‎Aug 16, 2023
06:02 PM
I renamed the folder from within LRC, and now everything seems to work correctly. This cannot be easily confirmed because there's no way to sort or filter for files with an error, and there are 1400 files in this folder. This is also odd because if something were wrong with the folder name, I would expect all files to have an error, not just a few percent. Also, this still doesn't explain why "Show in Finder" was able to find each "missing" file I tried. Thanks for directing me to the folder names for potential culprits. (Note that there was no visible error there, however.) I'll monitor the problem and report back if it starts malfunctioning again.
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‎Aug 16, 2023
10:27 AM
Only a single period in the filenames. The names are in the exact same format as the other 1300+ working files in the folder. I've used the same standard naming convention that I've been using for more than a decade. I cannot discern an visual difference between the files that work and the ones that are "broken."
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‎Aug 16, 2023
10:24 AM
No ?-marks or !-points in the folders panel
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‎Aug 15, 2023
03:26 PM
I have a few images from a photo shoot that have an exclamation point in the upper-right corner in Library view. When I mouse-over it, it says: Photo is missing. Synching Metadata with Lightroom. Although I cannot export it, If I right-click the photo and select "Show in Finder," a Finder window popus open with the correct RAW file selected. If I click the Lightroom Classic "!" icon on the image, I'm told that the file could not be used becuase the originial file could not be found, and I'm asked if I want to locate it. If I locate the file, I'm told that it's already in the catalog, so it can't be used. First of all, how could LRC be able to find the file correctly yet tell me that it can't be found? Second, if I search my catalog, there's only the single copy with the link error. I should mention that I renamed the photos in this catalog via LRC's Library > Rename Photos command. Is it possible that the file is still somehow located in the library database under the original name? Also, all the files with errors are rated at 4 stars. I tried the folder synchronize command, but that didn't do anything. I did a test where I duplicated one of the "missing" raw files, then I imported it, then I copied all the adjustments and keywords to it from the missing one. This works, but it is a long workaround, especially since there are dozens of these problem files in this shoot, and I would probably have to do them one-by-one. I cannot save metadata to the "missing" files before I do this. Also, I don't know of any way to filter for only the missing files. The whole shoot has 1400 files in it total.
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‎Jun 16, 2022
10:15 AM
I can also reproduce with Canon and DJI
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‎Jun 06, 2022
08:45 AM
That workaround might be easy for you, but I shoot with 3-4 cameras and take thousands of shots per shoot, and sometimes two of the cameras end up with overlapping filenames. Then I have to rename some of the files before I copy them to the same folder for import, so some don't get overwritten. The process gets very messy, it's easy to make errors, and it takes twice as long as it should (extra hours, not extra minutes). I have accidentally lost important images in the process, which never happened before this highly-disruptive bug crept in. The problem is happening on a clean installation on a brand new computer, just as it did on my old computer. Somewhere in that time, things have gotten even worse.
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‎Jun 05, 2022
03:42 PM
It does not happen "only sporadically" for me. The problem first began a year or more ago. At first, it only happened with files imported from a Micro SD card used in my drone. Recently, LRC duplicates every single file imported from any memory card. This happens on every single import. You're welcome to do a remote session to see it in action. The workarounds that I've discovered are to either 1) copy all images first to a local volume, then use the Add tool on import (versus Copy), or 2) to add the files to an existing LR-cataloged folder, then use the Synchronize tool. I believe the problem lies in the Copy tool, which is unfortunately very important to simplify workflow.
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‎May 29, 2022
04:54 PM
I didn't mention that I'm referring to Lightroom Classic
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‎May 29, 2022
04:52 PM
I, too, have been having this problem for over a year now. Even on a brand new computer with a fresh installation of LR 11.3.1, it happens everytime I import (copy) from a removable card. See attachments. The only workaround I have found is to manually copy all the images to a folder to non-removable media, then Add the contents from Import, or to Synchronize a folder. The bug exists in Copying from removable media.
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‎Oct 03, 2020
04:47 PM
BTW, my signature is old. In my account preferences, it says that I have no signature, so I don't know how to update or remove it.
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‎Oct 03, 2020
04:40 PM
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I went through all of that 2-3 years ago when this bug first reared its head. I engaged in a thread when didn't seem to get much attention. The only official response I got was that the problem didn't happen in Windows, so it was a macOS problem. This time I was just piling-on since the problem still exists, and many others are complaining, too. Since my first arduous post, I have upgraded my old Mac Pro to a new iMac Pro. I have new Thunderbolt 3 storage RAID and even a lightning fast Samsung X5 drive for LrC imports and editing. Nothing's changed. If anything, the problem has gotten worse. How much time am I supposed to spend complaining before Adobe fixes the bug? I went on my tirade, and now others have done the same. The bug persists. Is one more tirade going to make any difference? As you know, the full documentation takes some real time. When Adobe ignores you, you feel kind of foolish. That's how I feel about Adobe. They really only care about Windows clients, so I never recommend them to anyone.
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‎Oct 02, 2020
05:52 PM
FIX THIS ADOBE! We pay lots of money every month for your applications. I've been having this issue now since I've been using LR (Classic), and you've ignored it. Doesn't anyone there use LRC on a Mac in real-world situations? If you did, you would get as frustrated as we do.
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‎Jun 27, 2020
06:27 PM
This is correct. Even though Extensis Suitcase Fusion is the latest version, the plugin was not. I removed the installed plugin, then reinstalled it from the Suitcase Fusion app, and now it works correctly. Thank you!
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‎Jun 24, 2020
03:31 PM
1 Upvote
(I found a post about deleting a Wacom framework file, which is not present on my computer.) Illustrator 2020, in any version, has never worked for me. I had to reinstall the 2019 version to get access to my .ai files. Even now with the 24.2 update, it still unexpectedly quits during launch. I see the splash screen for a bit, then wham-o; it quits. I've been told that this update or that will fix the problem, but nope. I've deleted my user/library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Illustrator 24 directory, and that doesn't help.
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‎Feb 18, 2020
03:55 PM
1 Upvote
I've tried everything on this post, but nothing works. In safe mode, I can launch Illustrator 24.03, but if I do anything, it instantly quits with an error. This includes going to the preferences. I tried installing Illustrator 24.01 with the same results. I installed Illustrator 23.11, and that works perfectly.
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‎Dec 08, 2018
11:04 PM
I collected the entire book for output, then I opened the new files. Things actually sped-up considerably. It's still not as fast as it should be, but I can actually work now. The delay has decreased to 1-3 seconds per character. Thanks, Eugene. I'll give your file crashing guide a look through.
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‎Dec 07, 2018
01:34 PM
I have lots of fonts loaded, but I'm using the latest version of Font Agent Pro. In the past, I've laid-out larger books with more images, and there's never been this type of problem. Font Agent Pro was used during the layout of those publications, too. I've also opened the INDB files with my Mac Book Pro, and it has the same problem. I should add that this is the first time I'm using inline graphics.
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‎Dec 06, 2018
11:49 PM
Maybe I spoke too soon. One of the sections of the book was working much faster, but another is just as slow. I tried saving to an IDML file, then converting back to InDesign 2019. Editing that file is just as slow as it was before the conversion. Since clearing the font caches, it seems to be faster, but it's still taking 5 seconds for each key press to register, even if it's not bumping anything on the page up or down. Something is still wrong.
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‎Dec 06, 2018
11:13 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you Wodan. That has been the most effective solution yet. Just to explain how to clear the font caches for others that might experience this problem: For macOS Mojave: quit all open applications. launch Terminal type: sudo atsutil databases -remove
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‎Dec 06, 2018
08:32 PM
I wish I could do that. There are several problems with that approach: 1) style sheets can get out of sync 2) page numbers can get out of sync 3) impossible to generate a table of contents which spans all the files 4) I have internal links which won't work; this project will be printed both traditionally and as an ePub
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‎Dec 06, 2018
08:26 PM
Steve, That may very well be the case, but it's still no excuse. They charge $660 per year to license their applications. They are targeted to the professional market. They advertise these features as ready for the pros, the entire suite designed to work together seamlessly. I have been a beta tester for plenty of applications, and in those cases, I would expect to find problems like this. But as a beta tester, I wouldn't be paying to use the software. This is not beta software, and I can't bill my clients for dealing with the bugs. So guess who pays for these problems? Again, I appreciate the help of the volunteers, but that doesn't change the fact that Adobe screwed me, and I'm not happy about it. Adding insult to injury, it looks like they completely removed my own review server from the Acrobat preferences, and there's no way to add it back. Now I'm forced to use a review server which is incompatible with InDesign comment import.
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‎Dec 06, 2018
03:28 PM
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that was addressed to anyone who helped me. I appreciate your help. That comment was addressed to Adobe. Graphic production is not a hobby for me, and this bug will cost me hours of work. I'm also dealing with a different InDesign problem, posted in a different thread, so I'm just really frustrated.
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‎Dec 06, 2018
01:18 PM
This would have been nice to know BEFORE I sent out the review. Here's a hint: don't advertise a new feature with a big blue button when it will break other really important features. Seriously, 130+ comments are unavailable because I was seduced by an ostensibly easier process.
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‎Dec 06, 2018
12:51 PM
1 Upvote
...and Adobe has made that one impossible for me to access. InDesign should have the option to Import PDF Comments from Adobe Document Cloud.
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‎Dec 06, 2018
12:05 PM
I still have not yet tried the conversion to IDML, then back to INDD. It's currently a book with 8 different sections, and in my experience, it takes considerable time to recreate the book correctly. I've experienced considerable problems getting the facing pages to work correctly from section-to-section. I just haven't been able to set aside the time to do this experiment, but I definitely want to. The book documents and images are all stored on a direct-attached, Thunderbolt 3 RAID 6, but the editing speed seems to be exactly the same if I work on the files over a network from a different computer. This tells me that there's something wrong with InDesign (or the documents it creates), not the transfer speeds. As I said above, the computers don't get above 8% CPU utilization while I'm working.
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‎Dec 06, 2018
01:48 AM
I setup my own WebDAV server that I had been using as a review server for many years. I was only in this last version of Acrobat which allowed one simple button to share reviews. So, I tried it. Now the reviews are apparently stored in a copy of the PDF, which I don't have direct access to, so I can't choose it in InDesign as a source for comments. I don't understand what info you want about the PieceInfo, but here's a screenshot of the original PDF I sent for shared review:
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‎Dec 05, 2018
02:40 PM
Yes, I'm using the 2019 suite with the 14.0.1 update. It's so ridiculous that Adobe would tease us with this great new feature, then make it impossible to use. Obviously, it's going to be painful to make 130 changes if I have to flip back and forth. Had I known the Acrobat cloud review system was so buggy, I would have used my internal review server. I thought by using Adobe's own server, it would make things better, not worse. Now I'm stuck.
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‎Dec 05, 2018
11:38 AM
I have a PDF with over 130 comments. I've tried importing into InDesign using the Import PDF comments. When I do, I get this message: PDF has no comments. Select another PDF to continue. Upon further examination of the PDF from within Acrobat, in the title bar next to the filename, it says the PDF is "Opened from Adobe Document Cloud." I can't figure out how to tell InDesign to select the PDF for comments from the Adobe Document Cloud. If I try to save a copy of the PDF locally, I'm told that the copy will be saved without comments. It's like a Catch-22.
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‎Dec 03, 2018
12:58 PM
Good idea. I haven't tried that. I decided to break it apart into sections, then piece them back together into a book. It took me a couple of hours, and now the style sheets don't always work right (they seem to print fine, but depending on the chapter, they don't always show up correctly across the sections. Things have sped up a lot. Now when I print, I have blank pages between the sections, which I was trying to avoid. In any case, it's definitely faster than it was before. One pet peeve is when the beachball is spinning, but there's little or no disk activity, and the processors aren't nearly taxed. Why have tons of fast processors when they don't seem to matter?
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‎Dec 01, 2018
05:44 PM
I have the 14.01 update, but I'm still having a major problem with slowness. After every click or character, I get the spinning ball for about 15 seconds plus however long it takes to accomplish a typical task. I'm on a brand new iMac Pro with 64GB of RAM and tons of storage. I have the same problem on my Mac Book Pro. I've tried downgrading to InDesign 2018, and there's no difference. I've also tried all the basic things in articles about increasing speed. With InDesign running, there's still 48GB of RAM free. Processors don't get over 8% utilization when the ball is spinning. I've been working on this book now for a few weeks, and I suddenly started having the problem. Needless to say at 15 seconds per click or character, I can't get anything done. It takes over a full minute to type the word HELP.
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