There are other sites & forums with massive traffic that NEVER show the page load time inconsistencies as the pages do.
Fast. Slow. Fast. Slow. Completely unavailable for 5, 10, 15 minutes, or longer.
The company is one of the biggest players on the planet, and this crappy inconsistency is OK with them?
Could somebody please make sense of that for me?
I'm a reasonably smart and perceptive guy. I've thought about it 47 ways inside and out. I've considered technology problems, management problems, infrastructure problems, world-wide networking problems.
I just can't suss it.
It makes NO friggin' sense.
Other companies can figure out how to make it all work like lightning, why can't Adobe?
I place absolutely no blame on individual employees, because I think the world of a lot of them, and what they do, and how they do it. Millions of us couldn't do what we do if you didn't do what you do.
You guys whom I've talked to, and forumed with and exchanged email dialogue with know: I have the best intentions when I write something this intense. I really only get angry when the stuff I love is being harmed or attacked or is crumbling away before my very eyes. I aim the scope at the company.
They're fsckin' sh¡t up, and they don't even know it, or somehow decide it's not gonna kill the profits, so it doesn't matter so much. And I express that in light of, or despite the knowledge of their consistently climbing bottom line. Money is importantof coursebut it's hardly the only thing that matters. Adobe, as a company, has obviously done a lot of things right, for a lot of years. That history is not to be forgotten.
But, FLANG BLAMMIT!!! ya poor dumb bastard bloated corporation...I love ya, but you're making things mighty difficult.
Shift the balance a little.
Lighten up on the marketing, and heavy up on listening to your devoted, long time customers.
Whoopsy-Daisy!!! 😉 :)
My apologies for sailing off on a wide ranging rant where it doesn't really belong. When I realized what I did I thought maybe that I should've copy/pasted it to some faceless administrative employee at corporate HQ (and then deleted it from this thread), but it would have just fallen into a sucking black hole of corporate indifference. I expect the rest of you here who feel a similar vested concern will have good replies, and I look forward to reading them.
Your ol' Uncle Phos means well, but he gets carried away sometimes. As long as no kittens get stepped on, I'm pretty happy.