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I'm trying to figure out a way to diagnose why Bridge CC is so slow. I regularly use programs like Photoshop, Lightroom and Premiere and don't notice any kind of inapropriate lag or delays at all. However, when working in Bridge it just feels slow. Opening menus occasionally just hangs for seconds on end before dropping down. Thumnails from a gallery I've previously viewed can take upwards of 10 seconds to appear after opening the software. But the most noticeable and repeatable issue comes when trying to select more then one image files. CTR-Clicking a second (or however many additional files) can take anywhere from 5-8 seconds to happen. This, more then anything else, is making bridge unusable.
What should I do?
Hi Jas69, In my case, I followed HappyGuy's advice, but maybe a bit differenly. My current laptop was migrated over from an older machine using the Windows migration utility. I went into each of the folders you mention, right click and then select properties. That will give a window that states 'Libraries', the main window will state 'Library locations:'. In each of my folders, there were locations that pointed towards my new/current laptop, and two that pointed to my old laptop. The correc
...Hello... so I have also been experiencing some pretty substantial slowness in Bridge that "seemed" to get worse as the newer versions released, but has existed for what seems to be the last 3-4 versions. I'm on the current 2022 version on two systems, a xps 15 laptop with windows 11 and custom built PC with windows 10 pro. Both were seeing this horrible slowness in Bridge and it was to the point that I was researching other options. But I couldn't find anything that could do what Bridge can do w
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Without details about versions and system no specific advise.
In general Bridge needs a lot of resources from your system when caching the files for the first time. So enough RAM is crucial. Also enough free space on your disk (at least 15 % free space is needed for correct functioning of your system) will help. SSD and enough power also speed up things.
Also check your settings, if you have set to generate 100 % previews to always this takes up a lot space and time, also exporting cache to folders can do more harm then good.
Whenever I experience slowness I just manual dump my entire central cache file (I don't depend on Bridge for archival purposes, have a dedicated DAM application for this) and start rebuilding the cache again having a fresh newly build cache file.
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Thanks for the quick response Omke. Here is some more information for you:
OS: Windows 8.1 / 64-bit
CPU: i7-3770K
SSD (OS): 256GB Sata-III / 55GB Remaining
SSD (Cache): 128GB Sata-III / 52GB Remaining
Bridge: CC
I did clear out the cache files in Bridge. Didn't help. The problem has persisted across multiple updates of the software. So I can't isolate it to say... the latest update.
As I mentioned, it's the only program I run that doesn't humm along nicely.
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Once cache has built opening files should be near instaneous. Are you connected to a network?
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What files are you using and did you check if you have only HQ preview selected and not 100 % preview?
And do you let the folder cache completely (check the activity bar bottom left in Bridge window).
And as a Mac user I'm not familiar with Windows install but it seems you have the option to install both 32 and 64 bit, I assume you have both 64 bit?
Also having the cache file on a separate disk should not be a problem with an SSD but do you have Bridge on the default disk (C-Drive?) with other applications installed?
Maybe an other poster familiar with Windows can hop in, the behavior you are describing is certainly not normal so there has to be something wrong on your side, we only need to find out what
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Thanks for chiming in everyone. I've sorted through all of the advice. Nothing is making any kind of difference in performance.
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I've sorted through all of the advice
But sadly enough you did not answer the questions
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Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:
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PhotoEye is not alone here. I have precicely the same slowness issue, and nearly the same HW/SW setup. I have been using PS CC at full speed, but Bridge CC drags exactly the wame way the OP described. I have been using the older Bridge at full speed in the meantime.
Adding to PhotoEye's symptoms, I also have:
Clicking on menu items (File Edit View, etc.) takes 6-8 seconds
Minimizing Bridge takes 6-8 seconds
Opening the app takes 10-15 seconds
And those often show "Adobe Bridge Not Responding" in the app's title bar while thinking.
Every other aspect of the PC runs fast and without issues.
I believe the cache is not the issue, because its not just the speed of viewing cached items - its also opening menus and minimizing the app. However, I did also try emptying the cache and changing my "generate 100% previews" settings. And my Bridge generates 100% previews lightning fast.
PhotoEye - are you also experience those additional slownesses I listed with the "Not Responding" messages? I will next try uninstalling Bridge CC and reinstalling.
Win 8.1 x64 on MSI Laptop
i7 processor
256 SSD (C:) with 128GB free (contains cache and apps)
1TB HD (D:) Data
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I have all the same symptoms. I tried to right click to copy/past something and it took over 10 seconds to show my right click. Basically every single thing I touch takes 5-10 seconds or more to respond.
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This means Bridge is searching for something, perhaps connected to network, or another program is intruptiing it, like anti-virus..
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No antivirus running and the only network I am connected to is my home network.
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What about your video card/driver? Is that up to date? To check if this is problem go to edti/preferences/advanced and check use software rendering.
In the past this type of problems has been the network issue, or a faulty install. Try running computer without connection to any network and see if it makes a difference.
If you decide to uninstall use Adobe cloud cleaner, then reinstall.
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Bridge is designed to poll a number of storage volumes every few seconds, looking for changes. If you're handy with computers, you can download Process Monitor from Microsoft's Sysinternals microsite and see exactly what it's looking for. Like Curt & Omke say, Bridge sometimes gets upset with networks, usually because it's looking for something that isn't there any more. It doesn't matter if it's a big or a small network.
I have seen bugs like this reported here over the years. It isn't particularly common, but common enough. It's unlikely to be a proper bug in Bridge; just a design flaw in the way Bridge interacts with Windows in certain situations.
I just had a look, and Bridge checks this folder. It might be worth seeing what's in there.
C:\Users\**Username**\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
Also, take a look at what's showing in the Folders panel, as it might give you a clue. On my system, it checks the root of every populated drive as well as each step on the path to the current folder.
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I found the "Network Shortcuts" folder and there was nothing in there. I couldn't really figure out what to do with the Process Monitor... unfortunately. I tried running bridge without a network and it made no difference. Currently going through the mundain checklist of troubleshooting with tech support to see if I missed anything. 1 hour later... not confident they can help.
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Just created a 'Guest' user in Windows 8 and ran Bridge under that account. It flies. So something is interfering with Bridge in my default account. Trying to figure out how to troubleshoot it though.
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Yours is not an uncommon occurance, but not specifically with this problem. It seems like when all else fails a new user account is the last resort effort that frequently works.
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Just created a 'Guest' user in Windows 8 and ran Bridge under that account. It flies.
Not knowing Windows also has user accounts this is very similar to Mac behavior. As Bridge is a very critical and demanding application testing it under a new user account on a Mac had often equal result.
For Mac you have the option to restore the user account with a restore Disk of the OS itself. Earlier system versions (before OSX7) they called this an install and archive application. Basically running this app means it creates a new user library while copying the old one with the addition 'archive', leaving all applications and the rest of the user account as it was. Of course running a back up first for security is always needed.
Plain logically you should be able to find the culprit causing this damage but I have not been able to do so (mainly because my lack of knowledge about programing and hidden data) and using the restore option (which on a Mac should you not take more then an hour) is by far the quickest solution
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Anyone have any idea how to completely delete Bridge and everything along with it? I recently uninstalled Bridge, restarted my computer and then installed Bridge CC again.
When I opened the program for the first time all of my original settings were completely intact. What can I do to completely erase everything related to Bridge?
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You need to uninstall, run Adobe CC Cleaner, then reinstall.
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Already did that... on my own and with Adobe on the line. Bridge did not show up in the CC Cleaner either time so I was not able to run it. Adobe says that if it's not in the list then it's unesasary to run it.
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What can I do to completely erase everything related to Bridge?
To be sure in addition to Curt here is the link for the Adobe Cleaner Tool, if you haven't seen it before try again according to the manual.
And when your custom settings have been applied to a new install then indeed there where some items left on your system.
When I used the uninstall route with CC Clean tool I followed this by a manual search for all Adobe files which I viewed and decided to dump manual.
On a Mac this path for the Bridge pref files is the user library application support section and the user library preferences section. Might be similar on Windows.
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Thanks Omke. The Cleaner tool did not work with Bridge. Tried it on my own and with Adobe Tech.
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Just to expand on this suggestion re the scanning of the root in drives, as it lead me to the root cause of Bridge CC only responding to clicks etc about every 10 seconds. A CF Card was left in the inbuilt USB multi-card reader and was showing up as a "drive" in Windows. I removed the CF card, and immedaitely Bridge was responsive! Result!
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Bob_Corless wrote:
Just to expand on this suggestion re the scanning of the root in drives, as it lead me to the root cause of Bridge CC only responding to clicks etc about every 10 seconds. A CF Card was left in the inbuilt USB multi-card reader and was showing up as a "drive" in Windows. I removed the CF card, and immedaitely Bridge was responsive! Result!
Thanks. I thought I was invisible for a while there.