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Adobe has HORRIBLE customer service!

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Jan 25, 2012 Jan 25, 2012

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So since November I've had nothing but problem with Adobe. First I thought it was mandatory to buy the CS5.5 upgrade to be elligible to upgrade to CS6. The employee I talk to said it was mandatory, so unless I wanted  to pay full price for the Suite, I had to purchase CS5.5 Year end money was used and approved which if anyone who works for a company knows, is not the easiest thing to do. Prob two hours of paperwork, dicussion etc. I was suppsed to get the Volume license version, but they sent the wrong version (not my fault) then I had to jump through all kinds of hoops and talk for prob 4 hours trying to get the software to work, but ultimitely had to get an exchange for the correct version. Total of 5 hours on that problem. I get the new version and the zoom is all screwed up in photoshop. It doesn't act like it shuld jumping all over the place. not being able to use the scroll wheel to zoom, etc. I know i spent a full day trying to fix it talking to support, on forum, etc, etc. So add another 8 hours. (NO CASE OPENED ON THIER END) THEN i find out I didn't have to buy the software to be elligible for the CS6 upgrade!!!! WHAT? Adobe tries to pass this off as doing it's users a "Favor" but to me all it did was cause me work I never needed to do and now I have a product, I never wanted, that doesn't work. NICE!

I contact Adobe and say I want to use the Money spent on cs5 toward cs6. No, but they would give me a copy of Lightroom and I could keep my defective software. What kind of solution that is, is beyond me. If I wanted Lightroom i would've bought it!  Just give me a credit towards CS! NO, they can't do that. Hours on the phone trying to get this resolved. (so 3 more hours) They finally say i can get a refund, but wait. Nobody understands issues on my end. With year end money, and credit cards being replaced, etc. It is not as easy as it should be. So they do tell me they will refund and I have to fill out the letter of destruction, which i did and sent. Then my case is closed. WTheck? so i reopen, and it is closed. I spend another long chat session trying to get it igured out, complaining to everyone that will listen on forums, twitter etc. Each time I basically start over with adobe asking me the SAME QUESTIONS over and over again. Even after i input them with the keybord seconds before. Each time I'm offered lightroom as consolation, each time i have to put up with people on Inda thanking me for everyresponse.

So now after a good 16-20 hours, I STILL DO NOT HAVE A REFUND! Now they clsed the case again, I reopen, they re-close. I know at this point they are just being ignorant. Nobody will return my call when i fill out the "Call me" feature that apparently is broken. Waits when i call range in the 45 minute range, only way i can comminicate is throught the stupid chat where i have to enter all the info again and again, then get offere lightroom for the 5th time. It rediculous.


I wil never NEVER NEVER buy directly from adobe again. They lied to people, to get them to buy an outdated software package riddled with bugs, then have this fake plan inline to offer another program up for consulation for people who are mad and want their money back.  They refuse to call me. Keep making me jump through hoops to get a refund and now they say I need someone else in my company to call them (which would go throught the same exact thing i've been going through for weeks!) he has no information on the order. His adobe account is empty, yet they want him to contact them?

On a side note, i had a problem with my macbook battery yesterday. filled out the "call me"  feature on apple's site. Withing two minutes I got a call back and spoke with an actual person who seemed like he cared. He went out of his way to make sure I got to the appropriate apple store location, called them to make sure they had a battery in stock, before i got there, so i wouldn't have to leave my computer there. Was very professional and caring about my situation and then sent me two follow up emails with all the information and it took less than 15 minute!  I LOVE APPLE'S CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! why adobe can't at the least be 1% as helpful i will never know, but I'm so P.O.d at adobe, i complained on the BBB, and multiplle forums. This kind of thing needs addressed and their shady practices need investigated. Them trying to pass off Lightroom, to mad people, who fell for their scam on photoshop is laughable.

Still waiting for my pone call adobe!






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Jan 25, 2012 Jan 25, 2012

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Sorry for the run-on sentences and typos. I'm writing very mad...





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Jan 26, 2012 Jan 26, 2012

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So i just checked on this again and ALL of the information related to the case, refund, etc, etc has been deleted from my account! NICE!  Thanks adobe for showing me that you care about your customers. I feel like a total victim because they lied to get me to buy something, refuse to call me after multiple attempts. Now just deleting the information when i have no idea if they are going to give me a refund or not.

What a waste of time. Sending me something that didn't work correctly from the beggining, then all of the hassle i've gone through buying a product I never wanted.  (because they lied about having to purchase), then treating it like it never happened, with no solution ever agreed upon.

If you are reading this and are thinking about buying something from adobe. DON'T





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Jan 26, 2012 Jan 26, 2012

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You have to learn to relax otherwise you will get blood pressure.  You simply don't know how to resolve problems;  For example, you keep posting here when you have been told umpteen times that these forums are not read by Adobe Employees who have real powers to deal with product refunds.  It looks like you will be here forever and your problems will go unsolved.  I hope you have the patient to wait for so long.

If Adobe Customer Service can't help you then you can take legal action against Adobe assuming you have the legal rights to do so.

Good luck.





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Jan 26, 2012 Jan 26, 2012

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I feel the need to inform the public about how adobe handles things. It should have been an easy 15 minute problem. Someone answers the phone. (not waiting on hold for 45 minutes) Talks to me finding out the problem, (without going through 20 scripted steps, thanking me on every single response.) & has the intelegience to look up my email, account info, case number, whatever previous information I've already given them 10 times before and simple find out what is going on. ONE person needs to take over for the issue and handle it. PERIOD. Nobody would call me after multiple attempts to get a "call back" Why even have the feature if it doesn't work?

Example of good service. I called apple on a lingering problem i've had with my battery. (macbook pro) So i went to the site, used their "call back feature" 3 minutes later a guy answers. I remind them that i've had a problem, so he looks up my info. Simple. Then I ask him How long it would take to service the battery if I take it to the apple store. He calls the apple store closets to me. Ask if they have a battery in stock, they don't so he arranges shipment of the battery, to the apple store. I didn't have to do anything. He hangs up and the apple store calls me telling me they have verified that a battery is being shipped and they are ready for me when i go.... 15 minutes. Done.

They never told me that I had to buy product "A" to be eligible for product "B", then after I reluctantly go through the process of buying, getting the wrong version, then refund, get another broken copy, and then they make it impossible to gt a refund. Then irronically  in the process of trying to get a refund, I find out I never had to get Product "A" to get "B"!  SO I wasted 8+ hours on a issue I never had to endure in the first place.

People need to hear how Adobe treats it's customers. I feel it's my duty to inform people about my experience. Unless Adobe listens to it's main customer base, then they will never change. I don't have the time to learn a completely different set of tools that I have used everyday for the last 20 years. I had a problem they did not handle correctly and cost me HOURS of time to fix. Involving a least 5 people in the process. 

If you or someone reading this doesn't have to indure what I went through, then good. That is why I am writing it.  Plus adobe has yet to offer any kind of retribution for my problems. Trying to give me another product I don't want if I keep a broken product, is insulting.

So you can know I won't be complaining about this issue for much longer, I actual got the credit in the account today with no courtesy email from adobe saying it was done, No notes, no message in my account, nothing. I went to my account to check the status and all the information was deleted. I had no idea what happened to my case(s) I had to get one more person involved to research if we received a refund. Their customer service sucks. Until they make things right people need to speak out.





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Jan 27, 2012 Jan 27, 2012

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Well, "inform[ing] the public," is not really going to happen here. There is a very limited sub-set of Adobe Forums subscribers, who even know that this forum exists. An even smaller sub-set ever reads it, beyond their own posts, on Forum issues - what this forum is designed to address.

Were I a prospective Adobe purchaser, this would be one of the last forums, that I would drop by.

I think that your target audience has been completely missed, whatever your intentions.

There are many Web sites, that focus on product reviews. They might be a better venue to post to. Here, well the posts are likely to not do much.

For instance, while I am sorry that you have had so many problems with Adobe C/S, and T/S, I've been using Adobe products for two decades, and have owned much of their portfolio of products. I have had exactly two problems, in all of thsoe years: one was an upgrade S/N issue with Illustrator, and C/S fixed it in 5 mins.. The other was upgrading a single product, after I had upgraded to one of the suites. Though I had owned licenses for that product for a very long time, with my upgrade to a suite, the answer was "NO." While not what I wanted to hear, I could live with it.

Nah, I have been a very happy camper, and while I do not refute the statement of the problems, that you have encountered, they have never applied to me.

Good luck,






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Jan 27, 2012 Jan 27, 2012

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Hi everyone,

I'm the Social Media lead fro our Global Customer Success team here at Adobe.

I'd like to provide an update that Paul and his colleagues finally received the refund to their purchase and that we're truly sorry for the obstacles and frustrating experience Paul has had with us.

That said, the issues at hand look to be resolved and here's part of the last email Paul and I exchanged.

"I'm sorry that you work for people who run adobe the way it is run. You tried to be helpful and followed up, but nobody else did."







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Jan 27, 2012 Jan 27, 2012

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Thanks for the update, and glad there was resolution in the matter.







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Jan 27, 2012 Jan 27, 2012

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Thank you Hunt for being such a long-time product user and advocate. We wouldn't be the company we are today without great customers like you.





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Jan 27, 2012 Jan 27, 2012

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Bing, @Adobe_Care is very responsive, you can also be proud of your team and of yourself!





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Nov 26, 2012 Nov 26, 2012

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I am a long-term user of Adobe products and used to be a big fan of your organization. I even bought stock in your company!

However, as a Creative Cloud subscriber who is experiencing serious problems with Muse ever since downloading the update, I am appalled at the lack of customer support I have been able to get, either by phone or live chat. All my existing Muse documents are frozen or locked or something, although they worked fine before the update.

I wasted at least 4 hours today on hold, or speaking to someone whose English I could barely understand who was unable to help me. Everyone jokes about jobs being oursourced to India, but in this case, there's nothing funny about it. Especially when I was promised a call back from a Muse specialist that was never received, although I sat by my phone for 3 hours waiting.

I also tried live chat and still have not found a solution to the issues I am having (that I see many others are experiencing, based upons online postings).

Supposedly, a Muse expert is supposed to call me at 6 am Pacific time tomrrow. Honestly, I truly doubt that this will happen.

Words cannot describe how frustrated, surprised and disgusted I am by Adobe's customer support, or lack thereof.





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Jan 27, 2012 Jan 27, 2012

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I want people to know there was no resolution gotten. The refund was given, but the hours I spent trying to get the resolution has cost me and my company time and money that far exceeds the cost of the software. I should be compensated as well as ANYONE who bought the CS5.5 package on the grounds they thought they had to to purchase CS6.

Adobe is not off the hook IMO.

To those who think this is the wrong place to talk about my experience, i believe this is the perfect place. Go ahead and do a search for something on google that include "adobe problem" etc. (anything with adobe) and the forums come up in the search. My postings are #1 for a number of keywords I used during the last month.

I want to reiterate my comments to Bing and that she did follow up on my concerns. She is doing her job and I aplaud her for that, but Adobe still owes me for making me go to extremes to return a faulty, fraudelently advertised purchase, I felt like I was forced to buy CS5.5 to be eligible for CS6 at the normally discounted price when upgrading. I and many others were duped into buying something they didn't necessarily want. Then to be offered another program  that I do not want - in compensation, if I keepp the first product I didn't want, is insulting. It' especially insulting when they try and pass off them changing there minds as an act of good will. I don't believe it for a second. If that was the case, then everyone who bought CS5.5, that was told specifically they had to buy it, should get a coupon towards CS6.

I have a feeling i'll never get the retribution from adobe i want, but if I do, then I'll be the first to let everyone know...





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Jan 28, 2012 Jan 28, 2012

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Paul, in the past, the upgrade pricing increased if you had an older version (more expensive from CS2 to CS5.5 than from CS5 to 5.5: http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/production/buying-guide-upgrades.html so it is some form of reward for the customers that update more often. )





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Jan 28, 2012 Jan 28, 2012

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@ PEcourtjoie. What's the purpose of telling me that? The discussion has nothing to do with your comment. Part of the arguement besides the crappy service was that they told me specifically that I had to buy CS5.5 to be eligible for the upgrade discount. If I didn't buy CS5.5, i would not be eligible for a discount when CS6 came out and pay full price.  So they forced me to buy something that I never wanted to be eligible for a discount Then when first, the wrong version was sent, then zooming in photoshop is all screwed up, thne I found out I never had to buy cs5.5 to be eligible for the discount, I'm not a happy person.

Please make sure you understand the conversation before making a comment.





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Jan 29, 2012 Jan 29, 2012

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Paul, I wanted to point out that anyways, anyone who got the latest version would get a rebate. And those who felt that they were tricked (and I can understand that) can get a refund, as it seems from your discussion.

I do think, that indeed, Adobe did lot a lot of trust from some of its customers. I really feel sorry for all the Adobe personnel that take pride in what they do, to see their work tarnished by the latest events.





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Jan 29, 2012 Jan 29, 2012

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Well to be honest, the only person I feel did their job was Bing.





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Jan 30, 2012 Jan 30, 2012

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If you feel like, you can ask her who is her supervisor, and let him/her know that.

My thoughts were also for the teams creating the programs that we work with everyday, that were just witnesses of the last changes in terms of service.





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Jan 30, 2012 Jan 30, 2012

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At this point I am waiting on a response from the last person I talked to. She seems to check her emails once a week on Friday at 4:45pm, so I don't expect a response for a while.





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Jan 30, 2012 Jan 30, 2012

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JTANNA wrote:

paul campagna wrote:

At this point I am waiting on a response from the last person I talked to. She seems to check her emails once a week on Friday at 4:45pm, so I don't expect a response for a while.

We thought you managed to resolve the problem but it seems not.  I hope you have a life to worry about instead of being mugged by some cleaver guys in broad day light.  Education is what it is for to be alert and not be hood-winked by spotty teenagers selling software for conglomerates.

A lesson to remember I guess.

What are you talking about? Software was bought directly through Adobe, if thst is what you mean with the comment. ??

At this point, Adobe has taken care of my concerns. It looks as if they are finally helping me.

If this is the last time I post here, I hope that Adobe listens to my concerns and takes care of them beyond me.






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Nov 27, 2012 Nov 27, 2012

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That is what I have encountered over the years too.

However, at about the CS 5.5 upgrade, things got a bit confusing. There were stated upgrade policies, that sort of changed things, or portended change. It is my understanding that Adobe backed off those policy changes, at least in some ways. Though I did not have immediate for it - yet - I did upgrade my Production Premium Suite to CS 5.5, in anticipation of CS 6. By then, the policies had been changed, yet again, so I guess that I did fall "into a trap," of sorts. Stuff happens, and as I missed CS 3 & CS 4, it was not the end of the world for me - just the way that it was.






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Nov 27, 2012 Nov 27, 2012

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To those who think this is the wrong place to talk about my experience, i believe this is the perfect place.

The one problem with the discussions being in this particular forum, is that it is for the discussion of the Adobe Forums, themselves, and not really any of the products, or policies, beyond the functioning of the forums. Also, the majority of the people in this forum are but mere users, with no power to act - only tell you stories. It's almost like going to the Lexus dealer, when you are having an issue with your Toyota, and yelling about the problem. However, the service manager at the Toyota dealership, next door hears you, and crosses the lots to help you out. If you get the problem solved, then the route, however off track, should probably not be questioned.

However, and with that said, it does appear that you have the attention of people, who might be able to get you some sort of resolution. So, at the end of the day, you are possibly correct. So long as a customer gets help, it's relatively moot how, or from where, they receive it.

Hope that there IS resolution for you, and from a later post, it looks like perhaps things did improve for you. I am hopeful that I read that post correctly.

Good luck,






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Nov 27, 2012 Nov 27, 2012

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This place and other social sites is where I complained because I know it gets insedxed and search by google. I got resolution after many, many hours of complaining on all of these type of sites. If Adobe thinks you are going to fade away, then nothing would ever get done about it. BUT if they see you are not going away and causing a lot of people to take notice (twitter, facebook, G+, etc) then eventually you get the attention it deserves.

My experience from Adobe and their outsourced help from India was BEYOND frustrating. When they operators lie to you, promise you a call back, but never do, then keep you on the line for hours at a time with no resolution, then there need to be attention drawn to them for their horrible service.

In the end, I finally talked to someone who helped. Was it because of the way I vented and posted on many forums and social sites? Who knows, but I got restitution from my diligence in trying to get it taken care of.

If there are STILL people dealing with the Horrible part of Adobe's customer service, then I know they will eventually find this thread and I employ them to go to the extremes I did to get a resolution.

Twitter, facebook, goolge+, youtube, etc, etc. Eventually they will try to help if nothing more than to shut you up. If you have a legitimate beef, then you should not give up like they want you to.

Good luck to anyone reading this who had issues. BUT this was taken care of for me in July 2012.





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Nov 27, 2012 Nov 27, 2012

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Is there a better or more appropriate forum for posting issues about Adobe customer service?





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Mentor ,
Nov 27, 2012 Nov 27, 2012

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No. Because nobody at Adobe Bothers to read the Forums. There is one or two employees that do come to Forums. But only to fix Forum Problems. Otherwise they don't care what is said.





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Nov 27, 2012 Nov 27, 2012

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You guys fail to see the bigger picture when posting to these forums and social media. They are not going to do anything unless they fear the exposure and negative press. Writing here gets indexed in search engines. If you don't think adobe knows how people get to their sites or what seaches people are using to get to adobe.com, or adobe PR doesn't "listen" to what is being said online, then you having been paying attention.

Do a search for

adobe has horrible customer service.

ops sorry spelled word wrong in search






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