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Just in case...

Oct 01, 2009 Oct 01, 2009

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Just in case anyone from Adobe thinks these forums are getting better, are more accepted now that all the knowledgeable regulars have been driven off and the community that existed has been destroyed. This Forum still su

cks, its slow ugly and a huge space waster. The dialog in the forums has turned into a bunch of lazy people who can't be bothered to read the manual. All discussion about anything technical or advanced just doesn't exist. thanks Adobe.




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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PJones, CET

Still wrong PJ, the J is capitalized.   (Okay, so that's a little anal retentive.)




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Mentor ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Ansury wrote:

PJones, CET

Still wrong PJ, the J is capitalized.   (Okay, so that's a little anal retentive.)

Doesn't really make a lot of difference, other I had a lot more post under the Macromedia Account than they show, under sign in of User name And under sign in of username my Pname is in all caps.




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Mentor ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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When I was writting the message; to me it was the PJones, CET. Why it showed up as with my Name in all Caps I don't know. although my name on that account is in all Caps.

That's one reason I want that account killed and just use this one and be able to sign in using my Username.

If you notice under that account it shows when clicking in picture that I have been active since March 2003 and onl 750 post and no user points (which I don't care about.). Neither account is right the adobe one I've been on the forums since about Acrobat 3 or 4 and Dreamweaver I've had since version 6. I have 8 now.




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Honestly I just wanted to type "anal retentive" in here, it fits the forum well.

So wait, I missed something important (not really) here-- WHY do you have two accounts in the first place?  Why not just ditch one and keep your sanity?




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Because he is part of the conspiracy. Don't you see that?

Ansury wrote:

Honestly I just wanted to type "anal retentive" in here, it fits the forum well.

So wait, I missed something important (not really) here-- WHY do you have two accounts in the first place?  Why not just ditch one and keep your sanity?




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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dec9 wrote:

Because he is part of the conspiracy. Don't you see that?

This is what i posted in the "Report spam... " thread:

This is getting weirder and weirder... people claiming to be 'moderators' of one or forum, denying they are so in another forum and then, in the denied forum, behaving like a moderator... and all the while sailing under dual flags?!!!

And they can't decide if they're 'Hosts' or 'Moderators'! JIVE, a very apt name




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Mentor ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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I've explained before. it was as a result of the Hostile takeover of Macromedia.

Once you create an account you can not destroy it. your stuck with it till the day you die.

This is to prevent people from creating an account posting, then deleting an account. and any products you bought under that account you can no longer get support for. I've wanted to that one into this one. I asked to have it done. Other people have had theirs combined but they have more influence than I.




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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PjonesCET wrote:

I've explained before. it was as a result of the Hostile takeover of Macromedia...

I'm curious here. Why do you call it a "hostile takeover". How do you know this?

Mind you I don't make it a point to follow such things. I mean, I know Adobe acquired Macromedia and all. But I don't recall seeing anything with respect to the situation being "hostile".

Cheers... Rick




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Mentor ,
Oct 07, 2009 Oct 07, 2009

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Because during the last day of Macromedia as an entity, not one person on the forums were in favor of the sopposed "sell" even some of the employees voiced there displeasure and other Forums all over the internet described it as a Hostile takeover saying it was not their choice.  Hostile takeover, doesn't necessarily some one comes with  crane one day takes down yopur sign and and puts up the new company sign. Hostile take-over can mean that despite the wishes of the employees, & the Board pf directors, the share holders sell out if they can make 5 bucks more than they are worth at the time.




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Hi Ansury

Adobe being the behemoth it is seems to have many different databases. If you are one of the "fortunate few" that has multiple accounts to deal with, it's not as simple as it may seem to consolidate. For example I also am a moderator for the Community Help area. One account has capabilities for that and the other doesn't. In yet another area, one account has purchases and the other doesn't. So unfortunately it's not as cut and dried as it may seem.

So why post as different identities? I've heard nearly all of you complain about the logging in and out bit and how frustrating and slow it is. Just because I don't choose to vocalize my own frustrations doesn't mean I don't share them as well.

This means that if I'm already logged in as one identity, by golly I'm not going to waste all the time it takes to log out and back in as one specific identity to post. I think aside from the forum names I've made efforts to show both accounts are one and the same individual if anyone decides to compare notes.

Cheers all... Rick




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Yes, you/we shouldn't have to wait 30 minutes to login each time, nor should we have to login every hour.

So to sum up the list of problems:

1) Adobe's fault - No process for merging duplicate accounts, or at least transferring purchased product registrations to new accounts

2) Adobe's fault - Login is absurdly slow and Adobe either doesn't care or is completely unable to resolve

3) Jive's fault - I'm sure they have something to do with this, just not sure what yet.

You could have just said it was all Adobe's fault in the first place instead of dragging out the conversation.    (Oh yeah, I forgot community experts must swear a blood oath forbidding them from saying anything remotely critical or negative about the Adobe gods.)

Whatever I'm glad we could get this important (not really) discussion out of the way.  Maybe now we can get back to the topic of the mass exodus of expertise from these jiveware-boards*?

*I refuse to refer to this software as "web forums" anymore, as it is not deserving of the title.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Yes, you/we shouldn't have to wait 30 minutes to login each time, nor should we have to login every hour.

Logging in is actually quite speedy for me; less than a minute, but the random logging out factor is, IMO, perhaps one of the most problematic bugs for those people who are trying to post helpful information for other users.

I am speaking partly hypothetically, but I am sure many of us have had the experience of writing out a post, then going back and re-reading it, editing it, tweaking it, and so on, until it says what we want it to say. Now, if it were a complex problem we were trying to provide an answer to, this could take some time, thought, and a fair amount of effort. I've had it happen more than once that I have written out a fairly lengthy post, then edited it and tweaked it, then hit "Post", only to be told that I did not have permission to post in this forum. In my case, little lost, since the antiquity of my software (Acrobat 4.05; Framemaker 7.1) means I can't really answer questions, but I can say that it is a really discouraging experience from my point of view, and I can't help but think that knowledgeable people attempting to be helpful would find it so as well. Now, sometimes an autosaved version exists, but sometimes it doesn't. I can't help but think that people wishing to provide help here would find themselves off-put, to say it mildly, to spend, say, half an hour writing out a really good post, only to have it trashed. Would they go to the effort again? I don't think so. Would it make them less likely to try to help out? I do think so.

Anway, I've spent a little time writing out and tweaking this post. Mustn't forget to "select all and copy", JUST in case I find, when I try to post it, that I have been logged out.

(The bit about not going to the last-read post is irritating too, of course, but from my point of view is not as profoundly discouraging as to be logged out randomly.)




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Less than a minute?    That might be acceptable if we didn't have to login twice a day.

We're talking about no less than 3 separate bugs here, that's what's really sad.

-No login persistence > 1 day

-No login timer reset when you visit the page (causing the post losses)

-Horrid login times

Any one of which, if they were resolved, would greatly reduce frustration.  Yet not a single one has been addressed yet after months.  That's what I call "getting jived".

Time to cut losses and split the store login off to another system, guys (Adobe).  You can even migrate the credentials (hopefully hashes..) on a nightly basis to keep the two accounts in sync.  That's not so hard.  And it's not unreasonable to require people to put in their creds just before they access the store.  In fact, that's how it should be anyway.

Oh, how cute!  I just ran into the logged out bug and almost lost this whole post.  @#%!@$!#%!@@#% !!!!

AND I just ran into the "update didn't take" bug and had to edit this twice.  F* awesome!




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Less than a minute?    That might be acceptable if we didn't have to login twice a day.

If it took me half an hour (which I have seen mentioned by others as well), I would probably not be here even to the limited extent that I am!

Any one of which, if they were resolved, would greatly reduce frustration.  Yet not a single one has been addressed yet after months.  That's what I call "getting jived".

It's truly remarkable that so very, very little seems to have been accomplished in six months.

Oh, how cute!  I just ran into the logged out bug and almost lost this whole post.  @#%!@$!#%!@@#% !!!!

I still have that happen occasionally too, despite knowing that I can be logged out randomly at any time. I find it profoundly discouraging. "Takes all the wind out of my sails", so to speak.. We should not be expected to add "copy entire post before attempting to post it" to our workflow!

AND I just ran into the "update didn't take" bug and had to edit this twice.  F* awesome!

It's not just awesome, it's Jive-a-licious!

(Copying post before hitting "Post Message" button......)




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Advocate ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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So why did it show PHILLIP JONES at first and now PJones, CET




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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I think I understand now.... lol

I never paid much attention to this until it was brought up and discussed.

PJones, CET wrote:

Okay now I am signed in under my password and as you'll see my User Name is Pjones, CET




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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Captiv8r wrote:

Acutally there are very good reasons. None of which involve "hiding" behind any identity. But if I told you the reasons it would only be construed as both a diatribe and a reason I find the Jive software better than what I had before. So I'll spare you the details.

I know it's not to hide, but I don't know that the reason is a "good" one, nor that Jiveware can't be blamed for the idiocy in some way.




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Mentor ,
Oct 05, 2009 Oct 05, 2009

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AKA Robocop though doesn't have an account by that name.




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Oct 05, 2009 Oct 05, 2009

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Well they must be identical strangers then. The picture posted of the wizard and cap are exactly alike.

PjonesCET wrote:

AKA Robocop though doesn't have an account by that name.




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Oct 05, 2009 Oct 05, 2009

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Indeed Captiv8r and RoboWizard are one and the same identity. Me.

Cheers... Rick




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Oct 05, 2009 Oct 05, 2009

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Mentor ,
Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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When he don's his moderator suite he changes into the Captiv8or prosona. When he is on another Forum which he is answering questions, but not a Moderator he changes into the RoboWizard  prosona.

Or, He may have been a member of the Macromedia Forum under RoboWizard. And joined under Capiv8or in Adobe forums so he could captivate the audience with his answers, then became a more apt Title as a Moderator.




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Oct 06, 2009 Oct 06, 2009

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So, take his phonebooth away. End of problem.

PjonesCET wrote:

When he don's his moderator suite he changes into the Captiv8or prosona. When he is on another Forum which he is answering questions, but not a Moderator he changes into the RoboWizard  prosona.

Or, He may have been a member of the Macromedia Forum under RoboWizard. And joined under Capiv8or in Adobe forums so he could captivate the audience with his answers, then became a more apt Title as a Moderator.




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Oct 05, 2009 Oct 05, 2009

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You aren't finding it because it's not RoboCop. It's RoboWizard.




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 05, 2009 Oct 05, 2009

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Captiv8r wrote:

You aren't finding it because it's not RoboCop. It's RoboWizard.

That's what Phillip said... it was a joke.... meaning Phillip was joking about the existence / non-existence of Robocop...




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