloud app. I'll also add that updating to the latest version of Photoshop toasted my entire workspace settings, so now i have to reconfigure my entire workspace to get it as close as possible to what it used to be. Oh, bonus! Not only do I have to reconfigure my workspace - I also have to reinstall all the working brushes I had with Photoshop. Gee, thanks again Adobe...for the annual fee I pay you quite frankly I expected more than this. So, yeah, there's a problem here.
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‎May 27, 2023
09:30 PM
OK, so I followed all teh instructions in the following link to try and upgrade to Photoshop 24.5: And they were exactly useless...I'm not sure why, but these instructions were incomplete for me. I cleared the OOBE file, logged back in to Photoshop etc., but what wasn't explained to me is that I had to re-install Photoshop from the Available in your plan menu - even though I had never uninstalled Photoshop in the first place! Once I did this, Photoshop 24.5 downloaded and installed and now I can use it. So yes, I am logging this as a technical issue as it's completely counterintuitive to normal operations and something I had to hunt for outside of normal directions. Gee, thanks....
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‎May 25, 2023
09:54 PM
Hello, I am having repeated problems with some of the .XMP files I copy to the CameraRAW LocalCorrections folder - I copy them to the folder but they do not appear in the Presets drop-down menu in CameraRAW (even though they appear in the index.dat file). Let me be more specific: I have a set of CameraRAW brushes which I'll call "CP". When the CP set is installed, no other 3rd-party brushes copied to the LocalCorrections folder will display (although they are in the directory and are listed in the updated index.dat file). If I delete the CP set and install other brushes, then (so far) the other brushes show up in the CameraRAW and can be used. However, if I reinstall the CP brush set, they seem to override the Presets drop-down menu and even though the older brushes are still in the index.dat file, they do not display in the Presets drop-down menu and I am restricted to only the CP brush set. I am using Photoshop 24.4.0 and CameraRAW 15.3.1.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
06:55 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, it's exactly the same issue. Thanks for letting me know it will be fixed!
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‎Mar 06, 2023
06:42 PM
Thanks for your reply...and yes, I had a feeling this is what I'd have to do! Now it's just a matter of remembering the tools you have so you can load them in and try/delete them as needed!
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‎Mar 05, 2023
10:17 PM
Hello, I have a series of 3rd-party brushes imported into Photoshop. I recently acquired several others (Joel Grimes' Light Rays, Haze, Snow, etc.) and some of the .abr files are quite large (300-800MB in size). I've noticed that when I finished importing these brushes into PS on my desktop and laptop PS lags quite a bit when I close it down - I click File / Exit or the top-right X, and I get a revolving wheel icon for several minutes while PS shuts down. This is directly tied to the number of new brushes I have loaded in (if I delete some of the new brushes the shutdown time goes down accordingly). So I took a look at the brushes.psp file and it's about 4GB! Thing is, my laptop seems a bit quicker on the shutdown even though all the same brushes were installed (I even copied my laptop's brushes.psp over to my desktop and tried it out). Long story short: is there any way I can get around this lag, or do I need to manage brushes on a per-session basis (installing/deleting groups as I need them) so that I don't spend 10 min. shutting down PS? And why exactly is it that PS seemingly needs to access this entire file (or something) in order to shut down? Thanks!
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‎Feb 12, 2023
08:54 PM
I realize this is a known bug and is being fixed, but I thought I'd provide my information in case it helps things: On Photoshop 24.1.1 (most recent as of posting date), whenever I open 3rd-party PSD files the following GUDE log file is generated in its driectory: --- 09:31:39:497 [ALWAYS] GUDE Logging Started 09:31:39:516 [INFO] SqliteResumeCache::SqliteResumeCache basedirectory is null/empty 09:31:39:516 [ERROR] SqliteResumeCache::CreateSqliteResumeCache creating resume cache pointer failure 09:31:39:516 [ERROR] Initialize resume cache pointer failure 09:31:39:516 [INFO] gude policy POLICY_USER limit (2,2,1) chunk 2097152, chunking (UL 0 DL 1), resXfer 1, adapt 0, NSURL 0, timeout 86400 09:31:39:516 [INFO] Initialized -- gude-lib version: v0.12.1 app: gude 09:31:46:092 [WARN] Ignoring attempt to reinit logging to \gude at level 4 retaining 3 days of logs 09:31:46:092 [INFO] SqliteResumeCache::SqliteResumeCache basedirectory is null/empty 09:31:46:092 [ERROR] SqliteResumeCache::CreateSqliteResumeCache creating resume cache pointer failure --- Nothing fails and PS still works fine as far as I can tell.
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‎Feb 12, 2023
07:50 PM
Thanks Manan - I'll check this out.
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‎Feb 09, 2023
08:13 PM
Thanks for your response Manan. My internet access is fine, as I've been able to check for downloads, access other Adobe features of my subscription and so forth. Interestingly, this also happens with PhotoShop templates, but after I have downloaded a template (while not being able to view a thumbnail or preview it), then the thumbnail (but not preview) are visible.
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‎Feb 08, 2023
06:16 PM
Hello, I recently tried creating a new Indesign document and browsing the free Adobe Stock templates available under the Print and Web tabs. However, while the documents appear to be there no thumbnails appear (see attached screenshot); nor can I preview them by clicking on them. While I can download and open them, this isn't very useful as I'm unable to effectively browse them (at least from within InDesign's New Document window). BTW I'm using the most recent version of InDesign (v 18.1).
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‎Dec 28, 2022
11:20 AM
When I read the Adobe documentation I presumed it was general information which applied to all platforms, but I could also have misread it in that respect. Seems like this hard-drive path issue would be a good fix for a future version...?
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‎Dec 27, 2022
11:09 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks to @yamato7 and @F. McLion for their answers. I was hoping there was a way to do it within LrC (Adobe's documentation suggested that LrC would take care of this), but I guess I'll have to go down the Windows road and allocate a drive letter. Thanks again for the assistance!
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‎Dec 24, 2022
07:15 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, and please help! I want to be able to work on my images on my desktop and my laptop where necessary. I have followed Adobe's recommendations, which are to copy images and catalog files to an external HD (fully backed up) and use that. So I have connected the HD to my laptop and double-clicked the catalog file to open it in LrC. The thumbnails show up but none of the files can be found by LrC on my laptop. I'm pretty new to LrC but I presume this is because the original catalog file was linked to images in external drive H: (which is what it is on my desktop), but when I connect this drive to my laptop it's drive G. So is there an easy way to fix this, i.e. to tell LrC to always look for all catalog images in the current drive as opposed to fiddling around with allocating drive letters in Windows? Thanks!
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‎Nov 15, 2022
10:30 AM
@Bernd Alheit, I'm still confused as to why Adobe doesn't centralize all of this in the standard Cloud interface (and if there are reasons for this I'd be interested in hearing them), but this link definitely helps. Thank you for this!
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‎Nov 14, 2022
11:10 PM
As a brand new Adobe CC user, I confess I'm confused. I tried saving a test Adobe Acrobat PDF to my cloud storage, expecting it to be saved in the same "cloud" in which I've created folders to hold PS and ID files. For some reason this isn't the case - my saved PDF isn't available anywhere - not in CC Desktop, not in C:\Users\[your name]\Creative Cloud Files - nowhere!' I can still work with it in Acrobat, but for some reason saving it in the "cloud" means some nebulous, mysterious place I can't access outside Acrobat. It's been enough of a struggle spending a LOT of time finding out which apps don't yet save to the Cloud like others, but I find this needlessly complex and confusing when I expected a uniform space (e.g. OneDrive) which held all my Acrobat files (as well as those of my other CC apps). Am I missing something? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
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‎Nov 14, 2022
10:55 PM
Great...thanks to @jane-e and @Steve Werner for letting me know I can look forward to this!
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‎Nov 13, 2022
01:04 PM
Thank you for this update....I wish I had known (or Adobe had put some sort of message in ID), since it would have saved me a fair bit of time trying to troubleshoot why I only get the Windows save dialogue and not the Save to Creative Cloud window. Illustrator is even worse and behaves differently across identical installs! On my desktop I just tried saving a sample file and got the Save to Creative Cloud window as expected; on my laptop the Windows save dialog comes up but there's a Save to Cloud button in the window I have to click to get the StCC window....?!!
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