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To much power for some Acp'S

Participant ,
Jul 14, 2019 Jul 14, 2019

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What is the recourse when a acp's locked a conversation for no reason except to have the last word evn if the question is not yet resolved?

Message was edited by: Moderator (Discussion successfully moved from Adobe Creative Cloud to Forum comments)




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jul 16, 2019 Jul 16, 2019

There is no recourse if a thread is locked except asking a moderator to unlock. If discussions run out of control or get personal or get off-topic a moderator may decide to lock a thread. Threads are not locked by ACPs but by moderators even that some ACPs are also moderators.

If you feel that the thread has been locked by error you can ask a moderator to look into the thread.


Jul 16, 2019 Jul 16, 2019

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If you are referring to https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2635516 then you have already made your opinion known.

Moderators (who may or may not be an ACP, MVP or staff member) are tasked with enforcing the Terms of Use and Guidelines, and curating the content to best serve the goals of Customer Care. That means ensuring questions have a clear and relevant set of answers, and that content which is contrary to those goals is actioned. Irrelevant follow-up questions are branched so they will be easier for other visitors to find, and so they will prompt more answers. Threads which are duplicates or are descending into conflict are locked. Content in the wrong place is moved, and spam is deleted. That is all we do, but we deal with hundreds of action items every day.

Moderators do not get points for doing their job, and do not have quotas. Every one undergoes training and their conduct is monitored by the forum management team. By joining the forum you agree to be subject to the TOU and Guidelines, as is everyone else - even staff.

The forums serve to provide customers with help using Adobe software and services. That is all. We do not expect everyone to be happy, but we do expect them to be professional. By all means you can start threads about deficiencies in the software, missing features, bugs, etc. but not to rant about Adobe the corporation, or to attack specific people (whoever they are). If you don't like how the company is run, buy shares and vote for change. Apply for a job. Start your own business and go up against them.

If you have a grievance about your experiences with Adobe, file a formal case with Customer Care through chat or phone support. These forums are not a conduit into the corporation; 99% of the people on here are just customers like you.




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Participant ,
Jul 16, 2019 Jul 16, 2019

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So the answer is no?

Let's face it the Adobe customer service are so bad people don't really have the choice to use this forum (the vast majority of people doesn't have access to an IT guy and even then he can't always fixed the problem, particularly just after an update).

Every one undergoes training? By who'm exactly? Some of them are not even professional (look at their portfolio or website) any other pass so much time just to give bad answer it become pretty obvious they don't have a real job.

And once again this is a PUBLIC forum for people who pay for Adobe software, not a forum for Adobe.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 16, 2019 Jul 16, 2019

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There is no recourse if a thread is locked except asking a moderator to unlock. If discussions run out of control or get personal or get off-topic a moderator may decide to lock a thread. Threads are not locked by ACPs but by moderators even that some ACPs are also moderators.

If you feel that the thread has been locked by error you can ask a moderator to look into the thread.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Participant ,
Jul 16, 2019 Jul 16, 2019

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No I won't because it's futile.

Anyway starting yesterday we only have one licence ( We used to have 11) for the clients who still use Adobe and starting in January we gonna start to charge extra fee for those who do. ( except .ai or .psd file who can be open with other software.

We have keep all the screen print of the delete conversation, just as a reminder and to show it at some convention, maybe even a conference on how to Quit Adobe.

Adobe really need to clean their act, because i'm sure we are not the only production company who's leaving. Adobe used to be professional and responsable, not anymore.




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