Username Guidelines + How to change your community username
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Hello, community!
As long as you're signed in, you can now change your own username on the Community.
How, you ask?
Click the user avatar on the header banner => select "My Profile" from the drop-down => Click the edit icon on the top right corner of your current screen name => Enter your new name and submit!
Please keep these guidelines in mind:
- It can contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), underscore (_), and dash (-).
- It shouldn't contain:
- Private information (PII) such as your email address
- Symbols apart from the ones stated above. For example @&"=`'
- A sequence of the allowed symbols. For example -_Abc_-
- The word 'Adobe' or any Adobe product - It can't be promotional, for example, a website
- It can't be offensive and should comply with our Community Guidelines
Thank you!
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Yes. Thanks a lot!! That was what I meant. Thank you for helping!! 🙂
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Please change my username to AFSF11
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Could you please change my username to Living_Legend ?
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Thanks a lot!
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Please change my on screen name to TL4313
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I would like my community username to be changed to Karen367
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I would like my community username to be updated as adsheehey
Thank you
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Please change mine to Matjoez. Thanks
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can you please update mine to User Naeme
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I was having a weird problem where my community username, Charisma, was what I wanted it to be but a different name was listed when I checked my Adobe account profile. I'm not sure if it's just a temporary glitch but when I went to change it in the account profile so the names would match up, it said that username was already taken. And it is... by me!
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I see that your name right now is indeed 'Charisma'. The only reason why the site would ask you for another name is if you had another/multiple Adobe licenses. If the username is matching the wrong Adobe ID/license I can swap them. Let me know how you get on!
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Thank you for the reply! When I go to Account Settings in Adobe Support Community it's linked to the right email and has my Support Community Name as Charisma but when I follow the link to Edit on my Adobe account it has a different name listed for my Adobe Screen Name. It seems like my name on Support just isn't updating even if I change it in my Adobe account.
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Yes, that's unfortunately the issue I mentioned initially on this post. Updating the username from the Adobe settings won't transfer to the community. I'm only able to change the one from your community, not your Adobe ID one. If you want a different username than Charisma here in the community, let me know 🙂
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Ok well could you please change my Community username to charismasmith52?
Thank you so much!!
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Hello! I'm not seeing that my username was changed. I would like it to be charismasmith52. Thank you
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My current user name is "VectorShoot". I changed it in my Adobe account, it changed in there; but didn't apply and it still shows "VectorShoot"!. Would you please change it to "Masoud Moghaddam" (My first and family name) please?🙏
Best Wishes! 🙂
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Please change my Adobe Screen Name to:
Thanks in advance.
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How do I stop email updates from this specific thread?
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Go to your Settings > Following and check mark it and then the unfollow button at the top right.
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Hello, please change my name to "Michael J5"
Thanks in advance.
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Hi! Would you kindly change my name to "Chirping"? Thank you very much!
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I cannot access this community site under my actual adobe account so I had to create this one. When i try to log in with my normal adobe account name, it says I cannot access the site. It appears the account is blocked. Can you go into my account and see what is going on? I talked to a number of tech support people at adobe but they are only trained for product supper and are not familior with this community. They said it is a separate from what they provide tech support for. Thank you.
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Never mind - as you can see they have fixed it and I am now in under my normal usernmae,
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Despite Adobe closing previous threads ... but at least acknowledging there is an issue with updating screen names. I'd like to ... update my screen name. Please advise how this can be done successfully. none of the steps provided are useful. the Adobe account shows a different screen name to the community screen name.
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You just have to reply here with your desired username after checking the guidelines on the main post 🙂