‎Apr 09, 2020
10:00 AM
Only in a web app. not a local app, as a power user I should control all actions in a local running application. I have 3 work stations, I can choose when and where to save with all my other software. Yeah Crashing is another thread and is unrealated to the UX decision to auto save on a local running application by default.
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‎Apr 09, 2020
09:42 AM
"AFAIK, this is how cloud services work everywhere. It's what people expect. If you don't like it, save locally." UM... No, It is not what I as a power user expects. That option is for the herd of light users. If I am "in an app" Desktop or Mobile device - I sure as hell don't want software autosaving my work. IF I am on a "web tool", actual software on the web, then you can say "people should expect that".
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‎Jun 26, 2019
06:37 AM
Same issue- and this is borderline a deal breaker for me. Any time I select an artboard, no matter where it is in order, Pasteboard will auto select itself- GRRR. I have to be able to organize my layer order for the design process we use. My current work around is to click into pasteboard (don't even get me started on having to click "into" a layer) then click 'back' to deselect it, and cross my fingers that i can arrange/move a layer to a new position. I must do one layer at a time in order for this to work in the "once in a while" occasion that it will let me. There is absolutely no way for me to select multiple layers without the Pasteboard auto selecting. Why does and is the pasteboard selectable anyway? that seems foolish. In all other software a user can click a pasteboard to deselect all and clear any current actions.
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‎Apr 16, 2019
07:24 AM
"And also my brain doesn't work if I don't hold shift. oh my god!" LOL! Tell me about it - I'm at the point now, there is absolutely no re-training behavior learned in 1999 and used daily. Especially now that I am using sketch and illustrator as daily tools and the all have small simple behavior differences that make it really tricky to be quick and smooth throughout my tasks.
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‎Apr 09, 2019
01:52 PM
Thank you both for responding! I tried both Legacy Compositing and the Constraint Toggle suggestions, but wasn't able to revert the scaling behavior. The 'Maintain Aspect Ratio' literally didn't do anything. I looked it up and there was a bug report 6mo on that too. It's prob me at this point. I think I will try tweaking the prefs with a text editor from the above post next.
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‎Apr 09, 2019
01:22 PM
1 Upvote
Really?, I am going to try not to sound as frustrated as I am. I will ditto everyone's comments and add that this is once again a major disruption to workflow! I can't believe changing it in only one place either. There is NO WAY i will be able to retrain my brain to not hold shift. Thanks Adobe. Adobe has been downgrading the experience with each release since CS6. Every update has moved tools or reversed function that directly affect trained user habits and ingrained behavior.
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‎Feb 27, 2019
02:51 PM
prepress21​, I CAN'T AGREE MORE! CS6 and acrobat 9, was the last of software made for power users.
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‎Nov 01, 2016
11:07 AM
I have to agree iTesla, After a while on a new task I was running into all the same lag. I tried the default printer suggested by chaconaut too but I think your right. I am currently working on an icon set and I am opening several small svgs and closing them after I grab and paste what I need into my working file. I'm noticing after 6 hours or so I just reboot my machine and I'm fine for awhile longer. Process of elimination? Complete machine scenario: i7, 32gb ram, 250gb OS drive partitioned for a 45gb scratch disk, 2gb graphics, and all work files on a 1tb secondary drive connected to fiber internet. Conditions: Adobe Illustrator 2015.3.1, Chrome window 1 open with 12 tabs (static content), Chrome window 2 has 1 tab open (also static), Firefox is streaming pandora, outlook open, hipchat desk client open, calc open, 2 folders open and FontForge. Before someone gives me grief about all that running, I can run all of that plus photoshop and add a few preview windows and MS Word- Photoshop doesn't even blink or bog down or lag. Of course all my PS files are much larger to boot.
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‎Oct 26, 2016
06:44 AM
Looks like I am running the same rig specs you are Nick - I even have a 2gb graphics card. I am starting to wonder if all this lag doesn't have something to do with the constant auto updating. adobe and windows combined auto updates are driving me crazy. Between windows doing it's own background monitoring, updating, and all my software checking to see if I'm legal then to have adobe acrobat checking the servers every 10 minutes ... Ok, I could be exaggerating about acrobat but it doesn't feel like it. In the end I really think end users need the ability to control when our machines process updates and system monitoring. Just my 2 cents, anyone able to correct me or add?
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‎Oct 03, 2016
02:01 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks anwarmCHKE! RE: FORTUNATELY YOU CAN!!!! ****FOUND A FIX!!!!**** -- Updated with corrected search term & ai version -- Repeated For Windows Users 1. Quit Illustrator CC 2. navigate to: Local Disk C > Users > YourUserFolder > AppData > Roaming > Adobe > Adobe Illustrator 20 Settings (or latest version installed) > en_US > x64 3. Open the file: "Adobe Illustrator Prefs" with Notepad 4. Do a "CTRL F" and type in "createLiveShapes" (No quotes) - you might need to "find next" until you find it. 5. Look for the line of code that reads "createLiveShapes 1" 6. Change the value of this code from "1" to "0" 7. Save the file and close Thanks again anwarmCHKE!!!
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‎Sep 30, 2016
08:16 AM
KrisHunt, "the ellipse of tomorrow:" -> Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! All these "new features" have made me so irritated, angry, and bitter to a point that my work day becomes trashed and pointless due to all the google'ing I have to do just to turn unwanted/unneeded flow disrupting items off. I have been so frustrated that I have actually thought about re-installing my ai 10 on a windows 7 machine and just moonlighting after leaving this field and finding a new job. So,Thank You for the bright spot and smiles you have given me! I laughed so hard the devs in the cubes around me had to ask what was so funny. Of course they rolled their eyes because it wasn't binary humor, but, I sooo needed that even if I'm alone to enjoy it.
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‎May 04, 2016
01:15 PM
Thanks Lilybiri. OK. So, I couldn't get the SVG file into 9 at all. but I was only playing with the background on the master slide. But here are the steps I took to have a half acceptable background image with minimal pixelation. Even though I am building a 1280px Captivate file I used 1920 in my ai file because we need the original file for other materials. Prep 1. Created my 1920x1080 Ilustrator file similar to letterhead. It includes a Header with logo icon, wordmark, and tagline. 2. Opened my .ai file in Photoshop and in the settings prompt window I set the file to 1920 at 300dpi. Due to art importing, the actual file size opened as 1920x1074 when it loaded. I fixed my canvas size to 1920x1080 so I had my 6px white space in the footer. In Captivate (my all of 3 hours of experience) 3. Navigated to: Modify-> Rescale Project and made sure I was at 1280x720. I kept the Maintain Aspect check box checked. 4. Navigated to: Edit-> Publish Settings-> Project-> Size and Quality and selected "High". I left the Compress check box empty. .... Here's where Mac and PC UX is different .... on a MAC choose Filmstrip View to see the options I'm talking about. 5. Navigated to the Master Slide properties, Selected High(24-bit) from the Quality dropdown. 6. Still in Master Slide properties, I selected Custom from the background dropdown, and clicked: Add Project Background-> Import-> selected my file-> OK 7. On PC I was prompted with the Resize/Crop Image window and I moved the Zoom slider to 200%. [On the Mac after the file imported I had to select the edit icon to the right of the background file title] 8. Still in the Resize/Crop Image window, I clicked 'Apply to All' (I have no idea if it was necessary....) 9. Published the file and it was in the threshold of acceptable. I spent the day trying to make sure I had clean graphics in captivate, I will admit I'm more than irritated. This isn't even a real solution- it's barely acceptable. This just shouldn't be an issue with a graphics software giant like adobe.
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‎May 04, 2016
10:20 AM
I will play with svg now. Thanks! (I left that option when it didn't work in 8, it didn't dawn on me to try again)
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‎May 04, 2016
10:18 AM
Update to my last comment: I was/am working in CC and sending my files to a Mac user via email and hipchat. The files were received undamaged by the Mac and loaded into Captivate 8 as a slide background with a logo and tagline. I had downloaded C9 on a win10 laptop and I have since imported the art and it looks fine. However, due to budgets in the education world... I would still like to beg the community to help with the C8 screwing with my art files. I will now get my own coffee and the offer still stands, I will get the individual that solves this the perfect mocha ("perfect" is subject to more disclaimers).
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‎May 04, 2016
09:55 AM
Hi All, Has anybody found a solution to this issue yet? I have created every file type possible at actual/native 'end use' resolution (1024, 1280, 1920, ect.) - have tried every combination of Illustrator and Photoshop export possibilities and all of my limited knowledge of Captivate's settings... WTH? really? Adobe or it's staff isn't addressing this? My exported images are perfect in every scenario outside of Captivate, It's not me or my images. Ok, if it is then I will .... I will buy someone a quad mocha from their favorite coffee shop if they can tell me what I'm doing wrong. *disclaimer- standard continental US 16oz coffee prices apply unless I can swing it with accounting to expense it!
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