But if that's the case then it requires our clients share the revenue their apps are making with us, which has never been our model in the past and we don't have access to that information currently. I expect our clients will consider this an invasion of privacy and will look elsewhere for services if that is the requirement. I hope it will be related to the net revenue we directly make out of providing AIR development services, however even that can be difficult to ascertain on a project. We often combine web and hardware development with our AIR apps so the direct amount of net revenue from a project related to AIR is often hard to ascertain. Also I'm worried about the additional amount of accounting we are going to have to do to provide audit information if requested. Definitely have no problems paying, just need clarification on what these tiers represent and how they expect us to provide the information. It seems solely based around a company profiting directly from a published application and is ignoring other uses.
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