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The 11-16-09 Forum Maintenance Did Not Work

Nov 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2009

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Adobe had a gold mine. Their product fora filled the gap that their outsourced T/S and C/S were no longer filling.

Many users realized that there was a much greater liklihood that almost any problem, with any Adobe program, could be solved by the fora, and by the users. I have even recommended such for years, even back when Adobe T/S was a different animal.

Now, as of Black Monday, Nov. 16, 2009, with the "maintenance" work, these fora are nearly useless. Many of us have lost the ability to use the "camera" icon to attach an image to a post. The "automatic" line break is a real problem. It now comes long after several lines of text have been typed, and is never where any editor would place it. The "block quotes," that only work every third, or fourth time, all contribute to users not wanting to bother with helping all the other users.

This has become a very bad joke by Adobe. I am considering just giving up helping others, and letting them contact Adobe T/S for everything. Let all the users deal with Malasia, or wherever, and we'll just be done. If Adobe and Jive cannot fix these faux pas, then they deserve the


that they get. [Don't you love those line breaks?]

I am tired of having to wear out my Backspace key to fix this stuff. I am tired of not being able to do a block quotation. I am tired of not being able to attach an image, of approved size and type, that the OP can see, without waiting days for it to go through queue. I am tired of being hampered trying to help Adobe users, when I have the answer. I will just tell them to contact Adobe T/S, wherever it's located this week, and to also send a Bug Report for every problem. This has gone from bad to worse and is just not acceptable.

I do not know what the Nov. 16, 2009 maintenance was supposed to fix, but it was as big a mistake as the forum changeover. Someone's head should roll on this one.

You can sign me "someone, who has a lot to offer, but is getting fed up with these fora."

Adobe, you had a gold mine here, but are not only turning your back to the potential, but are driving away the folk, who can fill the gap left by an ill-advised move of T/S to some cheap, country in the 4th World. At some point, the script, "uninstall/reinstall" runs thin.

<Rant Mode OFF>


PS - I realize that these words will not reach Adobe. I post that to most rants in the product fora. I know that the poor MOD's in this forum will have to come in and calm me down. That should not be their jobs. They have other, and more important, jobs to do. Still, this has become such a bad joke that I cannot contain myself any longer. BTW - I started with the Adobe fora, long before the Internet. Back in those days, it was only NTTP, and Al Gore had yet to invent the Internet. I ain't no newbie at this. Don't let the 2002 start date fool you.




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Mentor ,
Nov 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2009

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the_wine_snob wrote:


<Rant Mode OFF>


PS - I realize that these words will not reach Adobe. I post that to most rants in the product fora. I know that the poor MOD's in this forum will have to come in and calm me down. That should not be their jobs. They have other, and more important, jobs to do. Still, this has become such a bad joke that I cannot contain myself any longer. BTW - I started with the Adobe fora, long before the Internet. Back in those days, it was only NTTP, and Al Gore had yet to invent the Internet. I ain't no newbie at this. Don't let the 2002 start date fool you.

Don't expect our current Mod to calm you down. He doesn't care.




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Nov 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2009

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Is that you? Hardly recognized you.

Now, I do not know the MOD's here. I have had little interaction. I do know many in the product fora, as I often communicate via PM, trying to help them help others. They do a great job, BTW.

I often get written off as an "Adobe apologist" around these parts, but this has become absurd.

You are possibly correct. I have little experience here, I have to admit. Maybe something can come of it, or maybe not. Personally, I am very heavily invested in Adobe via their software, and also via my stock portfolio. Maybe I should have gone with other stocks?

It is just so very frustrating to try and help other users, and have the tools crumble in my hands!

Thanks for the comment, and take care in the "Mid-Atlantic Region." At least you got your camera back. I am still waiting for that one. Have a crabcake for me,OK?






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Nov 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2009

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Most of the mods would likely agree... but prefer lemonade to grousing ad nauseum.(Not applicable to the current discussion, yet)

I'll not let my mood be altered tho... in the midst of a discussion of music et al that influenced us as teens... and trawling YouTube, currently listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntm1YfehK7U&feature=related




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Nov 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2009

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Advocate ,
Nov 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2009

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the_wine_snob wrote on 11/23/2009 4:44 AM:

Now, as of Black Monday, Nov. 16, 2009, with the "maintenance" work, these fora are nearly useless. Many of us have lost the ability to use the "camera" icon to attach an image to a post.

Many? I have seen one report of it, and all the response it got from

others was that it did work http://forums.adobe.com/message/2399618

If you are aware of other people with that problem, tell them to report

in that thread. And have them add some useful information, such as which

browser they use, whether they experience it with other browsers, from

other computers, the actual error message etc.




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Mentor ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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In the case of myself I have the sudd

en automatic returns. And I have to everytime I restart my browser I have to adjust my profile so my name shows rather then my Username.

I am Mac Platform OSX.4.11

My Browser of shoice is SeaMonkey (no snide remarks from the peanut gallery please - use to be the Mozilla all in one or Communicato, or back far enough Netscape Naviagtor 3.0.1.a.gold)

But I have test on the other Browsers:







The is no modern version if IE Mac's

FireFox, Camino, SeaMonkey use Gecko engine

Safari uses Webkit

iCab I think is webkit, Opera for Mac might be gecko based.

So in using 7 different Browsers Its a problem with the code, not the browsers.

Is this information you want JV?




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Enthusiast ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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jochemd wrote:

Many? I have seen one report of it, and all the response it got from

others was that it did work http://forums.adobe.com/message/2399618

The following forums:

1/ Illustrator

2/ Photshop / Windows

Have numerous threads where images are 'Queued'. Just browse through and see for yourself.




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Advocate ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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shunithD wrote on 11/23/2009 5:12 PM:




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Enthusiast ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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Oh! And, BTW you, yourself, have pointed out there's a problem with uploading images...

In this thread, right here, which is, conveniently, locked:





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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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Hi all

For what it's worth, I'm seeing endlessly queued attachments as well as some folks reporting an inability to make the camera icon work for them.

Personally I've not encountered these issues and hopefully I won't. But thought I'd mention it.

Cheers.. Rick




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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For what it's worth, I'm seeing endlessly queued attachments as well as some folks reporting an inability to make the camera icon work for them.


Thank you for the validation. I would assume that there are many users, who now have the inability to use the "camera" icon, but most do not know to post here.






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Advocate ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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shunithD wrote on 11/23/2009 5:12 PM:

jochemd wrote :

>> Many? I have seen one report of it, and all the response it got from

>> others was that it did work http://forums.adobe.com/message/2399618#2399618

The following forums:

1/ Illustrator

2/ Photshop / Windows

Have numerous threads where images are 'Queued'. Just browse through and see for yourself.

Which is related to the "Camera Icon" how?




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Enthusiast ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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jochemd wrote:

Which is related to the "Camera Icon" how?

I don't know... you should know. You're the Mod leaping around here demanding examples... i pointed out places you could see for yourself. Now, why ask me? Do your own homework. I'm just a plain, simple 'user'. OK? Get it?

And, my suggestion is, if you don't want to make the effort, tell Adobe you don't want to be a 'MOD' any longer. With position, comes responsibility....




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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this issue didn't only start on 11-16-09 (Black Monday), but way back in March (April?) when the forum switched over from WebX to Jive.  *That* was the biggest mistake by Adobe, with regards to the forum.


even if it's only a handful of users, if it's the *regular* and *helpful* users, it's a very bad implementation.  Despite your pleas for more information, many of us are just getting tired of feeling like guinea pigs and being treated even worse.    Adobe needs to fix their forums, not the users.  ...  not sure how many users they will have if they keep this track record up ...




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Advocate ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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greenjumpyone wrote on 11/23/2009 5:23 PM:

Adobe needs to fix their forums, not the users.

So show me it is a problem in the forums, and not a browser or client

computer problem.




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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jochemd wrote:

greenjumpyone wrote on 11/23/2009 5:23 PM:

Adobe needs to fix their forums, not the users.

So show me it is a problem in the forums, and not a browser or client

computer problem.

O    M    G ....

these forums are very badly messed up and you know that Jochem.  You, yourself, have stated the shortcomings of them.  You have taken time and effort to offer solutions, which have gone largely ignored.  And you can actually write the above comment with a straight face??

<shakes head in total amazement>




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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And you can actually write the above comment with a straight face??

how do you know he wasn't chuckling maniacally whilst crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out?




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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Never mind.

Deleted by me.




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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Deleted by me.


Sorry that I missed this post. Your comments are always right-on, and in the product fora, I've always appreciated reading them.





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Advocate ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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Sure. The last 'problem' I 'fixed' was by telling somebody to clear his browser cache. The second to last was by getting somebody to uninstall a Firefox plugin.

If some people always get a problem, and everybody else never get that problem, there is a differences between them. In the case of this environment, as soon as the some reaches 25% I am willing to blame Jive without fursther investigation. But if it is just a few people, the difference is more likely then not on the client side and also the place where the bug is.




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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always and never .... *nothing* is always and never.

Jochem,  as Curt Y pointed out, and you know very well, there have been ongoing issues since the very beginning.  You have even told us to stop reiterating the issues, because we all know what they are!

Sure an issue or two might be associated with a browser cache or plugin, but the vast majority of issues are shared by more than one person, across different OSs and different browsers.

Quit trying to make it seem like we are simply whinners here.... most of us have been around the block a time or two and know a crappy software when we see one.




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Advocate ,
Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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greenjumpyone wrote on 11/23/2009 7:27 PM:

Sure an issue or two might be associated with a browser cache or plugin, but the vast majority of issues are shared by more than one person, across different OSs and different browsers.

Which is why I let the vast majority of issues be handled by Adobe and

Jive. The only two issues I am interested in are not being able to log

out from the forums and this "Camera Icon" issue. Not being able to log

out because I wrote that FAQ and I try to perfect it, and this "Camera

Icon" thing because the pattern of its occurrence is fishy.




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Nov 23, 2009 Nov 23, 2009

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this "Camera Icon" thing because the pattern of its occurrence is fishy.

I would have used other language, but then I was under sail for most of my youth. That language would deserve to be removed from this, and any other forum.

"Fishy," is not the whole of it. I have asked in many product fora, and it seems that the "fix" has been a "rolling-fix." Users, who responded to me, from the Souther Hemisphere, never had an issue. Most of them have also stayed logged-in through Black Monday. One was actually able to post DURING the maintenance time! In other parts of the glove, some lost the camera icon, but then later got it back. Some, like me, have yet to get it back.

When Phillip, and several others, reported that they were able to use it, I took heart, thinking that it was a rolling-fix. For me, it has not yet reached Phoenix, AZ, USA. The closest that I could find was Santa Fe, NM, USA.

Why did some never loose it? Why did some, who did loose it, get it back? I have not a clue, but wish that Arizona would get it back, at least on my systems. I have a lot of work to do, to help Adobe users, with problems.

Thanks for looking into this,





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