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So I noticed my post count reset.. and my join date was set to sometime only a few months ago.
Here's my old self:
Same login info, I didn't do anything. The random digits on the end of the name were automatically added by whatever happened.
Anyway for admins to maybe merge me back together?
- wb
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You can try deleting your cookies, loging out (using the logout button here and in again. If that doesn't work, you'll have to wait until someone fixes your problem.
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Yup no go. It seems I have replaced me.
Hopefully my accounts (i didn't do it!) can be merged back to together.
- wb
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Unfortunately, I understand that your old account can be restored, but both cannot be merged...
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wish I knew what caused it. Guess I'll wait to hear from an admin for now
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wish I knew what caused it. Guess I'll wait to hear from an admin for now
You are not likely to hear anything from the Admin and you should know what caused this by now
Adobe has serious problems of managing these forums. They are getting spammed and for some reasons this is causing problems with the Jive software they are using. It looks like Jive is not fit to run a forum on an industrial scale like this one. The only way to run the forum is to isolate it completely from mainstream Website so that the two don't share the same platform.
However, this is not going to resolve your problem and I am afaraid you have to learn to live with it. Could be worse! We've had a fantastic time here in England celebrating the Royal Wedding with about 2 billion people on this planet!. You Tube didn't crash when about 400 million watched the wedding on it but Adobe can't handle 6,000 spam messages!
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DWILCOX01 wrote:
wish I knew what caused it. Guess I'll wait to hear from an admin for now
You are not likely to hear anything from the Admin and you should know what caused this by now
Here are some recent examples showing that Admin does listen to people with the same problem, and does correct the problem for them...
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Here are some recent examples showing that Admin does listen to people with the same problem, and does correct the problem for them...
None of the above links tells me convincingly that Adobe Admin have merged two accounts - one of which is generally created by a rogue script on Jives. Have you got a better link to prove your case beyond all resonable doubt?
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DWILCOX01 wrote:
I am afaraid you have to learn to live with it.
That's simply not true. The Admin here fixes account discontinuities all the time. How do you think some of us have built up so much history?
Firstodd, you've asked the right question in the right place. It may just take a little time.
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Haha alright thanks guys. I'm patient.
- wb
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Firstodd wrote:
alright thanks guys. I'm patient.
- wb
Patience is said to be a virtue but I have to say it again that your account is not going to be merged. It is simply not possible within the technical abilities currently available to Adobe!.
You can have either your original account or the current one. Either way you are going to lose messages from one of the accounts ideally the current one in which you have amassed a massive total of 9. You need to post 9 more useless messages if your intention is to catch up woth Noel Carboni and to make sure you are here on Christmas Eve this year.
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A. I really don't care if my accounts are merged back together, or which account I get back.
B. I can't log into the "old" one so I only have 1 to choose from at the moment.
Having my old posts on my count & my original join date would be ideal, but hardly necessary for me to continue using the forums. Settle down .
- wb
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Sorry about the delay, I've been traveling and my backup missed this.
Please try it again now.
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That's simply not true. The Admin here fixes account discontinuities all the time. How do you think some of us have built up so much history?
What is "simply not true"? Can you point me to a link where the Admin have successfully managed to merge the two accounts?
Some of you have built up so much history because you live, eat and breathe here 24/7. over a number of yeras. For example you have been here since Christmas Eve 2006 when I was looking forward to celebrating Christmas instead of hanging around on Adobe forum!
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DWILCOX01 wrote:
function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}That's simply not true. The Admin here fixes account discontinuities all the time. How do you think some of us have built up so much history?What is "simply not true"? Can you point me to a link where the Admin have successfully managed to merge the two accounts?
Some of you have built up so much history because you live, eat and breathe here 24/7. over a number of yeras. For example you have been here since Christmas Eve 2006 when I was looking forward to celebrating Christmas instead of hanging around on Adobe forum!
Nobody has said that the two accounts can be merged. On the contrary, I said they couldn't before you even mentioned the merging (now).
And I didn't know Adobe had appointed a censor to watch how many messages we post, and to assess the quality of what we post. Am I also getting negative points or something?
Please take a close look at what you post before critizising others. In particular, can you point me where you said, in your message #5, that you were referring to the merging of the two accounts?
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Claudio González wrote:
Nobody has said that the two accounts can be merged. On the contrary,
Well in that case you haven't helped the OP. the OP clearly stated: "Anyway for admins to maybe merge me back together?" and I told him to forget it. Adobe Admin are not likely to do anything about this.
Then you said this is not true by posting some useless links to contradict what I was saying.
Then Noel started saying that things do get sorted out and that is why he has built up so much history . Now neither of you have proved that the two accounts can be merged. You are now accepting that this is not possible and I await to hear from Noel to provide something for me to ponder.
It could be that Adobe Admin have now the experience to merge the two accounts but there is still no evidence yet. Noel will put this right pretty soon when he has the time.
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DWILCOX01 wrote:
function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}Claudio González wrote:
Nobody has said that the two accounts can be merged. On the contrary,
Well in that case you haven't helped the OP. the OP clearly stated: "Anyway for admins to maybe merge me back together?" and I told him to forget it. Adobe Admin are not likely to do anything about this.
Then you said this is not true by posting some useless links to contradict what I was saying.
Then Noel started saying that things do get sorted out and that is why he has built up so much history . Now neither of you have proved that the two accounts can be merged. You are now accepting that this is not possible and I await to hear from Noel to provide something for me to ponder.
It could be that Adobe Admin have now the experience to merge the two accounts but there is still no evidence yet. Noel will put this right pretty soon when he has the time.
Judging by the quality of your arguments, this is obviously useless, but I will try again for this last time.
You never said you were talking about the merging of the two threads, while I clearly stated that I don't think it can be done before you even mentioned the subject; and it's up to Firstodd to decide if this information was useful for him or not. You only said that Firstodd could forget about getting help from Admin, and this is what Noel and I were objecting. Although you may think so, I am not so stupid as to first say that I think something can't be done and then go to great lengths to try to prove that it can, when it obviously can't -Admin has said so many times.
And please forgieve me but, hard as I have tried, I cannot find anything helpful for Firstodd in any of your messages in this thread. Although it's true that Firstodd has the last word on this.
I will gladly give you the pleasure to be the last poster in this pointless and fruitless discussion. Sadly, that sort of thing pleases some people.
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DWILCOX01 wrote:
What is "simply not true"? Can you point me to a link where the Admin have successfully managed to merge the two accounts?
I never said they have merged accounts. They can, however, restore function of your prior account. They did it for me, hence I can say with authority that it is not true that you "have to learn to live with" a spurious new account. You might lose some posts in the interim, which will remain associated with the spurious account. I lost 4 or 5 I think. Big deal.
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Some of you have built up so much history because you live, eat and breathe here 24/7. over a number of years.
Well, that is not really a bad thing, now is it?
In Noel's case, I have only known of a very few other users, who have done so very much good work in the PS forum, and I go back to the NNTP-only days with that one. Many thousands of new, or frustrated users, have received the help necessary, just from his input. Also, many of use "lost" many thousands of posts, with forum changes, so what you see in a profile, might only be the tip of an iceburg.
Many of us feel compelled to "give back" to the "community"(I know that is a very bad word to some, and openly apologize to them), because we've made good money with the software, and have received a load of help along the way from these very forums.
I cannot speak for Noel, but for me, it's like the pro-bono work that I do for advertising federations, art directors clubs and charities, that help my community. Now, it's a symbiotic relationship, as I usually learn a bunch FROM these forums, while trying to help "pay it forward." Also, some of us are now retired, or winding down our careers, but still want to stay current, and if we can help along the way, life is much better. Heck, I started as a serious hobbyist, then became a respected professional in several disciplines, and am now going back to being a serious hobbyist once again - pretty much full-circle. Plus, I still love solving problems, and this gives me the intellectual outlet to do just that.
No, for me, I say thanks to folk, like Noel.
As for the work that Adobe-Admin does with accounts, there are more success stories, than failures. I cannot say that each success has been 100%, or that the fixes have been permanent, but there are many of them, and this forum should be a good indicator of those. I will admit that the "rogue accounts"should NEVER crop up, but they do, and almost all of them get fixed, and in a pretty timely fashion too.
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Hi Bill,
Thanks for the nice words.
He might not say it directly but Bill (the wine snob) is also incredibly prolific and incredibly helpful.
I get a lot out of helping people, plain and simple. I type like a beast, so even a long post only really takes me a few seconds.
And by golly I learn an AWFUL LOT by helping people too. I now know WAY more about the products I help with because what other people ask about causes me to think about them differently than I did before, and try new things.
The world needs more people willing to help others without direct compensation.
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Like you, I have learned a ton, in the forums, and by MY posts. I got Premiere Elements, though I had owned and used Premiere Pro from nearly its beginnings. Still, I needed Elements for some consumer footage, and wanted to learn to use it. I read the entire forum (prior to the Jive move), and where I could help, offered insights into video editing. In time, I began hanging out there more often, and found that I needed to launch the program, Open one of my test Projects, and see what was what, before I answered. I did much more in that program, as a result, and learned by doing, while answering others' questions. Still happens often, though I now need to upgrade (do not need it for my work), as many changes have been made, and my screen-caps and many answers harken back to earlier times and earlier versions. Same with PrPro, and PS, though I have CS5 just waiting for a new laptop, and then a new workstation.
If the OP's question is not on something that I have done most of my life, and nearly every day of that life, I'll quickly test, before posting a response. In that process, I often learn something new. Though I have used PS for 1/3 of my life, and professionally in that time, I have never fully explored everything possible. Unles one is both a developer, and then a teacher, it's just not likely to happen. One does what is necessary to produce the best results for the clients, and there is often not enough time to just go exploring. Answering the posters' questions extends my usage of a very "old friend," and keeps me sharp.This is a good thing for a buy at my age. This is NOT about newer versions either. i am talking about some of the core powers of the program, but ones that I have never had a need for.
Now, the forums have become some bit of a hobby, but better than sitting around in my jammies, downloading porn, or at least that's what my wife tells me...
Now, I sit around in my Hawaiian shirts, cargo shorts and flip-flops, drinking wines early, and smoking Cubans, while I gaze out over the High Sonoran Desert from the pool deck, with a couple of sleeping Bulldogs at my feet. Life is good. It's kind of like Jimmy Buffett, but with a computer, rather than a guitar, and the desert, rather than Key West. Yes, life IS good, and if I can help a single user of an Adobe product, I feel good about my day, regardless of the quality of my wine, or the Cuban.
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Wasted away in Adobe Forumville...
Right there beside ya (electronically), buddy.
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Looks like I'm back switched around. Thx claudio!
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Let's hope it lasts...