Nov 01, 2023
06:44 AM
That solution is working.
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Apr 15, 2023
02:27 AM
An update on my original and subsequent posts on this subject when I was encountering problems with InDesign (18.2.1) and Illustrator (27.3.1) running on Mac OS Ventura 13.2.1: Following my sesssions with Adobe Support and reverting to earlier versions of InDesign and Illustrator as well as removing Postscript Type 1 fonts from my computer, I then found I had a minor font issue with Microsoft Excel (worksheet tab titles not rendering). After several sessions with a senior agent at Apple Support, an older version of Mac OS Monterey (12.6.1) was re-installed and then updated to Ventura 13.3.1. This appears to have solved all previous problems and I am now running InDesign (18.2.1) and Illustrator (27.4) which open instantaneously. Judging by the numerous recent updates it would seem as though recent Adobe updates have co-incided with recent Mac OS updates and created some of the problems described in this thread. If you are still encountering problems with slow opening I suggest that you check the following*: Preferences and caches for any given application (delete as necessary) Security permissions for any given application The presence of any PostScript Type 1 fonts (no longer supported by Adobe) *This is just my advice – I have no qualification other than my personal experience and cannot offer any guarantee of success!
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Mar 23, 2023
12:46 AM
Hi @jane-e No, unfortunately none of this helps. I would like to use an action to: 1. reduce to background layer 2. convert to colour profile ISO Coated V3 3. save (overwrite) 4. close At step 4 Photoshop stops, does not overwrite and does not continue. I don't use camera raw and all images are already 8 bit/channel and not 16 bit/channel. If I use "save as" instead of "save" at point 3, the location where I saved at "save as" is stored in the action, so the image is no longer overwritten. Cheers Nico
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Feb 12, 2022
03:45 AM
Hello Adobe, Would like to request if you can acquire license for the font 华康标楷W5长汉音上2L or DFPKai as it is a very good font for chinese like me but when converting from Word to Adobe, the file would error or blank out the character. It is hard to come by fonts like DFPKai and ToneOZ which have the capability to change the tone as needed due to chinese phonetical grammar. Appreciate if this can be read and converted instead of a blank space.
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Jan 20, 2022
08:22 AM
I’m using OSX Mojave. To convert the font I did this:
•Quit InDesign
•Moved (not copied) the font out of the Fonts folder to my Desktop
•Converted the desktop Type 1 font with TransType
•Moved the converted .otf font back into the Fonts folder
•Restarted InDesign
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May 26, 2020
12:56 PM
Hi there
We are sorry for the trouble and the delay in response. As described the Acrobat crashed in preflight
What is the version of the Adobe Acrobat/Reader DC you are using? To check the version go to Help > About Adobe Acrobat DC and make sure you have the latest version 20.009.20065 installed. Go to Help > Check for Updates.
Is this a behavior with a particular PDF file or with all the PDFs? Please try with a different file and check. If its a file specific issue please share the file with us for testing.
Let us know how it goes
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May 15, 2020
01:39 AM
Got the same annoying problem 😫
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May 11, 2020
01:09 AM
I uninstalled and reinstalled all programs and Adobe CC. This did not solved the problem. It has been almost 2 months now without a fix ....
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Apr 14, 2020
02:36 AM
I works for me now. I've tried it on 2 machines. Thanks a lot, it was realy pain in the ass to delete all these folder over and over again.
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